Sleep | Panda London Blog Feel right at home Thu, 09 May 2024 15:03:14 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Sleep | Panda London Blog 32 32 Why Do We Dream? Wed, 27 Sep 2023 16:13:48 +0000

Dreams are thought to arise from brain activity during sleep, particularly in the REM stage. Theories suggest they help with memory processing, emotional regulation, problem-solving, and cognitive maintenance by consolidating experiences and processing unresolved feelings. Some scientists also believe dreams may be the brain’s way of making sense of random electrical impulses during sleep. Despite these ideas, the exact reasons for dreaming remain a mystery.

Dreams are one of the biggest mysteries about our sleep – and we all wonder from time to time what exactly they are. Does dreaming serve a purpose, and how can we remember the good ones? Some, of course, we would rather not remember. Especially those that can lead to waking in the night, a key cause of disrupted sleep. Here, we take a deep dive into dream analysis to discover are they really wish our hearts make when we are fast asleep.


What are dreams?

Dreams are essentially a series of images, thoughts and feelings we experience in our sleep. A little like our favourite movies, they can range from romantic, a tad scary to totally weird. They help the brain to process events and information we’ve gathered throughout the day. This can lead to some dreamy benefits – though before we get to those, let’s take a look at what causes our bedtime movies in the first place.

Hybrid Bamboo Pillow - Cloud Lifestyle Image

What causes dreams?

There are a few different theories on what causes us to dream, from simply processing and consolidating what happened in the day, interpreting random signals from the body and brain during sleep, and expressing our unconscious desires and wishes. Dreams can be approached from a scientific or psychoanalytical perspective; both views have been substantiated with plenty of research on brain activity during dreaming, though no exact answer has been confirmed as prevailing.

Why do we only remember some dreams?

Most of our dreams occur during the REM stage of sleep; a particular group of neurons fired during this stage could affect the ability of the brain to remember this information after a good night’s sleep. A study found this is a time when our brain actively forgets, so if you are not someone who remembers their dreams – this could be why. One theory of why some people are more likely to remember their dreams is due to a stronger ability to memorise things in general. So, is there a way that you can remember more of your dreams? Yes, by working on strengthening your cognitive skills, you could wake up with more sweet dreams to share.

How can you improve your ability to remember your dreams?

If you would like to be able to remember more of what you are dreaming of, there are some other simple things you can try. Here are some top tips for working on your dreaming skills;

    • Keep a dream journal – By keeping a notepad on your bedside table; you can wake up and record anything you remember as soon as you wake up, which is when your dream memory is most likely to be at its strongest.

    • Avoid abrupt alarms – Waking up naturally may make recalling more details of your dream easier. Abrupt alarms can pull you out of sleep too rapidly, affecting your ability to remember what you were dreaming about.

    • Set a bedtime routine – A relaxing and consistent bedtime routine can help ease you into a deeper, longer sleep, giving you more dreaming time and strengthening your cognitive ability to restore the information come sunrise. Ensure you have an irresistibly comfy mattress, bedding and pillows so you look forward to snuggling into bed.

What are the benefits of dreams?

Whether you have sweet dreams or scary ones, there is good news for all dreamers. Dreaming has some great benefits for your brain, such as:

1. Helping you to process emotions – We are more likely to dream about emotionally intense situations, events and experiences. This can help process emotions, enhancing mood and making you less reactive in the waking day.


2. Memory boost – Dreams can help to consolidate new information and strengthen your ability to store it in memory, a great way to help you prepare for exams or morning meetings.


3. Fresh perspectives – Another benefit of dreams is they can offer an alternative way to solve a problem or take on a situation without the limitations of the thinking process. Some of these fresh perspectives may be worth writing down the morning after in your dream journal – who knows, and you could dream up just the breakthrough you need.


4. Reveal a heart’s wish – Cinderella might have been on to something. You may discover something you truly desire when you enter the dream world. One of the most beautiful aspects of dreaming is it can transport you to the deepest wishes in your heart – from white sandy beaches, meeting the love of your life, to finding the best mattress for a great night’s sleep.

The dreamy take-away

From the scientific explanation of dreams to the physcology of dreaming, there is no definitive answer as to what dreams are or why we have them. And perhaps it’s the mystery that keeps them soooo… Dreamy?

There are ways that you an strengthen the ability to remember your dreams, from keeping a journal to take notes in the morning and getting the right bedding to set you up for a good night’s sleep.

Dreaming has proven health benefits, including emotional release and memory strengthening. Want to discover more about dreams? You can find more resources here, and of course, stay posted for future blogs.

Here at Panda, our heart wishes for everyone to enjoy the sweetest dreams.

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The post Why Do We Dream? first appeared on Panda.

A Simple Full Moon Ritual to Manifest Your Dreams Fri, 22 Sep 2023 11:42:08 +0000

What is it you’re dreaming of? Whether its a new love, change of career or simply getting a better night’s sleep, which many of us struggle with, the full moon’s magical energy could help it come true. Here is a simple ritual you can do at home to harness the mystical powers of our beautiful moon.

What is a full moon?

A full moon is the stage of the lunar cycle where the moon’s energy is at its strongest. Most years, we have 12 full moons, though sometimes we have thirteen, where one of these will be a blue moon. During a full moon, the moon graces the sky with a golden circle of light; you might see people posting on social media, sharing its beauty. Though what is so special about this lunar energy, and how can you tap into its magic to manifest your dreams?

During a full moon, you may find it a little harder to drift off and experience abundant energy. This time, where the Sun, Moon and Earth are in perfect alignment, casts a mood of heightened intensity in emotions and energy. It is a sacred time to let go of things that are no longer serving you and welcome new beginnings.

The full moon ritual to manifest your dreams

This can be done at any part of the day, though it’s best embraced when you are calm and ready to relax. Try making it part of your bedtime routine, the release may help you let go of overwhelm and enjoy a deeper, more restful sleep.

1. Create your sacred space

This can be anywhere that makes you feel calm and centered, try and sit on the floor to connect with the Earth’s energy and have something to represent each of the most powerful elements – Water, Air, Earth and Fire. Something as simple as a flower in a pot of water, a feather reflecting the floating of air and your favourite candle representing the strength of fire is enough. Feel free to choose whatever resonates with your energy and makes you feel grounded.

Take a few moments to drop into your space and then get ready to let go.

