Bedtime | Panda London Blog Feel right at home Thu, 14 Dec 2023 16:17:42 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Bedtime | Panda London Blog 32 32 Should you Exercise Before Bed? Mon, 27 Mar 2023 16:27:16 +0000

Exercise is a great way to improve your health, though getting plenty of quality, consistent sleep is key to making the most of those workouts. Knowing when and what types of training to do throughout the day can help you stay fit plus improve your sleep. So before you grab your trainers, here’s what you need to know about the best times to break a sweat.

How does exercise affect your sleep?

If you’ve noticed you sleep better after a good run or HIIT session, it’s no surprise. Exercise can improve sleep quality in the following ways:

1. Reduces Cortisol – Stress feels like an inevitable part of modern life, especially when you have a busy job and jam-packed diary of social commitments to keep up with. Exercise is one of the most natural ways to reduce stress and lower cortisol which is known to disrupt sleep.

2. Helps establish a routine – Our bodies love a routine. By incorporating a regular, consistent workout routine into your lifestyle you can do wonders for your sleep. You are training your circadian rhythm when it’s time to push and relax, which can make it easier and quicker to fall asleep.

3. Can help improve sleep disorders – Certain sleep disorders can often improve with regular exercise. Working out and exerting energy during the day, naturally fatigues the body and mind which can reduce the symptoms often associated with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea.


What are the impacts of exercising before bedtime on sleep?

While exercising can be great for sleep, working out too close to bedtime could make it take longer to drift off. Vigorous training that gets your heart pumping releases those feel-good endorphins that can keep you awake. This can make it hard to relax and switch off without proper time to unwind and prepare for bed.

High-level or even moderate workouts can also raise your body temperature. This signals to your body that it’s time to be awake which can affect sleep duration and quality if you do not allow enough time to cool down and let yourself recover before hitting the hay. That said, if you do prefer a later workout and find it better suits your lifestyle there are certain exercises that can be beneficial to do before bedtime.

What are the best exercises to do before bedtime?

Low-impact exercise that does not raise your heart rate or adrenaline is recommended before bed. According to our expert ‘yoga, light stretching and breath work can help you unwind and relax before bed’. Yoga still strengthens and tones your muscles whilst lowering cortisol without raising your core temperature too much. Glute bridges, child’s pose and shoulder stand are all great moves to do before bedtime. Either at home or in a class, scheduling regular gentle exercise into your bedtime routine will help you reap all the benefits whilst still enjoying a refreshing, long snooze.

Extra sleep tips to keep you fit and healthy

Along with regular work-outs here are some final dreamy tips to keep you sleeping soundly and ready to train;

1) Keep to a consistent routine

Whatever time you decide to work out, do your best to keep it consistent. Your body will quickly adapt and keep you on schedule. Sticking to the same wake-up and bedtime is one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep.

2) Have the right mattress and pillow

Proper alignment and spinal support are essential to keep your body healthy and ensure you remain pain-free. is there anything worse than a pesky, achy joint ruining your morning run? Having an orthopaedic, supportive mattress and pillows that adapt to your sleeping position will relieve your pressure points, allowing proper recovery for your muscles and keeping your joints happy.

woman hugging hybrid bamboo pillow

3) Take time to unwind

Having one or two hours before bed where you enjoy a warm shower, stay screen-free and unwind will make it much easier to fall asleep. If you can set a bedtime ritual that allows your mind to switch off, the temperature to lower and lower the lights. Lower lighting will trigger the production of melatonin, your body’s natural ‘sleepy’ hormone that will help set you up for perfect shut-eye.

The final verdict:
Should you work-out out before bed?

If you are going to exercise before bed, try and stick to lower-impact workouts that do not raise adrenaline. If your going to go for a more vigorous burn, allow time to unwind and make sure you take a shower to lower your body temperature before ducking under the duvet. Having an orthopedically approved mattress and pillow will ensure you get the proper support your body needs to recover.

