Bedtime routines | Panda Feel right at home Thu, 02 Nov 2023 14:14:24 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Bedtime routines | Panda 32 32 Should you Exercise Before Bed? Mon, 27 Mar 2023 16:27:16 +0000

Exercise is a great way to improve your health, though getting plenty of quality, consistent sleep is key to making the most of those workouts. Knowing when and what types of training to do throughout the day can help you stay fit plus improve your sleep. So before you grab your trainers, here’s what you need to know about the best times to break a sweat.

How does exercise affect your sleep?

If you’ve noticed you sleep better after a good run or HIIT session, it’s no surprise. Exercise can improve sleep quality in the following ways:

1. Reduces Cortisol – Stress feels like an inevitable part of modern life, especially when you have a busy job and jam-packed diary of social commitments to keep up with. Exercise is one of the most natural ways to reduce stress and lower cortisol which is known to disrupt sleep.

2. Helps establish a routine – Our bodies love a routine. By incorporating a regular, consistent workout routine into your lifestyle you can do wonders for your sleep. You are training your circadian rhythm when it’s time to push and relax, which can make it easier and quicker to fall asleep.

3. Can help improve sleep disorders – Certain sleep disorders can often improve with regular exercise. Working out and exerting energy during the day, naturally fatigues the body and mind which can reduce the symptoms often associated with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea.


What are the impacts of exercising before bedtime on sleep?

While exercising can be great for sleep, working out too close to bedtime could make it take longer to drift off. Vigorous training that gets your heart pumping releases those feel-good endorphins that can keep you awake. This can make it hard to relax and switch off without proper time to unwind and prepare for bed.

High-level or even moderate workouts can also raise your body temperature. This signals to your body that it’s time to be awake which can affect sleep duration and quality if you do not allow enough time to cool down and let yourself recover before hitting the hay. That said, if you do prefer a later workout and find it better suits your lifestyle there are certain exercises that can be beneficial to do before bedtime.

What are the best exercises to do before bedtime?

Low-impact exercise that does not raise your heart rate or adrenaline is recommended before bed. According to our expert ‘yoga, light stretching and breath work can help you unwind and relax before bed’. Yoga still strengthens and tones your muscles whilst lowering cortisol without raising your core temperature too much. Glute bridges, child’s pose and shoulder stand are all great moves to do before bedtime. Either at home or in a class, scheduling regular gentle exercise into your bedtime routine will help you reap all the benefits whilst still enjoying a refreshing, long snooze.

Extra sleep tips to keep you fit and healthy

Along with regular work-outs here are some final dreamy tips to keep you sleeping soundly and ready to train;

1) Keep to a consistent routine

Whatever time you decide to work out, do your best to keep it consistent. Your body will quickly adapt and keep you on schedule. Sticking to the same wake-up and bedtime is one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep.

2) Have the right mattress and pillow

Proper alignment and spinal support are essential to keep your body healthy and ensure you remain pain-free. is there anything worse than a pesky, achy joint ruining your morning run? Having an orthopaedic, supportive mattress and pillows that adapt to your sleeping position will relieve your pressure points, allowing proper recovery for your muscles and keeping your joints happy.

woman hugging hybrid bamboo pillow

3) Take time to unwind

Having one or two hours before bed where you enjoy a warm shower, stay screen-free and unwind will make it much easier to fall asleep. If you can set a bedtime ritual that allows your mind to switch off, the temperature to lower and lower the lights. Lower lighting will trigger the production of melatonin, your body’s natural ‘sleepy’ hormone that will help set you up for perfect shut-eye.

The final verdict:
Should you work-out out before bed?

If you are going to exercise before bed, try and stick to lower-impact workouts that do not raise adrenaline. If your going to go for a more vigorous burn, allow time to unwind and make sure you take a shower to lower your body temperature before ducking under the duvet. Having an orthopedically approved mattress and pillow will ensure you get the proper support your body needs to recover.

And remember, sometimes it’s ok to take a day off and stay in bed. Rest is just as important as hitting the gym and will make every mile all the more enjoyable.

Sweet Dreams

The post Should you Exercise Before Bed? first appeared on Panda.

