Better Sleep | Panda London Blog Feel right at home Wed, 17 Jan 2024 16:28:42 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Better Sleep | Panda London Blog 32 32 The Best and Worst Things To Do Before Bed For Better Sleep Thu, 20 Jul 2023 21:15:47 +0000

Your head hits the pillow, and you close your eyes and poof, you’re asleep. If only it was that simple, right? While for some lucky few, sleep comes easily, our recent study revealed it takes over 41% of 18-34-year-olds more than 30 minutes to drift off. Perhaps they’re doing something differently? Here are the five best and worse things to do before bed and how they can help you sleep better.


What are the best things you can do before bed?

Let’s start with how to do things right. Here is a list of three things good sleepers tend to do before bed that can help you fall asleep faster and wake up more refreshed:

1. Enjoy a hot bath

If you need a good reason to indulge in a warm tub of bubbles, research suggests they could help you snooze better. Hot water helps to increase your body’s temperature and drop again before you go to bed. According to a study, this can make you fall asleep faster by up to ten minutes. Add some Epson salts and lavender to your bath for extra sleepy benefits, and make sure you’ve got some soft, fluffy bamboo bath towels ready to dry off before you hit the hay.

2. Listen to sleepy sounds

Sleepy sounds such as white and pink noise have been proven to help you fall asleep up to 38% faster. The noises can include anything from soft, running water to someone speaking gently- retelling your favourite bedtime story. If you struggle with a racing mind and relentless overthinking, these sounds can help you switch off and start to feel sleepy. Experiment to see what kinds of sounds work best for you. Everyone is different though you will soon discover what noises relax and ease you into the land of nod.

3. Have a bedtime routine

Setting a bedtime routine can be challenging because life is so unpredictable. However, the benefits of following an unwinding ritual and going to bed at the same time make it oh-so worth it. Whether it’s using relaxing bedtime oils and popping on an eye mask or flicking through a chapter of your latest book, a routine can help set your circadian rhythm so you drift off for a deeper, more restorative rest.

What are the worse things to do before bed?

Now you know the things to do before you hop into bed, check out this list of things to avoid. And why these sabotaging sleep habits can make it harder to get the recommended 7-9 hours that keep you feeling your best.

Why are certain habits before bed detrimental to sleep quality?

Falling into bad sleeping habits can reduce the quality and length of your shut-eye, taking its toll on your well-being. For example, going to bed early or drinking late at night can deprive you of the rest you need to stay healthy. Over time, these bad habits can lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia. It is important to be aware of how your habits are affecting your sleep quality in order to make the changes you need to improve your rest. Here are a few of the worse culprits;

1. Scrolling Instagram

Many of us are guilty of constantly scrolling our phones all day. With emails, social media, and all those TikTok videos, taking time away from our screens can be the ultimate challenge. Though avoiding blue light at least two hours before bed can not only make it easier to fall asleep, it can also improve the quality of your shut-eye. Try leaving electronics outside the bedroom and swapping those Instagram stories for a good book or some pillow talk with your partner. You will thank yourself when you wake up in the morning.

2. Consuming caffeine

While that morning coffee can be a great way to start your day, you might want to watch those post-dinner espressos. Drinking caffeine too close to bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep reducing your total sleep time. Caffeine promotes alertness and stimulates the mind, which is the last thing you need before snuggling into bed. Swap coffee for herbal tea or hot milk, which has some delicious sleepy benefits. And watch out for sneaky caffeine culprits like chocolate- yummy as it may be. Indulging too late at night is not so sweet for sleep.

3. Having the wrong bedding

Find yourself tossing and turning till silly ‘o’clock? Overheating is one of the leading causes of broken shut-eye and can even make it harder to drift off. 18.3 degrees is the recommended temperature for ideal sleep. If you do not have breathable bedding, nights can get hot and sticky, especially in the summer. Thermoregulating and hypoallergenic bamboo bedding feels silky and smooth on the skin and regulates body temperature throughout the night. Plus, it’s perfect all year round, so whatever the season, you’re doing bedtime right.

How can you improve your sleep routine before bed?

Setting a healthier sleeping routine does not have to be overwhelming. Here are a few snooze-friendly tips to get you started;

  • Decide on a bedtime you can stick to- Aim to get to bed at the same time every night. This starts with setting a realistic time of what works for you giving you enough time to relax between finishing work and hitting the hay.


  • Avoid bad sleeping habits- If any of the bad habits above sound familiar, make an effort to reduce them by swapping them for healthier alternatives.


  • Get enough movement- Regular exercise can help you sleep better. Studies show that getting enough daily movement can reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep. A great reason to get those 10,000 steps in.

Creating your perfect bedtime can take trial and error. When it comes to rest we are all very different, from how firm we like our mattress, how many hours we need to our favourite sleeping position. Whether it’s allowing yourself more time to unwind, enjoying a bath or treating yourself to breathable bedding. Small adaptions to your sleeping habits will lead to a better night’s kip and far brighter mornings.

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The post The Best and Worst Things To Do Before Bed For Better Sleep first appeared on Panda.

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Health and Ways to Cure it Thu, 08 Jun 2023 08:54:06 +0000

Sleep deprivation is a condition that occurs from not getting enough quality sleep. This has risen recently, with over 7.5 million people averaging less than five hours a night. Sleep is an essential pillar of good health and well-being, so not getting enough is not sustainable. If you are experiencing this, you are in the right place. Read on to discover the causes and effects of sleep deprivation and, most importantly, the ways you can improve it.

What causes sleep deprivation?

The condition can be caused by a range of different factors, here are some of the most common culprits that could be zapping your sleep. Identifying the primary cause of sleep deprivation is the first step towards getting bedtime back on track.

Lifestyle choices

While we may all naturally be night owls or early birds, not getting a solid recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night can affect us all. If you choose to stay up late and still get up early, over time, you will develop an unhealthy sleep routine that is not sustainable. Whether it’s overworking, eating too late or one too many episodes of Netflix keeping you up past bedtime, your lifestyle choices can be getting in the way of the duration and quality of your kip. What you do in those last two hours before hitting the hay can greatly impact how deeply you sleep; this is something to become aware of.

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Sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene can be a broad topic, though it covers the habits that can affect our sleep and our sleeping environment. You may not think about how your day can affect bedtime, though everything from how much caffeine you drink, the times you eat and whether you work out can impact the quality of your shut-eye. Light exposure and the temperature you sleep at can also play a role in how you sleep, as can the comfort and quality of your pillow, mattress and bedding. Learning more about sleep hygiene and ways to improve is crucial to enjoying the deep, restorative rest you need to thrive.

