Posture | Panda Feel right at home Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:11:06 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Posture | Panda 32 32 Why Should you use an Orthopaedic Pillow? Wed, 05 Apr 2023 16:38:23 +0000

Do you regularly wake up with neck or back pain and put it down to sleeping funny? Your cranky neck may not actually be down to your sleeping position. Not having a supportive pillow can lead to improper alignment, resulting in bad posture, discomfort and if left untreated potential long-term problems. Here’s how an orthopaedic pillow can help you get a better night’s sleep and wake up feeling fresh and pain-free.

What is an orthopaedic pillow?

An orthopaedic pillow is specifically designed to contour your sleeping position, providing support for the neck, shoulders, and upper back. The snooze-friendly pillows are made from advanced memory foam and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and densities. They are often recommended by spine experts and orthopaedics for those suffering from neck and spine pain and anyone looking to avoid it, primarily as they keep you in optimum alignment while you rest.

“Attaining the right balance of support and stability is essential for spinal health during sleep,” says Matt Cunningham, a mobility coach.

couple laying on a bamboo hybrid pillow

With so much of our daily lives contributing to bad posture, neck and back pain has become a common problem. From slouching over our desks all day to lying on the sofa, no wonder our neck and spine alignment has gone all out of whack. Add a bad pillow to the mix and there’s a recipe for all kinds of problems. With orthopaedic support, you can rest assured that you are being kind to your neck and spine while you sleep.

They provide heaps of benefits beyond keeping your neck and spine happy, here are a few reasons why you will love them.

What are the benefits of an orthopaedic pillow?

Adding orthopaedic support to bedtime could be the best decision you make for your comfort. From effective support to thermoregulation here are some of the blissful benefits they provide;

Perfect neck and spine alignment

This one has to be mentioned first, and it is what makes them most popular. Having a firm, supportive pillow that provides a neutral sleeping space is key to good neck and spine health. Third-generation memory foam like that used in our Bamboo Memory Foam Pillow keeps you in perfect alignment from head to toe, improving your posture and preventing discomfort, sore necks and achy backs.

Breathable bedtimes

If you choose one made from naturally breathable fabrics like bamboo, you can enjoy a fresher night’s sleep. Bamboo is thermoregulating, counteracting the natural heat retention of memory foam and regulating your body temperature from light’s out till morning. With a bamboo memory foam pillow, you can ease into sweat-free nights and benefit from a deeper, restorative kip.

Better quality zZZ

Having sufficient support and blissful comfort will lead to a higher quality of sleep. From drifting off sooner to less waking in the night, a great pillow will have you falling in love with bedtime and avoiding the side effects of a bad snooze. From tired days, irritability and relying on way too much coffee- sleep is nature’s natural medicine for your body to rest, recover and restore. An orthopaedic pillow could be just what you need to wake up feeling magic.

How do you find the best orthopaedic pillow?

The great thing about advanced third-generation memory foam is that it contours naturally to all sleeping positions, so whether you are a front, back or side sleeper, you can benefit from their unique support. That said there are certain benefits from different types of sleeping positions which could help improve your rest.

When it comes to comfort, we are like a different level of firmness while we sleep. Traditional memory foam tends to provide a firmer feel. If you are used to a firmer sleeping surface, our classic Bamboo Memory Foam Pillow may be best. Our bamboo cover wraps the pillow in natural hypoallergenic smoothness that will regulate body temperature and keep that fresh side of the pillow all night long.

Our more advanced Hybrid Bamboo Pillow balances a blend of cushiony comfort with an anti-bacterial charcoal infusion and o2 Micro-pods™ to optimise airflow with orthopaedic grade support. This could be the one for you if you prefer a softer sleeping surface.

Happy girl laying on a Hybrid Bamboo Pillow with a bamboo cloud duvet

If you are not sure what sleeping surface would suit you better, we offer comfy home trials with all of our memory foam products so you can find the perfect match. Do bear in mind that when switching pillows, it can take a while to adjust to the new level of comfort and support. We do advise giving yourself a full 30 nights to adapt and fall in love with yours. As once you do, we doubt you or your happy neck and spine will want to sleep without it.

