parenting | Panda Feel right at home Thu, 02 Nov 2023 13:43:22 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 parenting | Panda 32 32 How to Have Better Sleep and Brighter Mornings as a new Parent Mon, 27 Feb 2023 17:13:02 +0000

Calling all New Parent’s…

Ahh, the joys of being a parent! The cuddles, the love, the cuteness. Though wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy it all with a bit more sleep? In those early months of adjusting to having a baby in your life, the struggle to get enough rest is real. “It can seem like a form of parental jetlag that goes on for months and months,” says sleep coach and father Max Kirsten. Fortunately, he has plenty of wisdom to share with tired new parents looking to enjoy brighter mornings. From the magic of power naps, and calming sounds to soothing baby muslins, here’s everything you need to know to stay rested and energised on your exciting journey.

P.S. ‘Take a deep breath…’ you’re in for quite the ride.

1. Establish (and stick to…) a manageable routine

According to Max, “the setting and then sticking to a schedule is one of the most important keys to sleep success” Now, this may not happen overnight. Broken sleep is something all babies go through initially as they develop their circadian rhythm. While they get their little heads around the difference between day and night, you might find you are up and down a lot. Follow a set schedule for bedtime and waking up. Remember, sharing is caring. If you live with a partner, make sure you split the week so each of you at least gets one or two good night’s rest. Still, struggling to keep your eyes open? You are NOT alone! Sleep deprivation is tough, which is why parents have to somehow be relentless troopers; the good news is tip two has something that can help.

2. Tap into the magic of power naps

Like you, if your baby is not getting enough sleep during the night, the poor little things will not be feeling too good the next day. The good news is every parent in the know has a trick up their sleeve – it’s time to tap into the magic of power naps. “A relaxing thirty-minute nap can be highly restorative,” Max says. More sleep means fewer tears and tantrums, and why not even take one for yourself? If you can’t quite switch off, “getting a bright sunny walk or enjoying the daylight by the window will help you to feel more awake — the perfect place to take a well-deserved coffee break. Resting regularly is key to feeling like a sane parent, so remember to put your feet up whenever you can”.

Panda Kids - memory foam pillow

3. Tuck into sleepy snacks

Find your little one drifting off after a feed? It’s likely down to the tryptophan that stimulates the hormone melatonin, according to Max who explains “the hormone is naturally present in breast milk though it’s not added to powdered formula”. Sleep inducing foods can also help parents whose sleeping routine is all out of whack and need to be resting wherever possible.

Turkey, meats, oats, cheese, tuna and whole milk can all help along with tryptoyphan and magnesium rich foods. Green vegetables, spinach, nuts, legumes, seeds, yoghurt, bananas and dark chocolate all make for great sleepy snacks. Staying well nourished will give you the energy you need to keep going and help you to relax at the same time.

Panda Kids - memory foam mattress

4. Relax with calming sounds

From the humble bedtime story to advanced white noise, the meditative effects of sound for our sleep are well known. When it comes to your baby there are many different types of noise that claim to help. Max advises “reading the reviews before buying anything” this can save wasting precious time buying the wrong one. Brown noise, very similar to white noise, can be particularly helpful at soothing babies to sleep, as are natural sounds like distant waves and the pitter patter of rain. Max’s award-winning ‘ABC of Better Sleep’ program is full relaxation techniques and soothing wave recordings that can help you and your little one to drift-off and dream. Anything that helps your baby breathe in a slow, rhythmical way like waves will have them snoozing longer and deeper. Keep experimenting to find what works, you might even find they make you feel sleepy too!

5. Soothe them with baby muslins

Looking for ways to soothe your baby can be overwhelming, though there are some tried and tested simple tips that can help. A pack (or 3) of soft, baby muslins are every new parent’s best friend. Not only are the smaller squares handy for mopping up spillages, cosy blankets and perfect make-shift bibs, the larger squares are ideal for gently swaddling your little one to sleep. The comforting fabric helps newborns stay calm and sleep more soundly by providing that snug, safe feeling of being in the womb. Hypo-allergenic muslins are best for baby skin and the softer the better. They don’t come much softer than bamboo, the naturally thermo-regulating fabric is perfect for snuggling and soothing your baby off for sweet dreams.

Baby Muslin Swaddles Freckles

If you are feeling out of sorts in your new role, Max has some wise words. “Be gentle on yourself” Parenting is not easy and lack of sleep can lead to everything from low mood to lost memory. Take every opportunity you have to rest, restore and re-new, from short naps to eating nourishing foods. The better you take care of yourself the more ready you will be for the joy & challenges of raising your little hero!