Medical conditions

Various medical conditions can affect how many hours you sleep, from sleep apnea and allergies to anxiety. You should always speak to your doctor to see if there are ways that you can reduce your symptoms to improve your sleep. Getting enough quality kip is essential to helping your mind and body recover and replenish so you feel ready to take on the day.

What are the effects of sleep deprivation?

Sleep deprivation can have various effects on both physical and mental well-being and can affect us all differently. If you are regularly not getting enough sleep, here are some of the ways you may feel it:

  • Mood changes – Whether feeling more emotional, irritable or not yourself, sleep deprivation can turn your mood into a rollercoaster. If left untreated, chronic sleep deprivation can lead to other health conditions, from anxiety to insomnia.


  • Low immunity – If you get more colds than usual and get run down, sleep deprivation could be the cause. Sleep is essential for keeping our cells fighting fit to fend off viruses and bugs that have us reaching for orange juice.


  • High blood pressure – Sleeping less than five hours a night can have a direct link to blood pressure. High blood pressure can leave you vulnerable to other health conditions if left untreated. It is always best to consult your doctor for medical examinations.


  • Risk of diabetes – Sleep deprivation can even put you at a higher risk for diabetes. During sleep, your body releases insulin which lowers blood sugar. A higher level of blood sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes.


couple sleeping on a hybrid mattress

These are just some of the ways lack of sleep can affect your health. The good news is there are ways to develop a better sleep routine and wake up feeling like you again. Here are some gentle ways to tackle sleep deprivation and improve your well-being.

How to tackle sleep deprivation

Perfect your sleeping environment

Optimizing your snooze environment is one of the best, most enjoyable ways to get more sleep. Start with your bed. Having comfortable, supportive pillows and a high-quality mattress are key to keeping you aligned throughout the night and sleeping comfortably. Our Hybrid Bamboo Pillows and Bamboo Mattress provide orthopaedic grade support for your pressure points, with just the right amount of cushiony comfort, making them ideal for all sleepers. If you are not ready to switch your mattress, our Bamboo Memory Foam Topper provides an easy, affordable way to add an indulgent layer of comfort and support to your bed.

Temperature control

The temperature of your bedroom is also key to getting a good night’s sleep, set your thermostat to 18.5 degrees. If you struggle with overheating, our thermoregulating bamboo bedding can help keep bedtime cool and fresh. The breathable fabric is moisture-wicking and insulating for the freshest summers and cosiest winters. Looking forward to bedtime starts with having a bed you love and can’t wait to jump into.

Adjust your routine

This one may be a challenge at first, though adopting a new sleep routine is crucial to upping your hours of quality kip. Make bedtime a priority. Set a time for going to bed and waking up each day and stick to it. Allowing yourself to unwind for an hour or two before bed with a hot shower, a good book and no screen time will help you drift off more quickly with less on your mind. Your well-being will thank you for taking more rest, and you will feel far more productive after a good night’s sleep.

Resolving sleep deprivation may take time, though embracing good sleep hygiene and looking and making gentle changes to your lifestyle choices can have an amazing effect on your well-being and lead to a long-term healthy relationship with sleep that will keep you at your best.


What is sleep deprivation?

Sleep deprivation refers to the condition of not getting enough sleep, either in duration or quality, to meet the body’s needs. Various factors, including lifestyle choices, medical conditions, and sleep disorders, can cause it.

How does sleep deprivation affect your health?

Sleep deprivation can have significant effects on your health. It can impair cognitive function, leading to difficulties with concentration, memory, and decision-making. It can also weaken the immune system, increase the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes, and contribute to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

What are the common causes of sleep deprivation?

Common causes of sleep deprivation include lifestyle factors such as work schedules, social obligations, and electronic device use before bed. Medical conditions like insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome can also contribute to sleep deprivation.

How much sleep do adults need, and does it vary by age?

The recommended amount of sleep for adults is typically 7-9 hours per night. However, individual needs may vary. Older adults may require slightly less sleep, while teenagers and younger adults often need more.

What are some signs and symptoms of sleep deprivation?

Signs of sleep deprivation include excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty staying awake or focusing, irritability, mood swings, decreased performance or productivity, and an increased likelihood of accidents or errors.

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The post How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Health and Ways to Cure it first appeared on Panda.

What are the Best Natural Sleep Aids for Adults? Fri, 26 May 2023 08:50:18 +0000

Sleep is vital for maintaining good physical and mental health – getting just an extra 60 minutes of sleep per night will make you feel so much better in yourself. So when you’re struggling to sleep, it can feel frustrating. It definitely has an impact on your mood, memory and day-to-day abilities! Reaching for prescription sleeping tablets can be tempting, but these often come with negative side effects: natural sleep aids are a fantastic alternative, helping you sleep more soundly without any damage to your body.

How important is sleep?

Your body needs sleep for many reasons – resting gives you a chance to heal aches and pains, and sufficient sleep helps prevent health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. If you get a good night’s sleep, you’ll see an improvement in your mood; not only that, but you’ll notice an improvement in your cognitive function. Your memory and recall will improve, and you’ll function better at work.

On the other hand, sleep deprivation is terrible for our health. A lack of sleep can lead to health conditions, such as those above, alongside kidney disease and obesity. You won’t be able to function as well as you could, meaning there is an increased risk of accidents, and you’ll perform poorly in daily tasks. Mood swings and depression are common in people who struggle to sleep, and your immune system is naturally lower when you’re not getting enough rest. As you can see, sleep is incredibly important!

What are the most common sleep problems?

There are many problems which come alongside trying to sleep. For example, being too hot or cold at night can put the brakes on a good night’s slumber – as can sharing a bed with somebody who snores! Restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea are examples of diagnosable medical issues which prevent you from drifting off, along with narcolepsy, bruxism (grinding your teeth), and of course, insomnia. These are some of the most common sleep problems plaguing the population and keeping us up at night – insomnia being the most common. It is thought to affect 1 in 3 people in the UK alone!

What are the most common causes of insomnia?

The chronic inability to sleep is known as insomnia; about 10% of the global population suffers from medically diagnosed insomnia. Experts aren’t sure exactly what causes the problem, but there are some common causes to consider…


Insomnia can be a genetic issue; these sleep problems are known to run in families. Your genes affect how much sleep you need to function well, so it isn’t too surprising that insomnia can be a hereditary issue!

