Wellbeing | Panda London Blog https://pandalondon.com Feel right at home Thu, 02 Nov 2023 14:02:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://pandalondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/cropped-Panda-Icon-Logo-01-32x32.png Wellbeing | Panda London Blog https://pandalondon.com 32 32 How to Sleep Better if you are Suffering From Sleep Apnea https://pandalondon.com/how-to-sleep-better-with-sleep-apnea/ Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:09:33 +0000 https://pandalondon.com/?p=208864

Sleep apnea has become increasingly common over the last few years and can really get in the way of a good night’s sleep. Understanding this sleep disorder is the first step towards managing the symptoms. Here we take a look at different types of sleep apnea affecting over 100 million people globally, providing simple tips on how you can improve sleep quality and start feeling like you again. Get comfy and let’s dive right in.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is essentially when your breathing stops while you sleep. This can be very distressing, disrupting sleep quality and impacting your well-being on various levels. The main types of sleep apnea are the following:

Obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common. It is characterized by repeated upper airway blockage during sleep, leading to interrupted breathing and symptoms such as loud snoring, daytime sleepiness, and health risks.

Central sleep apnea

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a sleep disorder where the brain fails to send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing during sleep. It can cause pauses in breathing and disrupt sleep.

Treatment-emergent sleep apnea

This is a less common form and refers to the worsening or development of sleep apnea symptoms despite receiving treatment, such as PAP therapy. It may be caused by various factors and may require adjustments to treatment settings or addressing underlying health conditions.

Hybrid Bamboo Mattress Pillow- Lifestyle - Woman Laying 16

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

Whichever type of sleep apnea you experience can cause distress about falling asleep and zap the joy out of bedtime. To get a diagnosis of this disorder, it is best to consult a medical professional though these are some of the common symptoms you may experience:


If you have developed snoring or are doing so more than usual, this could be a sign of the condition.

Gasping for air during sleep

Struggling for breath while you sleep is a common symptom which can wake you, disrupting your sleep duration and quality. If you share a bed with a partner, they can help report if you experience breathlessness throughout the night.

Morning headaches

These can be caused by a lack of airflow and a lack of quality sleep.

Daytime sleepiness and irritability

These symptoms can present as a natural side-effect of less sleep, impacting your mood and overall well-being.

What causes sleep apnea?

One question you may be wondering is what exactly causes sleep apnea. There is no single answer though any of the following can trigger the condition:


Being overweight can increase the fat deposits around your airways, which can make it difficult to breathe when you fall asleep and in certain positions.

Being male

Just being a male makes you 3 times more likely to develop sleep apnea.

Age and genetics

Being older can make you more susceptible to sleep apnea, as can genetics. It is worth checking your family history to see if anyone else experienced the condition.

Hybrid Bamboo Mattress Pillow - Lifestyle - Woman


Smoking can lead to inflammation in the upper airways which can lead to the development of this sleep disorder as well as other health conditions.

Certain medications

Pain and other medications can sometimes lead to inflammation that can also trigger sleep apnea. It is best to tell a doctor all medications you are taking to rule out this possibility.

How can you manage sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea can be a challenging disorder to deal with, lack of good quality rest can seriously impact your health and well-being, and it is likely you want to do all you can to reduce symptoms and improve your sleep. The good news is the outcome is positive. Here are some of the common ways sleep apnea can be cured or managed:

Lifestyle changes

Simple lifestyle changes can drastically improve and even get rid of sleep apnea. From eating healthier and exercising to lose excess weight to giving up smoking and drinking. These changes can bring benefits far beyond bedtime, allowing you to start feeling better and waking up a lot brighter.

Treatment options

From a CPAP machine which can gently pump air into your nose or mouth as you drift off, to gum shields and, in complex cases, surgery, there are plenty of medical treatments to manage the condition. Your doctor will advise you on the best method of treatment based on your needs.

How can you improve your sleep?

One thing that’s definitely going to make you feel better is getting a good night’s sleep. While implementing treatments recommended by your health professional, here are some other simple ways to enjoy better bedtimes and improve the quality of your kip.

Embrace a bedtime routine

Getting your body and brain into a regular snooze cycle can work magic on its quality and duration. Try getting used to relaxing in bed and waking up at the same time every day. An unwinding routine can help you prepare for sleep, helping you drift off more quickly for a deeper, restorative snooze.

