For Your Wellbeing | Panda Feel right at home Tue, 02 Apr 2024 09:47:00 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 For Your Wellbeing | Panda 32 32 How is Technology Affecting Kids’ Sleep? Wed, 13 Mar 2024 18:36:16 +0000

Kids now have access to more technology, from TikTok and Xbox to Instagram and YouTube. And it might not be the best thing for sweet dreams! Our orthopaedic expert Bethany Lawerence reveals that all this time online is proving to be a real pain in the neck. Beth shockingly tells us that clients as young as six are some of those she sees most regularly, and she treats them for neck and spinal problems.

So, what part does technology play in all of this, and how does it impact the quality and quantity of their sleep?

Let’s dive in!

How does technology cause neck problems?

If you’re reading this in an office, coffee shop, or on your morning commute, take a look around. Chances are you will catch someone with their head bowed down, looking at their phone, engaging with technology. Research papers and professionals now call this phenomenon ‘tech neck’ or ‘text neck’, referring to the motion of looking down and stressing your muscles and tissue structures of the cervical spine. “Prolonged phone/technology usage results in a forward head posture; for every inch that your head moves forwards it puts an additional 10 pounds of weight through your neck and associated structures. Our cervical spine (neck) is not meant to withstand such force outside of its usual neutral position, which means that it can result in muscular and ligamentous strain,” Bethany says. This condition worsens the longer people spend on their devices, ’ Bethany says. When you look down at a screen, your muscles in the back of the neck work hard to keep your head up. Over the day, they get tired, resulting in a ‘tech neck’. A recent study revealed that in the UK, nearly a third of people spend over 3 hours a day on their phones and check them on average every 12 minutes of the waking day – that’s a lot of hunching over technology and our necks, especially those of our younger ones, are certainly feeling the strain. 

100 Bamboo Bedding kids

What are the symptoms of ‘tech neck’?

If your little one is complaining about any of the following, they could be experiencing ‘tech neck’:

  • Headaches – “Many of my youngest clients often suffer from headaches,” Bethany tells us, which can be caused by aching necks.

  • Stiffness in the neck – “Keeping your neck in one position for a long time can lead to stiffness and immobility”, Bethany explains.

  • Neck Spasms – “Muscle strain can lead to neck spasms”, Bethany tells us, “these can be very uncomfortable for little ones”

  • Aching in the lower shoulders and back – This can be caused by hunching over for long periods of time.

How do neck problems affect kids’ sleep?

Sore, stiff necks can make it very difficult to get comfortable and settle into sleep. If little ones drift off ok, spasms can often wake them up – and more discomfort can arise from staying in one position for too long. “If you are suffering from neck pain, it can affect your ability to find a comfortable sleep position to support your cervical spine properly. We also know that levels of inflammation can be higher at night time and that most pain/stiffness is relieved with movement, therefore remaining in a sedentary state and often unsupported position for a prolonged period of time overnight can further affect both the quality and duration of your sleep” says Bethany. Over time, this can severely affect wellbeing, resulting in irritability and low immunity. The best thing to do is seek the advice of a professional to address the problem and take measures to reduce their symptoms.

What are some of the things that can help ease neck pain for little ones?

The good news for little ones with sore necks is there are plenty of ways they can nip the pain in the bud. Bethany explains, “There are simple exercises they can do at home that will help increase mobility, reduce stiffness and resolve muscle strain.” Beyond that, certain lifestyle changes can be made to not only resolve neck problems but stop them from coming back.

Here are our Ortho’s top tips for allowing kids to enjoy technology while keeping life comfortable;

    • It’s all about balance – Banning technology altogether will not go down well and is challenging considering how the world today interacts. Technology is not going anywhere, though there is a way to strike a balance – monitoring time on phones and screens is one of the most effective and simple ways to reduce ‘tech neck’ and create a healthier lifestyle. Try engaging little ones in all of the wonderful things they can do offline. Scheduling ‘technology time’ and ensuring they stick to specific, shorter sessions will prevent the stiffness and strain that comes from long periods of hunching over.

    • Pillow support – An orthopaedic-grade pillow that keeps the spine and neck aligned will give them the support they need for a comfortable night’s sleep. Memory foam is a great option, as the advanced foam naturally contours to their sleeping position. The Panda Bamboo Kids™ Pillow is a great choice, with different loft sizes to ensure healthy growth and development for all ages.


    • Regular movement – Encouraging little ones to move regularly, whether by playing outside, walking or doing neck exercises at home, can improve circulation and mobility, reducing and preventing further neck problems. A professional orthopaedic expert can help advise on the best movements for your little one based on their symptoms.


The Take Away

Technology is an unavoidable part of modern life, being at the core of how little ones learn, interact and entertain themselves. However, too much time online is leading to neck problems, disrupting their sleep. Simple measures such as restricting their time online, encouraging regular movement and upgrading their pillow to one with proper, orthopaedic-grade support can help keep life and bedtime healthy and comfortable.

Ready to upgrade your child’s pillow?

Shop the supportive Panda Kid’s Range and keep them sleeping soundly

The post How is Technology Affecting Kids’ Sleep? first appeared on Panda.

The Ideal Frequency for Changing Your Bed Sheets: What You Need to Know Mon, 04 Mar 2024 17:59:10 +0000

“You should change your sheets at least once every two weeks. However, factors like personal sweat levels, underlying health conditions, and your living environment may require more frequent changes to maintain cleanliness and prevent bacteria buildup.”

Maintaining clean bedding is crucial for health and comfort, yet it’s easy to overlook the need to change our sheets regularly. This guide will highlight the importance of fresh bedding, debunk common myths, and offer expert recommendations on how often to change your sheets for a hygienic and cosy sleep environment.

What are the basics of bed hygiene

Bed hygiene plays a crucial role in promoting a healthy sleep environment – and there are so many things that can impact how clean your bed and bedding are. While you’re sleeping, you are also sweating, shedding skin cells, producing oil on the surface of your skin and so on. Many of us also enjoy hot drinks in bed as well as snacks, which might leave spillages or crumbs. Body lotions or fake tan might leave marks on bedding too. On top of this, general allergens and bacteria will build up over time.

Clean bedding can help prevent skin irritation, allergies, and the accumulation of dirt and bacteria. Regularly changing your sheets is a simple yet effective way to maintain good bed hygiene and support your overall well-being – it protects your skin and your respiratory health.

How often is it recommended to change your bed sheets?

The frequency with which you should change your bed sheets is a topic that garners much attention from sleep experts and dermatologists alike, emphasizing its importance for maintaining a clean and healthy sleep environment. Alok Vij, MD, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic, underscores the necessity of changing sheets at least once every two weeks to ensure optimal cleanliness and freshness. This recommendation is a baseline for maintaining a hygienic sleeping area, which is crucial for skin health and overall well-being.

Moreover, the benefits of opting for bamboo bed sheets in this regimen cannot be overstated. Not only do bamboo fibres offer the advantage of becoming softer with each wash, enhancing the comfort of your sleep experience, but they also possess natural antibacterial properties, making them an even more appealing choice for those concerned with cleanliness.

However, it’s important to note that the ‘once every two weeks’ guideline is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Individual factors significantly influence the ideal frequency for changing sheets. For instance, people who sweat more during the night, either due to personal physiology or underlying medical conditions, may find that their sheets require more frequent changes to prevent the buildup of moisture and bacteria, which can exacerbate skin conditions and disrupt sleep.