Life circumstances

If you’re feeling particularly stressed or anxious, say if you’re moving house or worrying about a new job, you might struggle to sleep. This temporary insomnia can be incredibly annoying, and the frustration it causes can hinder your sleep efforts further. It becomes a vicious circle that is difficult to get out of.

Mental health conditions

Around half of the people who suffer from long-term insomnia are also diagnosed with at least one mental health condition, typically clinical anxiety or depression. These mental illnesses can take a toll on the brain, which is due to the excessive production of various hormones. Too much of these hormones can stop you from sleeping.

Physical health conditions

There are certain physical health conditions which can stop you sleeping; acid reflux, for example, can keep you awake in pain and discomfort for hours. Injuries like a sprained example or broken arm can prevent sleep too, because they make it so difficult to get comfortable in bed.

Lifestyle factors

Your lifestyle can also stop you from being able to drift off. Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption will keep you awake for hours – and a lack of exercise will also make it harder to sleep.

What are the best natural sleep aids?

There are definitely some ways in which you can improve your chances of a good night’s sleep without resorting to the use of prescription sleep aids. With plenty of natural options available, you should be sleeping soundly in no time. Some of the best natural sleep aids include:

  • Lavender (scented candles lit for a while before sleeping, oils in a diffuser, or a scented pillow spray for example)

  • Valerian root (available to make as tea to drink before bed)

  • CBD (to be taken in gummy form or as an oil which you can drop underneath your tongue)

  • Melatonin (available in gummy or capsule form, as well as present naturally in the body – foods like chicken, turkey, and pumpkin seeds will enhance production)

All of these natural sleep aids are available to purchase in supermarkets and health food stores. They are much better for you than prescription drugs, with fewer side effects.

Some other natural sleep aids come from switching up your bed and bedding. Making your bed more comfortable will help you fall asleep quickly (and stay asleep!) at night. Adding a bamboo mattress topper to your bed, for example, is more affordable than buying a new mattress, but it truly increases comfort levels. By helping to align your body and support you as you drift off, you’ll notice a difference. Picking up some breathable bamboo bedding, which is softer than silk and just as luxurious as cashmere, will also help you maintain the perfect comfort levels all night long!

Sleepy Girl Mocktail: A Trendy Natural Sleep Aid

In the realm of home remedies and wellness trends, the Sleepy Girl Mocktail has emerged as a popular choice for those seeking a natural aid to enhance sleep quality. This non-alcoholic beverage, which combines 1/2 cup of tart cherry juice with a tablespoon of magnesium powder, topped off with a fizzy drink like sparkling water, has been lauded for its potential sleep-inducing properties. The key to its appeal lies in its primary ingredients: tart cherry juice and magnesium. Tart cherry juice is a natural source of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycles, while magnesium is renowned for its relaxation benefits, often used to alleviate muscle tension and stress.

When these elements are combined in the Sleepy Girl Mocktail, they create a drink that not only promises to soothe the body into a restful state but also offers a refreshing taste, especially when enhanced with optional additions like elderberry syrup, ginger-lime soda, or ice cubes infused with lemon and berries. Despite its growing popularity, it’s crucial to approach this bedtime concoction with a balanced perspective. While each ingredient individually supports sleep, the overall effectiveness of the Sleepy Girl Mocktail in improving sleep has yet to be validated by clinical studies.

Moreover, those considering this mocktail should be mindful of dietary restrictions and potential health implications, particularly when introducing supplements like magnesium powder into their diet

Bamboo Mattress Topper - Elastic Straps Shown On Bed

How can changing your lifestyle lead to better sleep?

There are many lifestyle improvements you can make to encourage a better night’s sleep. For the most part, they’re pretty simple too. Reducing alcohol and caffeine is a great way to feel healthier in general – and it can also help you sleep more soundly. Eating better and exercising more will help, too, as will getting into a good bedtime routine. Doing the same thing each night before you get in bed will show your brain that it’s time to drift off!

And finally, having less screen time in the evening is key. Tablets, phones, laptops and TVs emit a harsh light that can cause disruptions in the melatonin surge needed to help you sleep. Turning them off around 2 hours before you go to bed is easier said than done for many of us, but it really will help. Instead, read a book or play a board game.

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important to protect your mental and physical health – and with the natural sleep aids and lifestyle changes suggested in this article, you’re definitely on the way to sleeping much better. Sleep hygiene is crucial too! Hopefully, with all of this advice, you’ll be drifting off before you know it…


What are natural sleep aids?

Natural sleep aids are substances or techniques that promote better sleep without prescription medications or artificial substances. These aids include herbal supplements, relaxation techniques, lifestyle changes, and sleep hygiene practices.

Are natural sleep aids safe to use?

Natural sleep aids can be generally safe when used as directed. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new sleep aid, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. This will help ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of adverse effects.

What are some popular natural sleep aids?

Some popular natural sleep aids include melatonin, valerian root, chamomile tea, lavender essential oil, magnesium, and relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises. Each person may respond differently to various sleep aids, so it’s important to find what works best for you.

How do natural sleep aids work?

Natural sleep aids work through various mechanisms. For example, melatonin supplements help regulate the sleep-wake cycle, valerian root is a mild sedative, and chamomile tea has calming properties. These aids may promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance sleep quality.

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How Does Your Age Affect Your Sleep Needs? Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:39:27 +0000

Understanding how sleep needs by age vary is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While we all cherish a good night’s sleep, the way it manifests can differ greatly from person to person, much like a varied box of chocolates. Age is a significant factor influencing our sleep requirements. But do we need more sleep as we age, or is it the other way around? And what about the impact of those late-night adventures in our twenties? This article delves into “age-related sleep changes” and offers the best bedtime tips for each decade to keep you feeling rejuvenated and vibrant.

Why does age affect our sleep?

Age-related sleep changes are a natural part of growing older. You might find yourself preferring a quiet night in over a wild night out, and this is partly due to physical changes in our bodies. We produce less melatonin, the hormone that helps us feel sleepy in the dark, and our growth hormone levels also deplete. This reduction can make entering the deep sleep zone challenging, where crucial body repair occurs.

Lifestyle shifts also play a role in how sleep needs by age evolve. Factors like reduced exercise, increased stress, and emerging health conditions can significantly affect our sleep patterns as priorities change. Fortunately, understanding your sleep needs and adopting healthy sleep habits can profoundly improve your sleep quality.

Sleep guidelines and tips for every age group

Sleeping Toddler

Let’s explore age-specific sleep guidelines and tips to ensure sound sleep.

