Sleeping tips | Panda Feel right at home Tue, 06 Feb 2024 11:00:57 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Sleeping tips | Panda 32 32 How can you Stop Waking up in the Night for a Deeper Sleep? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:05:37 +0000

Whether it’s from an uncomfortable mattress, a wiggly partner, or other sleep problems waking in the night can seriously disrupt the quality of your rest. If you regularly wake up during the early hours, you’re not alone. A recent study we conducted revealed 80% of sleepers experience bedtime interruptions.

Let’s look at some common causes of those wake-up calls and some simple ways to help you stay asleep until the alarm goes off.

Why are you waking up during the night?

Many of us wake up occasionally during the night, though it can be a real struggle for some sleepers to drift back off. This can quickly cut into those precious 7-9 hours you need to stay feeling healthy. We cycle through four sleep stages; at specific points of this, we can wake more easily. While sometimes this can be caused by natural fluctuations in our circadian rhythm, other factors could play a part. Here are some of the prevailing causes of waking up during the night.

Are you going to bed with a full bladder?

Love a cup of tea before bed? While that comforting drink might seem like a great idea curled up on the sofa, it could be the reason you need a tinkle before midnight. Our study revealed nature’s calling is the leading cause of waking up at night. If the need to pee pulls you from bedtime more than once, you may have a condition called nocturia. This can be due to too many drinks before bedtime, an overactive bladder or even untreated diabetes.

What can you do to stay asleep?

Try cutting back on your fluid intake before bed. If you do love a hot drink, try and have it earlier on in the evening and avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can be stimulating. If this doesn’t help, consult a doctor for further advice and explanations.

red hair girl slepeing on a hybrid pillow

Are you sleeping with a wriggly partner?

Of all the things we do for love, missing out on sleep does not need to be one of them. If you share a bed with your partner, you can easily be woken by them throughout the night, especially if you are a light sleeper. This can be caused by a mattress that lacks motion transfer control, so every time they move, you ping back awake. Sound familiar? Here’s what you can try.

What can you do to stay asleep?

Switching to a mattress with advanced motion control can significantly affect the quality of your sleep. High-end mattresses like our bamboo hybrid mattress offer the best results with refined, advanced pocket spring technology to absorb movement for a smoother, interrupted night. You can also try making sure you go to bed simultaneously and leave any technology outside the room.

Eye mask on the head

Could you be experiencing an untreated sleep problem?

Various sleep problems, from stress, and anxiety to insomnia, could be the reason you are waking up and not enjoying a whole night of natural sleep. A study revealed 10-20% of adults have insomnia which can impact their mood, health, and well-being. Waking up with a racing heart and not being able to switch your mind off are signs you could be experiencing stress or another sleep disorder. The good news is there are things that can help get this resolved and you sleep better.

What can you do to stay asleep?

Embracing a natural wind-down routine before bed and avoiding blue light are great ways to relax and calm your mind. This can help prepare you to drift off for a longer, deeper sleep. Lowering the lights an hour or two before bedtime will help you produce melatonin, your body’s natural ‘sleepy’ hormone. Sticking to a routine can also set your circadian rhythm into a consistent sleeping pattern. If you continue to experience disrupted sleep, consult a doctor for further advice and explanations.

Is bedtime too hot or cold or uncomfy?

Is your bed not dreamily comfy enough? Is the bedroom too hot? Is your duvet too thick? These fundamental bedroom blunders can all result in you waking up during the night. Not having a supportive mattress can cause discomfort, tossing, and turning throughout the night. Out-of-season bedding can leave you too cold or overheating, another cause of tossing and turning. These are the easiest (and most enjoyable) things to get sorted and ease you into a better night’s sleep.

What can you do to stay asleep?

Investing in a mattress is a big decision; if you do it, you want one that will keep you sleeping from lights out till morning. Ensure you get the right balance of support, comfort, and breathability. The Panda hybrid bamboo mattress provides the perfect trio. Adapting to your sleeping position and delivering seven zones of premium pocket spring comfort to every part of your body. As for bedding, thermoregulating bed sheets are vital to staying cool and cosy every season. Also setting your thermostat to 18 degrees will keep your bedroom at the optimum temperature for drifting off for wake-up-free nights and refreshed mornings.

bamboo hybrid mattress supportive

Final tips to sleep through the night

Whatever the reasons you are waking up during the night, with a little patience and small changes you can soon be enjoying a restorative, longer night’s sleep. Prioritising rest and bedtime is vital for your well-being. And remember, shutting off from work and responsibilities for some relaxing ‘you’ time is as important as replying to those emails…

Sweet Dreams

The post How can you Stop Waking up in the Night for a Deeper Sleep? first appeared on Panda.

How Does Your Star Sign Affect Your Sleep? Mon, 23 May 2022 12:21:04 +0000


On the rollercoaster of change we’ve been riding since 2020, have you found yourself turning to the stars for a sense of direction? You’re not alone! Heaps of astrologers have reported they are busier than ever since the start of the pandemic. In times of uncertainty, there is something reassuring about the mystical. And while a daily scroll of your horoscope can help you make sense of your week, there is more wisdom in the stars. One in three adults do not get enough sleep and whatever your sun sign, astrology provides a gentle nudge in the direction of rest. Whether it’s a few more early nights, wink, wink Leo’s. Or indulging in a bamboo duvet. Sound good Taurus?

Here is a sleep tip for each member of the zodiac.



All rest and no play is no fun, though too much play and no rest is trouble. Not your favourite word, though try and find a balance. Slowing down your mind before bedtime will do wonders for your sleep. Avoid scrolling social media or anything stimulating like caffeine and sugar an hour before you hit the hay. Good sleep will keep that fiery energy burning strong so slip on an eye mask and get your snooze on.