2. What do you want to let go of?

Time to do the deep work. What is it you want to let go of? Maybe it’s constantly worrying about things that will likely never happen, what other people think of you or being judgmental of others. Ask yourself what is holding you back? Write them down in clear sentences, for example “I am going to stop saying yes to everything” or “I am going to stop being afraid of meeting new people”. Breathe, let go and clear the path to dance with new possibilities.

3. Set your Intentions

Now, welcome to the new. What are you ready for? What does your heart desire? However small, silly or huge it feels, write it down and let the moon in on your heart’s wishes. Be as clear and specific as you can. The powerful lunar energy is clearing your path and lighting up your dreams. You know what they say about those that don’t believe in magic… they never find it.

4. Reflect on your intentions

After you have released what is no longer serving you, set clear full moon intentions of what you want to welcome and drop into a serene, peaceful space – take some time to reflect. Allow your mind to be quiet and imagine yourself in the position that the moon has manifested all that you wish for. Write anything down that comes up, emotions, feelings and thoughts that you may want to come back to later.

What else can you do harness the moon’s energy?

Congratulations, now that you have completed a full moon ritual you have started the journey of harnessing the moon’s powerful energy. You may notice you begin to feel more positive, lighter in mood and mind and enjoying a dreamier sleep. Though, what more can you do? To learn more about the other rituals you can do throughout the lunar cycle, such as a New Moon ritual there are plenty of books on Moonology and resources you can find online.

Working with the moon is a natural, magical way to release overwhelm and explore the dreams and wishes in your heart. A little like us here at Panda with our wonderful Bamboo Bedding, the moon is a gift in the sky that is here to make Sweet Dreams come true.

May the moon’s magic be with you.

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The post A Simple Full Moon Ritual to Manifest Your Dreams first appeared on Panda.

What Are the Benefits of Fitted Sheets You Might Not Know About? Wed, 06 Sep 2023 16:09:54 +0000

When it comes to creating a comfortable and inviting bed, the type of bedding you choose plays a significant role. Fitted sheets are a popular choice due to their practicality and functionality. There are plenty of fitted sheet benefits you might not even be aware of. From enhancing your bedding experience to improving sleep comfort and promoting hygiene, fitted sheets offer numerous advantages that contribute to a restful night’s sleep – and we all want one of those, right?

Can fitted sheets provide an enhanced bedding experience?

Fitted sheets are designed to fit snugly over your mattress, providing a smooth and seamless surface for you to lay on. One of the best-fitted sheets features is their elasticised corners: they ensure a secure fit, preventing the sheet from slipping or bunching up during the night – perfect for wriggly sleepers. This creates a more enjoyable bedding experience, as you can sleep comfortably without the need to readjust the sheet throughout the night continuously.

Buttons on Bedding - Pink - Close Up

Fitted sheets also make it easier to make the bed, which is always one of those tasks we put off as it feels similar to an Olympic workout… The elastic means a fitted sheet will stretch easily over each corner, saving time and making your bed look much neater! You can be house proud with ease thanks to fitted sheets’ practicality. They are versatile, too: thanks to their stretchiness, this type of sheet is suitable for various mattress depths – just another one of the advantages of fitted sheets.

Improved sleep comfort

The soft and smooth texture of fitted sheets adds an extra layer of comfort to your bed by removing wrinkles and creases; this leads to an enhanced sleep surface that you’ll look forward to lying down on. They are also typically made from breathable and lightweight materials, like bamboo or linen, that help regulate body temperature. This means a cooler sleep environment, which helps prevent overheating and promotes better sleep.

Additionally, fitted sheets offer a snug fit that eliminates the discomfort caused by loose or wrinkled bedding. We all know that feeling of waking up tangled in a non-fitted sheet, and it isn’t pleasant! You’ll find that with fitted sheets, comfort is much improved.

What are the hygienic and health benefits of fitted sheets?

Fitted sheets offer hygienic advantages that go beyond their convenient fit. They act as a protective barrier, preventing direct contact between you and the mattress – if you’re partial to a midnight snack, the sheet will catch any crumbs or spillages and protect your mattress. This barrier layer also helps reduce the buildup of allergens, dust mites, and other potentially harmful particles, leading to improved respiratory health for the whole family. Using fitted sheets, bed hygiene will be even better! They are also easy to remove and wash, creating a cleaner and healthier sleep environment. Is there anything better than getting into freshly washed sheets that have been hung out to dry on a breezy day?

How can fitted sheets contribute to aesthetics and style?

In addition to their functional benefits, fitted sheets can help improve your bedroom aesthetics. They look neater, nicely tucked in without anything hanging down or becoming too creased. This can help give your room a polished appearance so it becomes somewhere you want to spend your time. And because fitted sheets are available in a huge variety of colours and designs, you can match them to the décor or theme of your room! You can even switch them out with the season, just to be that little bit extra. With 100% bamboo fitted sheets, aesthetics will be ticked off your list of things to consider when choosing bedding accessories because they look fantastic.

Tips for choosing and using fitted sheets

Choosing and utilizing fitted sheets effectively is key to ensuring comfort and convenience in your bedroom setup. When shopping for fitted sheets, the first step is accurately determining your mattress size. While it may seem straightforward, overlooking this step can lead to mismatches, especially with non-standard mattress sizes requiring unique sheet dimensions to achieve that snug fit. Material choice is equally critical; opt for fabrics that offer both hypoallergenic and antibacterial properties. Bamboo, for instance, is an excellent choice, offering a luxuriously soft touch that is gentle on the skin.

Beyond the basics of selection, the durability and quality of the elastic edges are paramount. A fitted sheet with elastic that maintains its elasticity over time ensures a consistently snug fit, preventing any unwanted slippage or bunching. Caring for your fitted sheet is straightforward yet essential for its longevity. Regular washing with an eco-friendly detergent at a cool temperature, followed by air-drying, can significantly extend the life of your sheet, ensuring many nights of cosy, comfortable sleep.

How to fold fitted sheets

Incorporating the proper folding technique for your fitted sheets can also enhance your bedroom’s organization and aesthetic. Begin by turning the sheet inside out and inserting your hands into two adjacent corners. Fold these corners over each other, then repeat with the opposite corners, aligning the sheet into a neat rectangle with elastic edges inside. Lay the sheet flat, fold in the sides to hide the elastic, and continue folding until the sheet is compact and smooth. This method keeps your linen closet tidy and makes your fitted sheets easier to store and locate.