Sleep in your twenties: Establishing routines

Ahh, the twenties. This energetic decade is the ideal time to establish healthy sleep habits. Adults in their twenties should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep. Consistency is key, so try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Investing in quality bedding, like soft bamboo sheets, can create a comfortable sleep environment and regulate your body temperature throughout the year. Snooze away and find your sweet spot. Then? Try and stick to it. Here are a few more bedtime tips to take on in your twenties to keep you fit and healthy.

Set a consistent routine

While some of us are our night owls, early birds or somewhere in the middle- we can all benefit from going to bed and waking up at the same time. Set a realistic bedtime and incorporate a gentle winding-down routine you can stick to. This is a great way to regulate your circadian rhythm, which will keep you snoozing soundly for years to come.

Create the perfect bedtime zone

You want to reeeallly look forward to getting into bed. Your twenties are the perfect time to invest in a good quality duvet and soft, smooth bedding that will create a comfy, bedtime sanctuary. Natural fabrics like bamboo are not only kind to the planet. It will regulate your body temperature, keeping you cosy all winter and fresh on summer nights.

Navigating sleep in Your 30s: Balancing change with rest

By our thirties, we have (hopefully) set ourselves up a good bedtime routine. Though these are the years many of us may move in with partners, have children and take on more responsibilities. As a backdrop to this, our bodies are ageing, which can make us more prone to health conditions and aches and pains that can affect our sleep. It is still recommended that you get seven – nine hours during your thirties, though getting it may prove a challenge. Here are some bedtime tips that can help ensure you hit the right amount of sleep duration to stay healthy.

Upgrade your mattress

As your body ages, it is vital you have the best support during the night. You will benefit from a mattress that provides motion control (especially if sharing a bed with a wiggly partner) and orthopaedic grade support, keeping your neck, hips and back in perfect alignment. This will help keep your spine happy and avoid those aches and pains that can make life uncomfortable.

New Year Hybrid Pillow

Prioritise well-being

It’s easy to neglect your well-being in your twenties when the work-life balance can go out the window, and parental responsibilities take over. Try and take the time to switch off after work and embrace gentle practices for your well-being. From filling up on nutritious foods to enjoying a hot bath at the end of the day, these little things can all help improve the quality and duration of your sleep.

Adapting to sleep in your 40s: Addressing hormonal shifts

Recent research has indicated that seven hours of sleep per night may be the optimal amount for individuals over the age of 40. This conclusion is based on a study that analyzed UK Biobank data from nearly 500,000 adults. The study found that seven hours of sleep is ideal for maintaining good mental health, well-being, and cognitive performance. The melatonin and growth hormone levels are declining during this period of life, which may make drifting off harder. Menopause is something that many women experience in their forties, which can pose its own challenges when it comes to getting good quality sleep, with overheating at night being one of them. Prioritising sleep during this time can potentially defend against health conditions from dementia to sleep disorders such as insomnia. Here are some gentle ways to maintain healthy sleep in your 40s.

Keep bedtime breathable

Overheating at night can be a real problem as we age, the solution? Choosing breathable fabrics to sleep with can make a big difference. Bamboo is naturally thermoregulating, making it a great choice for comfortable nights. Our bamboo-infused hybrid bamboo mattress, Hydro Foam™ topper and award-winning charcoal-infused bamboo memory foam pillow have all been designed to optimise airflow, keeping bedtime ultra-fresh.

Stay active

As we age, our energy levels may dip, though staying active can keep your mind and body healthy. Whether it’s a brisk morning walk or a thirty-minute bike ride, staying active will improve circulation, support healthy ageing and can help you drop into a longer, deeper sleep at the end of the day.

couple laying on a bamboo hybrid pillow

Ensuring quality sleep in your 50s and beyond: Health-focused strategies

During your fifties and beyond, sleep is vital to protecting against health conditions and keeping you feeling strong, fit and vibrant. According to studies, seven hours a night could cut your risk of cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. With our ageing bodies can come aches and pains that require a little more TLC. Here are some tips for maintaining good kip in your fifties and beyond.

Make bedtime comfortable and supportive

If there’s one thing you’ve earned by fifty, it’s the right to make bedtime as comfortable as possible. To ensure you have maximum support and pressure-relief, choose a mattress with orthopaedic grade support. It must also be the right firmness for your sleeping position and preference. For the perfect balance of comfort and support, our Bamboo Hybrid Mattress blends breathable, orthopaedic grade foams with seven zones of premium pocket spring technology to keep you and your sleep feeling magic.

Unwind in style

With those sleepy hormones at their lowest in your fifties in beyond, you may find it harder to switch off and fall asleep. Make sure you unwind at the end of each day with a calming routine. Whether it’s a lovely meal, a good book or a chat with a friend. Find something that soothes and relaxes you a few hours before bed. This will help you collapse into bed ready for a restorative night’s sleep.


Across all ages, sleep needs by age play a pivotal role in our overall well-being. By understanding and adapting to these changing needs and implementing healthy sleep habits, you can enjoy restorative sleep at every stage of life.

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The post How Does Your Age Affect Your Sleep Needs? first appeared on Panda.

How to Sleep Better if you are Suffering From Sleep Apnea Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:09:33 +0000

Sleep apnea has become increasingly common over the last few years and can really get in the way of a good night’s sleep. Understanding this sleep disorder is the first step towards managing the symptoms. Here we take a look at different types of sleep apnea affecting over 100 million people globally, providing simple tips on how you can improve sleep quality and start feeling like you again. Get comfy and let’s dive right in.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is essentially when your breathing stops while you sleep. This can be very distressing, disrupting sleep quality and impacting your well-being on various levels. The main types of sleep apnea are the following:

Obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common. It is characterized by repeated upper airway blockage during sleep, leading to interrupted breathing and symptoms such as loud snoring, daytime sleepiness, and health risks.

Central sleep apnea

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a sleep disorder where the brain fails to send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing during sleep. It can cause pauses in breathing and disrupt sleep.

Treatment-emergent sleep apnea

This is a less common form and refers to the worsening or development of sleep apnea symptoms despite receiving treatment, such as PAP therapy. It may be caused by various factors and may require adjustments to treatment settings or addressing underlying health conditions.

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What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

Whichever type of sleep apnea you experience can cause distress about falling asleep and zap the joy out of bedtime. To get a diagnosis of this disorder, it is best to consult a medical professional though these are some of the common symptoms you may experience:


If you have developed snoring or are doing so more than usual, this could be a sign of the condition.