Additionally, environmental considerations play a pivotal role. The climate in which you reside affects how quickly bacteria and other microorganisms can proliferate on your bedding. Warmer, more humid environments create ideal conditions for bacteria growth, necessitating more frequent washing of bed sheets to maintain a clean sleeping space.

Experts such as Philip Tierno, a microbiologist and pathologist at the New York University School of Medicine, emphasize the link between clean bedding and health. According to Tierno, the accumulation of sweat, skin cells, and body oils on sheets can provide a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and even dust mites, known allergens. These can pose risks to skin health and respiratory health, underscoring the need for a clean sleep environment.

Given these considerations, it’s clear that finding the right balance for sheet-changing frequency is a personal matter that should account for individual health needs, lifestyle factors, and environmental conditions.

What are the signs it’s time to change your sheets

Certain signs indicate that it’s time to change your sheets more frequently than your regular schedule. These include visible stains, strange odours, allergen buildup shown through itchiness or trouble breathing, or a noticeable decrease in the cleanliness and comfort of your bedding. Pay attention to these signs and adjust the frequency of your sheet changes accordingly. For example if you wear strong lotions or fake tan, you will likely need to change your bedding more often than when you’re not wearing these.

All of these signs can be split into three categories, as such. These are visible signs, which are the stains and discolouration you might see; the sensory cues available to you, such as odours or any changes in texture you can feel; and health signals, including any flare-ups, skin irritations, or allergies. Check for these regularly!

Are there any special considerations to think about?

Specific circumstances may necessitate more frequent sheet changes. For example, if you’re a hot sleeper, you might need to change your bedding more often due to excessive sweat production; cooling sheets, such as those made from thermoregulating bamboo, can help rectify this issue. If you have skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis, you may also need to change them more often. This is due to skin flakes building up in the bed, as well as the transfer of any emollients or steroid creams. You might also want to change your sheets more frequently in the Summer when the weather is warmer.

If you let your pets sleep on the bed (and we all do, from time to time at least!), then it’s worth washing your bed sheets more often, as pets can carry different bacteria, germs, or dirt. Childrens’ sheets may need changing more regularly, to protect their immune systems, and also because little ones can often wet the bed and so on. Furthermore, wash your bedding after a period of illness! When we’re ill, we’re breathing added germs all over our bedding, and it is important to change these out when you’re feeling better so the illness doesn’t come straight back.

How can you extend sheet life between changes?

To prolong the time between sheet changes and keep your bedding fresh, there are plenty of things you can do! When you get out of bed in the morning, turn the duvet back to air the sheets out rather than tucking it up over the pillows – this can help keep sheets fresh. Wearing pyjamas at night helps minimise the transfer of lotions, fake tan or cream, as well as other types of bacteria and skin cells.

You should also consider pillow and/or mattress protectors; these are an added layer of freshness and protection, and usually they are waterproof. This means they help to combat stains from any spillages.

How do you go about choosing the right sheets?

Selecting high-quality sheets made from breathable, hypoallergenic, and antibacterial materials can contribute to a better night’s sleep and extend the lifespan of your bedding. Think carefully about which material is best for you and your sheets:

Bamboo: Bamboo is a high-quality, super-soft material that is naturally antibacterial and hypoallergenic. It repels dust mites and bacteria, as well as sweat thanks to being moisture-wicking. And remember, they get softer with every wash!

Cotton: an accessible and breathable fibre that tends to absorb moisture well and doesn’t usually harbour bacteria.

Synthetic: Various materials that aren’t usually breathable or soft and are often prone to retaining odours and bacteria. They often need more washing than natural materials.

Thread count has an impact, too. High quality sheets with higher thread counts might need washing more often – they tend to be more durable, so can withstand extra washing, and keeping them in their best condition will help you enjoy their benefits for longer.

Proper sheet care and maintenance

Proper care and maintenance of your sheets can help preserve their quality and cleanliness. Follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer, wash them in warm (not cold, but not hot) water with a mild detergent, and avoid overloading the washing machine to ensure thorough cleaning. This last one also helps keep them in the right shape! Regularly inspect your bed sheets for signs of wear and tear or stains, and replace them as needed to maintain optimal hygiene and comfort. Keep a few spare sets in your cupboard (always ensuring they’re in a cool, dry space) to be comfortable at bedtime, even when your favourites are in the wash.

Different materials do need different levels of care. Bamboo sheets, for example, should be washed at 30 degrees and line dried – avoid the tumble dryer wherever possible. Cotton sheets can go in the dryer, so they don’t need as much care, but you should still avoid washing them on too hot of a setting.

So, how often should you change your sheets?

As the experts suggest, the minimum should be every fortnight. But of course, there are circumstances that will mean you ought to do so more often than this: wearing certain lotions or tanning products, living in a hot climate where you sweat a lot, allowing pets on the bed, and so on. Maintaining a clean and fresh bed will help you sleep better, and wake up feeling a lot fresher. Put a schedule in place that allows you to keep on top of changing and washing your sheets – a routine that works for you will eliminate the possibility of you forgetting to do them!

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The post The Ideal Frequency for Changing Your Bed Sheets: What You Need to Know first appeared on Panda.

The 2024 Sleep Wellness Trends You Need To Know About Mon, 19 Feb 2024 13:29:07 +0000

Was one of your New Year’s resolutions for 2024 to up your sleeping game? Great, this one’s for you. Firstly, you will be pleased to know 2024 is all about investing in better sleeping habits, which makes total sense to us… As you know, relaxation is the ultimate luxury.

Sleeping better sounds far easier than it is for a lot of us with full-on careers, demanding children and hanging on to the crumbling desire to socialise. No one knows this better than supermodel and Mum Rose Mahon, our well-being and beauty expert. Her mantra is “Sleep is the best beauty product”, and has pretty plans herself this year to prioritise bedtime. So here is our round-up of the wellness trends you want to get on board with to sleep yourself fabulous this year.

Sleep tourism

The first stop on our round-up takes us to paradise; in 2024, sleep tourism is a thing. A very big thing actually, is that top resorts all around the world are opening their doors with tempting packages to help their clients switch off and become more mindful about their sleep. Skyscanner has revealed over a third of tourists have sleep at the top of their agenda when it comes to travel. What should one expect on a sleep retreat? You can choose between walking holidays and coastal trips to indulgent spas where you’ll be immersed in nature, learn relaxation techniques and slow down from the go-go-go of modern life. Sound dreamy? Rose also recommends “checking into a local hotel or treating yourself to a retreat at home with a tech break and plenty of rest and quality time with your family” It Certainly sounds like a cheaper option, with many of these luxury retreats costing well into the thousands. While a good night’s sleep is worth travelling far and wide for, getting yourself up to enjoy it at home will make every day feel like paradise.

Guy laying down cut for mobile

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Do you find you coast through the day in fight-or-flight mode? Caffiened up and ready for the next work email or situation you will have to deal with? This fills you with adrenaline and can make it very hard to switch off and relax come the end of the day. Try the hashtag #vagusnervestimulation, and you could find the solution to counteract this response and return to a calm place. When stimulated with deep breathing or even humming, the vagus nerve triggers the sympathetic nervous system and returns you to a restorative state. Yoga teachers and mindfulness practitioners are championing this as one of the top wellness trends for 2024; Rose says, “Doing yoga or taking a nap on the sofa with my Bamboo Eye Mask, focusing on my breathing helps me to tap into that peaceful, restful state when I feel myself getting stressed” Experimenting with your own ways to access that peace is a vital way of nurturing yourself, especially before bedtime to set yourself up for a restorative, deeper sleep.

