Health | Panda Feel right at home Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:09:20 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Health | Panda 32 32 Top Tips for Sleeping With Sunburn Thu, 06 Jul 2023 10:27:05 +0000

Sleeping with sunburn can be uncomfortable, painful or completely impossible. With sore skin and a raised temperature, drifting off often seems just out of reach – but restful sleep is incredibly important for sunburn recovery, helping to heal your skin and allow you to enjoy the summer days in peace.

What is sunburn and how it effects your sleep

Sunburn is the common name for the radiation burns caused by UV rays from the sun, which cause damage to DNA in the upper layer of skin cells resulting in swelling, redness, and inflammation. The redness and irritation come from the blood vessels dilating in order to heal the damage. Sleeping comfortably with sunburn is difficult because the skin comes into contact with the bedding, and the pressure from lying in bed can often cause discomfort.

How can you prepare your sleep environment?

One of the best tips for sleeping with sunburn is to prepare a sleeping environment which is conducive to a good night’s sleep – start by choosing appropriate bedding that is cool, smooth, and breathable. Bamboo bedding is a fantastic example of this; it is naturally gentle on the skin and helps cool you down. It helps your skin to breathe, which is perfect for sunburn relief at night.

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Ensure your room is at the perfect temperature for sleep. Opening windows, using air conditioning or turning on your fan are other great cooling techniques for sunburned skin at night. Your body temperature will increase when your skin is burned, which helps. And generally, ensuring your bedroom is a calm and relaxing sleep environment is key: turn off any screens and harsh lighting, play soothing music, or spray essential oils around the room.

How can you manage sunburn discomfort before bedtime?

The first step to soothing sunburn for better sleep is to have a cool shower or bath before you head to bed. This helps to relieve the heat and inflammation associated with sunburn – as does applying after-sun or aloe vera. There are various calming lotions for sleeping with sunburn, soothing your skin before you get into bed. Over-the-counter pain relief, if recommended by a healthcare professional, can also act as sleeping aids for sunburn pain.

Sleeping Positions for Sunburn Relief

Depending on where your sunburn is, you might find different sleeping positions more comfortable. For example, if you’ve burned your back, you might find it easier to drift off by lying on your stomach or side. It’s all about minimising the pain – extra pillows or cushions to elevate certain body parts or reduce pressure can also help. Elevation helps to improve your circulation and provides more comfort so you can heal as you snooze.

Utilising cool techniques

Your bedtime remedies for sunburn discomfort should include applying a cool compress, or an ice pack wrapped in a towel, to the affected areas. This will cool and soothe. Choosing cool bedding for sunburn relief is also important – opting for lightweight and breathable fabrics like bamboo is a great way to ensure breathability as you snooze and stop overheating during the night. Thin and breathable pyjamas are key, too. If you’re looking for more sunburned skin care during sleep, look for gels and lotions which are specifically designed to cool and soothe.

Hydrating properly before bedtime

Hydration is key when it comes to overnight sunburn care tips. Drink plenty of cold water, and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption when sunburnt. Try and incorporate some extra hydrating food and beverages before bedtime: herbal teas, fruit, salad and ice pops, for example.

Avoiding irritants and friction

You might need to change your usual skincare routine when suffering from sunburn – avoid heavily fragranced products and opt for really gentle creams and lotions. Bedding and sleepwear should be soft and made of non-irritating fabrics like bamboo; naturally silky smooth as well as being hypoallergenic, bamboo fabric is the ideal choice when sunburnt. Where possible, minimise contact with any rough or abrasive surfaces and materials to avoid irritation.

How can you create a relaxing bedtime routine?

Get yourself in the right headspace to fall asleep and it should come easier despite the sunburn – engage in some relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to help you drift off. Soothing and calming activities like reading, listening to slow music or doing a jigsaw can help you relax and feel ready to snooze. Good sleep hygiene is important in general, and by having these habits in place (a set bedtime, a routine you follow each night and so on) you’ll find it easier to fall asleep even if you are experiencing sunburn.

Seeking medical attention if needed

If your sunburn is particularly severe, or you notice complications like infected or weeping skin, then be sure to consult a healthcare professional who can suggest appropriate treatment and guide you through the process. Keep an eye on children with sunburn especially!

How to sleep with sunburned skin?

While you should take every step to avoid sunburn, by covering up and using SPF protection, it can happen – and keeping cool at night with breathable bedding and various cooling techniques will help you sleep. Prioritise restful slumber and ensure you take the necessary measures to recover from your sunburn so you can enjoy summer to the fullest.


How can I relieve the discomfort of sunburn before bedtime?

Before bedtime, try applying aloe vera or a cooling gel to soothe the sunburned skin. Avoid using petroleum-based products as they trap heat and worsen the burn.

How should I position myself in bed to minimise discomfort?

Opt for a sleeping position that avoids putting pressure on the sunburned areas. Sleeping on your back or using extra pillows for support can help reduce contact with the affected skin.

Are there specific fabrics or bedding materials I should avoid?

Yes, avoid rough or abrasive fabrics that may irritate sunburned skin. Instead, use soft, breathable materials like bamboo or cotton for your bedding.

Should I take a lukewarm shower before bedtime to cool down my skin?

A lukewarm shower can help cool down the skin and remove any residual sunscreen or sweat. Pat your skin dry gently afterwards.