Gasping for air during sleep

Struggling for breath while you sleep is a common symptom which can wake you, disrupting your sleep duration and quality. If you share a bed with a partner, they can help report if you experience breathlessness throughout the night.

Morning headaches

These can be caused by a lack of airflow and a lack of quality sleep.

Daytime sleepiness and irritability

These symptoms can present as a natural side-effect of less sleep, impacting your mood and overall well-being.

What causes sleep apnea?

One question you may be wondering is what exactly causes sleep apnea. There is no single answer though any of the following can trigger the condition:


Being overweight can increase the fat deposits around your airways, which can make it difficult to breathe when you fall asleep and in certain positions.

Being male

Just being a male makes you 3 times more likely to develop sleep apnea.

Age and genetics

Being older can make you more susceptible to sleep apnea, as can genetics. It is worth checking your family history to see if anyone else experienced the condition.

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Smoking can lead to inflammation in the upper airways which can lead to the development of this sleep disorder as well as other health conditions.

Certain medications

Pain and other medications can sometimes lead to inflammation that can also trigger sleep apnea. It is best to tell a doctor all medications you are taking to rule out this possibility.

How can you manage sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea can be a challenging disorder to deal with, lack of good quality rest can seriously impact your health and well-being, and it is likely you want to do all you can to reduce symptoms and improve your sleep. The good news is the outcome is positive. Here are some of the common ways sleep apnea can be cured or managed:

Lifestyle changes

Simple lifestyle changes can drastically improve and even get rid of sleep apnea. From eating healthier and exercising to lose excess weight to giving up smoking and drinking. These changes can bring benefits far beyond bedtime, allowing you to start feeling better and waking up a lot brighter.

Treatment options

From a CPAP machine which can gently pump air into your nose or mouth as you drift off, to gum shields and, in complex cases, surgery, there are plenty of medical treatments to manage the condition. Your doctor will advise you on the best method of treatment based on your needs.

How can you improve your sleep?

One thing that’s definitely going to make you feel better is getting a good night’s sleep. While implementing treatments recommended by your health professional, here are some other simple ways to enjoy better bedtimes and improve the quality of your kip.

Embrace a bedtime routine

Getting your body and brain into a regular snooze cycle can work magic on its quality and duration. Try getting used to relaxing in bed and waking up at the same time every day. An unwinding routine can help you prepare for sleep, helping you drift off more quickly for a deeper, restorative snooze.

Choose the right pillow

Finding the right pillow that supports your sleeping position will not only keep you comfortable but can also help encourage you to sleep longer and wake up without any aches and pains. A hybrid bamboo pillow has the added benefits of optimised airflow and thermoregulation to prevent overheating for fresh sleep all year round.

Slow and steady lifestyle changes

Making small, steady changes to your diet and lifestyle can make a big difference to the quality of your health. From implementing a few workouts into your week, fewer takeaways and reducing alcohol consumption, you could be well on your way to better nights, brighter mornings and happier days.

Managing any sleep disorder takes patience and persistence, though by developing understanding, taking action and small steps, you will soon be falling back in love with bedtime.

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The post How to Sleep Better if you are Suffering From Sleep Apnea first appeared on Panda.

How can Your Bedding Improve Your Mood? Thu, 06 Apr 2023 15:21:31 +0000

There is no doubt sleep makes us feel good. From boosting our mood, immunity and overall well-being, it’s amazing what getting our recommended zZZ can do. It turns out your bedding could play a role in influencing your mood too. Read on to find out why and how to find the best bed sheets to relax and drift off with a smile.

Can changing your bedding really improve your mood?

Bedding comes in all kinds of styles, colours and fabrics – choosing the right sheets for you can be exhausting. Though it’s worth doing your research. There are a few ways what you wrap up in can influence your mood, from colour, and comfort to fabric. Your bedroom is a place where you can unwind, restore and indulge in the rest you need to stay at your best. Making sure every little detail is perfect is key, and it could be the most important room in the house when it comes to your mood. Let’s take a look at why.

What is the best colour bedding to give your mood a boost?

The colour of your bedroom decor can make an impact on your well-being. Colour has long been known to affect our emotions, from the calming effects of blues and greens to the more energising yellows and oranges. When it comes to bedtime, your bedding is one of the most personal investments you make. You want to choose a colour that invokes the feeling you most desire. For a good night’s sleep, colours that will make you feel relaxed and calm work best. There’s a reason most hotels go for white – the simple, timeless shade goes with anything and is known for soothing your mood even after the busiest of days. A gentle, pink bedding set can also help get you ready for bed and feel all zen. Find out more about the role colour plays in creating atmosphere here and discover your perfect bedtime shade.

Can the comfort of your bedding affect your mood?

Of all things, bedding should be, sumptuously comfy is number one – especially when it comes to your mood. Sleeping in fabrics that feel scratchy on the skin, make you overheat or do not feel fresh can affect the quality of your kip. Over time, this leads to cranky mornings and zaps the joy out of bedtime. Breathable, soft, smooth bedding can help improve your mood by boosting the quality and duration of your sleep. If you want sheets that have you counting down the hours to bedtime, it could be time to give bamboo a try. The fabric is anti-bacterial, moisture-wicking and odour resistant, plus it gets softer and softer with every wash. Another key to keeping your bedding comfy is keeping it clean. There’s a reason we love the feel of fresh sheets, studies show washing your sheets can put you in a better mood. We recommend washing your bamboo bedding at 30 degrees and drying naturally to keep bedtime fresh and comfy.

Woman Smiling In Bed With Panda London 100% Bamboo Bedding Urban Grey

Should you change your bedding with the seasons?

The change of season can affect everything from the time we get up to when we start to feel sleepy. Having the right bedding from winter through to summer can help you optimise your rest and keep you feeling perky. During the hotter months, you will want to wrap up in breathable, light bed sheets, while in winter, you might want something a bit more textured to stay cosy. Bamboo bedding is naturally thermoregulating, so you can stay snuggled up all year round without changing your sheets. The breathable fabric reacts to your body temperature, so come rain or shine, you will stay sleeping soundly. Bamboo and French linen can offer a slightly denser, more textured feel for winter and add a bit of chic, natural style. Both sets are ultra-durable, so you can enjoy plenty of mood-boosting bedtimes, whatever you choose.

How do you choose the best bed sheets for your mood?

Now you know why bedding affects your mood, your probably wondering how you choose the right type for you. This really depends on what colours make you feel most relaxed, the fabrics that are best for your skin and the climate that you live in.

