sleep products | Panda Feel right at home Wed, 17 Jan 2024 16:28:42 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 sleep products | Panda 32 32 What are the Best Natural Sleep Aids for Adults? Fri, 26 May 2023 08:50:18 +0000

Sleep is vital for maintaining good physical and mental health – getting just an extra 60 minutes of sleep per night will make you feel so much better in yourself. So when you’re struggling to sleep, it can feel frustrating. It definitely has an impact on your mood, memory and day-to-day abilities! Reaching for prescription sleeping tablets can be tempting, but these often come with negative side effects: natural sleep aids are a fantastic alternative, helping you sleep more soundly without any damage to your body.

How important is sleep?

Your body needs sleep for many reasons – resting gives you a chance to heal aches and pains, and sufficient sleep helps prevent health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. If you get a good night’s sleep, you’ll see an improvement in your mood; not only that, but you’ll notice an improvement in your cognitive function. Your memory and recall will improve, and you’ll function better at work.

On the other hand, sleep deprivation is terrible for our health. A lack of sleep can lead to health conditions, such as those above, alongside kidney disease and obesity. You won’t be able to function as well as you could, meaning there is an increased risk of accidents, and you’ll perform poorly in daily tasks. Mood swings and depression are common in people who struggle to sleep, and your immune system is naturally lower when you’re not getting enough rest. As you can see, sleep is incredibly important!

What are the most common sleep problems?

There are many problems which come alongside trying to sleep. For example, being too hot or cold at night can put the brakes on a good night’s slumber – as can sharing a bed with somebody who snores! Restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea are examples of diagnosable medical issues which prevent you from drifting off, along with narcolepsy, bruxism (grinding your teeth), and of course, insomnia. These are some of the most common sleep problems plaguing the population and keeping us up at night – insomnia being the most common. It is thought to affect 1 in 3 people in the UK alone!

What are the most common causes of insomnia?

The chronic inability to sleep is known as insomnia; about 10% of the global population suffers from medically diagnosed insomnia. Experts aren’t sure exactly what causes the problem, but there are some common causes to consider…


Insomnia can be a genetic issue; these sleep problems are known to run in families. Your genes affect how much sleep you need to function well, so it isn’t too surprising that insomnia can be a hereditary issue!

Life circumstances

If you’re feeling particularly stressed or anxious, say if you’re moving house or worrying about a new job, you might struggle to sleep. This temporary insomnia can be incredibly annoying, and the frustration it causes can hinder your sleep efforts further. It becomes a vicious circle that is difficult to get out of.

Mental health conditions

Around half of the people who suffer from long-term insomnia are also diagnosed with at least one mental health condition, typically clinical anxiety or depression. These mental illnesses can take a toll on the brain, which is due to the excessive production of various hormones. Too much of these hormones can stop you from sleeping.

Physical health conditions

There are certain physical health conditions which can stop you sleeping; acid reflux, for example, can keep you awake in pain and discomfort for hours. Injuries like a sprained example or broken arm can prevent sleep too, because they make it so difficult to get comfortable in bed.

Lifestyle factors

Your lifestyle can also stop you from being able to drift off. Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption will keep you awake for hours – and a lack of exercise will also make it harder to sleep.

What are the best natural sleep aids?

There are definitely some ways in which you can improve your chances of a good night’s sleep without resorting to the use of prescription sleep aids. With plenty of natural options available, you should be sleeping soundly in no time. Some of the best natural sleep aids include:

  • Lavender (scented candles lit for a while before sleeping, oils in a diffuser, or a scented pillow spray for example)

  • Valerian root (available to make as tea to drink before bed)

  • CBD (to be taken in gummy form or as an oil which you can drop underneath your tongue)

  • Melatonin (available in gummy or capsule form, as well as present naturally in the body – foods like chicken, turkey, and pumpkin seeds will enhance production)

All of these natural sleep aids are available to purchase in supermarkets and health food stores. They are much better for you than prescription drugs, with fewer side effects.

Some other natural sleep aids come from switching up your bed and bedding. Making your bed more comfortable will help you fall asleep quickly (and stay asleep!) at night. Adding a bamboo mattress topper to your bed, for example, is more affordable than buying a new mattress, but it truly increases comfort levels. By helping to align your body and support you as you drift off, you’ll notice a difference. Picking up some breathable bamboo bedding, which is softer than silk and just as luxurious as cashmere, will also help you maintain the perfect comfort levels all night long!