Are there any natural remedies I can try for sunburn relief?

Yes, besides aloe vera, you can apply cool chamomile tea bags or pure coconut oil to soothe sunburned skin naturally.

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Everything you Need to Know About Snoring Tue, 16 May 2023 15:30:24 +0000

Snoring – it’s probably one of the most annoying things to contend with as you try to drift off at night. Sleeping next to somebody who snores can prevent you from actually falling asleep, leading to frustration and tiredness. In order to try and combat some of that frustration, we’re sharing everything you need to know about snoring: being informed on the matter might help!

What is snoring?

This is a rumbling or snorting sound that occurs when somebody is asleep; it happens because the soft tissue in your nose and throat flutters as you breathe, vibrating with the air that flows through it. Most people will snore from time to time, especially if they have a cold or have been drinking alcohol in the evening. However, for some people, it’s much more of a chronic problem – and it’s not just the snorer themselves that suffers.

What causes snoring?

As mentioned, being drunk or full of cold can cause you to snore intermittently. There are various other common causes, though. Some of these include:

  • Being overweight: Excessive weight can contribute to snoring by increasing the amount of fatty tissue around the neck and throat. This can put pressure on the airway, causing it to narrow and resulting in snoring.
  • Taking sedatives or heavy sleeping medication: The consumption of sedatives can relax the muscles in the throat and tongue, leading to increased snoring. These substances can contribute to further airway obstruction during sleep.
  • Sleeping position: Sleeping on your back can increase the likelihood of snoring. In this position, the tongue and soft tissues in the throat may collapse backwards, partially blocking the airway and causing snoring.
  • Old age: As individuals age, the throat muscles may become weaker and lose their tone. This can increase the likelihood of snoring. Additionally, genetic factors can influence the anatomy of the airway, making some individuals more prone to snoring.
  • Sleep Apnea: Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea is often accompanied by loud snoring and can have serious health implications if left untreated.
  • Smoking: Smoking irritates the airways and causes inflammation, which can lead to snoring. The toxins in cigarette smoke can also damage the respiratory system and contribute to the development of various breathing disorders, including snoring.

What are the risks associated with snoring?

While snoring in itself is an issue, it can also lead to problems further down the line. The annoying habit has actually been found to have increased the risk of health problems such as a stroke; snoring increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis, which is where arteries in the neck narrow due to a fatty deposit known as plaque. This can then cause you to have a stroke.

The issue can also cause an irregular heartbeat, known as an arrhythmia. Further down the line, arrhythmias can lead to a lack of blood flow to other organs – this impacts the way you’re able to function.

How does snoring impact your partner?

If you share a bed with somebody and you snore, you’re likely used to them nudging you or trying to roll you over – and complaining in the morning about you keeping them up all night! While you might feel a bit put out by this, because it technically isn’t your fault, it really is worth remembering how much snoring can impact your partner.

Research suggests that those who share a bed with a snorer wake up on average 21 times during the night. This frequent interruption means they are not getting a good night’s sleep, meaning they are tired the following day and are unable to reap the benefits of a full night of slumber. It can also lead to depression, increased blood pressure, and a lack of focus.

Snoring also has a big impact on the happiness of your relationship. From arguments to deciding to sleep in separate rooms, this problematic noise can really take a toll on you and your partner. In the US, snoring is actually the third most common cause of divorce after infidelity and financial issues!

red hair girl sleeping on a hybrid bamboo mattress-600x400

How can you prevent or stop snoring?

From being mildly annoying to downright harmful, snoring affects people differently. There are a variety of ways in which you can help prevent the issue, leading to a better night’s sleep for you and whoever you share your bed with.

Lifestyle changes

The first way to help yourself stop snoring is to make small lifestyle changes and see if this improves matters. Some things to try are:

  • Quit smoking
  • Cut down on alcohol
  • Avoid sedatives or heavy sleeping medication
  • Try to sleep on your side
  • Lose weight

Shop-bought products

There is also a range of products you can buy over the counter to help prevent the problem. These include:

  • Nasal strips
  • Mouth pieces
  • Nose clips
  • Purifying nose plugs
  • Chin straps

They are designed to be comfortable and help you stop snoring without causing pain or discomfort. You should also ensure you have a comfortable mattress which limits motion transfer, such as the Panda London Bamboo Hybrid Mattress – with 1,500 springs to isolate movements and ensure your body is aligned, it is the perfect option to encourage a comfortable night’s sleep with less disturbance! Pair this with a pillow that properly supports your neck and head, and you should be able to breathe much easier as you snooze.


If your chronic snoring doesn’t go away with lifestyle changes and over the counter purchases, then it might be time to consider medical help. While not particularly common or accessible, there are a few different surgeries which can be done to help you…

  • A reconstructive surgery to stabilise the structure of the back of your throat
  • Nerve implantation surgery which stimulates the tongue to contract and move to help you breathe easier
  • Nasal obstruction removal surgery, which increases airflow through the nose

Of course these surgeries are a last resort, and should be thoroughly researched and considered.

Some more reading

If you want to know even more about snoring, here are a few things you might find interesting!

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What is Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome? Wed, 19 Apr 2023 08:22:44 +0000

“Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) is a circadian rhythm disorder where individuals’ sleep is delayed by two or more hours beyond a conventional bedtime, making it difficult to wake up at a socially acceptable time.”