And remember, sometimes it’s ok to take a day off and stay in bed. Rest is just as important as hitting the gym and will make every mile all the more enjoyable.

Sweet Dreams

The post Should you Exercise Before Bed? first appeared on Panda.

The Best Bedtime Tips to Beat January Blues Fri, 27 Jan 2023 17:08:40 +0000

Christmas was fabulous, though now it’s over, and many of us feel a bit ‘blah’. We’ve opened all the pressies and eaten all the mince pies, and it’s still looking very cold out there. If you feel the January blues taking hold, take a breath. These bedtime tips will help brighten you with a rested and restorative winter.

What are January blues?

January blues refer to feelings of sadness, depression, or a lack of motivation that some people experience during the month of January. This is a natural response for many of us to this time of year, which can take a toll on our mental health. The hype of Christmas is over, and the dark, colder mornings can seem to be never-ending and harder to deal with. January is the peak season for S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder). This affects up to two million people in the UK where the lack of sunlight can cause low mood, irritability and even depression. This can cause major disruption to your sleep cycle and exasperating symptoms. While this can be a hard time of year, taking the best care of yourself and getting the best sleep can help you feel better. Here are some easy ways to boost your mood and prioritise your well-being for a well-rested season.

Is your bedroom up for January?

One place we will all be spending more time during January is our bedroom. This is the perfect month to create a comfortable, calm, and cosy sanctuary. Having soft, breathable bedding will keep all that snuggle time healthy and fresh. Bamboo bedding is not only incredibly soft (even softer than Egyptian cotton), the natural fabric is thermoregulating, hypoallergenic, and anti-bacterial, keeping your skin protected and you wrapped up in style. Switching to bamboo bedding and duvets is the perfect treat not just for January; the eco-friendly bedding will keep you cool in the hot summer and cosy all winter. Now that is one January bedtime upgrade to feel good about.

Are you getting enough light?

Lack of sunlight is one of the biggest causes of S.A.D and low mood during winter. Although the days are shorter and darker, getting enough light to brighten your mornings and keep your circadian rhythm healthy is still possible. If you can open your curtains first thing or take a good stroll in the daylight, you will get a healthy dose of vitamin D, helping to set up your body clock for better sleep later. Getting enough daylight during waking hours and then lowering light exposure a few hours before bed can regulate the production of melatonin. This sleepy hormone will make you feel ready to drift off when you nestle into bed. If natural light is not an option, certain bedtime lamps can provide you with light therapy similar to sunlight you can switch on in the morning and use throughout the day. Letting in the light will give you a healthy fix of serotonin, the happy hormone that will boost your mood and your day to keep those January blues at bay.

How can you make your bedtime routine more restorative?

Life can sometimes feel a bit like work, sleep, repeat, though January is a great time to change your daily routine. Having enough time to switch between work and heading to bed can make a big difference in your sleep quality. Taking two hours to yourself in the evening is a great habit to set in winter and carry through for the rest of the year. Indulge in some ‘you time’ with a relaxing bath, a good book, and a cup of your favourite hot drink. (as long as it’s caffeine-free) A bedtime bundle of nightly oil and a light-blocking, smooth Bamboo eye mask can help set you up for a deeper, restorative rest. Making sure you treat yourself as a priority is key to keeping your mood, health, and well-being at its best- every season.

Give yourself some winter love

January is a hard month for us all, though it is also a great opportunity to take time to rest, recover and give yourself some love. From bedtime upgrades to keep you snug to a relaxing routine for a deeper slumber, prioritizing rest will help set you up for the bright, healthy, relaxed year you deserve.

Sweet Dreams

The post The Best Bedtime Tips to Beat January Blues first appeared on Panda.

Bedtime Eclipse: How Does the Lunar Cycle Affect Your Sleep? Wed, 30 Nov 2022 09:26:19 +0000

Ever wondered if the full moon is really the reason you can’t sleep? Read on to discover all about how the lunar cycle can affect bedtime and what you can do to help.