Here are some key factors you want to consider:

Material and thread count

Choosing the right fabric for your skin can make a big difference to the comfort of your sleep. Soft, smooth luxurious fabrics like bamboo offer the same feel as the highest cotton thread count while being far more sustainable and naturally free of toxins and chemicals. If you have sensitive skin or allergies, choosing a material that is kind to your skin will ensure you enjoy irritation-free sleep and brighter mornings.


Your bedroom, your rules. Allow yourself to choose a bedding that matches your style and blends well with the rest of your decor. Enjoying the space you unwind and relax in can boost your mood, so it’s important you style it out in a way that suits you. Whether that’s with cosy pinks, fresh whites or neutral greys when it comes to bedding, go with what channels your unique style and makes you smile.

Texture and breathability

The texture and breathability of your bedding can affect the quality of your kip. If your bed sheets feel good, so will you. Naturally breathable fabrics like bamboo are hypoallergenic, providing a soft, smooth silky feel, while bamboo and linen offer something more textured. What is best for you comes down to your personal preference. Try and experiment with different fabrics until bedtime feels perfect.

Ready for a mood boost?

Our bamboo bedding sets come in a range of dreamy colours, from vintage pink to midnight blue, that offers something for every mood. The sustainable fabric is naturally hypoallergenic, making it ideal for those with sensitive skin and all those looking for a great night’s sleep. Plus, they come with a 10-year guarantee for years of fresh, comfy bedtimes

As if there is one guaranteed way to wake up happier, it’s a beautifully restorative snooze!

Sweet Dreams

The post How can Your Bedding Improve Your Mood? first appeared on Panda.

How Many Hours of Sleep you Really Need to Stay Healthy Mon, 03 Apr 2023 17:17:08 +0000

When it comes to sleep hygiene, we might not always be on our best behaviour, though it’s good to be in the know… Reach for the stars and all that! And despite the ever-changing rules on how to sleep better, there is one thing we can all agree on. A good night’s kip is essential for well-being. Though with 40% of UK adults struggling to drift off, that isn’t always easy. If you’ve been aiming for 8 hours, you are not alone. This has been the gold standard recommended by many sleep experts for years, though is it really the magic number? According to recent studies, perhaps not. Read on to find out how much sleep you need to stay healthy and some top tips on how to get it!

How many hours of sleep do you need?

A major new study suggests that seven hours could be the ideal amount of sleep for adults from thirty onwards. Though there will always be the odd person who can survive on four or thrive on nine, seven hours is now considered the magic number for staying healthy. Before setting your alarm an hour earlier, remember, like nutrition; sleep is subjective. Many factors can affect how much sleep a person needs, from the menstrual cycle to genetic factors. Throughout the year and our life cycle, internal and external events can affect sleep. Many women report during menopause, sleep can be affected, and every parent knows what it feels like to survive on two hours with a newborn! Going by energy is the best way to test how much sleep you need.

Memory foam pillow + Panda bamboo eye mask - social

If you wake after seven hours feeling refreshed, that’s a sign this is enough. Are you still struggling to get out of bed? It’s likely you need more sleep than your average person. Most people find they feel their best when they complete a full sleeping cycle which lasts 90-minutes. Keeping a sleep diary can track how many cycles you complete.

Whatever your magic number, it is vital you get your fix! From keeping bedtime consistent, and taking time to unwind to finding the perfect pillow, here are some top tips on making the most of every wink.

How to make sure you get enough sleep?

Set a Bedtime Routine

Going to bed at the same time every night can be a game-changer when it comes to sleep. The mind and body love routine and will quickly learn that bedtime is for relaxing, pretty soon you’ll find it easier to drift off. The key is to make it something you look forward to. A good bedtime routine looks different to all of us. Take some time to unwind, away from phones and distractions at least two hours before bed, this will allow you to properly relax and get a deeper, more restorative kip.

Pick a Perfect Pillow

Not too soft, not too firm… A little like goldilocks porridge you want your pillow to be perfect. Enjoy the orthopaedic support of a memory foam pillow though crave the head-hugging comfort of down? A hybrid bamboo pillow could be your best option. This combines the latest sleep science with the timeless magic of nature. You want a pillow that optimises breathability, comfort & support while keeping you in perfect alignment from head to toe. Natural fabrics like bamboo feel silky, and smooth on your skin. If you like your nights cool & irritation free, you will love bamboo. The wonder plant is naturally hypo-allergenic & thermo-regulating!

girl sleeping on a hybrid pillow

When it comes to finding the best pillow online, it can feel a bit like dating in the dark. Choose a brand that offers a 30-night trial. If there is one thing worth falling in love with… It’s bedtime!

Keep it cool

Your sleeping environment can have a big influence on the quality of your sleep. Whatever climate you live in, making sure your bedroom is cool, dark and comfortable will help set you up for a good night’s sleep. A cool, dark room will trigger the release of melatonin, telling your mind & body it’s time to rest. A warm bath before bed can help lower your body temperature before you snuggle under your duvet, while an eye mask can help block out light and ease you into the land of nod.

girl with eye mask laying in bed

The magic ending

We are all trying our best to stay fit, healthy and energised and know that sleep plays a big role in that. While the rules on how much you need may change, following these top tips will help keep you at your best and make the most of bedtime!

Sweet Dreams

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The post How Many Hours of Sleep you Really Need to Stay Healthy first appeared on Panda.

Should you Exercise Before Bed? Mon, 27 Mar 2023 16:27:16 +0000

Exercise is a great way to improve your health, though getting plenty of quality, consistent sleep is key to making the most of those workouts. Knowing when and what types of training to do throughout the day can help you stay fit plus improve your sleep. So before you grab your trainers, here’s what you need to know about the best times to break a sweat.

How does exercise affect your sleep?

If you’ve noticed you sleep better after a good run or HIIT session, it’s no surprise. Exercise can improve sleep quality in the following ways:

1. Reduces Cortisol – Stress feels like an inevitable part of modern life, especially when you have a busy job and jam-packed diary of social commitments to keep up with. Exercise is one of the most natural ways to reduce stress and lower cortisol which is known to disrupt sleep.

2. Helps establish a routine – Our bodies love a routine. By incorporating a regular, consistent workout routine into your lifestyle you can do wonders for your sleep. You are training your circadian rhythm when it’s time to push and relax, which can make it easier and quicker to fall asleep.

3. Can help improve sleep disorders – Certain sleep disorders can often improve with regular exercise. Working out and exerting energy during the day, naturally fatigues the body and mind which can reduce the symptoms often associated with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea.