We all have the odd night of finding it hard to drift off, perhaps after one too many coffees or staying up to watch that last episode on Netflix. Though if this has become a persistent problem, it might be down to more than caffeine. Delayed sleep phase syndrome is a circadian rhythm-related sleep disorder. Read on to discover how this can affect your sleep, the symptoms and simple tips that could help you catch more zZZ.

What is delayed phase sleep syndrome?

Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome, also known as Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPD), is a type of circadian rhythm sleep disorder where an individual’s sleep-wake cycle is delayed compared to the typical or desired schedule. People with DSPD have difficulty falling asleep and waking up at socially acceptable or desired times, leading to a misalignment between their internal body clock and the external environment.

Individuals with DSPD may have difficulty falling asleep until very late at night, often in the early morning hours, and struggle to wake up at the desired time in the morning. This can result in chronic sleep deprivation, excessive daytime sleepiness, and difficulties with daily functioning, such as school, work, and social activities.

What are the symptoms of delayed phase sleep disorder?

If this is something you think you could be struggling with, you are not alone. The sleep disorder affects up to 15% of teens and can follow you into adulthood if it is not resolved. Here are some of the common symptoms of DPSD:

1. Difficulty falling asleep and waking up

Due to the delay in your circadian rhythm, your brain remains alert even when you are extremely tired. This can make it hard to wake up when you want to due to excessive tiredness and your internal body clock telling you it’s now time to sleep.

2. Sleepy days

Due to the lack of sleep the night before, you may find yourself wanting to nap during the day, this can start to interfere with work and getting on with your day-to-day activities.

3. Low mood and irritability

Lack of sleep can affect us all in different ways, though low mood and irritability are common symptoms of DPSP. The frustration of not being able to drift off and wake up feeling refreshed can make you feel unmotivated and unenergised to make the most of your day.

It is always best to speak to your doctor to diagnose the sleep disorder, and the good news is this is a condition for which there are several treatments. From simple tips on improving sleep hygiene to light therapy, here are some of the ways you can start enjoying bedtime and look forward to brighter mornings.

What are the treatment options for delayed phase sleep disorder?

Bright light therapy

This is a form of light exposure that can help to reset your circadian rhythm, helping to regulate the levels of melatonin, the sleepy hormone that tells your brain it’s time to bed. A sleep doctor or your medical professional can advise on if this therapy is best for you.

Reset bedtime

Bringing bedtime forward or delaying it by an hour can also help to reset your circadian rhythm into a new routine. Try getting snuggled up an hour earlier or later than usual and experiment to see if you can find a time that works for you.

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Get cool and comfortable

Keeping your bedroom and bed at a lower temperature can trigger the release of melatonin, encouraging you to fall asleep more quickly. If you find yourself overheating at night, look for bedding that helps regulate your body temperature. Our Bamboo Mattress Topper infuses a cooling gel into orthopaedic grade memory foam (HydroFoam™) that keeps you cool through summer nights and cosy in winter. Team with our 100% Bamboo Bedding and you could be well on your way to more restorative snoozing.

Reduce light exposure before bed

Try and lower the lighting an hour or two before bed and put down your phone and laptop. Too much blue-light exposure and screen time close to bed can disrupt the release of melatonin and lead to that ‘alert’ state that makes it so hard to relax and drift off. Replacing screen time with a good book and a warm (caffeine-free) drink could work wonders for your sleep.

The snoozy Take-Away

These are just a few of the ways that you can ease delayed phrase sleep disorder and start enjoying smoother, longer bedtimes. Looking forward to a good kip at the end of the day and starting your morning fresh and energised is essential to your health and well-being. You do not have to put up with a non-stop cycle of late nights and groggy mornings, speaking to a doctor and experimenting with treatments is the best place to start in getting bedtime back on track and enjoying the simple pleasure of a good night’s sleep.

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What is Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome?

Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome, also known as Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder (DSWPD), is a sleep disorder characterized by a significant delay in the timing of the sleep-wake cycle. Individuals with this condition typically have difficulty falling asleep at conventional bedtime and struggle to wake up at desired wake-up times.

What causes Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome?

The exact cause of Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome is not fully understood. However, it is believed to be related to a disruption in the internal body clock or circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, and environmental influences can contribute to its development.

What are the symptoms of Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome?

Common symptoms include difficulty falling asleep at a desired time, prolonged sleep latency (time to fall asleep), staying awake late into the night, difficulty waking up in the morning, excessive daytime sleepiness, and a pattern of delayed sleep-wake timing on weekends or days off.

How is Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome diagnosed?

Diagnosis typically involves a thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional specializing in sleep disorders. This may include a comprehensive sleep history assessment, sleep diary analysis, and possibly overnight sleep studies or actigraphy (a wrist-worn device that monitors sleep-wake patterns).

Are there any lifestyle changes that can help manage Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome?

Yes, certain lifestyle modifications can assist in managing Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome. These may include maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, exposing oneself to bright light in the morning and avoiding bright light exposure in the evening, engaging in regular exercise, and practicing relaxation techniques to improve sleep quality.

The post What is Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome? first appeared on Panda.