Wellness Advocate Ashley Shares top tips on Bedtime Routines for Toddlers Tue, 30 Nov 2021 10:45:16 +0000

For all the joy children bring, raising little people is not easy! One thing many parents struggle with is creating a healthy bedtime routine for toddlers. Establishing a good sleeping routine early on encourages good sleeping habits for the future, and the benefits don’t stop there. Studies show quality sleep makes little ones more creative, energised, and less irritable! Toddler tantrums are no fun, eh? Wellness influencer Ashley Siedentopf author of “Feed yourself fabulous” knows her stuff when it comes to bedtime. Ashley takes a holistic approach to wellbeing and believes a healthy sleeping routine for little ones plays a big part in living well. We talk to her about sleeping schedules, magic baths, and disco naps!

What do you think are the biggest challenges when it comes to bedtime routines for toddlers?

I think not having enough tools at hand. Understanding and learning as much as you can about the importance of a bedtime routine and the methods that work. Before my first was born, two books that taught me about the different stages of sleep and establishing a good bedtime routine were The Contented Little Baby Book by Gina Ford and the 12 hours and 12 weeks famous baby coach method. My own modifications really helped have my child on a structured sleep routine from birth. The bedtime routine has been 7pm-7am (pretty much) from then ’til now. 

What does a good bedtime routine include?

Going to bed at the same time every night and minimising stimulation before! Having a lovely ritual to look forward to that helps your baby know the difference between daytime and nighttime. For me, I love and enjoy my evenings, so the 7pm-7am routine is a dream. When we are on holiday or away from home this is more flexible and we adjust, naturally. Though some parents may work later hours and enjoy rising later in the morning. There is no right or wrong. It’s about finding a routine that works for you and your baby. That looks slightly different for every family.

How do you set a sleeping schedule?

I tried my best to adopt and establish a sleep routine from early on. The earlier you can set a bedtime routine for your little one the better. Those two books as I mentioned really give great insight into knowing when to feed, nap, and find the best bedtime for your baby.

Alarm clock

What are the best things to do before bedtime?

  • Try my magic bath…add lavender bubbles, essential oils of lavender, and sprinkle on Epsom salts. Then wrap them in a soft, fluffy towel.
  • Give them  a toddler massage (babies love massages as much as mamas).
  • Bedtime stories… even if they are newborns, they can still get a lot out of hearing their mummy or daddy’s voice and it’s great for bonding.
  • Play calming lullabies; it makes for sleepy music meditation music and helps them drift off naturally.

What are the best things for toddlers to eat before bed?

Carbs, protein veg, and some warm milk, (mine loves oat milk and lactose-free whole milk), now at 3. I will sometimes add a little raw manuka honey for extra immune-boosting properties. 

What is best to avoid?

Refined sugar, or anything overly heavy or rich. It can be hard to digest and keep them up. 

What is important when it comes to what they sleep on?

A comfy bed is as important for little ones as it is for us adults. Since my little one got her Panda toddler memory foam pillow she has been loving bedtime and being snug as a bug all night. She even cuddles it. I would definitely recommend the kid’s pillows for comfort and support, and to get them looking forward to bedtime.

Toddler pillow

What are your 3 top tips for parents who are struggling?

  1. Educate yourself; get advice from good sleep coaches or books, or an expert who can come and see you.
  2. Remind yourself these are fleeting moments. This too shall pass, and YOU got this. Don’t be hard on yourself, rest if you can, be patient with yourself and get some extra help if need be.
  3. Make your self care a priority – if you start doing little things for yourself that make you feel good, elevate your mood, energise you this will help all other areas of your life, like caring for your family.  You cannot serve from an empty cup, so listen to your body, if you are feeling low on your wellbeing battery. Figure out a way to slowly implement small things into your lifestyle to lift you up and recharge you.

What is your favourite way to unwind before bed?

I am the queen of a bedtime routine! It helps me unwind from the day and recharges me for the following morning. I start with a bath with lavender bubbles, pop on a soothing meditation guide, and implement my pampering skincare ritual I will launch in 2022. Before lights out, I read something uplifting. This helps fill up your subconscious with lots of goodness while you sleep. I set a bedtime alarm for 11 p.m., as I’m up at 7 a.m. with my little one. Between 11 pm-1 am, your kidneys are replenishing themselves, so if you are in a good deep rest during this time, you feel much more recharged and rejuvenated in the morning (a little secret beauty hack- it’s very anti-ageing.)

Sleep is the best medicine for our emotional well-being, feeling good, and healing from within. It’s not always easy to get beauty sleep as a parent, so I mastered the art of disco naps! They are great for recharging any time of day. Slip on an eye mask and give one a go.

Where can parents find you for more mum-spiration?

The post Wellness Advocate Ashley Shares top tips on Bedtime Routines for Toddlers first appeared on Panda.