You love a treat don’t you Taurus, so how about indulging in bedtime? Deliciously soft bamboo bedding might be just what you need to drift off into cosy, blissful sleep. And tempting as that glass of wine and decadent cake maybe, switching them for herbal tea will set you up for a good, deep sleep. Dreamy!



It’s good to talk, isn’t it Gemini? Though it’s amazing to sleep! Try to cut down those phone calls and WhatsApp before bed and let your mind get quiet. You are prone to having great ideas in the middle of the night, journaling before bed and leaving your electronics outside the bedroom will help your busy brain switch off and get a good night’s rest.



Ruled by the moon, you Cancer’s love to sleep! Your family and loved ones will notice the difference if you haven’t got your eight hours. However busy your day is, finish it with something good for the soul like a family meal or snuggling on the sofa. Feeling safe and nurtured will have you drifting off before bedtime.



Swap one of those meals out this week for a new pillow! Yes Leo’s, you need a few early nights to keep that roar strong. All that spotlight gets exhausting, proper rest will make sure you wake up recharged and ready to lead the way. Create the perfect comfort zone, shut out the world and relax dear Lion.



Put down the to-do list Virgo, after 7 pm it’s time to do nothing. Try and clear that busy mind before you settle in for sleep, you love a routine so here is one for bedtime! Run yourself a hot bath, wrap up in a fluffy towel and hop on the sofa for a bit of your time. Yes, you deserve it!



Bedtime calls for a bit of pampering for you lovely Libra’s. Relaxing with herbal tea and sweet-scented candles will help ease out of overthinking and into rest and digest. Reading or watching your favourite TV show will allow you to switch off. Pop your PJ’S on, take a break from keeping everyone happy and enjoy a good night’s sleep.



Known for your psychic abilities, sleep can be an intense experience for you water signs, Keeping a dream journal will help you keep track of any visions or dreams that could be worth exploring. To make the most of every wink make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and relaxing. Bedtime is calling!



Rest isn’t always your first priority though surviving on short naps will do you no good in the long run, dear sag! Creating a comfortable resting space will help you fire signs to manage those high energy levels. If you struggle to drift off, try placing some amethyst by your bedside table. The calming crystals will help ease you into that much-needed Zzzz.



It’s all go, go, go with you isn’t it Capricorn? While your ambition is admirable, not knowing when to stop can lead to burnout. Try and get into the habit of setting a time for switching out of work mode and enjoying time to relax and just be. You need sleep as much as every other sun sign.. With good quality rest, you will be reaching the top of that mountain in no time.



How you spend the last few hours before bed can make a big difference to how well you sleep. A soak in the tub and avoiding anything too stimulating will help slow down that busy mind of yours. Enjoy a healthy meal and swap any electronics for a good book. You will thank yourself in the morning.



Dreaming is your homeland, dear Pisces so set yourself up for a few early nights every week. You need more sleep than most signs to escape from the world and immerse yourself in possibility. Get things nice and snug with cosy bedding and pillows to drift off with a smile.

Sleeping routines and habits look different for all of us, though whatever your sun sign be sure to get enough to wake up feeling magic. And remember the wisdom of astrology is there to tap into whenever you need it.

Sweet dreams!

The post How Does Your Star Sign Affect Your Sleep? first appeared on Panda.

Sleep Experts Reveal the Benefits of Sleeping Naked Wed, 10 Nov 2021 11:05:34 +0000

How does sleeping naked affect our sleep?

We are all looking for ways to improve our sleep, from less caffeine getting to bed earlier or investing in a memory foam pillow. Though could there be a more ‘au natural’ place to start? Studies suggest sleeping naked can ease you into the quality rest you need to recharge your mind, body, and soul for the day ahead. Hmm. Can ditching the PJ’s really help us nod off? And what are the benefits of laying it bare? We speak to sleep experts Lauri Leadley and Olga Kapitsa to find out the truth about sleeping naked.

Did you know your body has its own thermostat? According to sleep expert Lauri, our normal body temperature is around 37 degrees during waking hours. As we get sleepy, a little like the sun setting at the end of the day, our bodies’ natural process is to cool down. This encourages the production of melatonin, the hormone telling our bodies it’s time to relax. Anything that supports the release of melatonin around bedtime is going to make it easier to fall asleep. Lauri says ‘ being too warm at night is the biggest cause of waking up, leading to overthinking, negative emotions and low mood’  Sleeping naked naturally reduces your temperature, easing you into deeper, longer rest… a cool alternative to counting sheep!

What are the benefits of sleeping naked?

Sleep expert Olga praises doctors and scientists for raising awareness of how vital sleep is to overall wellbeing. Long gone are the days we boast about surviving on four hours a night! As Matt Walker said in his famous Ted talk ‘sleep is a superpower’. Sleeping naked comes with a whole host of benefits. Such as…

memory foam pillows

Looking younger – Before you buy another eye cream, you might want to try sleeping naked. Lauri says, “It increases melatonin which stimulates antioxidant enzymes, improving your appearance”. It seems there really is such a thing as beauty sleep – And far cheaper!

Feeling lighter – Tend to crave carbs before lunchtime? It could be because you’re not getting enough sleep. Not only does sleep prevent those energy slumps that have you reaching for the cookie jar… Lauri says, “A lower body temperature will increase your metabolic rate”. It’s true what they say; you snooze, you lose.

Improving relationships – Heard of Oxytocin? This is the feel-good hormone that is released with skin-skin contact. Olga says, “Sleeping naked can improve feelings of connection and fulfilment between couples.” And the benefits don’t just stay in the bedroom. As Lauri says…” better moods mean better days”

More confidence – Body image is something many of us struggle with. Olga explains sleeping naked can help “raise self-esteem and increase body satisfaction”. Better sleep helps us feel fresh and focused for the day ahead. Looking for a natural confidence boost? It could be time to drop the PJs.