How to Sleep Better if you are Suffering From Sleep Apnea Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:09:33 +0000

Sleep apnea has become increasingly common over the last few years and can really get in the way of a good night’s sleep. Understanding this sleep disorder is the first step towards managing the symptoms. Here we take a look at different types of sleep apnea affecting over 100 million people globally, providing simple tips on how you can improve sleep quality and start feeling like you again. Get comfy and let’s dive right in.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is essentially when your breathing stops while you sleep. This can be very distressing, disrupting sleep quality and impacting your well-being on various levels. The main types of sleep apnea are the following:

Obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common. It is characterized by repeated upper airway blockage during sleep, leading to interrupted breathing and symptoms such as loud snoring, daytime sleepiness, and health risks.

Central sleep apnea

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a sleep disorder where the brain fails to send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing during sleep. It can cause pauses in breathing and disrupt sleep.

Treatment-emergent sleep apnea

This is a less common form and refers to the worsening or development of sleep apnea symptoms despite receiving treatment, such as PAP therapy. It may be caused by various factors and may require adjustments to treatment settings or addressing underlying health conditions.

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What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

Whichever type of sleep apnea you experience can cause distress about falling asleep and zap the joy out of bedtime. To get a diagnosis of this disorder, it is best to consult a medical professional though these are some of the common symptoms you may experience:


If you have developed snoring or are doing so more than usual, this could be a sign of the condition.

Gasping for air during sleep

Struggling for breath while you sleep is a common symptom which can wake you, disrupting your sleep duration and quality. If you share a bed with a partner, they can help report if you experience breathlessness throughout the night.

Morning headaches

These can be caused by a lack of airflow and a lack of quality sleep.

Daytime sleepiness and irritability

These symptoms can present as a natural side-effect of less sleep, impacting your mood and overall well-being.

What causes sleep apnea?

One question you may be wondering is what exactly causes sleep apnea. There is no single answer though any of the following can trigger the condition:


Being overweight can increase the fat deposits around your airways, which can make it difficult to breathe when you fall asleep and in certain positions.

Being male

Just being a male makes you 3 times more likely to develop sleep apnea.

Age and genetics

Being older can make you more susceptible to sleep apnea, as can genetics. It is worth checking your family history to see if anyone else experienced the condition.

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Smoking can lead to inflammation in the upper airways which can lead to the development of this sleep disorder as well as other health conditions.

Certain medications

Pain and other medications can sometimes lead to inflammation that can also trigger sleep apnea. It is best to tell a doctor all medications you are taking to rule out this possibility.

How can you manage sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea can be a challenging disorder to deal with, lack of good quality rest can seriously impact your health and well-being, and it is likely you want to do all you can to reduce symptoms and improve your sleep. The good news is the outcome is positive. Here are some of the common ways sleep apnea can be cured or managed:

Lifestyle changes

Simple lifestyle changes can drastically improve and even get rid of sleep apnea. From eating healthier and exercising to lose excess weight to giving up smoking and drinking. These changes can bring benefits far beyond bedtime, allowing you to start feeling better and waking up a lot brighter.

Treatment options

From a CPAP machine which can gently pump air into your nose or mouth as you drift off, to gum shields and, in complex cases, surgery, there are plenty of medical treatments to manage the condition. Your doctor will advise you on the best method of treatment based on your needs.

How can you improve your sleep?

One thing that’s definitely going to make you feel better is getting a good night’s sleep. While implementing treatments recommended by your health professional, here are some other simple ways to enjoy better bedtimes and improve the quality of your kip.

Embrace a bedtime routine

Getting your body and brain into a regular snooze cycle can work magic on its quality and duration. Try getting used to relaxing in bed and waking up at the same time every day. An unwinding routine can help you prepare for sleep, helping you drift off more quickly for a deeper, restorative snooze.

Choose the right pillow

Finding the right pillow that supports your sleeping position will not only keep you comfortable but can also help encourage you to sleep longer and wake up without any aches and pains. A hybrid bamboo pillow has the added benefits of optimised airflow and thermoregulation to prevent overheating for fresh sleep all year round.

Slow and steady lifestyle changes

Making small, steady changes to your diet and lifestyle can make a big difference to the quality of your health. From implementing a few workouts into your week, fewer takeaways and reducing alcohol consumption, you could be well on your way to better nights, brighter mornings and happier days.

Managing any sleep disorder takes patience and persistence, though by developing understanding, taking action and small steps, you will soon be falling back in love with bedtime.

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How Many Hours of Sleep you Really Need to Stay Healthy Mon, 03 Apr 2023 17:17:08 +0000

When it comes to sleep hygiene, we might not always be on our best behaviour, though it’s good to be in the know… Reach for the stars and all that! And despite the ever-changing rules on how to sleep better, there is one thing we can all agree on. A good night’s kip is essential for well-being. Though with 40% of UK adults struggling to drift off, that isn’t always easy. If you’ve been aiming for 8 hours, you are not alone. This has been the gold standard recommended by many sleep experts for years, though is it really the magic number? According to recent studies, perhaps not. Read on to find out how much sleep you need to stay healthy and some top tips on how to get it!

How many hours of sleep do you need?

A major new study suggests that seven hours could be the ideal amount of sleep for adults from thirty onwards. Though there will always be the odd person who can survive on four or thrive on nine, seven hours is now considered the magic number for staying healthy. Before setting your alarm an hour earlier, remember, like nutrition; sleep is subjective. Many factors can affect how much sleep a person needs, from the menstrual cycle to genetic factors. Throughout the year and our life cycle, internal and external events can affect sleep. Many women report during menopause, sleep can be affected, and every parent knows what it feels like to survive on two hours with a newborn! Going by energy is the best way to test how much sleep you need.