Choose the right pillow

Finding the right pillow that supports your sleeping position will not only keep you comfortable but can also help encourage you to sleep longer and wake up without any aches and pains. A hybrid bamboo pillow has the added benefits of optimised airflow and thermoregulation to prevent overheating for fresh sleep all year round.

Slow and steady lifestyle changes

Making small, steady changes to your diet and lifestyle can make a big difference to the quality of your health. From implementing a few workouts into your week, fewer takeaways and reducing alcohol consumption, you could be well on your way to better nights, brighter mornings and happier days.

Managing any sleep disorder takes patience and persistence, though by developing understanding, taking action and small steps, you will soon be falling back in love with bedtime.

Sweet Dreams

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The post How to Sleep Better if you are Suffering From Sleep Apnea first appeared on Panda.

Should you Exercise Before Bed? https://pandalondon.com/should-you-exercise-before-bed/ Mon, 27 Mar 2023 16:27:16 +0000 https://pandalondon.com/?p=201810

Exercise is a great way to improve your health, though getting plenty of quality, consistent sleep is key to making the most of those workouts. Knowing when and what types of training to do throughout the day can help you stay fit plus improve your sleep. So before you grab your trainers, here’s what you need to know about the best times to break a sweat.

How does exercise affect your sleep?

If you’ve noticed you sleep better after a good run or HIIT session, it’s no surprise. Exercise can improve sleep quality in the following ways:

1. Reduces Cortisol – Stress feels like an inevitable part of modern life, especially when you have a busy job and jam-packed diary of social commitments to keep up with. Exercise is one of the most natural ways to reduce stress and lower cortisol which is known to disrupt sleep.

2. Helps establish a routine – Our bodies love a routine. By incorporating a regular, consistent workout routine into your lifestyle you can do wonders for your sleep. You are training your circadian rhythm when it’s time to push and relax, which can make it easier and quicker to fall asleep.

3. Can help improve sleep disorders – Certain sleep disorders can often improve with regular exercise. Working out and exerting energy during the day, naturally fatigues the body and mind which can reduce the symptoms often associated with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea.


What are the impacts of exercising before bedtime on sleep?

While exercising can be great for sleep, working out too close to bedtime could make it take longer to drift off. Vigorous training that gets your heart pumping releases those feel-good endorphins that can keep you awake. This can make it hard to relax and switch off without proper time to unwind and prepare for bed.

High-level or even moderate workouts can also raise your body temperature. This signals to your body that it’s time to be awake which can affect sleep duration and quality if you do not allow enough time to cool down and let yourself recover before hitting the hay. That said, if you do prefer a later workout and find it better suits your lifestyle there are certain exercises that can be beneficial to do before bedtime.

What are the best exercises to do before bedtime?

Low-impact exercise that does not raise your heart rate or adrenaline is recommended before bed. According to our expert ‘yoga, light stretching and breath work can help you unwind and relax before bed’. Yoga still strengthens and tones your muscles whilst lowering cortisol without raising your core temperature too much. Glute bridges, child’s pose and shoulder stand are all great moves to do before bedtime. Either at home or in a class, scheduling regular gentle exercise into your bedtime routine will help you reap all the benefits whilst still enjoying a refreshing, long snooze.

Extra sleep tips to keep you fit and healthy

Along with regular work-outs here are some final dreamy tips to keep you sleeping soundly and ready to train;

1) Keep to a consistent routine

Whatever time you decide to work out, do your best to keep it consistent. Your body will quickly adapt and keep you on schedule. Sticking to the same wake-up and bedtime is one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep.

2) Have the right mattress and pillow

Proper alignment and spinal support are essential to keep your body healthy and ensure you remain pain-free. is there anything worse than a pesky, achy joint ruining your morning run? Having an orthopaedic, supportive mattress and pillows that adapt to your sleeping position will relieve your pressure points, allowing proper recovery for your muscles and keeping your joints happy.

woman hugging hybrid bamboo pillow

3) Take time to unwind

Having one or two hours before bed where you enjoy a warm shower, stay screen-free and unwind will make it much easier to fall asleep. If you can set a bedtime ritual that allows your mind to switch off, the temperature to lower and lower the lights. Lower lighting will trigger the production of melatonin, your body’s natural ‘sleepy’ hormone that will help set you up for perfect shut-eye.