What are the impacts of exercising before bedtime on sleep?

While exercising can be great for sleep, working out too close to bedtime could make it take longer to drift off. Vigorous training that gets your heart pumping releases those feel-good endorphins that can keep you awake. This can make it hard to relax and switch off without proper time to unwind and prepare for bed.

High-level or even moderate workouts can also raise your body temperature. This signals to your body that it’s time to be awake which can affect sleep duration and quality if you do not allow enough time to cool down and let yourself recover before hitting the hay. That said, if you do prefer a later workout and find it better suits your lifestyle there are certain exercises that can be beneficial to do before bedtime.

What are the best exercises to do before bedtime?

Low-impact exercise that does not raise your heart rate or adrenaline is recommended before bed. According to our expert ‘yoga, light stretching and breath work can help you unwind and relax before bed’. Yoga still strengthens and tones your muscles whilst lowering cortisol without raising your core temperature too much. Glute bridges, child’s pose and shoulder stand are all great moves to do before bedtime. Either at home or in a class, scheduling regular gentle exercise into your bedtime routine will help you reap all the benefits whilst still enjoying a refreshing, long snooze.

Extra sleep tips to keep you fit and healthy

Along with regular work-outs here are some final dreamy tips to keep you sleeping soundly and ready to train;

1) Keep to a consistent routine

Whatever time you decide to work out, do your best to keep it consistent. Your body will quickly adapt and keep you on schedule. Sticking to the same wake-up and bedtime is one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep.

2) Have the right mattress and pillow

Proper alignment and spinal support are essential to keep your body healthy and ensure you remain pain-free. is there anything worse than a pesky, achy joint ruining your morning run? Having an orthopaedic, supportive mattress and pillows that adapt to your sleeping position will relieve your pressure points, allowing proper recovery for your muscles and keeping your joints happy.

woman hugging hybrid bamboo pillow

3) Take time to unwind

Having one or two hours before bed where you enjoy a warm shower, stay screen-free and unwind will make it much easier to fall asleep. If you can set a bedtime ritual that allows your mind to switch off, the temperature to lower and lower the lights. Lower lighting will trigger the production of melatonin, your body’s natural ‘sleepy’ hormone that will help set you up for perfect shut-eye.

The final verdict:
Should you work-out out before bed?

If you are going to exercise before bed, try and stick to lower-impact workouts that do not raise adrenaline. If your going to go for a more vigorous burn, allow time to unwind and make sure you take a shower to lower your body temperature before ducking under the duvet. Having an orthopedically approved mattress and pillow will ensure you get the proper support your body needs to recover.

And remember, sometimes it’s ok to take a day off and stay in bed. Rest is just as important as hitting the gym and will make every mile all the more enjoyable.

Sweet Dreams

The post Should you Exercise Before Bed? first appeared on Panda.

How to Have Better Sleep and Brighter Mornings as a new Parent Mon, 27 Feb 2023 17:13:02 +0000

Calling all New Parent’s…

Ahh, the joys of being a parent! The cuddles, the love, the cuteness. Though wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy it all with a bit more sleep? In those early months of adjusting to having a baby in your life, the struggle to get enough rest is real. “It can seem like a form of parental jetlag that goes on for months and months,” says sleep coach and father Max Kirsten. Fortunately, he has plenty of wisdom to share with tired new parents looking to enjoy brighter mornings. From the magic of power naps, and calming sounds to soothing baby muslins, here’s everything you need to know to stay rested and energised on your exciting journey.

P.S. ‘Take a deep breath…’ you’re in for quite the ride.

1. Establish (and stick to…) a manageable routine

According to Max, “the setting and then sticking to a schedule is one of the most important keys to sleep success” Now, this may not happen overnight. Broken sleep is something all babies go through initially as they develop their circadian rhythm. While they get their little heads around the difference between day and night, you might find you are up and down a lot. Follow a set schedule for bedtime and waking up. Remember, sharing is caring. If you live with a partner, make sure you split the week so each of you at least gets one or two good night’s rest. Still, struggling to keep your eyes open? You are NOT alone! Sleep deprivation is tough, which is why parents have to somehow be relentless troopers; the good news is tip two has something that can help.

2. Tap into the magic of power naps

Like you, if your baby is not getting enough sleep during the night, the poor little things will not be feeling too good the next day. The good news is every parent in the know has a trick up their sleeve – it’s time to tap into the magic of power naps. “A relaxing thirty-minute nap can be highly restorative,” Max says. More sleep means fewer tears and tantrums, and why not even take one for yourself? If you can’t quite switch off, “getting a bright sunny walk or enjoying the daylight by the window will help you to feel more awake — the perfect place to take a well-deserved coffee break. Resting regularly is key to feeling like a sane parent, so remember to put your feet up whenever you can”.

Panda Kids - memory foam pillow

3. Tuck into sleepy snacks

Find your little one drifting off after a feed? It’s likely down to the tryptophan that stimulates the hormone melatonin, according to Max who explains “the hormone is naturally present in breast milk though it’s not added to powdered formula”. Sleep inducing foods can also help parents whose sleeping routine is all out of whack and need to be resting wherever possible.

Turkey, meats, oats, cheese, tuna and whole milk can all help along with tryptoyphan and magnesium rich foods. Green vegetables, spinach, nuts, legumes, seeds, yoghurt, bananas and dark chocolate all make for great sleepy snacks. Staying well nourished will give you the energy you need to keep going and help you to relax at the same time.

Panda Kids - memory foam mattress

4. Relax with calming sounds

From the humble bedtime story to advanced white noise, the meditative effects of sound for our sleep are well known. When it comes to your baby there are many different types of noise that claim to help. Max advises “reading the reviews before buying anything” this can save wasting precious time buying the wrong one. Brown noise, very similar to white noise, can be particularly helpful at soothing babies to sleep, as are natural sounds like distant waves and the pitter patter of rain. Max’s award-winning ‘ABC of Better Sleep’ program is full relaxation techniques and soothing wave recordings that can help you and your little one to drift-off and dream. Anything that helps your baby breathe in a slow, rhythmical way like waves will have them snoozing longer and deeper. Keep experimenting to find what works, you might even find they make you feel sleepy too!