Above all, remember you are not alone, connecting with friends, family and other new mums and dads can help. However tired you may be, look in the mirror everyday and remind yourself…You are doing great!

Explore our range:

The post How to Have Better Sleep and Brighter Mornings as a new Parent first appeared on Panda.

All aboard… Top Tips for Flying With Your Baby Wed, 22 Jun 2022 14:38:39 +0000

When your baby arrives holidays will never be the same again. Expect more fun, more mess and more magic memories. If you have your first trip planned and you’re worried about flying with your baby, you are not alone. Many parents can feel overwhelmed about that first exciting flight. This simple guide is full of tips to help you prepare and set you up for a smooth, calm trip.

Flying with your baby

The first task of planning any family holiday is booking flights! It can be hard to know where to start though we have some great advice on how to book smart and safely for your little one. From protecting their tiny ears to limiting hassle with airports, a little bit of forward planning will have you all arriving ready for the sunshine.

flying with your baby slice 2

From driving to the airport to take off, travelling abroad can be a long old journey. If you are worried about how to keep your little one calm and comfortable till you land, you are not alone. Every parent is concerned about how their little one will react away from their comfort zone. Knowing what to pack can make a big difference!

flying with your baby slice 3

You want to make the most use of your carry-on bag! Being able to keep your essentials to hand throughout the flight can be a godsend. Though what is best to take on board? Good question, you want to think practically of what will be most useful, from snacks, and breast pumps to baby muslins… Here are some top tips on what to include on your checklist.

flying with your baby slice-4

Airport dress code changes when you have a little one; while it’s okay to try and keep things stylish, comfortable clothes will be your best friend up in the air. It is worth planning out outfits for you and your little one the night before; this will set you up for a smoother getaway. You want to be wearing fabrics that can keep you cool while being prepared for any cold spots while in the air; air conditioning can get pretty nippy!

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Keeping little ones happy in the air can be a challenge, especially on longer flights. One thing many newborns struggle with is ear pain from the sensation of landing. Knowing what to expect will help you to be prepared should they get distressed and know how to soothe them. Staying relaxed will help keep them calm and smiling again in no time.

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Your newborn might find it more difficult to get to sleep than usual while travelling. We all know how hard it is to drift-off through turbulence and the excitement of going somewhere new. All of the new sounds and sights can be overwhelming which makes keeping them entertained even more important. Of Course have the Ipad at the ready…Though here are some other ways to keep them distracted from take-off to landing.

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Safety first! The biggest priority of any flight is to stay safe and the cabin crew will be there to guide you towards best practices for your journey. Stay attentive from boarding to take-off for instructions on when to buckle up and keep an ear out for any upcoming turbulence and notice of landing. This will help keep you both as safe as possible through-out the flight.

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Every new parent goes through the same emotions when travelling with their newborn for the first time. If you are feeling overwhelmed, speaking to other parents, friends and family can help take the load off. If you are travelling with a loved one, speaking about any anxieties and going through checklists together will help set you up for a smoother journey!

flying with your baby slice 9

Aside from flying, holidays are about connecting and enjoying time away from responsibilities and bad weather. While travelling comes with its challenges, the glorious sunshine and new experiences together make every air mile worth it!

Have a great holiday.

infographic top tips for flying with your baby

The post All aboard… Top Tips for Flying With Your Baby first appeared on Panda.

How to Take Care of Your Baby’s Skin Mon, 20 Jun 2022 09:38:56 +0000

Becoming a parent can be a whirlwind, with so many new things to consider from getting your little one to sleep to finding time to shop! If you are new to being a Mum or Dad, one thing that you will want to learn more about is how to take care of your baby’s skin, the good news is with a few tips you will be well on your way to being a pro.

Baby skin is incredibly delicate so knowing the right fabrics and products will help keep it soft, comfortable and protected. Pour yourself a cuppa and have a read of these easy ways to take care of your little one’s skin.

1 . Wrap them up in bamboo magic

From baby muslins cloth to bedding, the fabrics that touch your little one’s skin need to be soft, soothing and prevent irritation. If you haven’t already heard much about bamboo, it could be time to find out more about the wonder plant and why it is ideal for little pandas. Bamboo baby muslins and bedding products are naturally hypoallergenic, beautifully soft and anti-bacterial keeping baby skin calm and safe. From swaddling to cuddles, you can rest assured with bamboo you’ll be wrapping them up in magic.