Sleepy Girl Mocktail: A Trendy Natural Sleep Aid

In the realm of home remedies and wellness trends, the Sleepy Girl Mocktail has emerged as a popular choice for those seeking a natural aid to enhance sleep quality. This non-alcoholic beverage, which combines 1/2 cup of tart cherry juice with a tablespoon of magnesium powder, topped off with a fizzy drink like sparkling water, has been lauded for its potential sleep-inducing properties. The key to its appeal lies in its primary ingredients: tart cherry juice and magnesium. Tart cherry juice is a natural source of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycles, while magnesium is renowned for its relaxation benefits, often used to alleviate muscle tension and stress.

When these elements are combined in the Sleepy Girl Mocktail, they create a drink that not only promises to soothe the body into a restful state but also offers a refreshing taste, especially when enhanced with optional additions like elderberry syrup, ginger-lime soda, or ice cubes infused with lemon and berries. Despite its growing popularity, it’s crucial to approach this bedtime concoction with a balanced perspective. While each ingredient individually supports sleep, the overall effectiveness of the Sleepy Girl Mocktail in improving sleep has yet to be validated by clinical studies.

Moreover, those considering this mocktail should be mindful of dietary restrictions and potential health implications, particularly when introducing supplements like magnesium powder into their diet

Bamboo Mattress Topper - Elastic Straps Shown On Bed

How can changing your lifestyle lead to better sleep?

There are many lifestyle improvements you can make to encourage a better night’s sleep. For the most part, they’re pretty simple too. Reducing alcohol and caffeine is a great way to feel healthier in general – and it can also help you sleep more soundly. Eating better and exercising more will help, too, as will getting into a good bedtime routine. Doing the same thing each night before you get in bed will show your brain that it’s time to drift off!

And finally, having less screen time in the evening is key. Tablets, phones, laptops and TVs emit a harsh light that can cause disruptions in the melatonin surge needed to help you sleep. Turning them off around 2 hours before you go to bed is easier said than done for many of us, but it really will help. Instead, read a book or play a board game.

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important to protect your mental and physical health – and with the natural sleep aids and lifestyle changes suggested in this article, you’re definitely on the way to sleeping much better. Sleep hygiene is crucial too! Hopefully, with all of this advice, you’ll be drifting off before you know it…


What are natural sleep aids?

Natural sleep aids are substances or techniques that promote better sleep without prescription medications or artificial substances. These aids include herbal supplements, relaxation techniques, lifestyle changes, and sleep hygiene practices.

Are natural sleep aids safe to use?

Natural sleep aids can be generally safe when used as directed. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new sleep aid, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. This will help ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of adverse effects.

What are some popular natural sleep aids?

Some popular natural sleep aids include melatonin, valerian root, chamomile tea, lavender essential oil, magnesium, and relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises. Each person may respond differently to various sleep aids, so it’s important to find what works best for you.

How do natural sleep aids work?

Natural sleep aids work through various mechanisms. For example, melatonin supplements help regulate the sleep-wake cycle, valerian root is a mild sedative, and chamomile tea has calming properties. These aids may promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance sleep quality.

Explore our range:

The post What are the Best Natural Sleep Aids for Adults? first appeared on Panda.

All you Need to Know About Bamboo Pillow Cases Tue, 02 May 2023 14:23:39 +0000

Bamboo pillow cases, expertly made from fabric created from this incredible wonder plant, are an amazing way to bring a hint of sustainable luxury into your bedroom. Kind to the skin and made without harming the environment, bamboo pillow cases can help you sleep better and wake up feeling fresher.

Understanding bamboo pillow cases

Bamboo pillow cases are made from sustainable and super soft bamboo fabric, which is spun from sheets of dried bamboo pulp created from chopped-up bamboo stalks. Some are combined with other materials like French Linen, giving them a slightly different texture but with all the positives of bamboo!

white bedding set

This amazing plant grows rapidly without the use of chemicals and pesticides, and without the need for too much water, making it an environmental dream. Even when it’s cut down in order to be used for fabric or construction purposes, bamboo regenerates rapidly. The growth and cultivation process of the plant provides career opportunities for those in rural communities, making it a great option when choosing a material for your home.

Is a bamboo pillow case different from a regular one? Yes, in that they feel much more luxurious and have many more benefits – which you’ll read about below. Bamboo is much easier (and more eco-friendly) to grow than cotton, for example, and your pillow case will get softer the more you wash it. This makes it a long-lasting option, so you won’t need to replace your bedding as often; this prevents pillows cases ending up in landfill!

What are the benefits of bamboo pillow cases?

There are plenty of environmental benefits to bamboo pillow cases, as outlined above, but it doesn’t stop there. The bamboo fabric itself is hypoallergenic, making it perfect for people with sensitive skin or allergies; you can sleep soundly knowing you and your family can lie your head on a pillow which won’t cause irritation as you snooze. On top of this, bamboo pillow cases are antimicrobial and odour-resistant, meaning a fresher and cleaner sleep!