Immersive ASMR

Immersive ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) is a deeply engaging and multi-sensory form of ASMR that aims to create a more enveloping, all-around sensory experience. Sounds complicated? Nope, it’s actually a thoroughly gentle way to relax, set to be very popular in 2024. It involves listening to people speaking softly into a microphone, whether explaining the sleepy benefits of a new pillow or telling a bedtime story. In 2024, you will see a lot of sleep tech to make this experience more immersive with virtual reality goggles and other devices. It is a good thing to do before bedtime as a way to unwind and switch off from the day. Rose says she “enjoys listening to a podcast, often something funny and lighthearted or reflective and would consider experimenting with softer, quieter voices as a way to drift off” Find what works for you and where you can fit unwinding and relaxing into your daily routine.

Sauna blankets

As we navigate through 2024, the spotlight in the wellness industry is brightly shining on sauna blankets, transforming everyday relaxation practices with a sprinkle of spa luxury. This year, the boundaries of spa-like pampering are being redefined, making its way into the comfort of our homes with the rising popularity of sauna blankets. These innovative wellness tools are not just about basking in warmth; they’re backed by promising benefits that extend far beyond mere relaxation.

Research suggests that regular sauna use can significantly reduce stress, potentially bolstering the body’s immunity. The deep, penetrating heat from these sauna blankets relax muscles, easing tension and soreness, which is particularly beneficial after a long day or a strenuous workout session. But the advantages don’t stop there; there’s growing interest in the potential of sauna blankets to enhance sleep quality. By facilitating deep relaxation before bedtime, they may help users fall asleep more quickly and achieve a more restful, uninterrupted night’s sleep.

Sleep hygiene at home

While the wellness trends of 2024 could take you worldwide into virtual spaces and beyond, home is where you will spend the lion’s share of your bedtimes. Investing in good sleep hygiene at home is a big deal in 2024, so where should we start?

Firstly, make your sleeping set-up as comfortable as possible. Make sure you have a mattress that provides orthopaedic support for healthy alignment and hits the spot when it comes to a balance of firmness and cushioning – as we all like something different.

Do you tend to overheat? Make sure that come Summertime, you will be set up to breeze through the night with thermoregulating, breathable bedding. A Bamboo Bedding Set and duvet are great buys for 2024 for a good night’s sleep; the fabric naturally regulates your body temperature and is soft and gentle on the skin, making it a joy to snuggle into bed.

If you will be travelling this year, have a pillow you love so much you’ll want to take it. A good pillow is essential for a comfy night’s sleep. Orthopaedic-grade memory foam will keep your neck and spine happy and contour to all sleeping positions. Our Hybrid Bamboo Pillow balances firm support with gentle cushioning wrapped in our signature, smooth bamboo. You will be all set for a dreamy night’s sleep wherever 2024 takes you.


Heading into 2024, prioritising sleep becomes essential for our well-being. Imagine embarking on sleep-focused vacations introducing you to serene retreats to enhance your rest. At home, transforming your bedroom with supportive pillows, breathable bedding, and a cosy mattress can elevate your sleep. Consider the stress-relieving wonders of a sauna blanket, bringing the spa’s relaxation into your own space. Establishing a calming nightly routine helps transition your mind and body from the day’s hustle to the peace of the night. This year, let’s commit to not just dreaming about improved sleep but actively pursuing it to rejuvenate our nights and enrich our days.

Sweet Dreams

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The post The 2024 Sleep Wellness Trends You Need To Know About first appeared on Panda.

Beauty Sleep: Model Rose Mahon Shares Her Beauty Routine Secrets Fri, 19 Jan 2024 15:24:24 +0000

From the best skin creams to a healthy diet, we are all looking for a beauty boost – especially in January when we need to do all we can to feel our best. Hoorah- a lazier and budget-friendly way to wake up with a natural glow exists. A good night’s sleep is not only great for your immune system and well-being, but it could also help keep your skin bright and hydrated, as we learned from our beauty expert. Busy model and Mum Rose Mahon knows all about the impact of a hectic schedule on your skin and prioritises getting the rest she needs to stay feeling and looking her best. Here, she shares her bedtime secrets, which include brilliant podcasts, bamboo bedding and snuggly days on the sofa!

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I’m a morning person; I love being up and about early. I feel so productive when I have had a coffee and done yoga all before the school run! Early to bed and early rise would always be my first choice.

How many hours do you aim for a night?

8 hours is my ideal amount and easily achievable. I can function on less. I’m pretty good at powering through on no sleep if needed, but I aim for 8 hours a night because it’s amazing how great I feel when I have consistently good solid sleep, and the older I get, the more I try and prioritise this.

Rose Mahon img01

What do you do to unwind before bed?

We have a pretty solid bedtime routine; after all my skincare routine, we make a bedtime blend of tea and listen to the same podcast every night to fall asleep, too! Works a treat. There are two new episodes each week, but that lasts us as we are always asleep ten minutes in, so one episode will last for a couple of nights. The latest podcast we are listening to is parenting hell by Josh Widdicombe and Rob Beckett. It’s Brilliant!

How do you set up your bedroom for a great night’s sleep?

The bed is always made to perfection, with lovely soft lighting and sometimes a nice candle. I just like to keep it tidy and inviting so it’s a relaxing space.

Rose Mahon img02

How do you find sleep affects your skin?

Massively, not in the sense of spots or breakouts really, but just in the look and feel of my skin; if I’m well-slept and hydrated, it shows in my skin, and vice versa if I’m tired and sleep deprived, my skin is dull, dry and lacking radiance. I swear good sleep is the foundation for so many positive things.

What are your must-haves for a good night’s sleep?

Good quality bed sheets; if I could talk to my younger self now, she would laugh at me for “investing” in good quality bed sheets, but honestly, it’s a game changer and gives me so much enjoyment. Pillows are also a must. I’m not sure I should admit this, but if we go away in the UK to a hotel or anywhere, we take our pillows with us. rather embarrassing when checking in, but good sleep is so important, and nothing beats your own pillows!

Do you love a lie-in?

I love a lie-in when needed or on a Sunday that’s our lazy morning; annoyingly, I normally wake up early naturally, even if I have set an alarm, but can happily chill in bed with coffee all morning.

Rose Mahon

Ever had a whole day in bed?

I’m more of a drag the duvet to the sofa on these kinds of days….absolute bliss!

What fabrics do you recommend for those with sensitive skin?

I have quite sensitive skin, I only use to use silk pillowcases. Then I found bamboo, and it feels just like silk! Both are great for sensitive skin and really make a big difference. A tip I do is to change my pillow case every couple of days to keep breakouts at bay!

Thanks, Rose! We love the sound of dragging the duvet to the sofa and admire your taste in good quality bed sheets. After all, when it comes to feeling beautiful, there is no better investment than a good night’s sleep.

Sweet Dreams

The post Beauty Sleep: Model Rose Mahon Shares Her Beauty Routine Secrets first appeared on Panda.

How Can The Right Mattress Help Reduce Back Pain? Wed, 17 Jan 2024 17:15:00 +0000

Osteopath Expert James White Explains

Back pain can get in the way of everything from the first morning stretch to your office commute. Choosing the right mattress and other simple lifestyle changes could help reduce the irritating pain and eventually nip it in the bud.

What causes back pain?