The benefits of fitted sheets

Fitted sheets have plenty of bedding benefits: they’re easier to put on, always stay in place, and make the room look neater. They also make your sleep a lot more comfortable, with fewer wrinkles and no bunching up during the night – a fitted sheet’s snug fit is what helps with this. Enhance your sleep experience by choosing fitted sheets!

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The post What Are the Benefits of Fitted Sheets You Might Not Know About? first appeared on Panda.

Top Tips to Prepare Your Little Ones for Going Back to School Fri, 18 Aug 2023 15:08:15 +0000

Are you ready for the school bell?

As we enjoy the last of the Summer sun, it’s time to start thinking about returning to routine. Goodbye shorts, flip-flops and lazy days hello, freshly pressed uniforms, early starts and school homework. Heading back to school can be challenging for little ones (and parents) when you’ve just had weeks of less structured weeks. Here are five tips to help reduce back-to-school anxiety and set your little ones up for a great term.

How can you set up a good routine?

The start of a new school year brings many changes for little ones. One of them being the earlier mornings. This is a good time to set up a new bedtime routine to ensure they get enough rest and head off for the day feeling calm. Introducing a fun yet relaxing hour to unwind after they’ve done their homework and ensuring they get to bed a bit earlier will prepare them for the school run. September tends to get a little cooler and darker earlier, which can help make them feel more sleepy. Set them up for a great night’s rest with a snuggly, thermoregulating bamboo duvet. The natural fabric is highly breathable and seasonal for any fluctuations in the weather. As for the mornings, having uniforms laid out and a healthy breakfast prepared will help ease them back into routine and get those learning hats back on. 

How can you plan out the school week?

Ever find yourself turning up at the wrong play dates? Forgetting parent evenings… And had no idea about that school trip? Back to school often means back to chaos as our diaries fill back up. To ensure things run a little more smoothly, popping a weekly plan on the fridge or wall can help the whole family know what’s coming up. This can help little ones be prepared and give them things to look forward to, helping to manage stress and anxiety. It’s a great place to put everything from homework, dinner to playtime- even if you don’t manage to stick to everything, it’s an easy way to keep on top of things and get some structure back into all your weeks.

What can help them feel at their best?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away… As they head back to school, looking at their nutrition is a great way to ensure they stay healthy and fuel their brains. Starting with a good breakfast, from a bowl of yummy oatmeal to fresh fruits and yogurts, will set them up for a good start. Ensuring they get plenty of veggies at dinner time will keep their immune systems strong. While it’s still ok to enjoy a treat, well-balanced breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals will keep them feeling and learning at their best.

Mothers Day bamboo duvet

How can you help ease learning anxiety?

After all that summertime play, getting their learning hats back on can cause some stress and anxiety. Trying to make learning fun and consistent again is something you can do together. Spend an hour reading their favourite book, let them read to you and go over any words that might be new to them with examples and even sounds. Asking them about their homework and letting them show it to you can give them a sense of pride and encourage them to share their work with teachers and participate in any extra-learning activities. From after-school clubs and sports groups, school is a great place to let them explore what they enjoy and hidden skills and talents that might need nurturing.

What can you do if you feel your child is struggling?

If you sense your child struggles with overwhelming during the first term, you are not alone. Little ones can often find it hard to adjust and concentrate again after the Summer break. Asking them about their day on the drive home or over an after-school snack when they are relaxed and comfortable can give them time to open up about anything that’s bothering them so you can address it together. Having the space to talk and share their feelings can help them feel less alone, supported and ready to make the most of their exciting new start.

Good luck little ones!


When should I start preparing my child for going back to school?

Preparing your child a few weeks before school starts is a good idea. This allows them to adjust gradually and reduces any last-minute rush.

How can I help my child overcome back-to-school anxiety?

Open communication is key. Talk to your child about their feelings, visit the school, and maintain a positive attitude. Engage in activities that help them feel excited about the new school year.

What's the importance of establishing a routine before school starts?

Routines provide predictability and stability, helping children adjust to the school schedule. Adjust sleep, meal, and play times to align with the school routine.

How can I encourage my child's enthusiasm for learning?

Create a positive learning environment at home by reading together, engaging in educational games, and showing interest in their school-related activities.

How can I help my child get organized for the school year?

Introduce organizational tools like a calendar, planner, or color-coded folders. Teach them to pack their bag the night before and lay out their clothes.

Are there any tips for making mornings smoother?

Plan outfits the night before, prepare lunches in advance, and establish a morning routine that includes a healthy breakfast and some quiet time for your child to wake up peacefully.

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The post Top Tips to Prepare Your Little Ones for Going Back to School first appeared on Panda.

How to Create a 5 Star Hotel Bed in the Comfort of Home Tue, 15 Aug 2023 09:27:56 +0000

From the 2-night work trip to a 2-week vacation, one thing we all look forward to is climbing into our hotel bed. What is the secret sauce that makes them soooo dreamy? We have researched for you (it’s a hard life). With the help of expert Louise, founder of Studio Gabrielle, who curates exquisite beds, we’ve put together five steps for creating a hotel-style bed in the unrivalled comfort of home.

1. The bedding

Smooth, crisp and fresh as a Summer daisy, the bedding is the first thing that lures you in. Louise points out how hotels pay exquisite attention to detail, creating that inviting, relaxing atmosphere, though we often don’t do this at home. Well, why not? Choosing beautiful bedding is the first place to start. The key is to choose high-quality, breathable fabrics like bamboo, linen or cotton. If you like slipping under silky, soft sheets (and really, who doesn’t), our 100% bamboo bedding makes a great choice. Highly breathable, bamboo regulates temperature for cool summer nights (who needs aircon) while insulating you for that cosy ‘don’t want to get out of bed’ feeling in winter. We offer a range of colours to suit every dreamer. Stuck on a choice? Louise advises wearing white, which never goes out of style and gives a clean, pure look year-round.

Bamboo Bedding -Deep Sea Navy - Lifestyle Image

2. The base

Experience a 5-star hotel retreat in your bedroom with Studio Gabrielle’s La Grâce Bed. Its captivating curves beckon you on an emotional journey to deep slumber while tranquillity fills your space. Available in UK and European sizes, fully upholstered in exclusive house fabrics, with statement ball feet and an ingenious inset base system, this bed blends style and comfort effortlessly.