The final verdict:
Should you work-out out before bed?

If you are going to exercise before bed, try and stick to lower-impact workouts that do not raise adrenaline. If your going to go for a more vigorous burn, allow time to unwind and make sure you take a shower to lower your body temperature before ducking under the duvet. Having an orthopedically approved mattress and pillow will ensure you get the proper support your body needs to recover.

And remember, sometimes it’s ok to take a day off and stay in bed. Rest is just as important as hitting the gym and will make every mile all the more enjoyable.

Sweet Dreams

The post Should you Exercise Before Bed? first appeared on Panda.

How can a Good Night’s Sleep Boost Your Immunity? https://pandalondon.com/how-can-a-good-nights-sleep-boost-your-immunity/ Thu, 02 Feb 2023 10:00:41 +0000 https://pandalondon.com/?p=190113

Find yourself catching one too many colds every year? It could be time to book yourself a few early nights. Discover how good-quality sleep can boost your immune system and why a good mattress might be as important as your daily orange juice.

Over the last few years, the importance of sleep for well-being has been confirmed a million times over. With health specialists, sleep coaches, and many studies singing the praises of getting enough quality shut-eye. “You’ll feel better in the morning” is advice we are all familiar with, and with good reason. While sleeping, a lot is going on inside our tired bodies. Sleep is the ultimate night doctor, from muscle repair and clearing out waste to replenishing cells. Let’s take a closer look at why sleep is essential for health.

Why is good sleep essential for health?

Good sleep is essential for health because it allows the body to restore and recharge, leading to numerous physical and mental benefits. Adequate sleep helps regulate hormones, boost immune function, improve mood and cognitive abilities, and reduce the risk of various health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

From the moment we wake up, our brains and bodies constantly work for us. Sleep powers us up to take on that morning workout and tick off our to-do lists. Not having those recommended seven to eight hours will leave you feeling less than awesome. Low mood, irritability, sugar cravings? These are all common symptoms of lack of sleep. Naturally, over time this can have a severe impact on our health.

Your immune system is one of the body’s primal ways to keep healthy. An incredible defence system against infections, bacteria, and mood disorders. During certain sleep cycle stages, this defence system is being repaired and strengthened to keep you fighting fit. Keeping to a consistent sleep schedule and optimising every moment of rest from room temperature to a supportive mattress will ensure it performs at its best.

A vital part of your body’s natural defence system are ‘T’ cells. These infection-busting cells help fight off everything from flu to cancer by obliterating virus-infected cells. The stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, low during deep sleep, can lower the adhesion of a set of molecules called integrins. This stickiness allows the ‘T’ cells to promote contact and remove the virus-infected cells from your body. Giving your body and mind sufficient time to rest will allow these T cells to perform effectively, boosting your health and happiness and keeping you feeling your best.

girl sleeping on a hybrid mattress

How to prioritise sleep and boost immunity?

If you’re regularly not getting enough sleep, you could leave yourself vulnerable to infections and more sick days than those who are getting their recommended hours. The good news is there are some simple ways to prioritise rest and strengthen your immune system.

1. Keep bedtime consistent – Going to bed at different times every night can make it very hard for our bodies and minds to know when it’s time to shut down. A consistent bedtime routine will eventually help you drift off more quickly. The body loves regularity, especially when it comes to sleep. Allow yourself sufficient downtime between work and hitting the hay – think low lighting, a silky, soft eye mask, and Night-time CBD oil soothing nighttime oil. This will help generate melatonin, a sleepy hormone that sets you off to the land of nod and give your immunity-boosting cells a chance to do their thing.


2. Choose the right mattress – When it comes to a comfy night’s sleep, we are all different. Making sure you sleep on a relaxing, supportive mattress that promotes healthy alignment is key to resting well. The Panda Hybrid Bamboo Mattress is a magical blend of BioCell Foam™, OrthoAlign Foam™, and seven zones of premium pocket springs that will make bedtime something to look forward to. Choosing the right mattress for your sleeping position and preferences will set you up for the best shut-eye. Better shut-eye means better health, a stronger immune system, and a stronger you.