Back pain is incredibly common, especially in middle age. Research shows it is one of the top reasons those 45 – 65 can lose mobility, making daily life challenging. “Several things can cause back pain, ranging from disc damage, muscle tightness, pinched nerves to arthritis. Though for many people, it is a lack of movement through their spine,” explains James, who treats clients with all levels of back pain. Some back pain can also be caused by underlying conditions such as fibromyalgia, which can cause widespread muscle pain and fatigue.

Symptoms of back pain

Experiencing back pain can be more than just an inconvenience; it’s often a signal from your body that something’s amiss. If back pain is becoming a part of your daily life, you might recognise some of these common symptoms:

  • Aggravated Pain with Movement: Ever notice a spike in pain when lifting something or bending over? This increase in discomfort can be a clear indicator of underlying back issues.

  • Persistent Ache, Regardless of Position: Whether you’re up and about or lying down for a rest, the pain seems to linger, suggesting that your back may need more attention.

  • Radiating Discomfort: It’s not just your back; the pain has a journey, often travelling from your back down to your buttocks, legs, or hips, indicating a possible nerve involvement.

  • Unusual Sensations in Lower Extremities: Numbness or a feeling of weakness in your legs or feet isn’t just peculiar; it can be a symptom pointing towards a significant back condition.

Hybrid Bamboo Mattress - Woman laying on the bed reading newspaper

How can back pain impact your daily life?

Back pain can vary in intensity from mild and annoying to debilitating and severe. Depending on the severity of the individual’s pain, it can interfere with daily life differently. In some cases, back pain can “stop you enjoying life the way you want to”, says James. From not being able to jump out of bed in the morning to being able to exercise comfortably, back pain can zap the joy out of daily activities. This can sometimes lead to less movement, which can worsen problems. The good news is there are plenty of ways to reduce back pain, which can be easily implemented into your life straight away.

Let’s start with bedtime, as, after all, we do spend a third of our lives sleeping – we might as well make it as comfortable and supportive as possible.

What is the best mattress for back pain?

According to James, “The best mattress for anyone is one that combines the two qualities of comfort and support. Being soft enough so the individual feels comfortable, but at the same time being supportive enough to provide orthopaedic support for the spine during the whole night.”

When it comes to soft enough, every sleeper is different. Some sleepers prefer a firmer mattress, such as memory foam, while some enjoy settling into a softer surface, such as pocket springs. The Hybrid Bamboo Mattress is the perfect option for those who like the best of both. This blends the most popular mattress fills, providing a full range of comfort and support.

The firmness rating of 7 suits most sleepers, while the combination of BioCell Foam™, OrthoAlign Foam™ and 1200 bespoke pocket springs optimise breathability, support and comfort in one mattress. The orthopaedic grade memory foam allows the mattress to naturally contour to your sleeping position, keeping your spine and neck in perfect alignment.

Meanwhile, the seven zones of pocket springs relieve key pressure points; they also work to isolate movement, reducing waking in the night and providing comfort as individual as you are.

How do you find the right mattress for you?

Choosing a mattress is a big one; pick right, and it will be with you for at least ten years of comfortable sleep. It can seem overwhelming with the heaps of choice you can find when searching for mattresses online. The key is to choose one that suits your specific preferences; if you enjoy a cool sleep and struggle on Summer nights – look for thermoregulating, breathable fabrics like bamboo. Our Hybrid Bamboo Mattress is infused with fresh bamboo in the upper layer of foam, optimising airflow and breathability, while our removable bamboo cover regulates body temperature throughout the night.

As for support, if you prefer a firmer mattress, go for ratings that are seven or above and have a memory foam orthopaedic layer to provide sufficient support. For a softer surface, go for pocket springs, which can provide cushiony comfort for your joints and muscles. Making sure you are as comfortable as possible will ensure the best night’s sleep, further assisting with recovery and allowing your body to get the nourishing rest it needs. To ensure you find the best mattress, go for one with a free trial. This way, you can be sure you’ve found the perfect match before you commit.

What are some other lifestyle changes you can make to reduce back pain?

Bedtime sorted, the next thing to do is to look at simple day to day changes you can make that can help prevent and reduce back pain. Quite often, repetitive habits we are unaware of can cause back pain, such as sitting too long and not getting enough movement. To take the best care of your spine, James recommends the following:

      • Moving more – James explains that taking regular breaks from your desk to avoid muscles becoming stiff can help prevent pain. Try taking a ten-minute walk a few times throughout the day or even standing up and stretching every hour.

      • Strengthening the spine – There are specific exercises to improve the stability and strength of your spine that James recommends learning and implementing into your weekly routine.

      • Mobilising – James also suggests a range of mobilising movements you can do in the morning and evening to increase the range of motion and freedom through the joints of the spin.

      • Ergonomic Workspaces – For those spending long hours at a desk, an ergonomically designed workspace is crucial. Ensure that your chair supports the natural curve of your spine, your feet are flat on the ground, and your computer screen is at eye level. Ergonomic keyboards and mouse pads can also reduce strain.

      • Core Strengthening – Specifically focusing on core muscles can provide better support for your back. Simple exercises like planks, bridges, and abdominal crunches can be done at home to strengthen these vital muscles.

The takeaway

While back pain can be a debilitating experience, the power to alleviate it lies in a combination of informed choices and proactive lifestyle changes. Remember, selecting the right mattress is more than just a comfort choice; it’s a crucial step towards ensuring long-term spinal health and pain relief. However, don’t stop there. Embrace the journey towards a pain-free life by incorporating ergonomic practices, regular physical activity, and mindful habits into your daily routine. By making these adjustments, not only can you enhance the quality of your sleep but also improve your overall well-being. Take the first step today towards a more comfortable, active, and joyful life. Your back, and indeed your entire body, will thank you for it.

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The post How Can The Right Mattress Help Reduce Back Pain? first appeared on Panda.

Sleeping in a Winter Wonderland: Transforming Your Bedroom for the Season Mon, 18 Dec 2023 18:14:59 +0000

As the Winter season approaches, it’s the perfect time to create a cosy and comforting sleep environment that embraces the magic of this time of year. Your bedroom should be a haven where you can retreat from the chill, allowing you to unwind in warmth and comfort. Wrap up warmly and join us as we explore various ideas for transforming your bedroom into a winter wonderland, from themed decor and seasonal bedding choices to lighting, ambience, and much more! Let the season’s magic inspire you as you transform your sleeping quarters into a cosy and inviting space for restful nights.

Winter bedroom decor ideas

One of the easiest ways to create a Winter-themed bedroom is through decor. Embrace the charm of this cold but cosy season by incorporating themed elements such as snowflakes, evergreen branches, fairy lights, and rustic accents. Hang a wreath on your bedroom door, place Wintery artwork on the walls, and display candles or reed diffusers with scents like cinnamon or pine. These simple touches will infuse your space with the enchantment of a winter wonderland.

Add some specific colours in, too; whether you go for festive reds and greens or cool tones to reflect the weather, opt for muted shades of these colours to ensure your room is still a calming space. Winter textures like faux fur, velvet and fleece are great too!

Influencers Images Bedding Laura

What are the seasonal bedding choices?

During the Winter months, selecting bedding that keeps you warm and adds a touch of luxury to your sleep space is essential. Opt for thicker blankets, quilts, or duvets with a higher tog rating. Choose bedding from warm, cosy materials like fleece or brushed cotton, or look at thermoregulating bamboo sheets. When you pick bamboo bedding for the Winter, you’ll add a little extra luxury to bedtime – and who doesn’t want that? Bamboo is also hypoallergenic, super soft, and moisture-wicking. It’s the perfect option for switching up your bedding for the season. Add extra layers with decorative throws or plush pillows so it looks super cosy, but it helps keep you warm, too. These Winter bedroom essentials will help you create a cosy sleep space.