2. Avoid diaper rash

If your little one starts to get red, sore skin around the diaper area it is most likely from diaper rash. Don’t worry this can be quite common with newborns and is easy to avoid when you know how. The key is to make sure the diaper area gets enough air, making the diaper too tight can cause irritation. Also changing the diaper as soon as it gets wet will help keep them comfortable and avoid any tantrums. If your baby’s skin is super sensitive, a bamboo baby muslin can also be used as a diaper.

The fabric is naturally gentle. Also watch out for the brand of baby wipes you are using, making sure they are as natural as possible will help. If diaper rash does pop up, a warm cloth and GP approved cream can help to calm things down.

3. Wash wisely

Another culprit of skin rashes can be laundry detergent, everything that comes into contact with your baby’ s skin should be kind and gentle. What you wash their clothes, blankets and baby muslins in can cause irritation if there are too many toxins in the product.

Doing a bit of research online or asking in store for the kindest detergent for babies will help you find the right way to wash wisely, babies make a lot of mess so it is worth finding a detergent that will take care of their skin so you can keep them snug, happy and clean.

4. Stay safe in the sun

We all love the sunshine though exposing your little one’s skin to the rays can increase the risk of sunburn. Using baby sun cream can help keep them protected as well as umbrellas and baby hats while they are out having fun. Keeping your infant out of the sun as much as possible, especially for the first six months of their life will help ensure their skin stays free from sunburn which is no fun for anyone! If you do find your baby a little red after being outside, cool cloth or speaking to your paediatrician are the best remedies.

5. Keep hydrated

While it is common for babies to have dry patches of skin in their early months, keeping their skin hydrated can help keep them comfortable. Regular baths with natural plant oils can help hydrate and moisturise your little one’s skin without causing irritation. Be careful when you towel dry them not to run too hard and watch out for any reactions they have to fabrics or products to eliminate irritation. Sticking to natural materials like wonderful bamboo can help promote healthy skin development and keep your little cuties smiling.

Taking care of your little one’s skin in today’s world can seem a challenge, though rest assured with these tips you will be well on your way. Wrap them up in magic and enjoy every moment of being a parent!

The post How to Take Care of Your Baby’s Skin first appeared on Panda.

How to Prepare for Travel With Your New-Born Fri, 10 Jun 2022 14:54:50 +0000

‘We’re all going on a summer holiday…’

There is no better feeling than having the flight book and passports ready for a holiday, right? Whether you are jetting off somewhere sunny or taking a trip to visit loved ones, travelling with a new-born can be a challenge. From knowing what to pack to keeping them calm on the way, here is everything you need to know about how to prepare for travel with your little one.

How soon can you travel with a new-born?

If you are pregnant or have recently given birth, one thing you might be wondering is when you can take your first family holiday. Doctors recommend you give your baby’s immune system time to develop and get strong before you think about booking those flights. Every infant is different, this could be as quick as a month though many doctors recommend three to six months. It’s always best to speak to your doctor before you travel with your newborn, which will give you the confidence and reassurance that they are ready for their first adventure.

What are airline guidelines on travel with a new- born?

Airlines can differ with their approach for travel with new-borns, so it is always best to consult their policies before choosing a carrier. Some airlines allow as soon as one week though others insist on two. It’s also best to go on the advice of your doctor to ensure the safety of your baby and give you peace of mind. Travel can be chaotic, so it is best to plan as much as you can ahead to prepare for a smooth, relaxing trip.

What is good to pack for travel with your new-born?

There are plenty of things you can pop into your carry-on to set you up for an easier flight. First up for a calm journey you might want to remember your bamboo baby muslins. The soft fabric is perfect for being used to comfort and swaddle your little one in the air, as a make-shift bib, or to mop up and on board spillages. Many airlines allow diaper bags, breast pumps and even car seats to be taken on board. It is always best to check with your carrier before you pack as each can have different guidelines. Breast milk and formula can also be exempt from the terms and conditions on liquids, though they must be screened separately. If there is anything in particular that would make you feel more comfortable, it’s always worth giving your airline a quick call before the exciting day comes around. And of course, remember those passports!

Your first trip away with your baby is a special memory that will stay in your heart forever, if you are getting overwhelmed with all the preparation try and relax. Remember consulting your doctor and airline should give you the answers to any questions or concerns so you can enjoy the flight and look forward to a fun-filled holiday.

Happy Travels

The post How to Prepare for Travel With Your New-Born first appeared on Panda.

