Snoring | Panda Feel right at home Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:43:32 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Snoring | Panda 32 32 How to Reduce Snoring With a Bamboo Pillow Thu, 22 Jun 2023 09:02:02 +0000

Snoring is one factor that can keep you – and anyone you share a bed with – up at night. A lack of sleep is bad for your mental and physical health, so it’s important to get it sorted. A bamboo pillow can help reduce snoring thanks to its enhanced breathability, meaning you’ll sleep soundly night after night.

What are the causes of snoring?

There are various snoring causes, whether you do it every night or only from time to time. Being overweight can cause frequent snoring, as can old age and sleeping on your back. If you go to bed dehydrated or after consuming a lot of alcohol, this might lead to some intermittent snoring too. Smokers, like those taking sedatives and other heavy sleeping medication, are likelier to snore. You’ll also recognise that having a cold or the flu leads to snoring too!

Snoring can also indicate deeper health issues, like OSA – obstructive sleep apnea. This happens when the walls of your throat get too relaxed while you’re asleep, leading to them narrowing, which interrupts your breathing. Of course, this can affect your sleep quality by keeping you up and stopping you from achieving a deeper sleep. You can wake yourself up by snoring, leading to hefty relationship problems if you’re keeping your partner up too…


The benefits of using a bamboo pillow for snoring

Bamboo pillows have many benefits – they are hypoallergenic and naturally antibacterial, thermoregulating to keep you from overheating at night, and extra supportive. The big advantage of a bamboo pillow for snoring is that they are really breathable, meaning there is enhanced airflow. The easier you can breathe as you sleep, the less likely you are to snore! The orthopaedic nature of many bamboo pillows means that your body is properly aligned, which is another way to reduce the likelihood of snoring.

How do you choose the right bamboo pillow for snoring?

When choosing the right pillow for you, it’s worth considering your sleep position and what you like in a pillow. Firmer pillows are better for snorers, giving you that support to help you breathe properly. Looking at the pillow loft (that’s how high a pillow is) is important too.

Whether you opt for a bamboo pillow or a hybrid option, both reduce snoring. Soft yet supportive and offering that all-important breathability, your bamboo pillow selection is all about which one feels most comfortable for you. At Panda, our Hybrid Bamboo Pillow takes everything we loved in our original Bamboo Pillow features but with the addition of adaptive CharcoCell Foam™ to uniquely contour your body and give you the sleep you deserve.

Tips for using a bamboo pillow to reduce snoring

For snoring solutions, bamboo pillow positioning is important. Your pillow should be properly positioned to give you best sleep posture and provide snoring relief. To optimise airflow, your pillow should rest below your head and neck but not underneath your shoulders. This will help to improve your airway alignment and get you breathing properly throughout the night.

Sleeping on your back or side (rather than your stomach) is much better for maintaining a good sleep posture. And if you find yourself wanting to switch positions during the night, move your entire body rather than just certain parts to stay properly aligned.

What other lifestyle changes can reduce snoring?

Getting yourself into a healthy bedtime routine can help alleviate snoring. Snoring can be part of a vicious cycle of struggling to drift off and stressing about it, then waking up again when you do. By promoting healthy sleep habits like an established routine and limited screen time, you’ll sleep easier and generally better.

Lifestyle modifications can help – think about snoring causes and how you can eliminate them from your life. Reducing sedative medication where possible is a good idea, as well as drinking less alcohol in the evening. Quitting smoking and losing weight will improve your overall health, as well as making you less likely to snore!


How does a bamboo pillow help you stop snoring?

Due to the increased breathability, bamboo pillows increase the oxygen flow to your body meaning you can breathe easier and snore less.

Does the thickness of a bamboo pillow help with snoring?

A thicker pillow is generally more supportive, ensuring your body and airways are aligned. In turn, this acts as a snoring remedy.

Can bamboo pillows cure sleep apnea?

While sleep apnea is a medical condition which cannot be cured with a pillow, it is possible to relieve the symptoms and breathe more easily using a bamboo pillow.

Is a bamboo pillow comfortable?

Yes – bamboo pillows are incredibly comfortable and supportive due to the luxurious but sturdy materials used to help you drift off into an easy and enjoyable sleep night after night.

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The post How to Reduce Snoring With a Bamboo Pillow first appeared on Panda.

Everything you Need to Know About Snoring Tue, 16 May 2023 15:30:24 +0000

Snoring – it’s probably one of the most annoying things to contend with as you try to drift off at night. Sleeping next to somebody who snores can prevent you from actually falling asleep, leading to frustration and tiredness. In order to try and combat some of that frustration, we’re sharing everything you need to know about snoring: being informed on the matter might help!