The timeless sophistication embodied in this bed brings the opulent aura of luxury hotels to your home. Carefully curated details inspired by the moon’s dance and ocean rhythms create an ambiance of grandeur. Studio Gabrielle’s dedication to quality craftsmanship and impeccable design ensures your space becomes a haven of relaxation and elegance.

This isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about transforming your space into a luxurious retreat while embracing sustainability. The La Grâce Bed bridges refined taste and eco-conscious living, making it the perfect centrepiece for your personal 5-star experience.

3. The Pillows

Hotel pillows are the ultimate treat; plump, fresh and plentiful; they often come in different shapes and sizes to create the perfect comfort level. Though at home, two is enough to do the trick when you know what to pick. If you like firm support, a memory foam pillow is ideal. The advanced technology adapts to your sleeping position, optimising neck and spine alignment. Choose a breathable fabric like bamboo for that fresh side of the pillow feeling. If you enjoy a bit more squidge, the Hybrid Bamboo Pillow provides the best of both. The mix of charcoal-infused memory foam, O2 Micro-pods™ and soft, breathable bamboo cloud cover gives just the right balance of cool, cushiony comfort for a seriously good slumber.

4. The Mattress

When it comes to the most amazing night’s sleep, the mattress is king,” says Louise. Hotels normally get it just right, providing a surface that is a dreamy combo of softness, support and breathability that makes you want to take the bed home. While that might not be an option, you can have your own. A Hybrid Mattress gives you that five-star feeling, blending two of the most popular mattress fills. Advanced third-generation foam supports your sleeping position, while pocket spring technology relieves essential pressure points, providing bespoke comfort and isolating movement if you share a bed. Though with a bed this comfy, you might not want to!

5. The Duvet

What makes the perfect duvet? “It has to be light, fluffy and deliciously soft”, says Louise, who loves snuggling in for duvet days and luxurious lie-ins. A hotel duvet always feels like it’s been made just for you; our Bamboo Cloud Duvet has. Using our signature breathable bamboo and innovative Nano-Microfibre™ we’ve created the softest, fluffiest duvet that will have you drifting off on cloud 9. “Bamboo is a great choice for sleep. I have fallen in love with it for how gentle and soft it feels on my skin” says Louise, who is getting sleepy with all this talk of hotels and bedtime. Perhaps it’s a good time to wrap things up…

So there you have it, the five essentials for a five-star sleep at home. You might not quite want to cancel your next holiday, though at least you know you will have a gorgeously comfortable bed to look forward to when you get back.


What's the most important aspect of recreating a hotel bed at home?

The key lies in high-quality bedding. Invest in luxurious sheets, a comfortable mattress topper, and plush pillows.

Are there specific thread counts to look for in sheets?

While thread counts matter, it’s not the only factor. Aim for a thread count of 300-500 for softness and durability.

How can I make the bed look more inviting?

Layer your bedding with decorative throws and cushions for an inviting, hotel-like appearance.

Can I recreate the hotel bed experience on a budget?

Look for quality, budget-friendly bedding options, and focus on presentation with neat, crisp linens.

Are there specific mattress toppers for added comfort?

Yes, memory foam or down mattress toppers can provide extra comfort and mimic the plush hotel feel.

What's the secret to those perfectly tucked sheets in hotels?

It’s all about the hospital corner technique – plenty of online tutorials can guide you.

Sweet Dreams

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The post How to Create a 5 Star Hotel Bed in the Comfort of Home first appeared on Panda.

What is the Best Pillow to Keep You Cool This Summer? Fri, 14 Jul 2023 08:21:21 +0000

Getting a good night’s sleep can be challenging as the temperature rises during the summer months. Sweaty and uncomfortable nights can disrupt sleep quality and overall well-being, leaving you tired and grumpy. A pillow specifically designed for hot weather can make a significant difference in ensuring a restful sleep experience – there are different types and materials available, plus a range of interesting features.

Understanding the cooling pillow concept

Cooling pillows are those which are specifically designed to regulate your body temperature and provide you with a comfortable sleep surface, even on those hot sticky nights. These pillows are generally made from materials and technologies that are moisture-wicking and promote breathability and heat dissipation. By preventing heat retention (something common in memory foam pillows) and promoting air circulation, cooling pillows help regulate body temperature. This ultimately leads to a much more refreshing sleep experience!

What are some factors to consider when choosing a cooling pillow?

When selecting a cooling pillow, it’s important to consider various factors that contribute to its cooling properties and your overall comfort:


You should look for pillows made from breathable and moisture-wicking materials such as bamboo, cotton, or cooling gel-infused memory foam. The properties of these materials will help with that cool side of the pillow feeling we all crave on hot nights…

Loft Height

The loft height of a pillow is important for your comfort; generally the higher the loft the more comfortable the pillow. Your overall comfort will help you sleep better and stay cool at night.


The pillow fill is important, too. If a pillow is filled with feathers, it might be itchy and uncomfortable which won’t make sleep any easier; memory foam has natural heat retention, so it’s best to look for fillings which counteract this by adding in gel or other technologies.


Cooling pillows are often set aside from normal pillows due to the technologies used in their construction: this might be the use of a gel layer within the pillow, or using a mesh frame with spaces to allow for airflow. These innovations are what helps make it a cooling pillow, as opposed to just a normal pillow.

Types of cooling pillows

There are various types of cooling pillows on the market, each made slightly differently to help keep you cool on warm nights.

Latex Pillows

These are pillows filled with a shredded latex material; it is an alternative to down and offers a cooling effect, but it doesn’t work for people with latex allergies.

Bamboo Pillows

Bamboo pillows are hypoallergenic, naturally antibacterial, and inherently breathable and thermoregulating. Bamboo is a soft and comfortable material; bamboo-filled pillows are particularly squishy.

Hybrid Pillows

Hybrid pillow generally refers to pillows made from memory foam, which naturally retain heat but are tweaked to ensure a cooling effect too – by utilising open-cell technology, for example, and incorporating cooling fabric like bamboo or linen.

What are the pros and cons of different cooling pillow types?

As with all types of pillows, there are pros and cons to all of the various cooling pillows. It comes down to personal preference and what is best for you, so it is worth considering these.

Hybrid Bamboo Mattress Pillow - Lifestyle Image

Latex Pillows – Pros and Cons

The pros of latex pillows include being free from animal products, cooling, durable and soft. The cons are that latex is not suitable for those with a latex allergy, which is quite common, and they can also be quite heavy.

