Environment | Panda https://pandalondon.com Feel right at home Thu, 17 Aug 2023 13:58:44 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://pandalondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/cropped-Panda-Icon-Logo-01-32x32.png Environment | Panda https://pandalondon.com 32 32 How can Bamboo Products Help Reduce Landfill? https://pandalondon.com/how-can-bamboo-products-help-reduce-landfill/ Thu, 26 Jan 2023 15:29:29 +0000 https://pandalondon.com/?p=189012

‘The planet is our greatest gift; let’s unite to do all we can to protect it’

Reducing landfills is one of our biggest environmental challenges, with around 14 million tonnes of UK waste being sent to landfill sites annually. Contributing to that figure is 7 million mattresses, with one in four people disposing of their mattress after only four years. There are efforts we can take to get this number down and create a more sustainable world. Let’s look at the part bamboo products can play in this and how we can work together to protect our planet.

What is a landfill?

A landfill can go under many other names, from a rubbish dump to a dumping ground. Which, effectively, is what it is. An area of land that is used to dump or bury rubbish. If you have wondered where your household trash goes after throwing it away, much of it will go to a landfill. Although many modern landfill sites are designed to prevent the transmission of toxic gases as the waste decomposes, leaks do happen. Methane is a poisonous greenhouse gas that can harm the environment and human health. Methane is a prime contributor to ozone formation, which can cause respiratory problems and even death. This can expose surrounding neighbourhoods of toxic landfills to such health risks. The good news is there are ways we can make waste disposal more environmentally friendly and reduce the effects of landfills. Choosing to recycle, switching to businesses with a sustainable production process, and using biodegradable products like bamboo can make a big difference.

How does bamboo help the environment?

Let’s take a look at what makes bamboo products a better choice for the environment.

  • Bamboo is a renewable resource
    Growing up to 4 feet a day and relying on little more than sunshine and water, bamboo is one of the world’s most renewable resources. It can be harvested sustainably every 3- 5 years, reducing the 1 million acres of forests lost weekly to deforestation.


  • Bamboo is biodegradable
    Bamboo can decompose within 2-6 months, depending on the product and production process. The plant breaks down easily and quickly, returning to nature and reducing its impact on landfills and our environment.


  • Bamboo is incredibly versatile
    From the softest bedding, and luxury handbags to bicycles bamboo fibres are incredibly versatile. This has inspired many leading brands to utilise the resource to replace less environmentally friendly materials such as plastic. Choosing bamboo products and natural materials is an easy way to help protect the planet and live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

bamboo panda towels in a bathroom
  • Bamboo is ultra-durable
    Reducing waste at source is one of the number one ways we can lower our carbon footprint. Bamboo fibres and the products they make are ultra-durable. You will not have to dispose of and replace them as often as less natural alternatives. By choosing to recycle, you can ensure that your items do not end up in landfill and help create a greener world.


  • Bamboo absorbs greenhouse gases
    The toxic greenhouse gases caused by landfill sites have a devastating impact on global warming. Bamboo is a planet hero; the natural material absorbs enormous amounts of greenhouse gases improving the air quality of our environment. Bamboo rapidly absorbs carbon dioxide. Removing excess amounts of this gas is a crucial way to fight climate change.

memory foam bamboo pillow foam test

What are the advantages of using Bamboo Products?

With climate change pressing on all of our hearts, it can be a challenge to know how to help. While this can be overwhelming, remember small choices make a big difference. Choosing bamboo products at home is a wonderful place to start, and they come with an abundance of benefits for both you and the environment.

  • Designed to last
    The durable fibres of the plant create exceptional products you can rely on to last. This helps reduce the disposal and replacement of items, which can contribute to landfills.


  • Chemical-free
    Bamboo products are organic, vegan and chemical-free, retaining many natural properties. When choosing brands, ensure they are certified with OTEX 100 and that their production process is transparent and eco-friendly.


  • Improve air quality
    They can improve the air quality of your home and our environment. Bamboo is moisture-wicking, preventing the build-up of sweat and bacteria (making it an especially good choice for bedtime).