Summer Essentials: Why Every Parent Needs Bamboo Baby Muslins Tue, 31 May 2022 15:45:44 +0000

The days are getting warmer, the mornings are getting lighter. It can only mean one thing. Summer is coming! If you are a new parent you are probably 1) Exhausted and 2) Excited and looking for ways to make the most of the sunshine with your little one. It can be overwhelming to know where to start with so many changes and new things to plan for though the good news is there are plenty of things you can do to get set up for a fun, easy summer. So how can bamboo baby muslins help? Well… in quite a few ways actually.

Pour yourself a lemonade and have a read of 5 reasons you will be wanting to pop a pack in your handbag this summer!

baby muslins

1. Bamboo Baby Muslins are naturally breathable

Our beautifully soft bamboo is incredibly breathable, the natural fibres zap away moisture and regulate body temperature keeping your little one’s skin dry and comfy. (It works on adult skin too which is why you might want to grab yourself some Bamboo Bedding). Perfect for wrapping them up and keeping your bubba cool for afternoon naps in the park or swaddling them to sleep on summer nights.

2. Bamboo is hypo-allergenic

Baby skin and bamboo fibres are the perfect match! The fabric is super smooth, soft and hypoallergenic, preventing skin irritation from common conditions like eczema and itching. The warmer months mean skin requires a little more TLC, bamboo baby muslins will soothe and reduce any skin rashes or dryness that can come from overheating. So you can mop up any ice-cream spillages and keep that cute smile on their face!

3. They are anti-bacterial

Speaking of spillages, babies come with a lot of mess (it’s part of their charm) though you want to clean it up without making any more! Bamboo is naturally antibacterial so you can mop up any milk or dribble without worrying about nasty bacteria building up which can lead to skin issues. Bamboo baby muslins are also easy-peasy to wash, so pop them in for a spin as much as you need. And guess what- they get softer with every wash! Another reason parents and babies love them.

4.They can be used for everything

Look in every savvy parent’s handbag and you bet you will find some bamboo baby muslins! The versatile, soft cloths can be used for everything from make-shift bibs, and travel blankets to swaddling your baby to sleep. The cute patterns also provide gentle sensory stimulation from touch, sight to feel. This can promote learning and big brains before they can even crawl- they will be the smartest kid in the playpen!

5. They are planet-friendly

You are never too little to be a planet hero! Bamboo is one of the most sustainable resources in the world, growing up to 3-4 feet a day. The natural wonder plant is free from toxic chemicals and supports a sustainable, better future! So every time you wipe, swaddle and comfort your baby, smile- when using bamboo baby muslins you are doing something kind for their skin and the planet!

Summer is a time for fun and happiness though as a parent keeping your little one safe and comfortable will always be on your mind. Bamboo baby muslins are a beautifully soft, natural way for you and your little one to enjoy the sunshine!

P.S And the ice-cream.

The post Summer Essentials: Why Every Parent Needs Bamboo Baby Muslins first appeared on Panda.

How to put Your Baby to Sleep Fri, 06 May 2022 14:30:38 +0000

Ask any parent the magic power they wish they had, and most of them would say getting their baby to sleep! Settling babies into sleeping through the night especially in the first few months takes patience, coffee and perseverance. Little ones have to learn that daytime is for play and night-time is for sleep which can take a while. Though the good news is there are plenty of things you can do to help them get settled.

Wakey-wakey, when it comes to morning calls for your little one it’s best to keep things consistent. Set the alarm and gently wake their sleepy heads with a cuddle and feed to help regulate their body clocks. Keeping nap times consistent through-out the day will also help manage their energy. And when it comes to energy, plan things to use up as much as possible throughout the day. This will help them be nice and sleepy for bedtime. You can use soft, bamboo baby muslins to provide gentle sensory stimulation and teach them new patterns and textures. The soft fabric makes the perfect blanket to snuggle up in after playtime. Also, let them get some daylight in the afternoon. This also helps set their circadian rhythm and get them ready to dream.

Getting ready for bed can start with a few relaxing routines, first up a little bit of fun in the tub. Bathing your little one in warm, soothing water will allow for a drop in body temperature that can help them prepare for sleep. Keeping the room dark and quiet will get them learning that night-time is for rest. Before you settle them in, gently swaddling them is a great way to help them feel calm and safe. Before leaving the room a little bedtime story is the perfect way to enjoy bonding time and get them set up for a good sleep. Some little ones benefit from leaving some white noise in the background, experiment with different sounds and see what works. Some babies even drift off to the sound of a hoover. Enjoy the process of getting to know each other and what works best for your little panda.