Can sleeping naked reduce stress levels?

As our expert Olga says, “Sleeping naked can help raise self-esteem.” This can boost confidence and reduce stress levels by improving our relationship with body image. Feeling good about our physical bodies positively affects the mental health that we bring to our mornings and radiate throughout the day. That’s another great reason to ditch the PJs and give it a try.

What are the benefits of sleeping naked for your skin?

Another beautiful benefit of sleeping naked is its effect on your skin. Dermatologists believe that sleeping in the nude can allow your skin to breathe and regenerate. To truly reap the benefits, applying a good quality moisturiser before you settle into your cooling Bamboo Bedding will help hydrate your skin as you snooze. This can help prevent dry skin from leading to irritable skin conditions. If you already have sensitive skin, avoid exposing it to harsh fabrics you might wear and interact with throughout the day. Anything we can do to care for our skin health naturally gets a big tick from skin experts and will help you keep that radiant glow.

Eco-benefits of sleeping in the nud

Sleeping naked has some pretty good news for our planet too. Not wearing our PJs to bed at night means less laundry (wahoo). Less energy consumption helps to keep the environment healthy. When you do shop for sleepwear, making eco-conscious choices for fabrics also helps you go easy on our planet. Choosing biodegradable materials like bamboo that are sustainably sourced minimises the impact production has, helping to keep bedtime and our world naturally beautiful.

What is the ideal bedding environment for sleeping naked?

Keeping a cool, calm environment is the best way to sleep naked. Lauri says, “Natural organic bamboo bedding is calm and soothing on your skin”. Invest in a soft, hypoallergenic memory foam pillow to align your back and neck. You want to make bedtime something you look forward to… and a comfy bed is the best place to start.

What are the best tips for those new to sleeping naked?

Feeling shy about sleeping naked? You are not alone, according to sleep expert, Olga “71% of us have never tried it” Though if you are tempted to give it a go, here are some tips for stripping down and getting your snooze on!

Unwind before bed-A hot bath is perfect before bed as your body will cool down when you get out of the tub. Wrap yourself in a gorgeous fluffy towel and pop on some magnesium lotion. Lauri also recommends a “power-down hour where you write down the things you’re grateful for”… and turn off those screens!

Know you’re doing something good for your body- Mindset matters. You know you are doing something good for your body when you lay your head down on a supportive, snuggly memory foam pillow. As Lauri says,” Focus on the benefits of getting a cool, clean, deep night’s sleep and waking up feeling refreshed and fabulous.”

Choose the best bedding fabric for your skin- When sleeping naked, your bedding is in direct contact with your skin, so it needs to feel 100% perfect. Gentle, hypoallergenic fabrics like our signature bamboo glide over skin, feeling soft as silk for the most blissful night’s sleep- with or without your PJs.

Set the right temperature – To ensure you don’t get too cold throughout the night, set your bedroom at the ideal temperature of 18 degrees. Snuggling into your Bamboo Bedding will ensure you stay cosy and sleep soundly.

Still want to leave something on? Olga says, “Let it be an eye mask; shutting out the light will help you drift off… naturally.” Could tonight be the night you give it a go?


Is sleeping naked beneficial for overall health?

Yes, sleeping naked offers several health benefits. It helps regulate body temperature, promotes better sleep quality, and improves skin health.

Does sleeping naked improve sleep quality?

Absolutely! Sleeping without clothes lets your body cool down, optimizing the sleep environment and promoting deeper, more restful sleep.

Can sleeping naked improve intimacy with a partner?

Yes, sleeping naked can enhance intimacy between partners by increasing skin-to-skin contact, promoting intimacy, and boosting the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone.”

Are there any benefits for the skin when sleeping naked?

Sleeping without clothes allows your skin to breathe, preventing sweat and moisture buildup, which can help reduce the risk of skin irritations and promote healthier skin.

Are there any precautions to consider when sleeping naked?

It’s important to ensure a comfortable sleep environment and maintain appropriate room temperature. If you live with others or have children, privacy and personal comfort should also be taken into consideration.

Lauri Leadley- Founder of Valley Sleep Centre providing complete sleep health management including sleep studies, diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. 

Instagram- @laurilynn

Olga Kapitsa- psychologist and wellness coach

The post Sleep Experts Reveal the Benefits of Sleeping Naked first appeared on Panda.

5 Simple Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep – Every Night Thu, 13 Sep 2018 09:00:45 +0000

We all love a bit of shut-eye. Night owls, early birds, slackers, or workaholics, we all need rest to function properly. Sometimes, relaxing and getting decent sleep is difficult, so we wake up cranky and unproductive. If we’re not careful, this can lead to further poor habits that can affect everything from how organized we are to how we perform tasks.

Having trouble catching up with your Z’s? To help, we’ve assembled some useful tips to get a good night’s sleep – every night and wake up ready to take on new challenges.

People are creatures of habit. Consciously or not, we brush our teeth or make our bed pretty much the same way every day. This is a good thing – it allows us to go on autopilot and have our brain focus on other things. We depend on our habits; it’s beneficial if they’re useful ones.

Have you ever noticed how you set your alarm at the same time every day and wake up before it? That’s your body responding to a routine. It can be difficult, but we recommend you try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Avoid naps during the day. As sweet as they can be, they confuse your body clock, especially if you don’t take them simultaneously every day. If you follow the same schedule daily, even on weekends, you’ll find that you won’t need to rely on that alarm anymore.

You know that feeling when you need to lie down after a big meal? Eating a lot to fall asleep quickly might seem like a good idea, but we should avoid this. Digesting different foods can increase internal stress for our organs, affecting our sleep. The same is true for alcohol. And, as we all know, coffee should be avoided late in the day if we don’t want to spend the night staring at the ceiling.