  • Environmentally friendly
    The world’s natural resources are depleting at a rapid rate. The more we can rely on renewable resources will help reduce this figure. Bamboo products are one of the most environmentally friendly choices you can make. The lifecycle of bamboo products has minimum impact on our planet from forest to decomposition.


  • Natural benefits
    The Bamboo fabric used to make our soft, smooth bedding, fluffy duvets and breathable mattresses retains many natural benefits. The material is hypoallergenic and ideal for those with sensitive skin and allergies. The breathable fibres are thermoregulating, regulating body temperature, making them perfect for every season. This means cosy winters and cool summer nights without replacing your bedding.

Ways to incorporate bamboo products into daily life

While climate change will not go away overnight, there are ways we can make a difference. From choosing natural materials, shopping with sustainable businesses and making it a priority to recycle, a healthier environment is within reach. Incorporating bamboo products into your lifestyle is easy with a little awareness.

Start with making a list of all the products that can be replaced with bamboo alternatives. Bamboo can be used for many of your most loved lifestyle items from pj’s, and pillows to your toothbrush. When they need replacing, you can slowly introduce more of the natural fabric into your home, improving your health, lowering your carbon footprint and helping to protect the environment.

Creating a better world

Reducing landfill is one step towards creating a better world, a challenge we continue to take on together… One small choice at a time.

The post How can Bamboo Products Help Reduce Landfill? first appeared on Panda.

5 Easy Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Home https://pandalondon.com/eco-friendly-home/ Thu, 02 Sep 2021 12:41:12 +0000 https://pandalondon.com/?p=82837

Make these easy-peasy eco-friendly changes at home and become a planet hero. 

P.S-You will love number three

Do you want to be a planet hero? Great!

Protecting the planet has never been more important. Human consumption of the world’s natural resources has tripled in the last forty years. This is having a severe impact on human health and quality of life. Making simple lifestyle changes can profoundly affect preserving the environment and creating a better world for future generations. The good news is becoming more eco-friendly at home is the best place to start. This was the inspiration behind our award-winning eco-friendly home-ware brand. Yep, by choosing our organic, luxury bedding, you can give yourself a planet-friendly high five! The good news is luxury homeware need not cost the earth. You can make plenty of simple, environmentally friendly switches at home. From eco-duvets to bamboo bath towels and beyond! Here are some easy ways to become the proud hero of an eco-friendly home.

1. Snuggle into sustainable bedding (after a heroic bath)

Did you know many fabrics used to make bedding sets can emit pollutants into the environment? The good news is choosing eco-friendly alternatives is easy. All of our organic bedding is made from 100% bamboo. Nature’s wonder plant! Snuggling into sustainable bedding is a dreamy way to become more eco-friendly at home. Be a hero and tuck into natural softness with our organic bed sheets for the sleep of your dreams. Bamboo offers natural luxury, which is kinder to the planet. Go on…enjoy a lay-in with our oh-so-fluffy eco-friendly cloud duvet.

Before you hunker down for the night, why not unwind in an indulgent bath? Just wrap yourself in our heavenly, soft, natural bath towels to dry off. Bamboo towels are a planet AND skin-friendly way to end bath time. Bamboo has super hypoallergenic qualities. Do you have sensitive skin? Meet your new best friend. The bathroom offers many ways to become more eco-friendly. From using less water to choosing our fluffy bamboo bath towels. These small changes can make a big difference to our environment. So go ahead, sink into those bubbles, and bath like a hero!

A panda, helping heroes get their rest is just what we do!

2. Eat more organic yummy plants

Did you know making simple switches to what you put on your plate can do wonders for the health of the planet and your own? Replacing meat and dairy with organic fresh vegetables and plant-based alternatives can help reduce harmful greenhouse emissions. Organic farming practices not only make your food taste fresh and wonderful. They reduce pollution and save energy! Meat and dairy products use up large quantities of water, depleting the planet of this vital resource. By filling up on delicious, organic fruit and veg you are doing the environment and your body a lot of good. Time to get down to your local farmer’s markets! Research suggests plant-based diets reduce many chronic conditions, from diabetes to heart disease.