5. Soothe them with baby muslins

Looking for ways to soothe your baby can be overwhelming, though there are some tried and tested simple tips that can help. A pack (or 3) of soft, baby muslins are every new parent’s best friend. Not only are the smaller squares handy for mopping up spillages, cosy blankets and perfect make-shift bibs, the larger squares are ideal for gently swaddling your little one to sleep. The comforting fabric helps newborns stay calm and sleep more soundly by providing that snug, safe feeling of being in the womb. Hypo-allergenic muslins are best for baby skin and the softer the better. They don’t come much softer than bamboo, the naturally thermo-regulating fabric is perfect for snuggling and soothing your baby off for sweet dreams.

Baby Muslin Swaddles Freckles

If you are feeling out of sorts in your new role, Max has some wise words. “Be gentle on yourself” Parenting is not easy and lack of sleep can lead to everything from low mood to lost memory. Take every opportunity you have to rest, restore and re-new, from short naps to eating nourishing foods. The better you take care of yourself the more ready you will be for the joy & challenges of raising your little hero!

Above all, remember you are not alone, connecting with friends, family and other new mums and dads can help. However tired you may be, look in the mirror everyday and remind yourself…You are doing great!

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The post How to Have Better Sleep and Brighter Mornings as a new Parent first appeared on Panda.

Will you Sleep Better With a Mattress Topper? Thu, 23 Feb 2023 17:23:23 +0000

Are you looking for ways to enjoy a more comfortable, supportive night’s kip? Before changing your mattress, there is a budget and planet-friendly alternative that can help improve sleep quality and make bedtime bliss. Mattress toppers are one of the most popular ways to reduce neck and back pain and add a layer of comfort to an old or inefficient mattress. 

What are the benefits of a mattress topper?

A mattress topper can provide various benefits, such as enhancing the comfort and support of a bed, prolonging the life of a mattress, providing additional cushioning for pressure points, reducing motion transfer, and improving the overall sleep quality by regulating body temperature and minimizing disturbances. Additionally, a mattress topper can be a cost-effective solution to upgrade the comfort of an existing mattress without the need to replace the entire mattress. Let’s explore a few of the many benefits they can provide:


Orthopaedic grade support

Proper support is the number one many sleepers look for in any mattress upgrade. Sleeping on surfaces that do not keep you in proper alignment and support your sleeping position can lead to back pain and bad posture and make those morning workouts impossible. A good quality mattress topper will provide orthopaedic support so you can rest assured you will wake up feeling rested and pain-free.

Budget-friendly comfort

Mattress a little tired or not quite doing its job properly? Replacing a mattress can be expensive and something you only want to do when you really have to. A mattress topper is a budget-friendly solution to add a layer of luxurious comfort and improve your sleep until you’re ready for that upgrade. They can vary in price, though you should be able to find a quality topper in the region of £100-£200 depending on your bed size.


Tossing and turning at night is never fun; summer months and life changes such as menopause can make overheating a real issue and make sleep impossible. A mattress topper, like the Panda bamboo mattress topper, can provide thermoregulation with advanced gel and heat technology that can stop you from getting hot under the covers. Mattress toppers vary in materials, fills, and styles. Choosing the right one for you is important, which we will cover shortly.

Pressure point relief

If you are one of the 15-20% of adults that experience back pain, bedtime can often be a culprit. Not having sufficient support for your pressure points can, overtime, lead to discomfort that can affect your day and zap the fun out of things you love doing, like walking, running, and those peloton workouts. A mattress topper can provide comfortable relief to your pressure points, keeping you in proper alignment. This helps ease you into better sleep and will brighten up your mornings.

Sustainable bedtimes

Replacing a mattress too soon or choosing unsustainable mattress toppers can play a big part in increasing landfill. This is having a devastating influence on climate change. Choosing an eco-friendly mattress topper like the Panda bamboo topper goes a long way to reducing your carbon footprint and taking care of our planet. Quite often it’s the small lifestyle changes we make together that can make the biggest difference. Looking for sustainable materials like bamboo as alternatives for many of our favourite products not only provides an abundance of health benefits, it is a great way to protect the resources of the world and keep the environment clean and beautiful.

What are the different types of mattress toppers?

Just like us, mattress toppers come in all different styles and sizes. Before you choose, have a good idea of what would make your sleep more comfortable. The four main types of toppers are:

Memory FoamA memory foam mattress is best for those looking to relieve back pain and crave more support. They are designed to respond to your sleeping position to keep you in proper alignment and add a layer of comfort to your mattress. Choosing natural materials like bamboo provides the added benefit of thermoregulation, this is great to combat the heat retention of memory foam which can lead to those restless nights.

Feather and downFor those who like bedtime soft, feather and down provides a fluffy, cushiony comfort and also does not retain as much heat as memory foam. These are not the most ethical choice and can lack in providing orthopaedic support that can keep you in proper alignment.

MicrofibreMicrofibre is often the cheapest option, these can lack in breathability and tend to have the shortest lifespan. This makes them not very eco-friendly as they will have to be replaced sooner, ending in landfill which contributes to climate change.

LatexLatex toppers can be very firm and are one of the most expensive choices. They can be very durable and adapt to your sleeping position, though their elasticity can make them bounce back very quickly.

Frequently asked questions about mattress toppers

If you are considering a mattress topper, you likely still have a few questions to help you make up your mind. Here are some of what many sleepers ask us before making the upgrade:

Does a mattress topper really help your sleep?

A mattress topper can transform your sleep by adding another layer of indulgent comfort and support. A mattress topper is a perfect way to enhance the comfort of your mattress if you are not ready to change it and want to make bedtime that bit more luxurious.

How does it feel to sleep on a mattress topper?

The topper provides a firm memory foam surface to support your whole body. The pressure is more evenly distributed across your body, not just at certain points. The cooling properties of Hydro Foam™ prevent overheating, while the breathable bamboo cover will give a sense of softness and comfort.

How long does a memory foam mattress topper last?

A memory foam mattress topper lasts up to five years and beyond. They are easy to keep clean and are the perfect additional layer of luxury or alternative to replacing your mattress.

What are the benefits of using a mattress topper?

Benefits include increased comfort, improved support, reduced pressure points, better spinal alignment, and prolonging the life of your mattress.

Are mattress toppers suitable for all types of mattresses?

Yes, mattress toppers are designed to fit most mattress sizes and types, including memory foam, latex, innerspring, and more.

How do I choose the right mattress topper for my needs?

Consider factors like your preferred sleeping position, any specific comfort or support needs, and whether you sleep hot or cold.

More questions?

Rather talk to a real person? Our customer support team know their toppers, they are available seven days a week and would love to hear from you. You can speak to them via online chat or find their contact details here.

Sweet Dreams

The post Will you Sleep Better With a Mattress Topper? first appeared on Panda.