How to improve bedroom ambience with lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a Winter wonderland-style atmosphere – cool-toned lights will look far too harsh and bright, which is the opposite of cosy. Embrace soft, warm-toned lighting to create a soothing and inviting ambience; use fairy lights to create a twinkling effect or lanterns with flickering candles for a magical feel. Consider adding dimmer switches to your main lighting fixtures, allowing you to adjust the brightness according to your desired level of cosiness. Ensuring you have the perfect lighting in your room is ideal for keeping your circadian rhythm working properly. As a result, you’ll find that you sleep better in your cosy winter bedroom during these cold and sometimes stressful months.

How to create a warm sleep space

To combat the Winter chill, focus on creating a warm sleep space with bedroom decor for cold nights – there’s nothing worse than lying in bed and trying to drift off but being too cold to fall asleep. Your bedroom needs to be a cosy space, and that’s not just about the bedding you choose! Place a thick rug or sheepskin on the floor to keep your feet warm when stepping out of bed and generally help the room feel a little more snug. Use insulating window coverings to prevent drafts and preserve heat – thick blinds or heavy curtains. Consider investing in a space heater or electric blanket for warmth during cold nights. By ensuring your warm and inviting bedroom is a refuge from the cold, you can experience ultimate comfort and relaxation.

DIY Winter bedroom decor projects

Engage in some creative and fun DIY Winter bedroom projects to add a personal touch to your space. Knit or crochet your chunky blankets, create custom Winter-themed artwork or make your decorative pillow covers with soft and cosy materials. That way, you’ll have something truly unique in your bedroom, and you’ll be able to get it out every single Winter for years to come! Get inspired by crafts and unleash your creativity to make your sleep space unique and reflect your style. This can also help you save money on your seasonal bedroom makeover – the shops are full of beautiful decor pieces, but they can set you back, especially as there is so much else to buy at this time of year…

Sleeping in a winter wonderland

As Winter settles in, transforming your bedroom into a cosy seasonal wonderland is the perfect way to create an inviting sleep environment. Sleep is essential all year round, but particularly when the stress of the festive season gets on top of us. By blending beautiful decor, warm and luxurious bedding choices, soft furnishings and proper lighting, you can transform your bedroom into a place that helps you drift off. Hopefully, these bedroom transformation ideas have given you some tips for creating a seasonal sleep environment you enjoy.


How can I make my bedroom cosier for winter?

Start by layering warm, textured bedding, add soft throws and cushions, and consider warm-toned lighting to create a cosy ambience.

Are there specific colour schemes for a winter-themed bedroom?

Opt for winter whites, deep blues, and forest greens. These colours evoke a sense of warmth and comfort, perfect for the winter season.

What bedding materials are best for winter?

Choose fabrics like bamboo for sheets, and add a duvet or comforter with a winter-appropriate fill.

Any tips for keeping the bedroom warm without cranking up the heat?

Invest in thick curtains, use draft stoppers for doors and windows, and consider adding an area rug for extra insulation.

What scents can enhance the winter atmosphere in my bedroom?

Opt for cosy scents like cinnamon, vanilla, or pine. Candles, essential oil diffusers, or potpourri can add these fragrances to your space.

Can I incorporate eco-friendly elements into my winter bedroom decor?

Absolutely! Choose sustainable materials for your bedding, like bamboo, and consider upcycling or repurposing items for a more eco-friendly approach.

Explore our range:

The post Sleeping in a Winter Wonderland: Transforming Your Bedroom for the Season first appeared on Panda.

How to Create a Relaxing Oasis With Bamboo Mattresses Mon, 11 Dec 2023 15:53:25 +0000

Our bedroom serves as a sanctuary for rest, and creating a calming and serene space is essential for our well-being. Good sleep is key to health and happiness, after all! A bamboo mattress is one key element that can elevate your bedroom into a tranquil oasis. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of bamboo mattresses, guiding you through designing your Zen bedroom. Let’s embark on a journey to transform your space into a haven of serenity with the power of bamboo.

The benefits of bamboo mattresses

Let’s start with the good stuff! Bamboo mattresses offer a range of benefits that contribute to a soothing sleep environment and help you achieve restorative rest. A bamboo mattress is both comfortable and supportive, using a combination of springs and memory foam alongside the wonders of bamboo. It is one of the most eco-friendly and sustainable choices for mattress types, making it an excellent choice for conscious consumers.

Bamboo is naturally hypoallergenic, which is why individuals so often favour it with allergies or sensitive skin. It repels dust and odours, so bamboo mattresses are a lot fresher! Furthermore, bamboo is known for its breathability – this typically means you can breathe easier, sweat less, and feel much cooler than you would sleep on a standard memory foam mattress. The temperature regulation of bamboo is perfect for keeping you comfortable year-round. These benefits are why many people choose this sustainable wonder when buying a new mattress.

Hybrid Bamboo Mattress Pillow- Lifestyle

Designing your zen bedroom

Design plays a crucial role in creating a Zen bedroom – as such; you should opt for a minimalist approach that focuses on simplicity and clean lines. Choose soothing colours such as soft neutrals or calming pastels to promote relaxation; it is worth looking into colour theory to see which emotions each colour can evoke.

Incorporate natural elements like house plants, wood accents, or stones to bring your space a sense of outdoor tranquillity. One lovely idea is to collect shells, sea glass or stones from beaches you visit – this is a way to add some personal memories, too. Consider furniture placement to maximise flow and create an uncluttered and peaceful environment. Invest in furniture that doubles as storage to keep things perfectly tidy!

Bamboo bedding and accessories

To complement your bamboo mattress, invest in some eco-friendly bedding and accessories. Bamboo sheets offer a luxurious feel, with a smooth texture that enhances comfort during sleep – and of course, they have all those dreamy benefits like being hypoallergenic and moisture-wicking. Bamboo pillows, along with being soft and breathable, provide excellent support for your head and neck; consequently, they promote proper alignment and reduce tension.

Sustainable bedding options like bamboo duvets are another great addition; because of their thermoregulating properties, you’ll only need one duvet for the whole year – no need to switch with the season. You can even get bamboo mattress protectors to help expand the lifespan of your mattress and keep it fresh for years to come.

Consider adding bamboo-based accessories like curtains, rugs, or lampshades to enhance the Zen aesthetic further. Look for relevant certifications, and be sure to shop with transparent brands about their sustainability processes. These natural sleep solutions will make you feel much more comfortable and refreshed.

Creating a tranquil sleep environment

Crafting a tranquil sleep environment is essential for a restful night’s sleep. Light plays a significant role in regulating your circadian rhythm, so invest in blackout curtains or blinds to block out external light. The lighting in your room should be warm rather than cool and kept to a minimum. Keep electronic devices out of the bedroom or use blue light filters to minimise the disruption of natural sleep patterns.

Set the temperature to a cool yet comfortable level, typically 15-20 degrees Celsius, to promote optimal sleep. If you live in a particularly noisy area, consider soundproofing where you can or getting comfortable earplugs to keep things quiet in the bedroom. Consider incorporating some aromatherapy into your room and your nighttime routine; candles, essential oils and pillow sprays are easy, low-cost ways to do this! Calming scents like lavender or jasmine are your best bet.