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If you wake after seven hours feeling refreshed, that’s a sign this is enough. Are you still struggling to get out of bed? It’s likely you need more sleep than your average person. Most people find they feel their best when they complete a full sleeping cycle which lasts 90-minutes. Keeping a sleep diary can track how many cycles you complete.

Whatever your magic number, it is vital you get your fix! From keeping bedtime consistent, and taking time to unwind to finding the perfect pillow, here are some top tips on making the most of every wink.

How to make sure you get enough sleep?

Set a Bedtime Routine

Going to bed at the same time every night can be a game-changer when it comes to sleep. The mind and body love routine and will quickly learn that bedtime is for relaxing, pretty soon you’ll find it easier to drift off. The key is to make it something you look forward to. A good bedtime routine looks different to all of us. Take some time to unwind, away from phones and distractions at least two hours before bed, this will allow you to properly relax and get a deeper, more restorative kip.

Pick a Perfect Pillow

Not too soft, not too firm… A little like goldilocks porridge you want your pillow to be perfect. Enjoy the orthopaedic support of a memory foam pillow though crave the head-hugging comfort of down? A hybrid bamboo pillow could be your best option. This combines the latest sleep science with the timeless magic of nature. You want a pillow that optimises breathability, comfort & support while keeping you in perfect alignment from head to toe. Natural fabrics like bamboo feel silky, and smooth on your skin. If you like your nights cool & irritation free, you will love bamboo. The wonder plant is naturally hypo-allergenic & thermo-regulating!

girl sleeping on a hybrid pillow

When it comes to finding the best pillow online, it can feel a bit like dating in the dark. Choose a brand that offers a 30-night trial. If there is one thing worth falling in love with… It’s bedtime!

Keep it cool

Your sleeping environment can have a big influence on the quality of your sleep. Whatever climate you live in, making sure your bedroom is cool, dark and comfortable will help set you up for a good night’s sleep. A cool, dark room will trigger the release of melatonin, telling your mind & body it’s time to rest. A warm bath before bed can help lower your body temperature before you snuggle under your duvet, while an eye mask can help block out light and ease you into the land of nod.

girl with eye mask laying in bed

The magic ending

We are all trying our best to stay fit, healthy and energised and know that sleep plays a big role in that. While the rules on how much you need may change, following these top tips will help keep you at your best and make the most of bedtime!

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The post How Many Hours of Sleep you Really Need to Stay Healthy first appeared on Panda.

Sleep Yourself Clever: How Sleep Affects Your Brain’s Health Mon, 20 Mar 2023 17:30:51 +0000

There are a million apps and coaches at our fingertips these days, promising to make us smarter, faster, and sharper. And while they may be worth a go, there is another way to supercharge your brain. The reasons why we sleep are complex, from preserving energy to staying out of trouble, though one of the most important functions of a good night’s sleep is to rest our brains.

How does sleep affect your brain?

Studies have revealed that sleep has a significant impact on the brain, influencing cognitive functions such as memory consolidation, learning, and decision-making. During sleep, the brain processes and consolidates new information, allowing for more efficient storage and retrieval of memories. Additionally, sleep is essential for clearing toxins from the brain, particularly a protein called amyloid, of which a build-up can later lead to memory loss and neurological disorders. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to a range of cognitive impairments, including decreased attention span, slower reaction times, and reduced creativity. Therefore, getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining optimal brain function and overall health.

Anyone who has gone a night or two with broken sleep knows how it can make them feel slow, irritable and less able to function than usual. Nothing is worse than facing a morning meeting or a long to-do list when sleep-deprived. And there’s a whole lot of science that suggests why. Extreme fatigue can slow behavioural performance due to a build-up of circadian rhythms. This explains why our brains are proven to perform better after a good night’s sleep, and without enough, we start to deteriorate in sharpness and cognitive ability.

Girl sleeping on a Hybrid Mattress

Regular restless nights deprive your brain of the deep sleep it needs to recover, repair and restore from all the thoughts, work and stimulation that it endures day to day. Getting enough sleep allows the parts of your brain responsible for memory and absorbing new information to rest, reset and regenerate.

The amount of sleep we need as individuals is varied and changes as we age, though research suggests getting under seven hours over a long period of time can increase inflammation. This can lead to a higher chance of age-related diseases, reducing our ability and interest in learning. It seems when it comes to protecting brain health, consistency is key.

The better we sleep, the better our brain performs. So how do we go about making sure we get enough? Let’s take a look.

If you are feeling like lack of sleep is affecting your brain health, the good news is there are simple tips that can help you protect it. Here are some simple changes to make to improve your sleep and IQ without hitting the library!

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What are some simple changes to your sleeping routine to maintain brain health?

While we all try our best to stick to the guidelines, getting seven-eight hours a night can be a challenge. Though making it a priority could be the smartest thing you do! Getting enough sleep will increase your productivity, mood and IQ so it’s worth doing your homework and putting these clever tips to use.