One thing which prevents us from getting a good night’s sleep is when the temperature isn’t quite right; on hot and sticky nights you might wake up in a flush with a normal pillow case. But a bamboo pillow cover has both temperature-regulating and moisture-wicking properties. Keeping you cool at night time and not allowing any dampness to settle on the surface, these remarkable bedroom products will definitely help you sleep better for longer.

Bamboo is softer than silk and just as sumptuous as cashmere, but this doesn’t stop it from being incredibly durable. Because the plant itself as a raw material is so strong, it’s no surprise that bamboo fabric is so sturdy and substantial. This makes it even better for the planet – and your pocket – as your pillow cases won’t need replacing so often.

Panda London Bamboo & Linen Pillowcases In Coconut White

How do you care for a bamboo pillow case?

When it comes to buying products for your home, you want to look after them as best as possible so you can really get the best out of them. This means it is really important to follow any care instructions that come alongside your bamboo pillow case: they’re generally super easy! Wash at a low temperature, preferably with natural and eco-friendly detergents and never bleach. Drying on the line is ideal; you’ll get that lovely fresh air smell flowing through the pillow case, and it’s easier on the environment than using a tumble dryer or putting the heating on.

Bamboo French Linen - Himalayan Pink - horizontal

There are, of course, some things *not* to do. Alongside avoiding bleach, don’t use fabric softener either. Not only are bamboo ones soft enough on their own, but the chemicals in a fabric softener can really damage those delicate fibres. You should also avoid washing any of your sustainable bamboo bedding with clothes or other items made of different materials – any fabrics that shed lint could damage bamboo fabric, as could zips and plastic buttons.

How do you choose the right bamboo pillow case?

When you’re looking to buy a bamboo pillow case for yourself, there are a few things to consider from your ideal price point to the range of colours available from a particular brand. Fabric type is important, too – do you want 100% bamboo, or a linen, viscose or rayon mix? While all bamboo fabrics are similar in that they are soft and durable and have all those other health and body-related brilliant properties, there are subtle differences that might make you choose one over another. For example, rayon is made from cellulose while bamboo viscose is created from pulp. Shopping in-store is the best way to know which bamboo fabric suits you best, as you can really get a feel for each type.

There are other ways to help you choose the right bamboo pillow case for you, including reading reviews from existing customers who are already loving their purchase… Some examples of the fantastic things people have to say about their pillow cases include raving about the softness, sharing an improvement in their eczema symptoms, and commenting on how they are better valued for money than silk alternatives! 

A final note

Bamboo pillow cases are an ideal choice thanks to their kind-to-skin properties: helping to regulate your temperature, repelling germs and dust, and so on. The environmental benefits are also amazing, too – no nasty side effects to the planet, completely non-toxic, helping to provide jobs in rural areas. There are so many reasons to choose bamboo for your new pillow cases, not least because you’ll get the best night’s sleep every night. If you want to improve the way you snooze, then why not try bamboo and see how lush it feels?

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting as much information as possible is key to making the right purchase – this is true of any bedroom products including sustainable and breathable bamboo pillow cases. Here are some frequently asked questions – with answers to put your mind at ease.

How often should you wash a bamboo pillow case?

You should wash your bamboo pillowcases approximately every ten days, but every fortnight is fine too.

Can you tumble dry bamboo pillow cases?

It’s best to air dry your pillowcases, but if you need to use a tumble dryer, choose a low temperature.

Are bamboo pillow cases good for sensitive skin?

Yes, thanks to their hypoallergenic and antimicrobial nature, they are great for those with sensitive skin.

Are bamboo pillowcases eco-friendly?

Bamboo is a sustainable and renewable resource, making bamboo pillowcases an eco-friendly choice. Look for certifications like OEKO-TEX or USDA Organic for added assurance.

Do bamboo pillowcases wrinkle easily?

Bamboo pillowcases are less prone to wrinkles compared to some other fabrics. However, a quick ironing on low heat can help if they do wrinkle.

Some more reading

If you want to know even more about bamboo bedroom products, here are a few things you might find interesting!

Explore our range:

The post All you Need to Know About Bamboo Pillow Cases first appeared on Panda.

Why are Bamboo Sleep Products Great for Kids? Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:41:23 +0000

As parents, ensuring babies and toddlers’ healthy growth and development is a top priority. Choosing gentle, breathable fabrics for their skin is one of the best things you can do to protect against allergies and irritation, especially at bedtime. Read on to discover why bamboo makes a great choice to keep them cosy and sleeping comfortably.