Sweet Dreams

The post Why Should you use an Orthopaedic Pillow? first appeared on Panda.

How Can the Way You Sleep Improve Your Posture? Fri, 03 Mar 2023 13:24:45 +0000

When you think about improving your posture, your mind might jump to yoga, pilates and regular shoulder rolls. Though those things might help, there is another place to start. The way you sleep can have a big influence on your posture, a few bedtime tweaks could be key to maintaining healthy neck, spine and hip alignment and staying pain-free.

How does the way you sleep affect posture?

Over a lifetime, we get to spend a whole lot of time in bed, yay! Though if we are not resting with efficient comfort and support, we can develop some bad bedtime habits, resulting in back and muscle strain. When you sleep, it is vital to maintain the natural shape of your spine and keep it in alignment with your neck and hips. Moving around throughout the night or having the wrong pillow or mattress for your sleeping position over time can take its toll on your posture. Before moving on to the things that can help, let’s take a look at some of the other lifestyle habits that can lead to poor posture.

What lifestyle habits cause poor posture?

If you are looking to improve your posture, it’s best to take a holistic approach. This way you can be sure the steps you take to improve your sleep will not be sabotaged by other habits. Here are some of the common things to avoid to straighten up your posture;

1. Slouching at your desk

It’s a long day, right? Working on our laptops and computers all day can make it all so tempting to get slouchy… This is when those shoulder rolls can help. Sitting on a supportive chair with a pillow and keeping your knees straight at hip height can also help you stay in proper alignment and avoid any tension and aches, and pains.

2. Not moving… Enough

Popping to the bathroom every few hours is not going to cut the mustard. Making sure you take regular walking breaks can help prevent posture misalignment that comes with prolonged periods of sitting. Surprisingly, not moving can lead to muscle fatigue and a weakened core that regular, exercise can help you avoid, keeping you fighting fit and sitting pretty.

red hair girl sleeping on a hybrid bamboo mattress-600x400

3. Stress, much?

With never-ending email inboxes and keeping up with commitments and responsibilities – life can quickly get overwhelming. This can lead to shallow breathing and contracting muscles, which take their toll on posture. Regular breaks and slower breathing can help reduce stress, improving your posture and well-being.

How can I sleep to improve my posture?

Now we’ve got daytime straightened out; let’s move over to bed! The first thing you may be wondering is whether you should change your sleeping position. Whether you choose front, back, or side, they all come with their pros and cons, and your chosen position is likely what you find most comfortable and helps you sleep. There are other ways to keep your neck, spine, and back happy while you sleep.


How can you keep your spine in alignment while you sleep?

When it comes to spinal alignment, your sleeping surface is key to staying healthy. A mattress with naturally contouring foam will adapt and support your sleeping position. When it comes to choosing a mattress, look for orthopaedic grade foams that come with a free home trial. This way, you can make sure you have found the perfect fit before making that final commitment. If you are not ready to upgrade your mattress, a good quality mattress topper will also do the trick as long as it provides premium adaptive memory foam that supports every sleeping position, like the Panda Bamboo Memory Foam Topper.

How can you keep your neck and back aligned while you sleep?

Keeping your neck and back in alignment while you sleep is key to maintaining a long-term healthy posture. This is where your pillow has a lot to live up to. You want a pillow that provides orthopaedic support and adapts to your sleeping position, even if you toss and turn. If you like a cushiony pillow that still provides orthopaedic support, a hybrid like the Panda Hybrid Bamboo Pillow will keep you comfortable and in perfect alignment from lights out till morning.

Improving your posture will help keep your neck, spine and joints healthy and mobile so you can make the most of every day. This can help keep boost your well-being and counteract the wear and tear of muscles that comes with ageing. Taking a holistic approach to your lifestyle is key.

Girl sleeping on a Hybrid Mattress

There is no need to make drastic changes, take things at your own pace. With a little more movement, regular breaks and a supportive pillow and mattress, you will be well on your way to sleeping soundly and striking the perfect pose.

Sweet Dreams

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The post How Can the Way You Sleep Improve Your Posture? first appeared on Panda.