There is something magical about the moon, that golden, glowing circle that changes shape and lights up the sky. If you notice your sleep tends to fluctuate throughout the month, those changing shapes could have something to do with it. Studies show that the lunar cycle can affect sleep. From waning and waxing crescents to beautiful full moons. Let’s take a look at the different lunar phases, how they influence sleep and how the best mattress could keep you snoozing soundly throughout the cycle.

What are the different moon phases?

The moon is constantly on the move, transitioning in eight phases throughout its 27-day orbit around earth. These can be broken down into four primary stages, each lasting around 7 days. During each of these phases, you will see a different shape in the sky, affecting sleep in varying intensity. More about this shortly, first here are the four key phases of the moon cycle.

New Moon

Celebrated as a time of new beginnings, the first stage of the lunar cycle is marked by a thin, curved slither of light we call the crescent moon. A time to set fresh intentions and start new projects (without getting too ‘woo-woo’.) If you follow a moon ritual, this is a time to say yes to a new haircut, send that job application, or accept that first date, the universe is rooting for you!

First Quarter

During the second stage of the lunar cycle, the moon starts to grow. Take a peek out your window and you’ll see a golden handle lighting up the night sky. Much like the moon, this is a great time to develop your projects and stay focused. Make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation to stay energised and ready for the upcoming full moon.

Full Moon

The big one! This phase of the lunar cycle is the moon’s chance to shine. The big, golden circle signals the moon and sun are now at opposite ends of the Earth. Known as a great time to put your ideas out there and shine your light, this phase is when many of us find it hardest to sleep. More on why coming up!

Last Quarter

The final stage of the lunar cycle is known as the waning crescent, where it slowly transitions back to a slithery golden wedge. This time in the magical world of moonstrology is perfect for reflecting, slowing down and preparing for a new cycle.

So, how does all this affect sleep?

Now you understand each phase of the lunar cycle, you can see how it builds in light and intensity. This can affect sleep for a number of reasons.

1. Studies show that there might be something to ‘as above, so below. The research suggests our sleep cycles are naturally synchronised with the moon cycle.

2. During the new moon and final quarter, the intensity of light and energy from the moon lowers. This helps us produce more melatonin and drift off with the natural pattern of our circadian rhythm.

3. Research shows that the full moon can make it harder to drift off, reduce sleep time, and sleep quality. This is mostly associated with the light being at its strongest which can leave us over-stimulated blinking at the ceiling.

How to sleep better throughout the lunar cycle

If you find your sleep fluctuating with the moon cycle, you are not alone. Many of us stay up later and sleep less before the full moon, over time this can cause low mood and sleep disorders. Though with a few adjustments you can tap into some lunar magic and stay in love with bedtime. Here are top tips for sleeping well come moon or shine.

1. Stick to a routine

While it may be tempting to stay up late during a full moon, sticking to a routine will help regulate your circadian rhythm. Having a soothing ritual before bed can work wonders. A warm bath and a few drops of relaxing oils will lower your body temperature and calm your nervous system, preparing you for sleep. Slip on a soft, silky eye mask to keep out the extra light and ease you into dozing off.

2. Optimise your comfort zone

While the moon continues to shift and change, the best way to keep your sleep consistent? Optimise your comfort zone. Having a breathable, supportive mattress will ensure you look forward to diving into bed. Thermo-regulating fabrics like bamboo will keep you cool and cosy whatever the moon phase. Make sure you have the right pillow for your sleeping position and snuggly, soft bedding you cannot wait to get all wrapped up in. Keeping bedtime as comfortable as possible all year round will set you up for sweet sleep- and enjoying the magic!

3. Self-care

Self-care is important at every stage of the moon cycle. From keeping clear work/life boundaries, watching your screen time and getting plenty of healthy food and exercise. Ensure you allow yourself enough time to wind down at the end of the day and make time to balance work, play and rest. Much like the moon, there’s a time to shine bright and a time to reflect, slow down and restore for whatever the next cycle has in store.

