REM sleep | Panda Feel right at home Thu, 09 May 2024 15:03:14 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 REM sleep | Panda 32 32 Why Do We Dream? Wed, 27 Sep 2023 16:13:48 +0000

Dreams are thought to arise from brain activity during sleep, particularly in the REM stage. Theories suggest they help with memory processing, emotional regulation, problem-solving, and cognitive maintenance by consolidating experiences and processing unresolved feelings. Some scientists also believe dreams may be the brain’s way of making sense of random electrical impulses during sleep. Despite these ideas, the exact reasons for dreaming remain a mystery.

Dreams are one of the biggest mysteries about our sleep – and we all wonder from time to time what exactly they are. Does dreaming serve a purpose, and how can we remember the good ones? Some, of course, we would rather not remember. Especially those that can lead to waking in the night, a key cause of disrupted sleep. Here, we take a deep dive into dream analysis to discover are they really wish our hearts make when we are fast asleep.


What are dreams?

Dreams are essentially a series of images, thoughts and feelings we experience in our sleep. A little like our favourite movies, they can range from romantic, a tad scary to totally weird. They help the brain to process events and information we’ve gathered throughout the day. This can lead to some dreamy benefits – though before we get to those, let’s take a look at what causes our bedtime movies in the first place.

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What causes dreams?

There are a few different theories on what causes us to dream, from simply processing and consolidating what happened in the day, interpreting random signals from the body and brain during sleep, and expressing our unconscious desires and wishes. Dreams can be approached from a scientific or psychoanalytical perspective; both views have been substantiated with plenty of research on brain activity during dreaming, though no exact answer has been confirmed as prevailing.

Why do we only remember some dreams?

Most of our dreams occur during the REM stage of sleep; a particular group of neurons fired during this stage could affect the ability of the brain to remember this information after a good night’s sleep. A study found this is a time when our brain actively forgets, so if you are not someone who remembers their dreams – this could be why. One theory of why some people are more likely to remember their dreams is due to a stronger ability to memorise things in general. So, is there a way that you can remember more of your dreams? Yes, by working on strengthening your cognitive skills, you could wake up with more sweet dreams to share.

How can you improve your ability to remember your dreams?

If you would like to be able to remember more of what you are dreaming of, there are some other simple things you can try. Here are some top tips for working on your dreaming skills;

    • Keep a dream journal – By keeping a notepad on your bedside table; you can wake up and record anything you remember as soon as you wake up, which is when your dream memory is most likely to be at its strongest.

    • Avoid abrupt alarms – Waking up naturally may make recalling more details of your dream easier. Abrupt alarms can pull you out of sleep too rapidly, affecting your ability to remember what you were dreaming about.

    • Set a bedtime routine – A relaxing and consistent bedtime routine can help ease you into a deeper, longer sleep, giving you more dreaming time and strengthening your cognitive ability to restore the information come sunrise. Ensure you have an irresistibly comfy mattress, bedding and pillows so you look forward to snuggling into bed.

What are the benefits of dreams?

Whether you have sweet dreams or scary ones, there is good news for all dreamers. Dreaming has some great benefits for your brain, such as:

1. Helping you to process emotions – We are more likely to dream about emotionally intense situations, events and experiences. This can help process emotions, enhancing mood and making you less reactive in the waking day.


2. Memory boost – Dreams can help to consolidate new information and strengthen your ability to store it in memory, a great way to help you prepare for exams or morning meetings.


3. Fresh perspectives – Another benefit of dreams is they can offer an alternative way to solve a problem or take on a situation without the limitations of the thinking process. Some of these fresh perspectives may be worth writing down the morning after in your dream journal – who knows, and you could dream up just the breakthrough you need.


4. Reveal a heart’s wish – Cinderella might have been on to something. You may discover something you truly desire when you enter the dream world. One of the most beautiful aspects of dreaming is it can transport you to the deepest wishes in your heart – from white sandy beaches, meeting the love of your life, to finding the best mattress for a great night’s sleep.

The dreamy take-away

From the scientific explanation of dreams to the physcology of dreaming, there is no definitive answer as to what dreams are or why we have them. And perhaps it’s the mystery that keeps them soooo… Dreamy?

There are ways that you an strengthen the ability to remember your dreams, from keeping a journal to take notes in the morning and getting the right bedding to set you up for a good night’s sleep.

Dreaming has proven health benefits, including emotional release and memory strengthening. Want to discover more about dreams? You can find more resources here, and of course, stay posted for future blogs.

Here at Panda, our heart wishes for everyone to enjoy the sweetest dreams.

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The post Why Do We Dream? first appeared on Panda.

What Is REM Sleep and Why Do We Need It? Fri, 19 May 2023 12:34:08 +0000

Sleep is fascinating. While there are some great things we can achieve in our days, there is some pretty cool stuff happening while we are snoozing. During the night, we go through four stages of sleep, one of which is REM sleep (rapid eye movement) this is a crucial part of the cycle associated with dreaming and memory consolidation. Read on to discover more about this intriguing phase of sleep and why it is so important.