Doctor’s orders…get creative with yummy plant-based recipes at home for a healthy hero glow!

bed in forest

3. Purify your rooms…naturally

Can you ever have enough houseplants? No heroes, you can’t. Bringing plants home is a natural way to enhance the planet’s and your home’s well-being. Beyond making rooms look fabulous, plants work hard, converting carbon dioxide that we exhale into fresh oxygen and can remove toxins from the air we breathe. Take the Aloe vera plant; those luscious green leaves are not only for healing sunburn. They are also known for being natural air-purifying superstars. Look after them with plenty of sunlight and water; they will look after you right back. They remove formaldehyde from your air, creating happier homes and a happier planet. We have all heard of the sleep-inducing facts of lavender, so why not add a pot of calm to your bedroom and let nature work its wonder? Slip on one of our eco-friendly bamboo eye masks and nod off naturally.

As an ethical home-ware brand, we think plants are planet heroes and best friends!

4. Choose eco-friendly home brands that recycle

The more we recycle, the less we take from our beautiful earth. Choosing ethical homeware that can be reused is a simple way to protect the world’s natural resources. How does Panda help? Not only do our natural bamboo bedding and homeware arrive in recycled packaging, but we also go that bit extra. We collect your products when you are ready to replace them (Circle of Life Initiative)! This means your luxurious pillows and mattress toppers can go on to be reused, another reason to shop in luxury guilt-free. Making conscious decisions about the brands you shop with is an easy way to make the planet smile.
Good work, heroes!

bamboo forest eco friendly

5. Why use bamboo? Learn more about nature’s wonder plant

You might have guessed we think nature’s wonder plant is pretty special. With good reason. This magical resource is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world, a natural gift that keeps on giving. Bamboo requires no chemicals to grow and very little water, making it an eco-friendly superstar! What’s more, it is hypoallergenic, making it perfect for sensitive skin while providing unparalleled comfort. We use this magical resource to make our award-winning luxury bedding and home essentials. From silky bamboo bed sheets to organic eye masks. Bamboo is fast becoming the go-to product for planet heroes.

Looking after our wonderful world is something we can all play a part in and Panda is leading the way! We couldn’t do it without the heroes that help us. Making eco-friendly choices when it comes to our lifestyles need not be overwhelming. Put some of our tips to use at home, and make the planet smile.

The post 5 Easy Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Home first appeared on Panda.

Make Your Garden Wildlife Friendly! https://pandalondon.com/wildlife-friendly-garden/ Wed, 05 Jul 2017 10:55:42 +0000 https://pandalondon.com/?p=2460

Making your garden wildlife-friendly can be a great way to make your flowers grow. The grass can be greener and the garden a more welcoming spot overall. No matter the size of your garden, balcony or local greenhouse allotment, you can make your outdoor space welcoming to all kinds of wildlife.

This entails making your garden healthier and plants growing faster.

Adding a bird bath feature is one of the simplest ways to encourage creatures to visit your garden, which will help aerate the surrounding soil. Bird baths are known to attract birds that will eat bugs, thus helping with garden pest control.
They can also attract wasps, which are key predators of pests (such as cabbage worms) that love to eat your garden crops.

Including a variety of different plants in your garden, including trees, shrubs and flower-rich borders can create a range of places that will encourage small insects to congregate. They will have everything from damp soil, shady retreats and accessible hotspots, allowing them to get some sun.

If you have a lawn in your garden, try to let some of it grow longer (be creative with it!). You could leave patches of grass around bushes and flowers to grow longer. Alternatively, using a lawnmower, you could create a footpath in the taller grass (kids love it).

Much like the Bird Bath feature, bird feeders will encourage both birds and squirrels into your garden. Bird feeders help birds to survive, especially during the summer and winter seasons, when food and water can be harder to find.

Bird feeders also support birds, to compensate for habitat loss in the local area. If you have any trees in your garden, you may even have a few birds creating their nests!

