Last updated on August 16th, 2023 at 04:54 pm
On the rollercoaster of change we’ve been riding since 2020, have you found yourself turning to the stars for a sense of direction? You’re not alone! Heaps of astrologers have reported they are busier than ever since the start of the pandemic. In times of uncertainty, there is something reassuring about the mystical. And while a daily scroll of your horoscope can help you make sense of your week, there is more wisdom in the stars. One in three adults do not get enough sleep and whatever your sun sign, astrology provides a gentle nudge in the direction of rest. Whether it’s a few more early nights, wink, wink Leo’s. Or indulging in a bamboo duvet. Sound good Taurus?
Here is a sleep tip for each member of the zodiac.

All rest and no play is no fun, though too much play and no rest is trouble. Not your favourite word, though try and find a balance. Slowing down your mind before bedtime will do wonders for your sleep. Avoid scrolling social media or anything stimulating like caffeine and sugar an hour before you hit the hay. Good sleep will keep that fiery energy burning strong so slip on an eye mask and get your snooze on.

You love a treat don’t you Taurus, so how about indulging in bedtime? Deliciously soft bamboo bedding might be just what you need to drift off into cosy, blissful sleep. And tempting as that glass of wine and decadent cake maybe, switching them for herbal tea will set you up for a good, deep sleep. Dreamy!

It’s good to talk, isn’t it Gemini? Though it’s amazing to sleep! Try to cut down those phone calls and WhatsApp before bed and let your mind get quiet. You are prone to having great ideas in the middle of the night, journaling before bed and leaving your electronics outside the bedroom will help your busy brain switch off and get a good night’s rest.

Ruled by the moon, you Cancer’s love to sleep! Your family and loved ones will notice the difference if you haven’t got your eight hours. However busy your day is, finish it with something good for the soul like a family meal or snuggling on the sofa. Feeling safe and nurtured will have you drifting off before bedtime.

Swap one of those meals out this week for a new pillow! Yes Leo’s, you need a few early nights to keep that roar strong. All that spotlight gets exhausting, proper rest will make sure you wake up recharged and ready to lead the way. Create the perfect comfort zone, shut out the world and relax dear Lion.

Put down the to-do list Virgo, after 7 pm it’s time to do nothing. Try and clear that busy mind before you settle in for sleep, you love a routine so here is one for bedtime! Run yourself a hot bath, wrap up in a fluffy towel and hop on the sofa for a bit of your time. Yes, you deserve it!

Bedtime calls for a bit of pampering for you lovely Libra’s. Relaxing with herbal tea and sweet-scented candles will help ease out of overthinking and into rest and digest. Reading or watching your favourite TV show will allow you to switch off. Pop your PJ’S on, take a break from keeping everyone happy and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Known for your psychic abilities, sleep can be an intense experience for you water signs, Keeping a dream journal will help you keep track of any visions or dreams that could be worth exploring. To make the most of every wink make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and relaxing. Bedtime is calling!

Rest isn’t always your first priority though surviving on short naps will do you no good in the long run, dear sag! Creating a comfortable resting space will help you fire signs to manage those high energy levels. If you struggle to drift off, try placing some amethyst by your bedside table. The calming crystals will help ease you into that much-needed Zzzz.

It’s all go, go, go with you isn’t it Capricorn? While your ambition is admirable, not knowing when to stop can lead to burnout. Try and get into the habit of setting a time for switching out of work mode and enjoying time to relax and just be. You need sleep as much as every other sun sign.. With good quality rest, you will be reaching the top of that mountain in no time.

How you spend the last few hours before bed can make a big difference to how well you sleep. A soak in the tub and avoiding anything too stimulating will help slow down that busy mind of yours. Enjoy a healthy meal and swap any electronics for a good book. You will thank yourself in the morning.

Dreaming is your homeland, dear Pisces so set yourself up for a few early nights every week. You need more sleep than most signs to escape from the world and immerse yourself in possibility. Get things nice and snug with cosy bedding and pillows to drift off with a smile.
Sleeping routines and habits look different for all of us, though whatever your sun sign be sure to get enough to wake up feeling magic. And remember the wisdom of astrology is there to tap into whenever you need it.