Remember how our bodies love schedules? Well, it’s the same with eating and drinking routines. Aim to have your last meal at least one hour before bed. We should avoid food rich in sugar and fat and aim for a balanced dinner. This helps to keep our bellies from expanding too much.

It’s difficult to fall asleep when there are distractions. By adjusting your sleeping environment just right, you can doze off quickly! An obvious part of this is noise. Even if you can fall asleep while there’s noise around, the quality of your sleep is still affected because your brain reacts to external stimuli. Try to keep your bedroom quiet, or get some earplugs to block out sounds. A white noise machine could also do the trick to lull you to sleep.

Another factor to keep an eye on is light. Our bodies are attuned to natural light: when it’s there, we know we should be awake; when it’s gone, we get sleepy. Artificial light confuses us, particularly the blue light emitted from our phones and computer screens. That’s why we should aim to increase exposure to natural light during the day and limit our screen time in the evening. And if you can’t control the amount of light while you sleep, then consider a good eye mask. We’re in love with our Panda Bamboo Eye Mask, which protects us from all outside light while being soft and gentle to our eyes.

You’re certainly aware of how detrimental inappropriate temperature can be for your sleep. Something around 20ºC is what most people are satisfied with, but personal preference plays a role. There’s a neat trick here – if you take a shower shortly before bed, you can help yourself doze off. This is because your body temperature naturally falls during the night. When you let yourself cool off after a warm shower, you are mimicking this process and helping yourself drift off into dreamland. Try it, it’s a fantastic feeling!

It’s a fact, we sleep best when tired. And we get tired from having a day filled with varied tasks and activities. An important thing to focus on is physical activity. When we exercise, we contribute to the overall health and get it to fall back into its natural rhythm, including healthy sleep patterns.

We shouldn’t exert ourselves too much right before bed, though. This time is best saved for unwinding. Relaxing activities, like listening to music, reading a book, or meditating work wonders to clear our minds. Our bodies interpret this as resting time and lead us spontaneously into sleep.

Do you find getting a good night’s sleep hard, even with a healthy lifestyle? The answer might be in the very base of your sleep, your bed. An unsupportive mattress, a flattened-out pillow, and bedding that makes you feel too hot all contribute to your restless night and wake you up aching in the morning.

Our beds should make it easy for us to maintain natural alignment along our backs. Whichever sleeping position one prefers, it’s essential that we don’t exhaust our neck and spine during the night, as this only leads to stiffness and pain during the day. We all strive for a soft bed, but some pushback is necessary. That’s why we should aim for mattresses and pillows that combine comfort and support.

Our Memory Foam Panda Pillows and Toppers were carefully developed to provide the healthiest sleeping environment you could wish for, all with the luxurious feel of bamboo fibre. Don’t take our word for it, though; do your research and start your 30-night trial!

We hope these tips have made you realise how much you could improve your sleep with just a few small adjustments. Sleep is often sacrificed and disregarded, even though it plays one of the most important roles in maintaining your overall health.

Sweet Dreams!


Why is quality sleep important for health?

Quality sleep is essential for physical and mental well-being. It aids in body repair, cognitive function, and overall health. It helps reduce the risk of various health conditions.

How can I create a sleep-friendly environment?

You can create a sleep-friendly environment by keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and comfortable. Investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows also helps.

Is a bedtime routine necessary for better sleep?

Establishing a bedtime routine signals your body that it’s time to wind down. Activities like reading, gentle stretches, or relaxation exercises can prepare you for sleep.

How does technology affect sleep?

The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with your sleep-wake cycle. It’s best to avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime.

Why is stress management important for better sleep?

Stress and anxiety can disrupt sleep. Effective stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness, can help improve sleep.

How much sleep do I need each night?

The amount of sleep needed varies by age, but most adults require 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

The post 5 Simple Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep – Every Night first appeared on Panda.

The Importance of Pillows for Neck and Shoulder Support Wed, 27 Jun 2018 08:00:18 +0000

Tend to wake up with a sore neck? You’re definitely not alone. An increasing number of people complain that their sleep is affecting the way they feel during the day. Your sleeping habits and the lack of proper support during the night play a big role in this.

If your days are consistently ruined by nagging pain, a very likely cause is the pillow you sleep on. Many of us consider pillows to be a purchase you don’t put much thought into. However, depending on your sleeping position, your pillow can have a huge impact on the quality of your sleep. Choosing the right pillow to support your neck and shoulders can help you wake up ready to take on the day’s challenges.

First things first – take a look at how you sleep at night. Do you tend to lie flat on your back or are you a side sleeper? Choosing the right pillow (and mattress, for that matter) depends on the amount of support your neck is currently getting.

Learn More:

Different sleeping positions

Learn more about your sleeping position

The different stages of sleep with memory foam pillow

Learn more about your sleep

Neck and shoulder support | Panda London | Panda Memory foam bamboo pillow & mattress topper

Many of us toss and turn during the night, waking up in a different position than the one we fell asleep in. Support and alignment are essential here, so try to get a versatile pillow that adapts to your body and takes the strain off the neck and shoulders.

Memory foam is the material that is currently unsurpassed in this domain. One of the most common factors contributing to a poor night’s sleep is restlessness and movement. When moving during the night, typically we are trying to find the most comfortable position. It’s important to find a pillow which is able to keep you supported and comfortable throughout the night.


How the lack of support affects your body

One of the areas most affected by poor sleeping posture is your cervical spine. This is the part that connects the base of the skull with the upper back. If your cervical spine is under strain, it can cause you serious pain. Luckily, the aching stops on its own if you stop the overextension. But if you continue sleeping with poor neck-spine alignment, you won’t give your body a chance to recuperate.