Bamboo Pillows – Pros and Cons

There are so many pros to bamboo pillows: they are naturally antibacterial, hypoallergenic, moisture-wicking and soft as well as being good quality and really durable. Some cons might be that they are generally not machine washable, and that it can take some time to adjust to the difference.

Hybrid Pillows – Pros and Cons

Some pros of a hybrid pillow include the ultimate comfort found from blending more than one material; they are also great quality thanks to the work that has gone into the design and construction. However, hybrid pillows can be more expensive than others.

What are some additional features to consider?

When buying a cooling pillow, look for additional features that might help you decide which one to purchase. Do you want a washable zip-off cover, for example, or do you need a pillow with orthopaedic-grade support for a bad back? Consider your budget, any allergies or sensitivities, and how eco-friendly different pillows are.

Keep cool this summer with a cooling pillow

Hot nights can really have an impact on your sleep quality, so looking at pillows which offer cooling properties is definitely important when purchasing a new one. Comfort and support are vastly important to provide a good night’s sleep, and staying cool helps matters even more. Consider your own personal preferences, as well as materials and technologies, when buying a cooling pillow.

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The post What is the Best Pillow to Keep You Cool This Summer? first appeared on Panda.

Top Tips for Sleeping With Sunburn Thu, 06 Jul 2023 10:27:05 +0000

Sleeping with sunburn can be uncomfortable, painful or completely impossible. With sore skin and a raised temperature, drifting off often seems just out of reach – but restful sleep is incredibly important for sunburn recovery, helping to heal your skin and allow you to enjoy the summer days in peace.

What is sunburn and how it effects your sleep

Sunburn is the common name for the radiation burns caused by UV rays from the sun, which cause damage to DNA in the upper layer of skin cells resulting in swelling, redness, and inflammation. The redness and irritation come from the blood vessels dilating in order to heal the damage. Sleeping comfortably with sunburn is difficult because the skin comes into contact with the bedding, and the pressure from lying in bed can often cause discomfort.

How can you prepare your sleep environment?

One of the best tips for sleeping with sunburn is to prepare a sleeping environment which is conducive to a good night’s sleep – start by choosing appropriate bedding that is cool, smooth, and breathable. Bamboo bedding is a fantastic example of this; it is naturally gentle on the skin and helps cool you down. It helps your skin to breathe, which is perfect for sunburn relief at night.

Made Bed - Outdoors Background

Ensure your room is at the perfect temperature for sleep. Opening windows, using air conditioning or turning on your fan are other great cooling techniques for sunburned skin at night. Your body temperature will increase when your skin is burned, which helps. And generally, ensuring your bedroom is a calm and relaxing sleep environment is key: turn off any screens and harsh lighting, play soothing music, or spray essential oils around the room.

How can you manage sunburn discomfort before bedtime?

The first step to soothing sunburn for better sleep is to have a cool shower or bath before you head to bed. This helps to relieve the heat and inflammation associated with sunburn – as does applying after-sun or aloe vera. There are various calming lotions for sleeping with sunburn, soothing your skin before you get into bed. Over-the-counter pain relief, if recommended by a healthcare professional, can also act as sleeping aids for sunburn pain.

Sleeping Positions for Sunburn Relief

Depending on where your sunburn is, you might find different sleeping positions more comfortable. For example, if you’ve burned your back, you might find it easier to drift off by lying on your stomach or side. It’s all about minimising the pain – extra pillows or cushions to elevate certain body parts or reduce pressure can also help. Elevation helps to improve your circulation and provides more comfort so you can heal as you snooze.

Utilising cool techniques

Your bedtime remedies for sunburn discomfort should include applying a cool compress, or an ice pack wrapped in a towel, to the affected areas. This will cool and soothe. Choosing cool bedding for sunburn relief is also important – opting for lightweight and breathable fabrics like bamboo is a great way to ensure breathability as you snooze and stop overheating during the night. Thin and breathable pyjamas are key, too. If you’re looking for more sunburned skin care during sleep, look for gels and lotions which are specifically designed to cool and soothe.

Hydrating properly before bedtime

Hydration is key when it comes to overnight sunburn care tips. Drink plenty of cold water, and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption when sunburnt. Try and incorporate some extra hydrating food and beverages before bedtime: herbal teas, fruit, salad and ice pops, for example.

Avoiding irritants and friction

You might need to change your usual skincare routine when suffering from sunburn – avoid heavily fragranced products and opt for really gentle creams and lotions. Bedding and sleepwear should be soft and made of non-irritating fabrics like bamboo; naturally silky smooth as well as being hypoallergenic, bamboo fabric is the ideal choice when sunburnt. Where possible, minimise contact with any rough or abrasive surfaces and materials to avoid irritation.

How can you create a relaxing bedtime routine?

Get yourself in the right headspace to fall asleep and it should come easier despite the sunburn – engage in some relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to help you drift off. Soothing and calming activities like reading, listening to slow music or doing a jigsaw can help you relax and feel ready to snooze. Good sleep hygiene is important in general, and by having these habits in place (a set bedtime, a routine you follow each night and so on) you’ll find it easier to fall asleep even if you are experiencing sunburn.

Seeking medical attention if needed

If your sunburn is particularly severe, or you notice complications like infected or weeping skin, then be sure to consult a healthcare professional who can suggest appropriate treatment and guide you through the process. Keep an eye on children with sunburn especially!

How to sleep with sunburned skin?

While you should take every step to avoid sunburn, by covering up and using SPF protection, it can happen – and keeping cool at night with breathable bedding and various cooling techniques will help you sleep. Prioritise restful slumber and ensure you take the necessary measures to recover from your sunburn so you can enjoy summer to the fullest.


How can I relieve the discomfort of sunburn before bedtime?

Before bedtime, try applying aloe vera or a cooling gel to soothe the sunburned skin. Avoid using petroleum-based products as they trap heat and worsen the burn.

How should I position myself in bed to minimise discomfort?

Opt for a sleeping position that avoids putting pressure on the sunburned areas. Sleeping on your back or using extra pillows for support can help reduce contact with the affected skin.

Are there specific fabrics or bedding materials I should avoid?

Yes, avoid rough or abrasive fabrics that may irritate sunburned skin. Instead, use soft, breathable materials like bamboo or cotton for your bedding.

Should I take a lukewarm shower before bedtime to cool down my skin?