1. Keep Bedtime Consistent

Going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every morning will help your brain have enough downtime to rest and repair. Just like you pop your phones and laptops on to charge overnight, letting your brain power up for the right amount of time will keep it lasting longer and performing better the next day.  

2. Cool snoozing

One of the major causes of disrupted sleep, especially in older age, is overheating. Ensuring your room is at the recommended 18 degrees, and bedding is thermo-regulating will help keep you cool, comfy & happily snoozing. Bamboo bedding and duvets make a great choice for hot sleepers; the fabric is ultra-soft & breathable and the best bit. You won’t need to change it every season!

3. Invest in downtime  

It’s so easy to constantly keep your foot on the pedal, chasing the next deadline, attending every party and catching up with every Netflix show. Though sometimes, the best investment you can make for your time is the art of relaxation. A warm bath, a good book and avoiding screen time are great ways to unwind and prepare your brain for a good night’s rest.

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The lightbulb moment

If you want to protect your brain’s health and longevity, it looks like it’s time to take it easy. Making sure you get enough deep, quality rest is vital for your concentration, focus and long-term memory. Get yourself set up for better sleep with these simple changes, and you will be well on your way to waking up a smarty pants!

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The post Sleep Yourself Clever: How Sleep Affects Your Brain’s Health first appeared on Panda.

How Can the Way You Sleep Improve Your Posture? Fri, 03 Mar 2023 13:24:45 +0000

When you think about improving your posture, your mind might jump to yoga, pilates and regular shoulder rolls. Though those things might help, there is another place to start. The way you sleep can have a big influence on your posture, a few bedtime tweaks could be key to maintaining healthy neck, spine and hip alignment and staying pain-free.

How does the way you sleep affect posture?

Over a lifetime, we get to spend a whole lot of time in bed, yay! Though if we are not resting with efficient comfort and support, we can develop some bad bedtime habits, resulting in back and muscle strain. When you sleep, it is vital to maintain the natural shape of your spine and keep it in alignment with your neck and hips. Moving around throughout the night or having the wrong pillow or mattress for your sleeping position over time can take its toll on your posture. Before moving on to the things that can help, let’s take a look at some of the other lifestyle habits that can lead to poor posture.

What lifestyle habits cause poor posture?

If you are looking to improve your posture, it’s best to take a holistic approach. This way you can be sure the steps you take to improve your sleep will not be sabotaged by other habits. Here are some of the common things to avoid to straighten up your posture;

1. Slouching at your desk

It’s a long day, right? Working on our laptops and computers all day can make it all so tempting to get slouchy… This is when those shoulder rolls can help. Sitting on a supportive chair with a pillow and keeping your knees straight at hip height can also help you stay in proper alignment and avoid any tension and aches, and pains.

2. Not moving… Enough

Popping to the bathroom every few hours is not going to cut the mustard. Making sure you take regular walking breaks can help prevent posture misalignment that comes with prolonged periods of sitting. Surprisingly, not moving can lead to muscle fatigue and a weakened core that regular, exercise can help you avoid, keeping you fighting fit and sitting pretty.

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3. Stress, much?

With never-ending email inboxes and keeping up with commitments and responsibilities – life can quickly get overwhelming. This can lead to shallow breathing and contracting muscles, which take their toll on posture. Regular breaks and slower breathing can help reduce stress, improving your posture and well-being.

How can I sleep to improve my posture?

Now we’ve got daytime straightened out; let’s move over to bed! The first thing you may be wondering is whether you should change your sleeping position. Whether you choose front, back, or side, they all come with their pros and cons, and your chosen position is likely what you find most comfortable and helps you sleep. There are other ways to keep your neck, spine, and back happy while you sleep.


How can you keep your spine in alignment while you sleep?

When it comes to spinal alignment, your sleeping surface is key to staying healthy. A mattress with naturally contouring foam will adapt and support your sleeping position. When it comes to choosing a mattress, look for orthopaedic grade foams that come with a free home trial. This way, you can make sure you have found the perfect fit before making that final commitment. If you are not ready to upgrade your mattress, a good quality mattress topper will also do the trick as long as it provides premium adaptive memory foam that supports every sleeping position, like the Panda Bamboo Memory Foam Topper.

How can you keep your neck and back aligned while you sleep?

Keeping your neck and back in alignment while you sleep is key to maintaining a long-term healthy posture. This is where your pillow has a lot to live up to. You want a pillow that provides orthopaedic support and adapts to your sleeping position, even if you toss and turn. If you like a cushiony pillow that still provides orthopaedic support, a hybrid like the Panda Hybrid Bamboo Pillow will keep you comfortable and in perfect alignment from lights out till morning.

Improving your posture will help keep your neck, spine and joints healthy and mobile so you can make the most of every day. This can help keep boost your well-being and counteract the wear and tear of muscles that comes with ageing. Taking a holistic approach to your lifestyle is key.

Girl sleeping on a Hybrid Mattress

There is no need to make drastic changes, take things at your own pace. With a little more movement, regular breaks and a supportive pillow and mattress, you will be well on your way to sleeping soundly and striking the perfect pose.

Sweet Dreams

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The post How Can the Way You Sleep Improve Your Posture? first appeared on Panda.

How can a Good Night’s Sleep Boost Your Immunity? Thu, 02 Feb 2023 10:00:41 +0000

Find yourself catching one too many colds every year? It could be time to book yourself a few early nights. Discover how good-quality sleep can boost your immune system and why a good mattress might be as important as your daily orange juice.

