Last updated on August 17th, 2023 at 10:26 am
‘There is no love like a Mothers love’
Once a year we get a day to celebrate the most incredible person in our lives. Mother’s day is dedicated to the superstar who’s been cheering you on since day one and will continue to do so forever. Whatever gift you get your Mum this Mother’s Day, make sure you deliver it with a few words from the heart. Not sure where to start? Here are five things your Mum would love to hear that will go very nicely with some fresh fluffy towels and calm scented candles. Because, of course, no Mother’s day is complete without a bit of pampering.

Remember those days after school seeing her waiting at the gate? The birthday cake she delivered every year with an extra candle? The stories she read you before bedtime? Mums are there for every precious moment, in fact, they are what makes them precious. What better message to pop in her Mother’s Day card this year than a great big thank you? Served with a hug and a cosy gift from Panda will make this year one to remember.

There comes a certain age where we give up the fight and admit, Mum’s do know everything. All those tantrums and insisting she was wrong to seem silly in the light of adulthood. You realise she was on your side all along. Make her smile this year by letting her know she was right about everything. And why not treat her to some deliciously soft, bamboo bed sheets for a luxurious Mother’s Day lie-in. Let’s face it, she’s earned it!

In the business of life, it’s easy to forget to tell your Mum how grateful you are for her strength. Her wisdom. Her affection. Mother’s Day is the perfect day to express your gratitude for how grateful you are for all she’s done. Sending a heartfelt message of gratitude in a lovely card with a snuggly surprise will make her feel special this year. And keep her oh-so cosy!

In the moments you fall down, face a challenge or life gets shaky you can always count on one person. Your Mum will be there to put the kettle on with open arms and an ear to listen. Mum’s keep us going silently in the background while we make our way on our journeys. Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to remind her she’s your hero.

Simple, honest and from the heart. These three words are timeless and Mother’s Day is a special day to share them. Whether you do it on a balloon, on a card or on a cake every Mum deserves to be told how much she’s loved on Mother’s Day. And you can show her how much you mean it with a gift from the heart. Whether that’s the set of new towels you know she needs or a silky indulgent eye mask it’s the thought that counts and the love it’s sent with that will truly make her day.
Whatever you give your Mum this year, don’t forget to serve any gift with a big hug or a long phone call. Giving her your time matters more than anything. And remember while Mother’s Day is a great way to show her how much you care, there are 364 other days a year where a simple “I love you” will make her smile.
Wishing you and your lovely Mum a super Happy Mother’s Day!