Help birds compensate for habitat loss and climate change.
Bird feeders are particularly valuable in urban areas. Most research shows that well-fed birds are able to build better nests, lay stronger eggs, and raise healthier babies.

Although this may not be for everyone, adding some form of water feature opens up an entirely new world of possibilities, whether you’re looking to have a fish pond feature or a water source feature.

When thinking about integrating a man-made fish pond into your garden, it may seem like a lot of effort. However, once you do your research, they surprisingly do not require much maintenance and look great all year round.

Side note: When conducting water changes, don’t throw away the “dirty” pond water. This contains a lot of nutrients much like manure, recycle it! Use it in your landscape beds, you’ll see breathtaking results.

If you’re going for a water feature, you may find that wildlife creatures such as wild birds and foxes may drink from it when passing by. Over time, you may notice more snails around your garden which are great for the soil and your grass. It is possible that you might even have a few frogs in and around the area. Although the amphibians spend the majority of their time on land, during the spring they migrate to water when breeding.

A small amount of compost and log piles will encourage amphibians into your garden if accessible.

Being mindful of the type of products you’re using on your plants to help them grow and the chemicals used when cleaning in and around your garden is vital to having a wildlife-friendly garden. Any type of product which disturbs the links in the food chain will have a negative effect on your garden, for both the creatures and your plants. Ideally, try to stay away from chemicals such as herbicides and insecticides.

If you’re worried about your garden becoming too wild, don’t worry! Having a wildlife-friendly garden doesn’t mean your garden has to look like an untended forest. Simply allocating specific space for taller grass and plants is plenty if you’re just starting out.

Being mindful of the products you’re using in your garden and then the way in which you tend to it can make a huge difference.

If you decide to make your garden more wildlife friendly, we’d love to hear from you!

The post Make Your Garden Wildlife Friendly! first appeared on Panda.

10 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Pandas! https://pandalondon.com/10-panda-facts/ Wed, 12 Apr 2017 14:50:27 +0000 http://pandalondon.com/?p=1039

Pandas are amazing and very interesting creatures! Unlike many animals, the Giant Panda has lived in the forest for several million years. They are highly specialised creatures with unique adaptations.

Here are the top panda facts you didn’t know about!


1. Pandas have an extra digit on their paws


Pandas have six digits on each paw! The extra digit is the opposable “thumb” which is actually a modified wrist bone on the front paws called the “sesamoid bone”. This “thumb” helps Pandas to grasp and tear the bamboo. They can peel a bamboo shoot in around 40 seconds. Their gut and throat are covered with thick mucus to protect against splinters.

2. Were pandas once white all over?


According to a Chinese legend, the panda was once an all-white bear. When a small girl tried to save a panda cub from being attacked by a leopard, the leopard killed the girl instead. Pandas came to her funeral wearing armbands of black ashes. As they wiped their eyes, hugged each other, and covered their ears, they smudged the black ashes over their bodies; this is how they got their black patches.

3. Female pandas are only fertile for three days a year!


One of the reasons it’s so hard for pandas to breed is that there is such a short timeframe for the females to become pregnant. The female ovulates once a year and has 2-3 days for that egg to be fertilized, or they must wait another year until they can try again! Another reason it’s so hard to get pandas to breed is that they are lazy bears. A panda’s entire mating process takes only about two or three days. Once they have mated, females chase the males out of their territory and raise their cubs on their own.

4. Panda cubs don’t stay with their mothers for long


When panda cubs are born, they are the size of a stick of butter. A cub has pink skin, a thin coat of white fur, a long tail, and no teeth. By the end of the first month, the baby panda has all of its spots. A panda cub is almost two months old before it is the size of an average human newborn baby. The cub stays with its mother for up to 3 years until it is independent enough to venture out on its own, which means that a wild panda may raise only three or four cubs in a lifetime.