A lukewarm shower can help cool down the skin and remove any residual sunscreen or sweat. Pat your skin dry gently afterwards.

Are there any natural remedies I can try for sunburn relief?

Yes, besides aloe vera, you can apply cool chamomile tea bags or pure coconut oil to soothe sunburned skin naturally.

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The post Top Tips for Sleeping With Sunburn first appeared on Panda.

What are the Best Natural Sleep Aids for Adults? Fri, 26 May 2023 08:50:18 +0000

Sleep is vital for maintaining good physical and mental health – getting just an extra 60 minutes of sleep per night will make you feel so much better in yourself. So when you’re struggling to sleep, it can feel frustrating. It definitely has an impact on your mood, memory and day-to-day abilities! Reaching for prescription sleeping tablets can be tempting, but these often come with negative side effects: natural sleep aids are a fantastic alternative, helping you sleep more soundly without any damage to your body.

How important is sleep?

Your body needs sleep for many reasons – resting gives you a chance to heal aches and pains, and sufficient sleep helps prevent health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. If you get a good night’s sleep, you’ll see an improvement in your mood; not only that, but you’ll notice an improvement in your cognitive function. Your memory and recall will improve, and you’ll function better at work.

On the other hand, sleep deprivation is terrible for our health. A lack of sleep can lead to health conditions, such as those above, alongside kidney disease and obesity. You won’t be able to function as well as you could, meaning there is an increased risk of accidents, and you’ll perform poorly in daily tasks. Mood swings and depression are common in people who struggle to sleep, and your immune system is naturally lower when you’re not getting enough rest. As you can see, sleep is incredibly important!

What are the most common sleep problems?

There are many problems which come alongside trying to sleep. For example, being too hot or cold at night can put the brakes on a good night’s slumber – as can sharing a bed with somebody who snores! Restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea are examples of diagnosable medical issues which prevent you from drifting off, along with narcolepsy, bruxism (grinding your teeth), and of course, insomnia. These are some of the most common sleep problems plaguing the population and keeping us up at night – insomnia being the most common. It is thought to affect 1 in 3 people in the UK alone!

What are the most common causes of insomnia?

The chronic inability to sleep is known as insomnia; about 10% of the global population suffers from medically diagnosed insomnia. Experts aren’t sure exactly what causes the problem, but there are some common causes to consider…


Insomnia can be a genetic issue; these sleep problems are known to run in families. Your genes affect how much sleep you need to function well, so it isn’t too surprising that insomnia can be a hereditary issue!

Life circumstances

If you’re feeling particularly stressed or anxious, say if you’re moving house or worrying about a new job, you might struggle to sleep. This temporary insomnia can be incredibly annoying, and the frustration it causes can hinder your sleep efforts further. It becomes a vicious circle that is difficult to get out of.

Mental health conditions

Around half of the people who suffer from long-term insomnia are also diagnosed with at least one mental health condition, typically clinical anxiety or depression. These mental illnesses can take a toll on the brain, which is due to the excessive production of various hormones. Too much of these hormones can stop you from sleeping.

Physical health conditions

There are certain physical health conditions which can stop you sleeping; acid reflux, for example, can keep you awake in pain and discomfort for hours. Injuries like a sprained example or broken arm can prevent sleep too, because they make it so difficult to get comfortable in bed.

Lifestyle factors

Your lifestyle can also stop you from being able to drift off. Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption will keep you awake for hours – and a lack of exercise will also make it harder to sleep.

What are the best natural sleep aids?

There are definitely some ways in which you can improve your chances of a good night’s sleep without resorting to the use of prescription sleep aids. With plenty of natural options available, you should be sleeping soundly in no time. Some of the best natural sleep aids include:

  • Lavender (scented candles lit for a while before sleeping, oils in a diffuser, or a scented pillow spray for example)

  • Valerian root (available to make as tea to drink before bed)

  • CBD (to be taken in gummy form or as an oil which you can drop underneath your tongue)

  • Melatonin (available in gummy or capsule form, as well as present naturally in the body – foods like chicken, turkey, and pumpkin seeds will enhance production)

All of these natural sleep aids are available to purchase in supermarkets and health food stores. They are much better for you than prescription drugs, with fewer side effects.

Some other natural sleep aids come from switching up your bed and bedding. Making your bed more comfortable will help you fall asleep quickly (and stay asleep!) at night. Adding a bamboo mattress topper to your bed, for example, is more affordable than buying a new mattress, but it truly increases comfort levels. By helping to align your body and support you as you drift off, you’ll notice a difference. Picking up some breathable bamboo bedding, which is softer than silk and just as luxurious as cashmere, will also help you maintain the perfect comfort levels all night long!

Sleepy Girl Mocktail: A Trendy Natural Sleep Aid

In the realm of home remedies and wellness trends, the Sleepy Girl Mocktail has emerged as a popular choice for those seeking a natural aid to enhance sleep quality. This non-alcoholic beverage, which combines 1/2 cup of tart cherry juice with a tablespoon of magnesium powder, topped off with a fizzy drink like sparkling water, has been lauded for its potential sleep-inducing properties. The key to its appeal lies in its primary ingredients: tart cherry juice and magnesium. Tart cherry juice is a natural source of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycles, while magnesium is renowned for its relaxation benefits, often used to alleviate muscle tension and stress.

When these elements are combined in the Sleepy Girl Mocktail, they create a drink that not only promises to soothe the body into a restful state but also offers a refreshing taste, especially when enhanced with optional additions like elderberry syrup, ginger-lime soda, or ice cubes infused with lemon and berries. Despite its growing popularity, it’s crucial to approach this bedtime concoction with a balanced perspective. While each ingredient individually supports sleep, the overall effectiveness of the Sleepy Girl Mocktail in improving sleep has yet to be validated by clinical studies.

Moreover, those considering this mocktail should be mindful of dietary restrictions and potential health implications, particularly when introducing supplements like magnesium powder into their diet

Bamboo Mattress Topper - Elastic Straps Shown On Bed

How can changing your lifestyle lead to better sleep?

There are many lifestyle improvements you can make to encourage a better night’s sleep. For the most part, they’re pretty simple too. Reducing alcohol and caffeine is a great way to feel healthier in general – and it can also help you sleep more soundly. Eating better and exercising more will help, too, as will getting into a good bedtime routine. Doing the same thing each night before you get in bed will show your brain that it’s time to drift off!

