From the best skin creams to a healthy diet, we are all looking for a beauty boost – especially in January when we need to do all we can to feel our best. Hoorah- a lazier and budget-friendly way to wake up with a natural glow exists. A good night’s sleep is not only great for your immune system and well-being, but it could also help keep your skin bright and hydrated, as we learned from our beauty expert. Busy model and Mum Rose Mahon knows all about the impact of a hectic schedule on your skin and prioritises getting the rest she needs to stay feeling and looking her best. Here, she shares her bedtime secrets, which include brilliant podcasts, bamboo bedding and snuggly days on the sofa!
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I’m a morning person; I love being up and about early. I feel so productive when I have had a coffee and done yoga all before the school run! Early to bed and early rise would always be my first choice.
How many hours do you aim for a night?
8 hours is my ideal amount and easily achievable. I can function on less. I’m pretty good at powering through on no sleep if needed, but I aim for 8 hours a night because it’s amazing how great I feel when I have consistently good solid sleep, and the older I get, the more I try and prioritise this.

What do you do to unwind before bed?
We have a pretty solid bedtime routine; after all my skincare routine, we make a bedtime blend of tea and listen to the same podcast every night to fall asleep, too! Works a treat. There are two new episodes each week, but that lasts us as we are always asleep ten minutes in, so one episode will last for a couple of nights. The latest podcast we are listening to is parenting hell by Josh Widdicombe and Rob Beckett. It’s Brilliant!
How do you set up your bedroom for a great night’s sleep?
The bed is always made to perfection, with lovely soft lighting and sometimes a nice candle. I just like to keep it tidy and inviting so it’s a relaxing space.

How do you find sleep affects your skin?
Massively, not in the sense of spots or breakouts really, but just in the look and feel of my skin; if I’m well-slept and hydrated, it shows in my skin, and vice versa if I’m tired and sleep deprived, my skin is dull, dry and lacking radiance. I swear good sleep is the foundation for so many positive things.
What are your must-haves for a good night’s sleep?
Good quality bed sheets; if I could talk to my younger self now, she would laugh at me for “investing” in good quality bed sheets, but honestly, it’s a game changer and gives me so much enjoyment. Pillows are also a must. I’m not sure I should admit this, but if we go away in the UK to a hotel or anywhere, we take our pillows with us. rather embarrassing when checking in, but good sleep is so important, and nothing beats your own pillows!
Do you love a lie-in?
I love a lie-in when needed or on a Sunday that’s our lazy morning; annoyingly, I normally wake up early naturally, even if I have set an alarm, but can happily chill in bed with coffee all morning.

Ever had a whole day in bed?
I’m more of a drag the duvet to the sofa on these kinds of days….absolute bliss!
What fabrics do you recommend for those with sensitive skin?
I have quite sensitive skin, I only use to use silk pillowcases. Then I found bamboo, and it feels just like silk! Both are great for sensitive skin and really make a big difference. A tip I do is to change my pillow case every couple of days to keep breakouts at bay!
Thanks, Rose! We love the sound of dragging the duvet to the sofa and admire your taste in good quality bed sheets. After all, when it comes to feeling beautiful, there is no better investment than a good night’s sleep.
Sweet Dreams