Over the last few years, the importance of sleep for well-being has been confirmed a million times over. With health specialists, sleep coaches, and many studies singing the praises of getting enough quality shut-eye. “You’ll feel better in the morning” is advice we are all familiar with, and with good reason. While sleeping, a lot is going on inside our tired bodies. Sleep is the ultimate night doctor, from muscle repair and clearing out waste to replenishing cells. Let’s take a closer look at why sleep is essential for health.

Why is good sleep essential for health?

Good sleep is essential for health because it allows the body to restore and recharge, leading to numerous physical and mental benefits. Adequate sleep helps regulate hormones, boost immune function, improve mood and cognitive abilities, and reduce the risk of various health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

From the moment we wake up, our brains and bodies constantly work for us. Sleep powers us up to take on that morning workout and tick off our to-do lists. Not having those recommended seven to eight hours will leave you feeling less than awesome. Low mood, irritability, sugar cravings? These are all common symptoms of lack of sleep. Naturally, over time this can have a severe impact on our health.

Your immune system is one of the body’s primal ways to keep healthy. An incredible defence system against infections, bacteria, and mood disorders. During certain sleep cycle stages, this defence system is being repaired and strengthened to keep you fighting fit. Keeping to a consistent sleep schedule and optimising every moment of rest from room temperature to a supportive mattress will ensure it performs at its best.

A vital part of your body’s natural defence system are ‘T’ cells. These infection-busting cells help fight off everything from flu to cancer by obliterating virus-infected cells. The stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, low during deep sleep, can lower the adhesion of a set of molecules called integrins. This stickiness allows the ‘T’ cells to promote contact and remove the virus-infected cells from your body. Giving your body and mind sufficient time to rest will allow these T cells to perform effectively, boosting your health and happiness and keeping you feeling your best.

girl sleeping on a hybrid mattress

How to prioritise sleep and boost immunity?

If you’re regularly not getting enough sleep, you could leave yourself vulnerable to infections and more sick days than those who are getting their recommended hours. The good news is there are some simple ways to prioritise rest and strengthen your immune system.

1. Keep bedtime consistent – Going to bed at different times every night can make it very hard for our bodies and minds to know when it’s time to shut down. A consistent bedtime routine will eventually help you drift off more quickly. The body loves regularity, especially when it comes to sleep. Allow yourself sufficient downtime between work and hitting the hay – think low lighting, a silky, soft eye mask, and Night-time CBD oil soothing nighttime oil. This will help generate melatonin, a sleepy hormone that sets you off to the land of nod and give your immunity-boosting cells a chance to do their thing.


2. Choose the right mattress – When it comes to a comfy night’s sleep, we are all different. Making sure you sleep on a relaxing, supportive mattress that promotes healthy alignment is key to resting well. The Panda Hybrid Bamboo Mattress is a magical blend of BioCell Foam™, OrthoAlign Foam™, and seven zones of premium pocket springs that will make bedtime something to look forward to. Choosing the right mattress for your sleeping position and preferences will set you up for the best shut-eye. Better shut-eye means better health, a stronger immune system, and a stronger you.


3. Listen to your body – As the seasons change, so do we. The amount of rest and types of food and exercise we need monthly can fluctuate, and that’s ok. Learning to listen to your body and allowing it to rest more, especially during the colder months, is important in taking care of your immune system. Other factors, from ageing to how much we take on at work, can also affect how much sleep we need to keep our immune systems at their best. Remember to check in with yourself every day. It doesn’t all have to be go-go-go. Some days are for duvets and ice cream – dig in and enjoy. Sometimes, the magic of going slow is just what you need to keep that healthy glow!

Sweet Dreams

This article was edited from the original version on Panda London

The post How can a Good Night’s Sleep Boost Your Immunity? first appeared on Panda.

Are Bamboo Mattresses Healthy? Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:17:50 +0000

Sleep is the body’s way of recharging, and when you have a terrible night’s sleep, it can leave you feeling like you are running on empty, impeding your productivity, mood, and long-term health.

There are many reasons why people struggle to sleep. One of the common reasons is an unsupportive mattress, which can result in aches and pains in the body, so it is essential to choose your mattress carefully.

Mattresses can be made from various materials, one of which is bamboo. Bamboo is a fast-growing grass that can be grown, harvested, and produced without chemicals and pesticides. This is because it is naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial, which makes it great for the environment, manufacturers, and the people sleeping in it!

What is a hybrid bamboo mattress?

A bamboo hybrid mattress is made from multiple layers of bamboo-infused foam and individually enclosed, multizonal pocket springs. This unique combination creates a supportive sleeping surface to keep your body and back aligned in perfect comfort as you sleep. This outstanding support can help to significantly reduce the risk of disturbed sleep, and the aches and pains caused associated with an inferior mattress.

Are bamboo mattresses healthy?

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to staying healthy and allows your body the time it requires to repair and rest. Therefore, anything which aids you in getting your full 8 hours of quality slumber has to be good for your health.

Often people wake up because they get too hot at night and then struggle to get back to sleep. Bamboo helps to reduce this issue, as it is a highly breathable material. The BioCell Foam™ is designed to increase airflow and keep sleep breathable to help people sleep soundly through the morning.