Personalising your zen space

Personalising your space allows you to create a customised Zen atmosphere that resonates with your unique style and preferences. Decorate with items that bring you joy and evoke a sense of peace, such as artwork, scented candles, or meaningful objects. When choosing this art and your overall decor, think about scenes and colours that promote a sense of calm – green bedroom decor, for example, is generally very relaxing. Sustainable bedroom design is a huge thing right now, so you’ll find plenty of inspiration on Pinterest and TikTok if you’re stuck for ideas.

Customise your bedroom layout to work for you and your lifestyle or hobbies; add a little reading nook if you’re a keen reader. If you’re into yoga, ensure enough free space to engage in this. These relaxation practices are something to incorporate into your bedtime routine to help you enjoy your Zen bedroom and really chill out before it’s time to drift off.

hybrid bamboo mattress layers new version

Maintenance and longevity

So you have a relaxing oasis and a bamboo mattress to snuggle up on each night when you go to bed. What next? Proper maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity of your bamboo mattress. Follow the manufacturer’s care instructions for cleaning and rotating the mattress regularly – a sprinkle of baking soda left on it for a while and then vacuumed away can do wonders!

Invest in a high-quality mattress protector to shield your bamboo mattress comfort from being ruined by spills, stains, and dust mites. Allow your mattress to breathe by removing excess bedding and folding the duvet back daily. When cleaning your bamboo bedding, again, be sure to follow the advice of your manufacturer; as a rule, it should be washed on a cooler setting with gentle detergent. With bamboo being so durable, it really is the most sustainable option as it should hopefully last you a long time; better for your pocket and the planet.

Creating a tranquil bedroom oasis

Your bedroom is a space for you to wind down, relax, and get a good night’s sleep – something that is so important to ensure you live happily and healthily. Through choosing a bamboo mattress, incorporating calming colours, and setting the scene for rest, you’re onto a winner. A bamboo-enhanced haven will have you sleeping better in no time, so it’s definitely worth creating a more relaxing sleep environment. With these Zen bedroom ideas, what better place to start?


Why choose bamboo mattresses for a relaxing bedroom?

Bamboo mattresses offer natural breathability, moisture-wicking properties, and a plush yet supportive feel, contributing to a serene sleep environment.

Are bamboo mattresses suitable for all sleep positions?

Yes, bamboo mattresses are designed to conform to various sleep positions, providing optimal support for back, side, and stomach sleepers.

How do bamboo mattresses contribute to a zen bedroom atmosphere?

Bamboo mattresses, with their eco-friendly and hypoallergenic features, promote a healthier sleep space, enhancing the overall tranquillity of your bedroom.

Are bamboo mattresses durable?

Yes, bamboo mattresses are known for their durability. The natural resilience of bamboo fibres ensures long-lasting comfort and support.

Do bamboo mattresses help with temperature regulation?

Absolutely. Bamboo mattresses have excellent temperature-regulating properties, keeping you cool in summer and warm in winter for a more comfortable sleep.

Can I use any type of sheets with a bamboo mattress?

Yes, bamboo mattresses are compatible with a wide range of sheets. However, using bamboo sheets can complement the mattress’s benefits, enhancing your overall sleep experience.

Can bamboo mattresses help with back pain?

Bamboo mattresses, with their natural orthopaedic support, can assist in relieving back pain by promoting proper spinal alignment and reducing pressure points.

The post How to Create a Relaxing Oasis With Bamboo Mattresses first appeared on Panda.

Sleep Innovations Unveiled: The Bamboo Mattress Revolution Fri, 08 Dec 2023 11:32:04 +0000

Good quality sleep is incredibly important in many aspects of life – our health, our happiness, how we perform in work/school/our hobbies, and so much more. Thanks to its many benefits, a bamboo mattress is an innovative solution to help you sleep better night after night. Today, we invite you to get comfortable and explore the future of bamboo mattresses.

The current landscape of sleep technology

Mattresses have been around for a long time at this point, but they haven’t always been as comfortable as they are today. In this era, we are lucky enough to have our pick of various mattress materials including the traditional ones: coil and foam, combined with ‘comfort layers’ made of cotton, wool, silk and more. We have seen other sleep innovations join the market, from cooling gel foam to mattress toppers and more. Research suggests that innerspring mattresses are the most common, with hybrid and memory foam mattresses following.

The rise of bamboo mattresses

Bamboo is an incredibly sustainable material with a wide range of benefits, both for the planet and your health. This wonder plant requires little water to grow and is rapidly regenerative. In recent years, we have seen a rise in bamboo mattresses, such as our hybrid bamboo mattress, which combines springs and memory foam with plenty of sustainable bedroom innovations! Some bamboo mattress benefits include the following:

  • Breathability – bamboo is an incredible breathable material, allowing increased airflow and counteracting the natural heat retention of memory foam.
  • Hypoallergenic properties – this incredible material is also hypoallergenic, making it perfect for those who suffer from allergies.
  • Eco-friendliness – one huge reason for the increase in popularity is that bamboo is one of the most planet-friendly resources available, as mentioned. When sourced correctly, it allows mattress purchases to be sustainable from the forest to the front door.
Hybrid Bamboo Mattress Pillow- Lifestyle

Cutting-edge technologies in bamboo mattresses

It’s all good being eco-friendly, but does the tech behind a bamboo mattress live up to its traditional counterparts? The answer is yes. With advanced manufacturing processes, bamboo mattresses can incorporate features that aid support, comfort, and a good night’s sleep. They include innovative design features – for example, our hybrid bamboo mattress has an anti-slip base layer to keep it in place all night. In the future, we will likely see smart technologies built into bamboo mattresses; currently, you can combine existing tech with a sustainable mattress to help you sleep even better.

Environmental impact and sustainability

We’ve already touched on the environmental impact of bamboo, and it is something to focus on. It grows quicker than any other resource used to harvest fibres, even when cut down – and requires 30% less water than cotton! Tough and durable, it can withstand various weather conditions and doesn’t need pesticides or fertilisers, which can harm the environment.

When compared with traditional mattress materials (like cotton, for example), bamboo is much kinder to the planet. It is strong as fibre, too, meaning your mattress will last longer than typical alternatives. This means you’re helping combat the volume of mattresses ending up in landfills yearly! When shopping around, be sure to look out for transparent brands about their production process; cultivating bamboo should support local communities rather than actively causing them harm. Other eco-friendly practices in bamboo mattress production include using recyclable packaging and planting trees when purchases are made.

Consumer reviews and satisfaction

When shopping for a mattress, it’s important to read through feedback from real-life customers who have good things to say – your sleep is a very personal thing, so if you’re a hot sleeper, look for reviews from other hot sleepers. If you have joint pain, look for reviews from others who suffer from joint pain… you get where we’re coming from here! For example, take this five-star review for our Hybrid Bamboo Mattress:

“Firm, but very comfortable. Excellent mattress for a great night sleep”

mattress review image

According to Slumber Search, bamboo mattresses have an overall customer satisfaction rating of 8.2/10 across various brands. That’s pretty high, meaning many people enjoy sleeping on these supportive, comfortable, eco-friendly next-gen sleep surfaces. Concerns and misconceptions are floating around; people often worry that eco-friendly materials are lower quality, but this definitely isn’t the case with bamboo! Furthermore, there is a misconception that a bamboo mattress is made from 100% bamboo – this wouldn’t be particularly comfortable, which is why it is combined with springs or memory foam to create sustainable sleep solutions that are genuinely comfortable.