And finally, having less screen time in the evening is key. Tablets, phones, laptops and TVs emit a harsh light that can cause disruptions in the melatonin surge needed to help you sleep. Turning them off around 2 hours before you go to bed is easier said than done for many of us, but it really will help. Instead, read a book or play a board game.

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important to protect your mental and physical health – and with the natural sleep aids and lifestyle changes suggested in this article, you’re definitely on the way to sleeping much better. Sleep hygiene is crucial too! Hopefully, with all of this advice, you’ll be drifting off before you know it…


What are natural sleep aids?

Natural sleep aids are substances or techniques that promote better sleep without prescription medications or artificial substances. These aids include herbal supplements, relaxation techniques, lifestyle changes, and sleep hygiene practices.

Are natural sleep aids safe to use?

Natural sleep aids can be generally safe when used as directed. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new sleep aid, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. This will help ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of adverse effects.

What are some popular natural sleep aids?

Some popular natural sleep aids include melatonin, valerian root, chamomile tea, lavender essential oil, magnesium, and relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises. Each person may respond differently to various sleep aids, so it’s important to find what works best for you.

How do natural sleep aids work?

Natural sleep aids work through various mechanisms. For example, melatonin supplements help regulate the sleep-wake cycle, valerian root is a mild sedative, and chamomile tea has calming properties. These aids may promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance sleep quality.

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The post What are the Best Natural Sleep Aids for Adults? first appeared on Panda.

Everything you Need to Know About Snoring Tue, 16 May 2023 15:30:24 +0000

Snoring – it’s probably one of the most annoying things to contend with as you try to drift off at night. Sleeping next to somebody who snores can prevent you from actually falling asleep, leading to frustration and tiredness. In order to try and combat some of that frustration, we’re sharing everything you need to know about snoring: being informed on the matter might help!

What is snoring?

This is a rumbling or snorting sound that occurs when somebody is asleep; it happens because the soft tissue in your nose and throat flutters as you breathe, vibrating with the air that flows through it. Most people will snore from time to time, especially if they have a cold or have been drinking alcohol in the evening. However, for some people, it’s much more of a chronic problem – and it’s not just the snorer themselves that suffers.

What causes snoring?

As mentioned, being drunk or full of cold can cause you to snore intermittently. There are various other common causes, though. Some of these include:

  • Being overweight: Excessive weight can contribute to snoring by increasing the amount of fatty tissue around the neck and throat. This can put pressure on the airway, causing it to narrow and resulting in snoring.
  • Taking sedatives or heavy sleeping medication: The consumption of sedatives can relax the muscles in the throat and tongue, leading to increased snoring. These substances can contribute to further airway obstruction during sleep.
  • Sleeping position: Sleeping on your back can increase the likelihood of snoring. In this position, the tongue and soft tissues in the throat may collapse backwards, partially blocking the airway and causing snoring.
  • Old age: As individuals age, the throat muscles may become weaker and lose their tone. This can increase the likelihood of snoring. Additionally, genetic factors can influence the anatomy of the airway, making some individuals more prone to snoring.
  • Sleep Apnea: Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea is often accompanied by loud snoring and can have serious health implications if left untreated.
  • Smoking: Smoking irritates the airways and causes inflammation, which can lead to snoring. The toxins in cigarette smoke can also damage the respiratory system and contribute to the development of various breathing disorders, including snoring.

What are the risks associated with snoring?

While snoring in itself is an issue, it can also lead to problems further down the line. The annoying habit has actually been found to have increased the risk of health problems such as a stroke; snoring increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis, which is where arteries in the neck narrow due to a fatty deposit known as plaque. This can then cause you to have a stroke.

The issue can also cause an irregular heartbeat, known as an arrhythmia. Further down the line, arrhythmias can lead to a lack of blood flow to other organs – this impacts the way you’re able to function.

How does snoring impact your partner?

If you share a bed with somebody and you snore, you’re likely used to them nudging you or trying to roll you over – and complaining in the morning about you keeping them up all night! While you might feel a bit put out by this, because it technically isn’t your fault, it really is worth remembering how much snoring can impact your partner.

Research suggests that those who share a bed with a snorer wake up on average 21 times during the night. This frequent interruption means they are not getting a good night’s sleep, meaning they are tired the following day and are unable to reap the benefits of a full night of slumber. It can also lead to depression, increased blood pressure, and a lack of focus.

Snoring also has a big impact on the happiness of your relationship. From arguments to deciding to sleep in separate rooms, this problematic noise can really take a toll on you and your partner. In the US, snoring is actually the third most common cause of divorce after infidelity and financial issues!

red hair girl sleeping on a hybrid bamboo mattress-600x400

How can you prevent or stop snoring?

From being mildly annoying to downright harmful, snoring affects people differently. There are a variety of ways in which you can help prevent the issue, leading to a better night’s sleep for you and whoever you share your bed with.

Lifestyle changes

The first way to help yourself stop snoring is to make small lifestyle changes and see if this improves matters. Some things to try are:

  • Quit smoking
  • Cut down on alcohol
  • Avoid sedatives or heavy sleeping medication
  • Try to sleep on your side
  • Lose weight

Shop-bought products

There is also a range of products you can buy over the counter to help prevent the problem. These include:

  • Nasal strips
  • Mouth pieces
  • Nose clips
  • Purifying nose plugs
  • Chin straps

They are designed to be comfortable and help you stop snoring without causing pain or discomfort. You should also ensure you have a comfortable mattress which limits motion transfer, such as the Panda London Bamboo Hybrid Mattress – with 1,500 springs to isolate movements and ensure your body is aligned, it is the perfect option to encourage a comfortable night’s sleep with less disturbance! Pair this with a pillow that properly supports your neck and head, and you should be able to breathe much easier as you snooze.


If your chronic snoring doesn’t go away with lifestyle changes and over the counter purchases, then it might be time to consider medical help. While not particularly common or accessible, there are a few different surgeries which can be done to help you…

  • A reconstructive surgery to stabilise the structure of the back of your throat
  • Nerve implantation surgery which stimulates the tongue to contract and move to help you breathe easier
  • Nasal obstruction removal surgery, which increases airflow through the nose

Of course these surgeries are a last resort, and should be thoroughly researched and considered.

Some more reading

If you want to know even more about snoring, here are a few things you might find interesting!

Sweet Dreams

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The post Everything you Need to Know About Snoring first appeared on Panda.