From the neck to the shoulders, the levator scapulae muscles can easily be overworked. If your pillow isn’t giving you the support necessary, you may experience stiffness and pain when moving your head to the sides. If your poor sleeping posture persists, you may even develop a pinched nerve in your upper back. It’s essential to consider how much you exert yourself during the night.

It’s hard to change your sleeping habits. Improving your posture is extremely important to help prevent neck, shoulder, and back pain.

An important thing to keep in mind is to give your new pillow time to get results. As with everything, try to reduce stress in your life, maintain good posture and minimize unhealthy habits. This will help you sleep better and relax more, giving your new pillow a chance to work its magic. Once you start enjoying the benefits of regular rejuvenating sleep, we’re sure you that you’ll appreciate a well-crafted, supportive pillow.

Finding the pillow that best supports you

Depending on your particular needs, your pillow shopping can end up with you coming home with very different products. From comfort levels to shape and materials, the pillow shopping category is one that offers many options.

The Panda Luxury Memory Foam Bamboo Pillow offers the perfect balance between both comfort and support. Using three layers of Visco memory foam helps to properly support and align the neck and shoulders throughout the night. The Panda Memory Foam Bamboo Pillow adapts to the particular contours of whoever’s using it.

The luxury Panda memory foam bamboo pillow comes with a bamboo fibre cover that ensures softness and comfort. This means you’ll be kept cool in the summer and warm in the winter, while moisture and odour won’t stick to your pillow. The best part – the more you wash it, the softer it will get, counterbalancing the sturdiness of the pillow nicely. Bamboo viscose is naturally hypoallergenic, you won’t have to worry about irritation or discomfort. This makes it suitable for those who suffer from eczema, sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mites.

The post The Importance of Pillows for Neck and Shoulder Support first appeared on Panda.

How Coffee Impacts Your Sleep Tue, 21 Nov 2017 16:23:14 +0000

Coffee & Sleep

Most of us drink coffee daily, Gimoka found that people in the UK drink around 70 million cups of coffee per day! Whether it’s in the morning or throughout the day, we all love coffee.

Living in the modern-day, we’re always connected and want to be as productive as possible. Whether that be our work or personal lives, we always want to be awake to squeeze in a gym session or watch one more episode of our favourite Netflix show.

Caffeine only gives us temporary alertness, but it cannot replace a good night’s sleep. Lack of sleep over a long period has a negative impact on your well-being.

Our sleep is often forgotten about in our busy lives. Although we’re more productive, we can’t fight the fact that we need sleep. Everyone’s been there, you’ve “accidentally” drank that cup of coffee a little too late and now you’re struggling to get any shut-eye…

We’ve put together a few tips, which can help to counteract the caffeine in your system!

Milk is an efficient source of the amino acid tryptophan and this acid converts into serotonin. Our body is then able to transform serotonin into melatonin, which helps promote a good night’s sleep. Whilst not proven to work for everyone, this is an effective method that many experts recommend.

With or without caffeine in your system, creating a relaxing environment in your bedroom is always advised to have a good night’s sleep. But if you’re laying in bed, staring at the ceiling wondering why you can’t sleep, it’s most likely that coffee you had a few hours ago. Try relaxing your mind and keeping any possible distractions such as phones, tablets etc. away.

Using an eye mask can be extremely beneficial in these situations, as all light is then eliminated ensuring that your phone lighting up on your bedside table will not disturb your beauty sleep.

Using accessories such as blackout blinds and eye masks is a great way to ensure you’re not distracted by the light.

Darkness is very important when it comes to getting off to sleep. It helps to clear our minds of intruding thoughts, which stimulate our brains and keep us awake.

Exposure to light during the night interferes with your sleep cycle. Darkness is essential to a rejuvenating night’s sleep. With less light around us when we sleep, our body sends a signal to the brain saying that it’s time to rest. If exposed to light during this period it could alter the body’s internal sleep clock. The Sleep Clock is a natural mechanism that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.

Melatonin, a hormone produced in the brain, is known as the “sleep hormone”. Melatonin actively promotes sleep by signaling to the brain that it’s bedtime.  This helps initiate the body’s physiological preparations —muscles relax, we start to feel drowsy and the body temperature drops.

Evening light interrupts the naturally timed sleep clock.

Take a moment to get comfortable and just relax. Focusing on your breathing to calm your mind, clearing out the stress and thoughts racing through your head. Try to understand and accept it’s way past your bedtime and acknowledge how you’re feeling.

Many people use different types of sounds to help clear their minds and to help get them off to sleep. This can be extremely useful when trying to relax and create a soothing environment. Try to imagine beautiful scenes and focus your mind on the relaxing sounds of the waves and wildlife.

If possible, it’s best to keep away from coffee and tea at least 6 hours before you plan on going to bed.

If you have to drink that cup of coffee to increase productivity, drink it before your 20-minute power nap.

Coffee naps work when properly timed. The process begins with the coffee being absorbed by the intestines, then travelling into our bloodstream.

This process takes about 20-minutes, which means by the time you wake up you should feel recharged.

Some studies even suggested that people can survive a 24-hour period with no proper sleep and just taking 20-minute coffee naps.

Don’t forget, that it is still important to protect our sleep long-term. These methods are useful short-term and will never replace the benefits of a full 8-hour sleep.

The post How Coffee Impacts Your Sleep first appeared on Panda.

The Best Habits to Adopt for a Better & Healthier Life Tue, 28 Feb 2017 11:50:37 +0000

At the beginning of the year everyone is attempting to quit their old Habits, bellowing out “New Year, New Me” over social media. After doing some research we found that only 4% of people actually stick with their new year’s resolution throughout the entire year and 80% of them give up by March!*

Therefore we thought we would put together a short list of useful tips to help you lead a healthier life. Believe it or not, making small changes to your day-to-day routine can have a massive impact on both your physical and mental wellbeing. Before diving into your resolutions, we wanted to give you a few simple tips to keep you motivated throughout the year.

1. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself unrealistic deadlines. They say to make a habit, you need to do something for at least 4-5 days in a row at roughly the same time.

2. Commit to it, make sure it is something that you really want to do. If you put your mind to it, you can achieve your goals!

3. Don’t put yourself down if you make a mistake. Instead of getting aggravated with yourself, treat it as a lesson. Understand what made you stumble to you can try to avoid doing the same in the future.

4. Reward yourself – each time you reach your milestone, treat yourself whether that’s buying yourself something new or going somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.

Once you’re able to complete the habit without having to think about it, it’s time to move onto establishing your next habit.

Now onto the best habits to adopt!

Drinking more water

The first would have to be drinking more water. This is quite a unique “resolution” as people would typically say “eat healthier”. Although eating healthy is equally important, we believe that if you’re not used to leading a healthier lifestyle, this could be much harder to adopt. Therefore, starting small and drinking at least 9 glasses of water per day is a great start.

Drinking more water has a series of amazing health benefits, to name a few…

      • Relieves Fatigue
      • Improves Mood
      • Treats Headaches and Migraines
      • Helps in Digestion and Constipation
      • Aids Weight Loss
      • Flushes Out Toxins

Having a stable sleeping cycle means the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. Stick to a Routine. The trick to a healthy sleep cycle is to get into a routine. Make Mornings Bright and Keep the Night Dark. Light tells your body’s clock when it’s time to wake up. At night, dim the lights to cue your body that it’s time for sleep. Set your alarm earlier and earlier each day. Just like you gradually scaled back your bedtime, you should do the same with your wake up time.

Being well-rested helps improve your memory and helps you be more creative!

Researchers at Harvard University and Boston College found that people seem to strengthen the emotional components of a memory during sleep, which may help spur the creative process.


Improve your attention span!

A 2009 study in the journal Pediatrics found that children ages seven and eight who got less than about eight hours of sleep a night were more likely to be hyperactive, inattentive, and impulsive.

Eventually you will notice that your natural body clock will start to take control and you’ll start to wake up a few minutes before your alarm clock.

In fact, hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses it to build and repair tissue. You need it to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. It is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein is a “macronutrient,” meaning that the body needs relatively large amounts of it.

Milk is made of two proteins, casein and whey. Whey protein can be separated from the casein in milk or formed as a byproduct of cheese making. Whey protein is considered a complete protein and contains all 9 essential amino acids and is low in lactose content.

Also, cutting out foods which contain high fats and sugars is also great for your overall wellbeing.

This might be an obvious one, but incorporating more vegetables into your meals will also have a series of positive health benefits. If you didn’t know, most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. Vegetables are also an important source of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fibre, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.

And diets which include more potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure.

Working out can be fun, if you know how to do it. If you’re looking for some guidance, visit your local gym, they should offer some type of personal training. Using a personal trainer is great if you’re just starting out and not too sure what exercises are best to achieve the results you desire.

Working out is great for both your physical and mental health, exercise keeps you more focused and is proven to reduce stress. It helps fight anxiety and depression. By working out we do not mean spending 4 hours a night at the gym, we mean going for walks and cycling around the park with friends. Habitual exercise is a great way to ease yourself into moving more, eventually you will feel yourself getting stronger and you will want to push yourself further and further.

Take sometime for yourself, meditation can be performed in many different ways. This is simply down to preference and what works for you.


Mindfulness, originates from the Buddhist tradition. The Buddhist term sati translates to ‘mindfulness’ and breathes life into the practice. Mindfulness is a great way to overcome suffering and understanding. It is all about acknowledging reality of life by simply letting your mind wander, accepting any thoughts that come up, and understanding the present.

The practice is done by sitting with eyes closed, crossed legs, the back straight, and attention placed on breathing in and out. For the period of meditation the individual focuses on his or her breathing, and when wandering thoughts emerge, one returns to focusing on the object of meditation, breathing. Research has found that a regimen of mindfulness can reduce anxiety, depression, and perceived distress.

There are many different ways to meditate, if you’re new to meditation we would highly recommend applications such as Headspace, available on the Apple App Store.

There’s nothing wrong about enjoying your job or earning money. But always keep in mind that you are here to live life not work your life away. Although working is important, it is also essential to take time for yourself and spend time doing the things you love with the people you care about the most. Go on an adventure, travel the world or just take some time off to appreciate the things you love the most.


* Based on a ComRes Poll by Bupa, November 2016.

The post The Best Habits to Adopt for a Better & Healthier Life first appeared on Panda.

The Different Stages of Sleep Wed, 09 Nov 2016 09:30:37 +0000

During sleep your brain cycles through five different stages: 1, 2, 3, 4 and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. A complete sleep cycle can take 90 to 110 minutes on average. You start with stage one, then make your way to REM and then you start the cycle from stage one again.

At the beginning of the night, you experience shorter REM sleeps and longer periods of deep sleep, however, later in the night, the REM sleep increases and the deep sleep time decreases.

The different stages of sleep - Stages image

Stage 1 is the initial start of the sleeping cycle, this is where you slowly drift in and out of sleep and can be woken up easily. During the first stage, your body begins to relax, eyes move much slower and muscle activity decreases. It’s common for people to experience sudden painless muscle contractions, creating a sensation of falling.

Moving on to the next stage, it is important that your neck and shoulders are relaxed and appropriately supported. If your neck is elevated, it could increase the chances of experiencing a disrupted sleep.