The future outlook

The future looks bright for bamboo mattresses; we will likely see new green mattress technologies that offer even more comfort and physical support, which will go hand in hand with potential advancements in sleep science. There are bound to be changes made to the landscape in ways to improve sleep for all, and mattress brands will follow suit by creating products that align with these developments.

In terms of the market, the bamboo mattress industry is projected to grow exponentially in coming years; with the rise of allergy and respiratory illness diagnoses and a deepening awareness of environmental issues, there is likely to be a much larger demand for eco-friendly mattress innovations. The future of sleep materials looks very green indeed…

Eco-friendly bedding and mattresses for bedrooms

It’s not just mattresses that can be more eco-friendly; look for more eco-conscious bedding materials for sheets, duvets, and more. Bedding is another thing that often ends up in landfills, especially when made from less durable materials that use harsh chemicals in production. Opt for bamboo or other sustainable options like textured French linen and your sustainable mattress! You won’t regret it, and there’s no need to compromise on style and aesthetics with all the different colours and bamboo-infused bedding trends. 

An environmentally conscious bedroom goes beyond the bed itself; install smart lighting and a programmable thermostat to limit your energy use, and choose to upcycle furniture rather than chucking it away and buying new.

The future of bamboo mattresses

Bamboo mattresses are here to stay, and they’ll likely only get better; with sustainability becoming more popular, and thanks to all of the health benefits of bamboo, it’s no wonder that they’re becoming a choice more people make. There is likely to be new bamboo mattress technology on the market, helping people across the globe sleep better and wake up refreshed. Why not give it a try for yourself?

Explore our range:

The post Sleep Innovations Unveiled: The Bamboo Mattress Revolution first appeared on Panda.

How Can You Improve Your Sleep This Winter? Wed, 06 Dec 2023 17:03:46 +0000

As the winter season sets in, the colder temperatures and shorter daylight hours can bring unique challenges regarding our sleep. It’s important to address these challenges and prioritise our sleep during winter to maintain optimal health and well-being. This article will explore strategies to help you improve your sleep this winter. From creating a cosy Winter sleep environment to establishing a good bedtime routine, ensure you get the restful sleep you need during the festive season and colder months.

Creating a cosy sleep environment

One key factor in improving winter sleep is creating a warm and inviting sleep environment. Make your bedroom a cosy haven by adding soft blankets, better sheets, and plush pillows. Bamboo bedding is a great option because it reacts to your body temperature, keeping you nice and toasty! Improve insulation using heavy curtains or thermal blinds to keep cold drafts at bay. These cold-weather sleep solutions should keep you from being too chilly to drift off…

Maintain a comfortable room temperature between 15-20 degrees Celsius to promote restful sleep and keep you feeling snug. You might also want to add in some winter-friendly bedroom decor – some Christmas-themed bits, perhaps, or an extra snuggly cushion. This will all contribute to a cosy sleep during Winter.

How to establish a winter sleep routine

A consistent sleep routine, including the winter season, is crucial throughout the year. With the holidays coming up, getting yourself out of routine with all the parties, socialising, stress and so on can be easy. Try to stick to a regular bedtime and wake-up time to regulate your body’s internal clock. This is all part of improving your sleep hygiene in colder months.

Wind down before bed by engaging in relaxing activities such as reading a book or taking a warm bath – this is the perfect time of year for a steaming mug of hot chocolate and a festive novel before bed! Avoid stimulating devices or bright screens at least an hour before sleep to promote a calm transition to bedtime and keep your circadian rhythm in check. Opt for warm lighting like lamps and candles using the big ceiling light, too.

What are the dietary tips for winter sleep improvement?

What we eat can impact our sleep quality. In Winter, focus on incorporating sleep-friendly foods into your diet to help where you can and don’t snack too close to bedtime. Include foods rich in tryptophan, such as turkey, nuts, and seeds, as it helps promote the synthesis of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Limit caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening to avoid interfering with sleep – and be aware of how much alcohol you’re consuming at this time of year. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day, but manage fluid intake closer to bedtime to prevent disruptions.

Managing winter sleep challenges

Winter can bring specific sleep challenges, such as increased snoring or difficulty breathing due to dry air or allergies. Consider using a humidifier to add moisture to the air and reduce nasal congestion – this can help matters. If allergies are a concern, keep the bedroom clean and free from dust or allergens, and consider using allergen-proof bedding like soft bamboo sheets. If snoring persists (whether from you or your partner!), consult a healthcare professional for guidance or look into ways to prevent it.

SAD can be an issue during the Winter – this stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder, brought about by the darker and more miserable weather. If you’re struggling, you can invest in a phototherapy lamp, and be sure to do things that bring you joy! These lamps can also help increase darkness’s impact on your circadian rhythm, so they’re a great idea.

Physical activity and winter sleep

Regular physical activity promotes better sleep, even in Winter, and helps to keep you fit and healthy despite it being the season of overindulgence. Engage in Winter-friendly exercises such as indoor workouts, yoga, or brisk walks outdoors during daylight hours. Regular exercise can help regulate sleep patterns, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality. You’ll feel much better for it!

Technology and sleep in winter

The temptation to spend more time on electronic devices is heightened during the Winter months when it feels too cold to be out and about or you have more time off work. However, it’s important to limit screen time before bedtime as the blue light emitted by these devices can interfere with melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep. Create a technology-free wind-down routine to prepare your mind and body for restful sleep.

You should, however, make use of smart technology that improves sleep such as white noise, sleep tracking apps, and gadgets to control your lights, heating and so on. It’s not a necessity, but it can definitely help.

Managing stress and winter sleep

Winter can be a stressful time, with holiday pressures and seasonal demands. High-stress levels can disrupt sleep patterns, so be sure to incorporate stress-management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or journaling into your Winter routine to alleviate stress and promote relaxation before sleep. Enjoy some Winter relaxation for better sleep, and stay cosy. This time of year is supposed to be enjoyed, so try to eliminate stress where you can and enjoy this special time with your loved ones.

Enhancing sleep quality in winter

Sleep improvement in winter is so important to your overall health and well-being, as this time of year is when we see an increase in colds, flu, stress, tiredness, and more. With that in mind, be sure to prioritise sleep and rest by incorporating good Winter bedtime habits, upgrading your bedding for something warmer, and doing what you can to keep your circadian rhythm where it should be. We’re wishing you a happy festive season, and hopefully these Winter sleep tips will make it even better!

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The post How Can You Improve Your Sleep This Winter? first appeared on Panda.

Bamboo: Your Natural Hero Against Bed Bugs Wed, 11 Oct 2023 16:15:23 +0000

Discover how bamboo can help prevent bedbugs disrupting your sleep and helpful ways to avoid bringing the troublesome six legged insects into your home.

With breaking news highlighting the current bedbug pandemic in France, the irritating, creepy crawlies are certainly having their five minutes of fame. France has been experiencing a growing bedbug crisis for several years, with an increase of 11% of French households being infested between 2017-2022. The French president was ridiculed when she called for an emergency national plan to tackle the problem in 2019, though cut to 2023, and clearly, this is no laughing matter.

Bed bugs are rising for several reasons, particularly in busy cities. The pests can attach themselves to anything from mattresses and clothes to luggage. The good news is there are measures you can take to protect yourself from carrying them into your home and bedroom. There are also ways to help prevent bedbugs from interfering with your sleep, from bamboo mattresses and mattress protectors that can prevent moist environments and washing your bedding regularly. Before we look at those, let’s explore more about what bedbugs are and why they are a health hazard that needs to be addressed – urgently.