5. Pandas eat bamboo, but their digestive systems are designed for meat!


Although they are best known for their diet of bamboo, pandas are actually omnivores and will eat meat if they can find it. A wild panda’s diet is 99% Bamboo, and the other 1% is a mixture of grasses and the occasional small rodent. Pandas have a digestive system that is adapted to digest bamboo. They have a special bacteria in their gut that helps break down the tough cellulose in bamboo. Pandas absorb only 20%-30 % of bamboo nutrients. Other plant-eaters, such as deer, absorb around 80%. This means the panda has to eat most of the time it is awake to get enough nutrients to survive. In zoos, pandas eat bamboo, sugar cane, rice gruel, a special high-fibre biscuit, carrots, apples and sweet potatoes.

6. Pandas get most of their water from bamboo


Wild pandas get most of the water they need from bamboo and grasses (New bamboo shoots are about 90% water). But pandas need more water than what bamboo can provide on its own. So the pandas drink fresh water from rivers and streams that are fed by melting snowfall on top of the mountains.

7. Pandas spend about ⅔  of their day eating


There are around 20 different species of bamboo that pandas will eat. However, bamboo doesn’t contain enough nutrients, so the pandas have to consume up to 20kg daily. Due to this, Pandas spend around ⅔ of their day eating.

8. Pandas have extremely strong jaws


A panda’s face gets its shape from its massive cheek muscles. In fact, a giant panda’s jaw and cheek muscles are more powerful than you would expect. Believe it or not, a panda could easily chew an aluminium dish into tiny pieces. They can also easily bite through a thick bamboo stalk. We have trouble cutting the same stalks with axes!

9. Pandas are an endangered species


Due to habitat loss and poaching, pandas are considered an endangered species. The current wild panda population is estimated to be around 1,800 individuals.

10. Pandas are often used as symbols of conservation


Pandas are one of the most recognizable symbols of conservation efforts worldwide. They are often used in advertising and other materials to promote conservation and environmental protection.

How many of these panda facts you didn’t know? Did you learn anything new? Let us know on Twitter @PandaLife_UK

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How many species of pandas are there?

There are two species of pandas: the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and the red panda (Ailurus fulgens). While they share similar names, they are not closely related.

Where do giant pandas live in the wild?

Giant pandas are native to the mountainous regions of central China, primarily in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. They inhabit dense bamboo forests at high elevations.

Are pandas carnivores or herbivores?

Pandas are primarily herbivores. Their diet consists almost entirely of bamboo, although they have the digestive system of a carnivore.

How much bamboo does a panda eat in a day?

Pandas can eat up to 40 pounds (18 kilograms) of bamboo daily. They spend a significant portion of their day foraging and eating to meet their dietary needs.

How long do pandas live in the wild?

In the wild, pandas have an average lifespan of around 20 years. However, with proper care and protection, pandas in captivity can live well into their 30s or even early 40s.

How do pandas communicate with each other?

Pandas communicate through various vocalizations, including bleats, honks, and growls. They also use scent marking and body language to convey messages to other pandas.

The post 10 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Pandas! first appeared on Panda.

The Best Habits to Adopt for a Better & Healthier Life https://pandalondon.com/best-habits/ Tue, 28 Feb 2017 11:50:37 +0000 http://pandalondon.com/?p=1876

At the beginning of the year everyone is attempting to quit their old Habits, bellowing out “New Year, New Me” over social media. After doing some research we found that only 4% of people actually stick with their new year’s resolution throughout the entire year and 80% of them give up by March!*

Therefore we thought we would put together a short list of useful tips to help you lead a healthier life. Believe it or not, making small changes to your day-to-day routine can have a massive impact on both your physical and mental wellbeing. Before diving into your resolutions, we wanted to give you a few simple tips to keep you motivated throughout the year.

1. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself unrealistic deadlines. They say to make a habit, you need to do something for at least 4-5 days in a row at roughly the same time.

2. Commit to it, make sure it is something that you really want to do. If you put your mind to it, you can achieve your goals!

3. Don’t put yourself down if you make a mistake. Instead of getting aggravated with yourself, treat it as a lesson. Understand what made you stumble to you can try to avoid doing the same in the future.

4. Reward yourself – each time you reach your milestone, treat yourself whether that’s buying yourself something new or going somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.