What exactly is REM sleep?

REM sleep, which stands for Rapid Eye Movement sleep, is a stage of sleep characterized by rapid and random eye movements. REM sleep occurs around 60-90 minutes into the sleep cycle, during this phase of sleep, your eyes may look closed, though, behind the scenes, they are moving rapidly. Throughout the night, you will experience four to five full sleep cycles. This is the last stage of the cycle, and you experience more of it in the second half of the night. Before we dive into why this sleep is so important, let’s have a quick breakdown of the four different stages of the full sleep cycle:

1. Falling asleep –This is where your brain slows down, as do your heartbeat and breathing, and your muscles relax. This only lasts a few minutes.

2. Light sleep – Your heartbeat and breathing further slow down as you relax more and your body temperature drops, this stage lasts around 25 minutes, and you have no eye movements.

3. Deep sleep – During this stage, your body is fully relaxed, and your heartbeat and breathing are at their lowest. Delta waves are present, and your body gets to work on repairing muscles and strengthening your immune system.

4. REM sleep –This is where your eye movements become rapid, and your brain activity increases, as does your breathing and heart rate. Muscles become temporarily paralysed, this is known as your primary dreaming stage.

Why do you need REM sleep?

While every phase of sleep is important, REM has some particularly dreamy benefits. Here are some of the vital functions taking place while you are resting:


This is where the majority of your dreams take place, though don’t worry – your muscles are paralysed, so you don’t get up and act them out. Dreaming is an essential part of healthy brain development, some of them you will remember, and some of them you won’t.

Memory consolidation

This is the stage of sleep where your brain stores all the lessons and information you have collected throughout the day, so if you want an excuse for those weekend lie-ins- sleeping can make you smartie pants.

Emotional processing

During this stage of sleep, your brain processes the emotions you have experienced throughout the day, which can strengthen your emotional intelligence.

Preparing you for the alarm

REM sleep occurs at the end of the sleep cycle, activating our nervous system, which can prepare us to wake back up. This is where you are most likely to wake up from any disturbances or wiggly partners.

How to make sure you get enough REM sleep?

The more regular and deeper your full sleep cycle, the healthier amount of time you will spend in each stage of kip. Each stage is essential for your body and mind to recover and feel fully refreshed when you wake up. Here are some ways to improve and maintain your sleep cycle to keep you feeling at your best.

Stick to a bedtime routine

Consistency is key to a healthy sleep cycle. Going to bed and waking up at the same time can help regulate your sleep to ensure you move through each stage and allow your body and mind enough time to restore and take care of all the essential functions to keep you healthy.

Optimise your sleeping environment

To help you fall asleep more quickly and reduce waking in the night, it is vital to ensure you have a comfortable bedtime set up. An orthopaedic grade, breathable mattress like our Hybrid Bamboo Mattress will keep you in perfect alignment and regulate your body temperature throughout the night to keep you sleeping soundly. If you are not ready to upgrade your mattress, our HydroFoam™ Bamboo Mattress Topper provides all the support and comfort you need for a fresh, healthy kip. Our third-generation memory foam bamboo pillows will also keep your neck and back in perfect alignment, preventing movement throughout the night.

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Unwind before bed

Enjoying a warm bath or snuggling on the sofa with your favourite hot drink (caffeine-free, please) are great ways to prepare yourself for deep sleep. The more you relax and unwind before bed, the more likely you are to drift off quickly for a long, restorative kip. Put down the laptops and phones and indulge in the simple pleasure of unwinding an hour or two before you hit the hay.

Sleep is vital to your well-being, and each part of the sleep cycle has evolved naturally to keep you feeling healthy and ready to shine. From getting to bed at the same time to upgrading your mattress and pillows, every effort is worth it. As, after all, investing in your dreams starts with bedtime.


What is REM sleep?

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, vivid dreaming, and heightened brain activity. It is one of the key stages of the sleep cycle.

How long does REM sleep last?

REM sleep episodes typically occur multiple times throughout the night, with each episode lasting around 5-30 minutes. As the night progresses, REM sleep duration tends to increase.

What happens if we don't get enough REM sleep?

Insufficient REM sleep can have several consequences, including:

  • Impaired Memory and Learning: Lack of REM sleep can hinder memory consolidation and cognitive performance.
  • Emotional Disturbances: Reduced REM sleep may contribute to mood swings, irritability, and difficulty managing emotions.
  • Increased Daytime Fatigue: Inadequate REM sleep can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness and reduced alertness.
  • Decreased Creativity and Problem-Solving: REM sleep deprivation may impact creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Sweet Dreams

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The post What Is REM Sleep and Why Do We Need It? first appeared on Panda.