What are bedbugs?

We hope you’re sitting comfortably, as this bit might not be so comfortable to read; bedbugs are essentially small, itchy insects that can hide in environments such as bedding, mattresses, clothes and luggage. They are reddish brown in colour and oval-shaped. Adult bed bugs are around 5-7 mm long, while bedbug eggs are tiny and white, often going unnoticed. They do not fly, though they can move very quickly. It can be quite disturbing to find one whether at home or on your clothes, often causing emotional distress, sleep disturbances and anxiety. Our homes hold a very special place in our hearts and naturally should be a place where we can relax and feel at ease, making it vital that bedbugs are a problem that must be tackled as soon as possible.

What causes bedbugs?

Bedbugs are pretty tiny, so it’s easy for them to sneak into your home in various ways. They can attach themselves to furniture, clothes and luggage and like moist environments. They particularly like bedding and mattresses, which can retain much moisture from sweating and losing moisture at night. If you have been exposed to them during the day, you can carry them back home. With the increase in travel from the Eurostar, national rail and aeroplanes, they pose a particular problem to busy cities like Paris and London. Our sleep expert Max Kirsten says “Travel and hotel rooms are the main cause of transmitting bed bugs”.

While Eurostar is keen to reassure travellers their surfaces are clean and safe and Kate Nicholls, the UK hospitality CEO says “there is no indication of this happening in the UK”, there are naturally still concerns. So what can you do to prevent bed bugs as the governments work on managing the crisis?

How to check for bedbugs?

To check for bedbugs, start by examining your bed area thoroughly. Look for small, reddish-brown insects, typically about the size of an apple seed. Check the seams of your mattress, bed frame, and box spring. Also, inspect nearby furniture, including nightstands and dressers. Look for tiny blood spots on your sheets or mattress, indicating bedbug presence. Using a flashlight can help in spotting these elusive pests. Remember to check in crevices and hidden spots, as bedbugs tend to hide in small spaces. If you find any signs of bedbugs, it’s advisable to contact a professional pest control service for proper identification and treatment.

What are the early signs?

Early signs of bedbugs include small, itchy bite marks on your skin, often in a line or cluster, which you might notice upon waking. Another indicator is tiny blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases, resembling small rust spots. You may also spot small, dark excrement spots or bedbug eggs (tiny, yellowish-white, and oval) in the seams of your mattress or upholstery. An unmistakable sign is the presence of live bedbugs, small, brownish insects about the size of an apple seed. Additionally, a subtle, sweet, musty odour can sometimes be detected in areas with a heavy bedbug infestation. If you observe any of these signs, a closer inspection or professional consultation may be necessary.

Bamboo Forest - Hybrid Bamboo Mattress

Bamboo to the rescue

Bed bugs are notoriously challenging due to their small size, rapid reproduction rate, and ability to hide in tiny crevices. They can survive for months without feeding, making persistent pests in homes. Moreover, a recent study suggests that bedbugs increasingly resist common pesticides, complicating extermination efforts. In this scenario, using bamboo sleep products can be beneficial.

Why is bamboo a natural defence against bed bugs?

We all have our comfort zones; bed bugs love moist environments, so bedtime is a favourite. Due to how much moisture we lose at night, up to 25 ml per hour, our mattresses and bedding can be the ideal breeding spot for bed bugs. Bamboo is moisture-wicking, antibacterial and highly breathable, making it nature’s natural defence to bed bugs. The wonder fabric is also thermoregulating, preventing overheating and reducing sweating for a healthier, fresher and more comfortable sleep. “As mattresses are a major carrier of bed bugs, “choosing a bamboo mattress can help,” our sleep expert says.

What are some other ways you prevent bed bugs?

If you think you have bed bugs, contacting pest control and confirming they are irritating insects can be helpful. To protect yourself from carrying them into your home or bed, here are some simple measures you can take immediately.

1. Choose anti-bed bug bedding – Choosing antibacterial, moisture and breathable fabrics can help prevent bedbugs from disrupting your sleep. Our Hybrid Bamboo Mattress is made with our fresh bamboo-infused BioCellFoam™, making sleep ultra hygienic and breathable. The hybrid is sealed with our signature smooth, antibacterial bamboo cover. Our 100% Bamboo Bedding and bamboo-filled Cloud Duvet will give you soothing, breathable, moisture-wicking bliss for extra comfort and protection. Take that bedbug.  

2. Pest Control – Our sleep expert recommends “scanning your bedding and clothes regularly for bedbugs, especially the white eggs that can be hard to notice”. He then suggests “choosing a vacuum device with a UV light known to damage the DNA of bedbugs”. You can use this once a week to give yourself peace of mind and help prevent any outbreaks.


3. Wash your bedding regularly – Ensuring you wash your bedding, pillow covers, duvet, and mattress regularly can help prevent bed bugs from spreading. Bamboo bedding is a great choice as the fabric gets softer with every wash and dries fast. All of our pillows and Bamboo Topper come with removable bamboo covers that are easy to take off and wash. For full details on how to wash your bedding and mattress, head to our care page here. 


4. Travel Safe – If you travel frequently on public transport, washing your clothes and checking your luggage when you get home is the best practice. This can help prevent carrying the bugs into your home, where they can hide and spread.  

Remember, you can only do what you can

Ultimately, there are some situations where coming into contact with bedbugs is unavoidable. As distressing as this can be, taking the measures you can, from washing your clothes, having the best bedding and contacting pest control if necessary – you can only do what you can. Finding ways to relax to get a good night’s sleep is vital to your well-being. Try not to focus and worry, as this will help you feel more refreshed, calm and healthy.

If you think a bed bug has bitten you, it is best to contact your doctor to put your mind at rest and take their advice on handling any skin irritation.

You can explore our range of bamboo products here, from the Hybrid Bamboo Mattress, Pillows, Duvets, Bedding and Towels. We hope our wonder fabric can help wrap you up in comfort, protecting you from bed bugs and bringing you the sweetest dreams.


How does bamboo help in repelling bed bugs?

Bamboo has natural properties that bed bugs find unappealing. Its fibres are densely woven, making it difficult for bed bugs to navigate. Bamboo is also moisture-wicking, keeping the environment dry and discouraging these pests.

Are bamboo beddings bed bug-proof?

While bamboo provides a natural barrier, it’s essential to maintain good hygiene and follow prevention methods to deter bed bugs. Using bamboo bedding can be a valuable part of your defence.

Is bamboo bedding a safe choice for those with allergies?

Bamboo is hypoallergenic and resists common allergens like dust mites and moulds, making it an excellent choice for allergy sufferers.

How often should I wash bamboo beddings to prevent bed bugs?

Regular washing is advisable. Beddings should be washed at least every 1-2 weeks to maintain freshness and reduce the risk of bed bugs and allergens.

Are there any specific bamboo products recommended for bed bug prevention?

Bamboo sheets, mattress covers, and pillowcases can all be helpful in bed bug prevention. These products are readily available, and offer added comfort.

Can bamboo products be combined with other bed bug prevention methods?

Absolutely. Bamboo products can complement other prevention techniques, such as regular cleaning, reducing clutter, and inspecting for signs of bed bugs.

Explore our range:

The post Bamboo: Your Natural Hero Against Bed Bugs first appeared on Panda.