How Does Your Age Affect Your Sleep Needs? Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:39:27 +0000

Understanding how sleep needs by age vary is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While we all cherish a good night’s sleep, the way it manifests can differ greatly from person to person, much like a varied box of chocolates. Age is a significant factor influencing our sleep requirements. But do we need more sleep as we age, or is it the other way around? And what about the impact of those late-night adventures in our twenties? This article delves into “age-related sleep changes” and offers the best bedtime tips for each decade to keep you feeling rejuvenated and vibrant.

Why does age affect our sleep?

Age-related sleep changes are a natural part of growing older. You might find yourself preferring a quiet night in over a wild night out, and this is partly due to physical changes in our bodies. We produce less melatonin, the hormone that helps us feel sleepy in the dark, and our growth hormone levels also deplete. This reduction can make entering the deep sleep zone challenging, where crucial body repair occurs.

Lifestyle shifts also play a role in how sleep needs by age evolve. Factors like reduced exercise, increased stress, and emerging health conditions can significantly affect our sleep patterns as priorities change. Fortunately, understanding your sleep needs and adopting healthy sleep habits can profoundly improve your sleep quality.

Sleep guidelines and tips for every age group

Sleeping Toddler

Let’s explore age-specific sleep guidelines and tips to ensure sound sleep.

Sleep in your twenties: Establishing routines

Ahh, the twenties. This energetic decade is the ideal time to establish healthy sleep habits. Adults in their twenties should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep. Consistency is key, so try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Investing in quality bedding, like soft bamboo sheets, can create a comfortable sleep environment and regulate your body temperature throughout the year. Snooze away and find your sweet spot. Then? Try and stick to it. Here are a few more bedtime tips to take on in your twenties to keep you fit and healthy.

Set a consistent routine

While some of us are our night owls, early birds or somewhere in the middle- we can all benefit from going to bed and waking up at the same time. Set a realistic bedtime and incorporate a gentle winding-down routine you can stick to. This is a great way to regulate your circadian rhythm, which will keep you snoozing soundly for years to come.

Create the perfect bedtime zone

You want to reeeallly look forward to getting into bed. Your twenties are the perfect time to invest in a good quality duvet and soft, smooth bedding that will create a comfy, bedtime sanctuary. Natural fabrics like bamboo are not only kind to the planet. It will regulate your body temperature, keeping you cosy all winter and fresh on summer nights.

Navigating sleep in Your 30s: Balancing change with rest

By our thirties, we have (hopefully) set ourselves up a good bedtime routine. Though these are the years many of us may move in with partners, have children and take on more responsibilities. As a backdrop to this, our bodies are ageing, which can make us more prone to health conditions and aches and pains that can affect our sleep. It is still recommended that you get seven – nine hours during your thirties, though getting it may prove a challenge. Here are some bedtime tips that can help ensure you hit the right amount of sleep duration to stay healthy.

Upgrade your mattress

As your body ages, it is vital you have the best support during the night. You will benefit from a mattress that provides motion control (especially if sharing a bed with a wiggly partner) and orthopaedic grade support, keeping your neck, hips and back in perfect alignment. This will help keep your spine happy and avoid those aches and pains that can make life uncomfortable.

New Year Hybrid Pillow

Prioritise well-being

It’s easy to neglect your well-being in your twenties when the work-life balance can go out the window, and parental responsibilities take over. Try and take the time to switch off after work and embrace gentle practices for your well-being. From filling up on nutritious foods to enjoying a hot bath at the end of the day, these little things can all help improve the quality and duration of your sleep.

Adapting to sleep in your 40s: Addressing hormonal shifts

Recent research has indicated that seven hours of sleep per night may be the optimal amount for individuals over the age of 40. This conclusion is based on a study that analyzed UK Biobank data from nearly 500,000 adults. The study found that seven hours of sleep is ideal for maintaining good mental health, well-being, and cognitive performance. The melatonin and growth hormone levels are declining during this period of life, which may make drifting off harder. Menopause is something that many women experience in their forties, which can pose its own challenges when it comes to getting good quality sleep, with overheating at night being one of them. Prioritising sleep during this time can potentially defend against health conditions from dementia to sleep disorders such as insomnia. Here are some gentle ways to maintain healthy sleep in your 40s.

Keep bedtime breathable

Overheating at night can be a real problem as we age, the solution? Choosing breathable fabrics to sleep with can make a big difference. Bamboo is naturally thermoregulating, making it a great choice for comfortable nights. Our bamboo-infused hybrid bamboo mattress, Hydro Foam™ topper and award-winning charcoal-infused bamboo memory foam pillow have all been designed to optimise airflow, keeping bedtime ultra-fresh.

Stay active

As we age, our energy levels may dip, though staying active can keep your mind and body healthy. Whether it’s a brisk morning walk or a thirty-minute bike ride, staying active will improve circulation, support healthy ageing and can help you drop into a longer, deeper sleep at the end of the day.

couple laying on a bamboo hybrid pillow

Ensuring quality sleep in your 50s and beyond: Health-focused strategies

During your fifties and beyond, sleep is vital to protecting against health conditions and keeping you feeling strong, fit and vibrant. According to studies, seven hours a night could cut your risk of cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. With our ageing bodies can come aches and pains that require a little more TLC. Here are some tips for maintaining good kip in your fifties and beyond.

Make bedtime comfortable and supportive

If there’s one thing you’ve earned by fifty, it’s the right to make bedtime as comfortable as possible. To ensure you have maximum support and pressure-relief, choose a mattress with orthopaedic grade support. It must also be the right firmness for your sleeping position and preference. For the perfect balance of comfort and support, our Bamboo Hybrid Mattress blends breathable, orthopaedic grade foams with seven zones of premium pocket spring technology to keep you and your sleep feeling magic.

Unwind in style

With those sleepy hormones at their lowest in your fifties in beyond, you may find it harder to switch off and fall asleep. Make sure you unwind at the end of each day with a calming routine. Whether it’s a lovely meal, a good book or a chat with a friend. Find something that soothes and relaxes you a few hours before bed. This will help you collapse into bed ready for a restorative night’s sleep.


Across all ages, sleep needs by age play a pivotal role in our overall well-being. By understanding and adapting to these changing needs and implementing healthy sleep habits, you can enjoy restorative sleep at every stage of life.

Sweet Dreams

The post How Does Your Age Affect Your Sleep Needs? first appeared on Panda.