During the second stage, your body is still completely relaxed and your eye movements stop while your brain waves become significantly slower with occasional bursts of waves. It is still very easy to be woken during this period, most people who take short naps would only reach this far in the cycle.

When you enter stage 3, your brain has extremely slow waves called delta waves which are interspersed with smaller, faster waves.

In stage 4, the brain produces delta waves almost exclusively. Stages 3 and 4 are commonly referred to as deep sleep or delta sleep, and it is very difficult to wake someone from them. In deep sleep, there is no eye movement or muscle activity. This is when some children experience bedwetting, sleepwalking or night terrors.

Random Fact:

In 2008 the sleep profession in the US eliminated the use of stage 4. Stages 3 and 4 are now considered stage 3.

Slow brain wave sleep happens mostly in the first period of the night, REM is the second half. If you are woken up during REM sleep, you may remember it the next morning. Short awakenings may disappear or be partially memorable with amnesia.

During REM sleep, your breathing becomes more rapid, irregular, your eyes move rapidly and your muscles are temporarily paralyzed. Your brain waves will also increase during REM sleep, much like what you experience when you’re awake. Alongside these, your heart rate increases, your blood pressure rises. This is the time when most dreams occur. If woken during REM sleep, a person can remember the dreams. Most people experience three to five intervals of REM sleep each night!

Depending on your age, REM sleep makes up around 20-25% of the average adult’s time asleep, which is experimentally 90-120 minutes.

Random Fact:

Infants spend almost 50% of their time in REM sleep. Adults spend nearly half of sleep time in stage 2, about 20% in REM and the other 30% is divided between the other three stages. Older adults spend progressively less time in REM sleep. Because your sleep cycle repeats, you enter REM sleep several times during the night.

Throughout REM sleep, your brain and body have energy and is typically where dreaming occurs. REM is thought to be connected with the process of storing your memories, learning and balancing your mood, but this is not 100% understood! Although some of the signals sent to the cortex during sleep are important for learning and memory, some could be random. These random signals that occur may for the basis for a “story” that the brain tries to understand, resulting in dreaming.

Why Memory Foam Pillows?

Having a supportive mattress topper and a supportive memory foam pillow can completely change the way that you sleep. Being supported helps to relieve pressure points in your neck & spine. If you are using an unsupportive pillow during sleep, it could cause a series of pains, including neck aches & backache. 

When you’re supported and comfortable during the night, it significantly decreases disruption of sleep throughout the night, making for a much more rejuvenating night sleep.

The post The Different Stages of Sleep first appeared on Panda.

Bedtime Tips For Best Sleeping Positions Tue, 30 Aug 2016 09:53:37 +0000

Everyone loves to sleep, but not a lot of people know the benefits of their sleeping position and the ways they can support it. We’ve put together a list of pros and cons of the three most popular sleeping positions, along with a tip to keep you sleeping comfortably. We’re sorry to report that if you’re a vampire and sleep upside down this post will be no good for you.

We asked everyone in our office which position they sleep in, we found that the majority of us are back sleepers.


Sleeping in the “Savasana” position (on your back) is great for your spine and neck health, as your back is straight and supported. Also, sleeping on your back allows your mattress to support your spine efficiently. Keep in mind that using too many pillows can make breathing difficult. Neurologist Dr. Decontee Jimmeh said: “Sleeping on your back also combats acid reflux”. There is also the fact that your face is not squashed against anything during the night, meaning you are reducing the chances of increasing wrinkles!


Unfortunately, those who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea are more likely to be a back sleeper. Doctors can sometimes recommend that you sleep on your side, as back-sleeping is commonly linked to sleep apnea. Also when sleeping on your back, your tongue can be forced backwards resulting in that not-so-beautiful, deep and prolonged loud noise we all know as snoring.

Bedtime Tip:

Ok, we are feeling generous, so we are going to give you two! First up, find yourself a mattress that will provide pressure point support and will keep your neck and spine aligned. A hybrid mattress that combines a balance of ultra-responsive springs and contouring, orthopaedic grade foam is your best bet. Not ready to change your mattress? Tip number two is to prop a pillow below underneath your knees, this can help relieve pressure from your spine. Go for a firm, supportive memory foam that supports your natural curves, and you are all set for a better, quality kip.


If you’re a side sleeper during pregnancy, it’s good to know that many doctors recommend sleeping on the left side. Sleeping on this side improves circulation to the heart, which is great for you and your baby.

For those not expecting anytime soon, like sleeping on your back, sleeping on the left side can also ease heartburn and acid reflux, making you more likely to fall asleep faster.


One of the cons we found is that it can put some pressure on your stomach and lungs. Also, you may find that you are woken up at night with pins and needles!

Vivian Eisenstadt, a physical therapist in Los Angeles, Calif., told Medical Daily in an email, “If you’re going to sleep on your side, pillow prop using the following: an ergonomic pillow thick enough so your head doesn’t tilt down, a small pillow under your waist so your stomach doesn’t curve down, and the third pillow between your legs.”

Bedtime Tip:

Side sleeping is one of the most popular sleeping positions, though how can you make it as comfortable as possible? Popping a pillow between your legs is a great way for you side sleepers to reduce moving around throughout the night. Have a restless partner? A mattress that optimises motion control will make sure they do not disturb you! For brownie points go for one that naturally contours to your sleeping position to ensure your neck and spine are kept protected and healthy as you drift off and dream.


Sleeping on your front can reduce the chances of snoring and help with sleep apnea!


We were shocked to learn that not one person in our office sleeps on their front, which is good really as this can flatten the natural curve of the spine and cause back pain. It can also restrict your breathing as you are lying on your chest and your nose and mouth may be covered.