Keep going- You are doing great!

It can be overwhelming for new parents to get their baby settled into a regular sleeping pattern, though rest assured you are not alone. Sticking to a consistent plan and staying patient will help heaps. Above all remember to be kind to yourself and before you know it you will both be sleeping soundly.

Baby Sleep Infographic

Save our infographic details as a reminder:

The post How to put Your Baby to Sleep first appeared on Panda.

Discover Everything You Need to Know About our Bamboo Baby Muslins Tue, 12 Apr 2022 15:11:03 +0000

Baby Muslins are hailed as every Parent’s lifeline, though the first question you might ask is “what on earth are they?” This blog covers everything you need to know about baby muslins, from what they’re made of to all the handy things they can be used for. And who better to share the magic of baby muslins than our own in-house Parents? Jelena, Jackie, and Tommy have experienced the burps, mess, and joy of raising their own little Pandas. They give their top tips on everything from swaddling to playtime and share why every Parent needs a pack of our bamboo baby muslins in their handbag. 

So, what are bamboo baby muslins?

Muslins are squares of durable fabric that can be used by new parents for nearly everything! We will get onto the finer details next. They come in a variety of materials from breathable, bamboo too cotton. Here at Panda we believe  the more natural, the better. They are super easy to keep clean (ours even get softer with every wash) You will notice they come in different sizes.  The larger muslin’s are perfect for swaddling your baby to sleep, as young Mum Jelena discovered:

“My baby moved his arms and legs way too much which prevented him from falling asleep. But when I wrapped him like a burrito in a Bamboo Muslin he calmed down and drifted off every time.”

Panda Baby Muslins London Collection

What are baby muslins used for?

Now for those details! What exactly can baby muslins be used for? You will be pleased to know- quite a lot. Let’s dive in.

Spillages – First up lets talk about mess. As one thing’s for sure babies sure make a lot of that (though they are so cute, who cares?)

Smaller Muslin’s are perfect for mopping up dribbles and any other spillages your little one might make. Pop one on your shoulder when they are teething or have one handy when you are feeding and be ready for any unexpected burps!

Peek-A-Bamboo – Babies love seeing new patterns and hearing new sounds, which is why a Panda bamboo muslin will be their new best friend.  Our cute-as-a-button designs are perfect for playtime, providing gentle sensory stimulation as they take in the exciting new world. Peek-a-bamboo is a firm favourite! As Tommy says:

“my little one loved exploring and baby muslins kept mummy’s tummy time clean while she had lots of fun”

Comforter – Soft, gentle baby muslins are ideal for soothing your little one when they get distressed, from stroking them at story time or easing them into a nap bamboo baby muslin’s are the ultimate gentle comforter. 

Make – shift – bib –  Keep tea time tidy!  Baby Muslins make great bibs whether you are on the go or at home. The super absorbent, durable fabric will catch anything they miss and make feeding time heaps more fun. As Jackie whose Pandas are now all grown up says:

“baby muslins were my go-to item.  I used them for the burping, cleaning up, as a bib, and even keeping the sun off their little faces in the pram”

Use your imagination- It seems when it comes to baby muslins the possibilities are endless, the only thing you need to do is make sure you have enough! As you get to know each other you will discover your own super handy ways your muslins can help you as a parent. 

Freckles Swaddle Baby Muslin Hanging

What to look for in a Baby Muslin

Shopping for Baby Muslins for the first time can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t know what to look for.  Every parent wants to take care of their little one’s precious skin and needs Muslins that will keep up with the busy life of being a parent. Choose squares that are soft and gentle for swaddling and snuggles. You won’t get much softer than 100% Bamboo. The natural, hypoallergenic fabric is temperature intuitive which will cool, calm and comfort your little one as they grow, wiggle, and learn. You will be using your muslins a lot, so make sure they are machine washable and the fabric stays soft. One reason parents love Bamboo is it gets softer with every wash, keeping cuddles and playtime gentle and cosy. And of course, make sure you choose some patterns that they will love, our adorable collection has plenty to choose from!

Being a parent will change your life forever. There will be challenges and lots to learn, though, with the love in your heart and a cute pack of baby muslins in your handbag, there is nothing you cannot handle. 

Enjoy every precious moment with your little Panda.

The post Discover Everything You Need to Know About our Bamboo Baby Muslins first appeared on Panda.