What is snoring?

This is a rumbling or snorting sound that occurs when somebody is asleep; it happens because the soft tissue in your nose and throat flutters as you breathe, vibrating with the air that flows through it. Most people will snore from time to time, especially if they have a cold or have been drinking alcohol in the evening. However, for some people, it’s much more of a chronic problem – and it’s not just the snorer themselves that suffers.

What causes snoring?

As mentioned, being drunk or full of cold can cause you to snore intermittently. There are various other common causes, though. Some of these include:

  • Being overweight: Excessive weight can contribute to snoring by increasing the amount of fatty tissue around the neck and throat. This can put pressure on the airway, causing it to narrow and resulting in snoring.
  • Taking sedatives or heavy sleeping medication: The consumption of sedatives can relax the muscles in the throat and tongue, leading to increased snoring. These substances can contribute to further airway obstruction during sleep.
  • Sleeping position: Sleeping on your back can increase the likelihood of snoring. In this position, the tongue and soft tissues in the throat may collapse backwards, partially blocking the airway and causing snoring.
  • Old age: As individuals age, the throat muscles may become weaker and lose their tone. This can increase the likelihood of snoring. Additionally, genetic factors can influence the anatomy of the airway, making some individuals more prone to snoring.
  • Sleep Apnea: Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea is often accompanied by loud snoring and can have serious health implications if left untreated.
  • Smoking: Smoking irritates the airways and causes inflammation, which can lead to snoring. The toxins in cigarette smoke can also damage the respiratory system and contribute to the development of various breathing disorders, including snoring.

What are the risks associated with snoring?

While snoring in itself is an issue, it can also lead to problems further down the line. The annoying habit has actually been found to have increased the risk of health problems such as a stroke; snoring increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis, which is where arteries in the neck narrow due to a fatty deposit known as plaque. This can then cause you to have a stroke.

The issue can also cause an irregular heartbeat, known as an arrhythmia. Further down the line, arrhythmias can lead to a lack of blood flow to other organs – this impacts the way you’re able to function.

How does snoring impact your partner?

If you share a bed with somebody and you snore, you’re likely used to them nudging you or trying to roll you over – and complaining in the morning about you keeping them up all night! While you might feel a bit put out by this, because it technically isn’t your fault, it really is worth remembering how much snoring can impact your partner.

Research suggests that those who share a bed with a snorer wake up on average 21 times during the night. This frequent interruption means they are not getting a good night’s sleep, meaning they are tired the following day and are unable to reap the benefits of a full night of slumber. It can also lead to depression, increased blood pressure, and a lack of focus.

Snoring also has a big impact on the happiness of your relationship. From arguments to deciding to sleep in separate rooms, this problematic noise can really take a toll on you and your partner. In the US, snoring is actually the third most common cause of divorce after infidelity and financial issues!

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How can you prevent or stop snoring?

From being mildly annoying to downright harmful, snoring affects people differently. There are a variety of ways in which you can help prevent the issue, leading to a better night’s sleep for you and whoever you share your bed with.

Lifestyle changes

The first way to help yourself stop snoring is to make small lifestyle changes and see if this improves matters. Some things to try are:

  • Quit smoking
  • Cut down on alcohol
  • Avoid sedatives or heavy sleeping medication
  • Try to sleep on your side
  • Lose weight

Shop-bought products

There is also a range of products you can buy over the counter to help prevent the problem. These include:

  • Nasal strips
  • Mouth pieces
  • Nose clips
  • Purifying nose plugs
  • Chin straps

They are designed to be comfortable and help you stop snoring without causing pain or discomfort. You should also ensure you have a comfortable mattress which limits motion transfer, such as the Panda London Bamboo Hybrid Mattress – with 1,500 springs to isolate movements and ensure your body is aligned, it is the perfect option to encourage a comfortable night’s sleep with less disturbance! Pair this with a pillow that properly supports your neck and head, and you should be able to breathe much easier as you snooze.


If your chronic snoring doesn’t go away with lifestyle changes and over the counter purchases, then it might be time to consider medical help. While not particularly common or accessible, there are a few different surgeries which can be done to help you…

  • A reconstructive surgery to stabilise the structure of the back of your throat
  • Nerve implantation surgery which stimulates the tongue to contract and move to help you breathe easier
  • Nasal obstruction removal surgery, which increases airflow through the nose

Of course these surgeries are a last resort, and should be thoroughly researched and considered.

Some more reading

If you want to know even more about snoring, here are a few things you might find interesting!

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The post Everything you Need to Know About Snoring first appeared on Panda.