If you are suffering from sleep apnea, snoring, or any pain during your sleep we would recommend speaking with your doctor. Have any interesting facts about sleeping positions? Then be sure to get in contact, we’d love to hear them!

Bedtime Tip:

Ok, stomach sleepers time for some pillow talk. You want to be lying on something as flat as possible to ensure your neck and spine are aligned. If you enjoy a little head-hugging comfort whilst resting assured you are being correctly supported, a hybrid pillow offers the best of both. This will allow you to flop into your favourite position and sleep sweet and sound, night after night.


Before you head to bed….

Remember how we sleep is incredibly personal; only you know what feels most comfortable. From upgrading your mattress to switching your pillow, there are plenty of ways to ensure you are supported and snoozing healthily. Give these dreamy tips and make bedtime the best part of the day.

Sweet Dreams

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Top 6 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep Fri, 13 May 2016 12:56:46 +0000

We strive to help our customers have a better night’s sleep with our bamboo pillows and bedsheets. However, we know many people have trouble getting a beneficial sleep every night. So we have put together our top 6 top tips for a good night’s sleep!

1. Pick a time to go to sleep and wake up and stick to it

Committing to a consistent sleep schedule—going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends and holidays—can significantly enhance your sleep quality. Aligning with your body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythms, optimizes your sleep-wake cycle, allowing you to reap maximum benefits from your rest periods. Maintaining this routine steadfastly, regardless of occasional late nights, is crucial. It’s time to resist the temptation of the snooze button and embrace the power of a regular sleep pattern for improved health and well-being.

2. Make your bedroom the perfect sleeping haven

  • Keep your bedroom clean and tidy, free of any clutter and dust.
  • Let some fresh air into your room during the day and, if possible, leave a window slightly open during the night, too, as the air you breathe affects your sleep. Fresh air helps regulate the humidity in your room, which helps prevent that horrible dry throat feeling in the morning.
  • Regulate the temperature in your room; try to keep it cool (around 18° C is perfect!).
  • Invest in blackout blinds/drapes to help stop you from waking up too early.
  • Keep any electrical items out of the room or stored away from your bed, as these can distract you from sleeping.
  • Try not to bring any work, letters, food, etc., into your room, as this can also add distraction.


3. Make sure your bed is comfortable

It’s recommended that you change your mattress every 5-9 years, but in the meantime, try to rotate your mattress every time you change your sheets. You will also benefit from a suitable pillow (we know a certain type of pillow that is pretty good! 😉). If your pillow is too thin, your neck will tilt backwards, which can be very uncomfortable, and if you stack your pillows too high, your neck will be propped up at an uncomfortable angle, which again is very uncomfortable and could lead to straining muscles in the neck. Try to find a pillow to suit your sleeping position as well and experiment with different levels of supportiveness to find your perfect pillow.

Try placing a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side. This will support your hips and make this position more comfortable or place a pillow under your legs if you sleep on your back. Having the right pillow will help keep your spine aligned when you sleep which can reduce neck and back pain, making you more comfortable and relaxed when you sleep. According to experts, not only is the height and firmness of your pillow’s head support important but so is matching the right type of pillow to your sleeping style. If you tend to sleep on your side, for example, you would need a medium-high thickness pillow that puts the spine in the midline position.

Add a layer of orthopedically approved memory foam with a memory foam mattress topper.

4. Create a bedtime ritual

Try some different relaxation techniques like breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation. Starting with your toes, tense all the muscles as tightly as you can, then completely relax. Work your way up from your feet to the top of your head. Have a warm bath and a warm drink such as chamomile tea or warm milk. Try to avoid caffeine and try to have your drink at least an hour before you go to bed so that it won’t wake you for a midnight bathroom visit!

Scientists have also found that the best way to sleep is in your birthday suit! But if you feel more comfortable in pajamas, they recommend lightweight cotton ones as they won’t affect your body’s natural temperature regulation.

5. Wind Down

Try doing something calming before bed, such as reading or listening to some calm music. For some people, using electronics before bed can make it hard to fall asleep because the particular blue light from the screens of devices activates the suprachiasmatic nucleus within the hypothalamus inside the brain, which makes the brain believe it is daytime. iOS has released a new feature called ‘Night Shift’, which changes the colour of the light emitted from the phone to a warmer, more yellow shade, which reduces the blue light, making the screen a lot less harsh. Therefore, that part of the brain isn’t disturbed as much, making the brain’s circadian rhythm act normally and allowing it to define night and day accurately.

Try experimenting with candles instead of brighter lights. This will help you relax as the lights aren’t as harsh. Then, when it is time to blow the candles out, the house will gradually get darker, which in turn will help your body get used to the darkness and relax. If you are concerned about using candles, there are battery-powered candles available; have a look online.

6. Using Sounds

What about trying a white noise generator? It creates a quiet, constant white noise throughout the night, which can be changed to sounds of the waves or rainforest and other relaxing sounds. Dr. Ralph Pascualy, the medical doctor at the Swedish Medical Center-Cherry Hill, explains:

“The brain naturally craves sensory input. That’s why people in sensory deprivation tanks hallucinate; robbed of any stimulus, the brain creates its own. During sleep on a quiet night, any random noise, whether a passing truck or a creaking floorboard, will likely activate the restless brain, waking you up. Constant white noise, he told me, “gives the brain a tonic signal that dampens its internal systems” –  Dr. Ralph Pascualy

So there we have it! Our top six tips on how to get the best night’s sleep. If you try these techniques, let us know how you get on by tweeting us at @PandaLife_UK. Also, if you try any techniques we have not mentioned, please send us your advice! We love to find different ways to help our customers!

If you have trouble sleeping and it is a concern or believe you have a sleeping disorder, we advise you to consult your doctor for medical advice.

The post Top 6 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep first appeared on Panda.