Once you’re able to complete the habit without having to think about it, it’s time to move onto establishing your next habit.

Now onto the best habits to adopt!

Drinking more water

The first would have to be drinking more water. This is quite a unique “resolution” as people would typically say “eat healthier”. Although eating healthy is equally important, we believe that if you’re not used to leading a healthier lifestyle, this could be much harder to adopt. Therefore, starting small and drinking at least 9 glasses of water per day is a great start.

Drinking more water has a series of amazing health benefits, to name a few…

      • Relieves Fatigue
      • Improves Mood
      • Treats Headaches and Migraines
      • Helps in Digestion and Constipation
      • Aids Weight Loss
      • Flushes Out Toxins

Having a stable sleeping cycle means the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. Stick to a Routine. The trick to a healthy sleep cycle is to get into a routine. Make Mornings Bright and Keep the Night Dark. Light tells your body’s clock when it’s time to wake up. At night, dim the lights to cue your body that it’s time for sleep. Set your alarm earlier and earlier each day. Just like you gradually scaled back your bedtime, you should do the same with your wake up time.

Being well-rested helps improve your memory and helps you be more creative!

Researchers at Harvard University and Boston College found that people seem to strengthen the emotional components of a memory during sleep, which may help spur the creative process.


Improve your attention span!

A 2009 study in the journal Pediatrics found that children ages seven and eight who got less than about eight hours of sleep a night were more likely to be hyperactive, inattentive, and impulsive.

Eventually you will notice that your natural body clock will start to take control and you’ll start to wake up a few minutes before your alarm clock.

In fact, hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses it to build and repair tissue. You need it to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. It is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein is a “macronutrient,” meaning that the body needs relatively large amounts of it.

Milk is made of two proteins, casein and whey. Whey protein can be separated from the casein in milk or formed as a byproduct of cheese making. Whey protein is considered a complete protein and contains all 9 essential amino acids and is low in lactose content.

Also, cutting out foods which contain high fats and sugars is also great for your overall wellbeing.

This might be an obvious one, but incorporating more vegetables into your meals will also have a series of positive health benefits. If you didn’t know, most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. Vegetables are also an important source of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fibre, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.

And diets which include more potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure.

Working out can be fun, if you know how to do it. If you’re looking for some guidance, visit your local gym, they should offer some type of personal training. Using a personal trainer is great if you’re just starting out and not too sure what exercises are best to achieve the results you desire.

Working out is great for both your physical and mental health, exercise keeps you more focused and is proven to reduce stress. It helps fight anxiety and depression. By working out we do not mean spending 4 hours a night at the gym, we mean going for walks and cycling around the park with friends. Habitual exercise is a great way to ease yourself into moving more, eventually you will feel yourself getting stronger and you will want to push yourself further and further.

Take sometime for yourself, meditation can be performed in many different ways. This is simply down to preference and what works for you.


Mindfulness, originates from the Buddhist tradition. The Buddhist term sati translates to ‘mindfulness’ and breathes life into the practice. Mindfulness is a great way to overcome suffering and understanding. It is all about acknowledging reality of life by simply letting your mind wander, accepting any thoughts that come up, and understanding the present.

The practice is done by sitting with eyes closed, crossed legs, the back straight, and attention placed on breathing in and out. For the period of meditation the individual focuses on his or her breathing, and when wandering thoughts emerge, one returns to focusing on the object of meditation, breathing. Research has found that a regimen of mindfulness can reduce anxiety, depression, and perceived distress.

There are many different ways to meditate, if you’re new to meditation we would highly recommend applications such as Headspace, available on the Apple App Store.

There’s nothing wrong about enjoying your job or earning money. But always keep in mind that you are here to live life not work your life away. Although working is important, it is also essential to take time for yourself and spend time doing the things you love with the people you care about the most. Go on an adventure, travel the world or just take some time off to appreciate the things you love the most.


* Based on a ComRes Poll by Bupa, November 2016.

The post The Best Habits to Adopt for a Better & Healthier Life first appeared on Panda.