What is bamboo?

Mums and Dads deserve a medal. Keeping little ones protected from the tops of their tiny heads to cute little toes is exhausting. The good news is bamboo sleep products can help. New to bamboo? The wonder plant grows in tropical forests, predominantly in South East Asia relying on little more than sunshine and water to grow. The versatile plant is being used to produce many of the products we use in our homes and has been hailed as the trending fabric of the 21st Century. And it’s no wonder. It hosts many amazing benefits, some of which make it perfect for creating snuggly, soft and skin-friendly sleep products for kids.

Why should children sleep on bamboo?

When it comes to bedtime, keeping children’s skin comfortable will help them drift off sooner and prevent waking in the night. Here are some common questions parents have about why children should sleep on bamboo.

Is bamboo hypoallergenic?

Children’s skin can be very delicate, when it comes to their bedding, duvet, and clothes you want to make sure they are made from a fabric that will be kind and gentle. Bamboo is naturally hypoallergenic which plays a vital role in keeping sensitive kids’ skin healthy and comfortable. Irritation can keep them up at night and prevent them from going to sleep, the natural fabric will soothe skin so they drift off wrapped in comfort.

Does bamboo keep kids cool at night?

Another reason parents love this bedding is the fabric is naturally thermoregulating. It will keep kids cool in the hot summer nights and cosy in the winter, reacting intuitively to their body temperature so they stay at ‘just right’ degrees. Overheating can cause a lot of tears and tantrums, leading to not-so-bright mornings. The fabric is beautifully breathable keeping them sleeping soundly all night through.

Are bamboo products non-toxic and safe?

As the plant relies on little more than sunshine and water to grow, the fabric produced is free from nasty pesticides. Provided the production process is chemical-free, the resulting fabric is non-toxic, safe and organic. Look for brands that are OEKO-TEX 100 certified for reassurance they are premium quality, as natural as possible, and eco-friendly. Our production process is eco-friendly from forest to the front door and our award-winning products are certified to the highest standards. We pride ourselves on our commitment to your comfort, well-being, and taking care of the planet.

Child Smiling Wearing Panda London 100% Bamboo Hooded Towel In White

Does bamboo absorb heat?

The soft, smooth fabric is naturally moisture-wicking, it wicks away heat and moisture to keep children’s skin cool and comfortable. The fabric is also antibacterial and odour-resistant keeping bedtime ultra-fresh. This helps keep little one’s skin healthy, fending off any bacteria and smells that can lead to irritation. They will be comfy and snug from the bedtime story till morning.

What sleep products are made from bamboo?

You can find an abundance of bamboo sleep products to keep your kids all wrapped up and resting in natural comfort. From supportive, breathable pillows to the cosiest duvets.

Here are some of parents’ top picks.

Kids’ Memory Foam Pillows

Bamboo kid’s pillows are a bedtime favourite for many reasons. Not only does third-generation memory foam keep little spines and necks in perfect alignment, but the breathable cover also prevents overheating. It is removable, washable, and gently protects against irritation for healthy, refreshing sleep.

Kids Duvets

A kid’s bamboo duvet is the perfect way to keep children wrapped up and cosy all year round. The thermoregulating fabric can be used for the filling and the cover, feeling light-as-air and soft and fluffy as a cloud for the dreamiest sleep.


Choosing bamboo bedding for kids is ideal for their skin. The breathable sheets will feel soft and smooth while keeping them cool and comfortable throughout the night. There will be no need to change their bedding in spring, summer, autumn or winter. Bamboo bedding is naturally thermoregulating, no matter the season, they will be sleeping soundly and ready for happy mornings.

Baby Muslins

Baby muslins are every parent’s best friend, the larger swaddles make the perfect comforters and blankets to keep them wrapped up and snug at bedtime. The fabric is anti-bacterial, super absorbent, and easy to wash (even getting softer with every wash Opting for an eco-friendly detergent and drying naturally is the best way to take care of your muslins and the planet.

Final Thoughts

You can rest assured, Panda’s kids sleep products will keep bedtime healthy and comfy which can help them settle into a more consistent sleeping pattern. Hoorah!

Good sleep is magic for little ones and parents. However, one of the biggest challenges for new mums and dads is keeping them sleeping throughout the night. Looking for ways to optimise their rest with safe products that are skin-friendly can help. The challenge of getting children into a consistent sleeping routine can take its toll. Over time broken sleep can cause stress and even impact your immune system. Go easy on yourself and try and take naps when you can to stay energised.

With a good night’s kip you and your little cuties will be ready for more fun and cuddles.

Sweet Dreams

The post Why are Bamboo Sleep Products Great for Kids? first appeared on Panda.
