Growing and harvesting bamboo
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world and it uses a third of the water cotton requires. So it’s highly sustainable and great for the environment.
• Organic Bamboo - our bamboo is grown organically, completely pesticide and chemical-free. Our managed forests remain healthy and happy, as do the protected communities and wildlife who live nearby.
• Protected workers – workers’ rights and safety are a priority in our managed forests. You can be sure that the social and economic welfare of our bamboo farmers is monitored to ensure high standards are maintained.
Manufacturing - social and safety standards
We only work with ethically-run factories that adhere to the highest social standards.
• Ethical factories – our factories have a zero-tolerance approach to human rights abuses, such as child and forced labour. And they can prove that all of their own supply chains and investments are ethical.
• Responsible sourcing – all our suppliers meet the exacting ethical standards of SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit). This ensures that all workers have safe working conditions, fair and predictable wages and opportunities to raise concerns with employers.

Saving the planet is our business. It’s why we love bamboo so much - the world’s most sustainable plant for making fabric. It’s also why we make the most eco-friendly choices and meet the highest social standards for our workers. We consider the environment at every stage of the journey, from forest to front door. And beyond - to reuse and recycling.

Manufacturing – environmental standards
We make environmentally friendly choices, recycling resources when we can and finding alternatives to harmful chemicals.
• Saving water – we’ve adopted a ‘closed loop’ system, recycling the liquid that is used to soak bamboo pulp. The water is filtered out and re-used in local agricultural irrigation. Our dying process uses the same system, saving more water.
Protecting wildlife
We care about the wildlife in the areas where we work and ensure that our manufacturing processes do not cause harm to any species or their habitats.
• Vegan friendly - no animals are used or harmed in the making of any of our products.
• Bird friendly – we don’t use down feathers in our duvets. We created an animal-free bamboo microfibre filling instead, that is just as luxurious (more so, actually!)
• Non-toxic, eco-friendly, Avitera®SE dyes - these comply with the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Group’s manufacturing restricted substances list. Our bedding dyes reduce water and energy consumption by up to 50%, salt consumption by 20% and overall cycle time by 25%.

• Protect animal habitats – all of our bamboo comes from FSC approved forests, which means wildlife habitats are protected and monitored
• Keep habitats chemical-free – our closed-loop filtration and recycling processes and eco-friendly dye choices mean that no harmful chemicals are released into the natural water system so habitats near factories remain undamaged and safe for wildlife and local communities

• We’ve partnered up with OneTribe to help safeguard existing rainforests. For every person that joins our mailing list, we protect 5 trees!

Avoiding plastic
We avoid using single-use plastic in all of our packaging and seek out alternatives to plastic throughout our manufacturing chain.
Re-usable bamboo bags – all of our bedding comes in these lovely soft and strong bags
Pro-planet packaging
We do everything we can to minimise our packaging and its impact on the environment.
Recycled and recyclable - all of our packaging is made from recycled paper and is easily recyclable. We ask that our customers dispose of it responsibly
Biodegradable and compostable – we use 100% biodegradable Kraft paper for our packaging boxes. It decomposes naturally over time into cellulose fibres, which eventually assimilate back into the ground, leaving no toxicity in soil
We use LDPE (low-density polyethylene) plastic for hygiene purposes when required. LDPE is easier on the environment than other plastics as it can be recycled
Acid-free tissue paper – our packaging tissue paper is biodegradable and non-toxic, protecting your Panda purchases and the planet
100% bamboo buttons instead of plastic, making our bedding ranges not only plastic-free, but 100% biodegradable