Moon Messages

The lunar cycle can affect all of our sleep differently. Try to be patient with any adjustments. Taking care of yourself with a relaxing bedtime routine, optimising your comfort zone and embracing the art of slowing down is sure to keep you shining bright.

Sweet Dreams

The post Bedtime Eclipse: How Does the Lunar Cycle Affect Your Sleep? first appeared on Panda.

How to Sleep Better With Menopause Thu, 10 Mar 2022 09:51:58 +0000

P.S And wake up with a smile

There is no greater happiness than a good night’s sleep, it boosts our well-being and brings joy to the little things. Though anyone going through menopause knows, drifting off can be far from easy. The good news is there are natural ways to get yourself back to the land of nod and waking up with a smile. Let’s take a look at menopause, why it affects our sleep, and most importantly what we can do about it. 

What is menopause?

Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. In body language? The end of your monthly cycles. While the average age this occurs is between 40-55… the bracket is by no means exclusive. It tends to come on gradually, with hormones starting to change during a period known as perimenopause. This can be a tough time emotionally and you can experience all kinds of unpleasant symptoms, though rest assured this is something you are not alone with. Menopause is a natural process that can also bring meaningful change and growth. 

If you think you might be experiencing menopause, here are some of the symptoms to look out for. 

What are the symptoms of menopause?

Hot flashes – are one of the most complained about symptoms of menopause. Especially at night time which leads to tossing and turning more than sleeping. Waking up irritable? Anxious? Tired? All common side effects of not getting enough shut-eye. 

Low mood – Feeling less perky than usual? Many women report feeling low and mood swings when going through menopause which is not made any better by lack of sleep.

Forget me not- Never mind baby brain, cognitive changes are also known to occur during menopause. So do not worry if you put the coffee in the fridge!

Jeans feeling snug? Before you put down the cake, understand weight gain due to hormonal changes can also be common at this time. Be kind to yourself and enjoy your treats.

While these symptoms are not exclusive, if some of them sound familiar you could be going through menopause. It could be worth speaking to your doctor for help to ease the symptoms, though better sleep is a good place to start. And when it comes to sleep and menopause… It seems nature knows best.

Here are three natural things that could help you get a better night’s kip.

Natural tips for sleeping better with menopause

Fed up counting sheep till the early hours? You are not alone. 30-60% of women going through menopause have problems with sleep. If you are looking for ways to drift off naturally, these are some great things to try.

1. Fill up on the good stuff – If there was ever a time to give a little more TLC to your body, it is during menopause. Filling up on natural foods will not only ease your symptoms, but they will also be giving your well-being a healthy boost. Bones can weaken during menopause due to hormonal changes so up your intake of calcium and vitamin D- think lots of yummy yogurts, seeds, beans, and even a bit of cheese…. Who said menopause was all bad? 

2. Stick to a bedtime routine – Night owl or bright-eyed morning person? Whichever you are, tucking in and waking up at the same time every day will help you sleep better. Your body and mind will know when to switch off. And to ease things along further… unwind with a hot bath and avoid phones and screens before bed so when you snuggle into those covers you feel nice and relaxed. 

3. Cool things down – Speaking of covers, what you sleep on and in during menopause can play a big part in how well you rest. Going for thermoregulating materials like bamboo bedding will help ease those night sweats, keeping you cool and comfy till morning. Not only is the fabric luxuriously soft, but the plant’s natural properties also make it hypoallergenic and moisture-wicking so your bedding stays nice and fresh. And most importantly you stay cool, cosy, and ready to drift off. 

Menopause affects each one of us differently, though whatever your symptoms, remember above all to be kind to yourself. Make self-care and sleep a priority, if that means a bit of cheese, indulgent baths, and fancy new bedding. So be it!

There is only one of you, and she deserves looking after. 

Sweet Dreams. 

The post How to Sleep Better With Menopause first appeared on Panda.