Many people suffer from allergies which can cause them to have disturbed sleep. Bamboo is naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial, which can prevent bed bugs and help allergy sufferers get a good night’s sleep.

The hybrid bamboo mattress comprises 6 individual layers, each with its unique job to create support and comfort. These layers work with your body’s natural curves, distributing your weight evenly, and avoiding pressure points. This even distribution means your body can completely relax whilst staying aligned, whether you are a front, back, or side sleeper. This support can help you to avoid the aches and pain often associated with an unsupportive mattress, which can cause sleep deprivation.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of a hybrid bamboo mattress?


  • Bamboo is environmentally friendly and can be grown without the need for chemicals, herbicides and pesticides.

  • Bamboo materials can be produced without harmful chemicals.

  • They contain BioCell Foam™, which is highly breathable to help keep you cool and prevent sleep disturbance.

  • Naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial, which may relieve allergy irritation. 

  • The multi-layered design with orthopaedic grade OrthoAlign Foam™ provides exceptional support and comfort to keep your back in alignment, and your whole body supported however you sleep. 

  • The unique pocket springs isolate movement, meaning you can continue to sleep undisturbed even if your bed partner moves around.   


  • They can be heavy to move as they contain multiple layers.

  • When initially unwrapped, there may be a slight odour, which usually disappears after 24 hours.

  • Not all bamboo mattresses are chemical-free.

As you can see from the pros and cons, there are many health advantages to having a bamboo mattress, as they can be chemically free and help you get a good night’s sleep which is vital for a healthy body.

When looking for a bamboo mattress, look for a quality mattress made from multiple layers of quality materials that optimise airflow, and give orthopaedic grade support and pressure point perfect comfort to transform a night’s sleep.

The post Are Bamboo Mattresses Healthy? first appeared on Panda.

The Bedtime Cure for Burn-Out Tue, 29 Mar 2022 12:01:13 +0000

‘When you take care of yourself, the world shines that little bit brighter’

PJ’s all day? Lunch at 4 pm? Cheeky abs class before that Zoom meeting… Working from home has become the norm for many of us. While it has its charms, goodbye commutes, and nursery fees, it certainly has its challenges. One thing that has been climbing with the 69% of adults now working from home, is burn-out. The chronic condition can affect everything from your productivity to sleep and is no fun to wake up with. If you feel you could be one of the 52% of adults experiencing burnout, here is a little bit more about the condition and some simple changes that can help get you back to your best. 

What is Burn Out?

With Zoom meetings, deadlines, and non-stop emails, we have lost the simple pleasures that hallmarked our days. From coffee with colleagues to one too many drinks after work, those little reminders it’s ok to switch off have been swiped away. This creates a fear of taking your foot off the pedal, the world says go faster, keep pushing, be better than yesterday when what you might really need is to take a break. Left to build up this can lead to a state of emotional and physical exhaustion known as burn-out.  Do any of the following sound familiar?

Symptoms of Burn-out

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Lack of energy – Feeling like a Lucozade that’s lost its bubbles? Burn-out zaps your energy, making staying in bed seem far more appealing than jumping on another zoom meeting.

Doubting yourself – Is self-doubt niggling into your confidence? Emotional and physical exhaustion chips away at your sense of identity and is a common symptom of burn-out.

Uninspired – Wondering where the zest for your career has gone? That creative spark on which you once bounced through the day? Another thing burn-out wipes is your inspiration and brilliant ideas.

While none of this is anything to smile about, the good news is managing burn-out starts with awareness. Remember rest is a superpower, slowing down and making a few small changes can make a big difference to your wellbeing. So today, forget about those emails. Here are some easy ways to reduce burnout and get back to feeling you.

How to reduce Burn Out when working from home

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Restore your sleep – The last thing your busy mind may be thinking about is bed, and there might lie the problem. Sleep is the first thing to suffer when experiencing burn-out. Now is a good time to look at ways to improve the quality of your sleep. Adding a layer of luxury to your mattress with a mattress topper is a simple adjustment that could transform sleep into the deep rest you need and deserve. Make bed your perfect comfort zone, a place you can’t wait to snuggle into. This will encourage your mind to switch off and relax. 

Try replacing your worries with a new bedtime mantra –  the better I sleep, the better I feel.

Establish a routine – Working from home has blurred the lines of 9-5. For many of us, what was once a place to unwind has become a gym, office, or nursery overnight. Our sense of routine has been lost somewhere in the transition. Routines are easy to get back into and key to finding that work-life balance. Try to get up at the same time every day, schedule breaks between tasks to stay fresh and focused. Tempting as it is to hang out in your PJ’s,  get dressed, and put yourself in work mode. And when it’s time to sign off… make it clear you are out of the office till the morning. The evening is your time to recharge and restore yourself for the next day.

Better days start with clear boundaries. Make the most of your downtime and remember you deserve it.

Be kind to yourself – Above all, go easy on yourself. The biggest cause of burn-out is slipping into the illusion you have to be constantly hitting targets to be productive. Healing starts with giving yourself permission to rest. Life will always be full of competing priorities, though do not forget number one; your wellbeing. Slow down and know when to switch off. There is more to life than work, eat, repeat. 

Remember to have some fun along the way and before you know it, you’ll be waking up with a smile again.

The post The Bedtime Cure for Burn-Out first appeared on Panda.