3. Listen to your body – As the seasons change, so do we. The amount of rest and types of food and exercise we need monthly can fluctuate, and that’s ok. Learning to listen to your body and allowing it to rest more, especially during the colder months, is important in taking care of your immune system. Other factors, from ageing to how much we take on at work, can also affect how much sleep we need to keep our immune systems at their best. Remember to check in with yourself every day. It doesn’t all have to be go-go-go. Some days are for duvets and ice cream – dig in and enjoy. Sometimes, the magic of going slow is just what you need to keep that healthy glow!

Sweet Dreams

This article was edited from the original version on Panda London

The post How can a Good Night’s Sleep Boost Your Immunity? first appeared on Panda.

Could Pillow Talk be the way to get Closer to Your Partner? https://pandalondon.com/could-pillow-talk-be-the-way-to-get-closer-to-your-partner/ Mon, 11 Jul 2022 15:18:23 +0000 https://pandalondon.com/?p=140454

When it comes to winding down these days, the place most couples find themselves is tucked up in bed. From the minute the alarm goes, the day scoops you up with work, meetings, and emails leaving little time to relax and enjoy those intimate moments to talk and get close. The good news is pillow talk can provide the time to open up and keep that precious connection that brought you together. Though what exactly is pillow talk and how can it benefit your relationship? Let’s dive in.

What is pillow talk?

Pillow talk is a conversation between two people who are in bed, typically in a romantic context. This type of conversation often involves sharing personal thoughts, feelings, and secrets, and can strengthen the bond between the individuals involved. We talk all day, especially those of us that are natural chatterboxes! So how is pillow talk different? The two ingredients in the pillow talk mix that regular conversation lacks are vulnerability and intimacy. Some of us are more private than others, though even if you class yourself as more open; there are certain feelings, views, and emotions that you only want to share with your partner. Opening up that side of yourself is not easy. You must be at ease and alone to access that deep, honest space. And where’s best? You got it- snuggled up together in bed.

How to pillow talk?

If you are new to pillow talk, you are not alone. A lot of couples are approaching it for the first time as a fresh way to get closer, though it can be hard to know where to start. You want to focus on what makes you perfect for each other, past memories, and future plans. As well as sharing what you appreciate about each other, from the morning cuddle to that evening cup of tea. Being present with one another is key, turn off the TV and leave phones and worries out the bedroom door. Even simply asking your partner about their day can be incredibly powerful in making them feel seen and valued in a way that is so easy to neglect with our busy lives. Pillow talk can be the bridge between passing ships in the night to a full, loving relationship. Even when we live together, we can quickly begin to lead very separate lives.

If you are feeling a little distant from your loved one, investing in his and her comforting, supportive hybrid pillows could be just the thing to set the mood and bring the magic back! Here’s why.

Hybrid Memory Foam Bamboo Pillow

What are the benefits of pillow talk for your relationship

There is a well-known theory that the majority of communication we engage in on a daily basis is based on wanting something. Information, validation, feedback. This can cloud the chance to develop a truly long, lasting connection.

Pillow talk gives you the opportunity to take the ‘want’ out of the picture and focus on the ‘give’. Focusing your full attention on your partner without any expectation (like you did when you first met) will make them feel special, strengthening your bond. Many believe that pillow talk is preparation for physical intimacy though the truth is, listening and talking to your partner can provide all the intimacy your relationship needs to heal and grow.

Being in bed, propped up on your pillow gives you that alone time to enjoy each other. Strengthening your relationship is not only great for your emotional health, it can boost your whole well-being and even help you sleep better. If you are still stuck on where to start, here are some great examples of pillow talk questions and why they work!

Examples of Pillow Talk

1. What is your favourite memory of us?
This will invoke happy times together, it’s simple, reflective and romantic.
2. What is your biggest life-goal?
This is attentive and gives them a chance to think of the future, cultivating a long-term connection.
3. What do you most like about me?
This inspires romance and sensuality, be sure to return the compliments.
4. What does your perfect day like?
What better question to finish on? This gives you the opportunity to plan some quality time together, with or without your pillows!

The lowdown

Relationships are one of the biggest joys in life, though just like our bodies and minds they require work to keep them healthy. Making pillow talk a part of your bedtime routine could be just the thing to remind you of all the wonderful reasons you fell in love and make that love last a lifetime!

The post Could Pillow Talk be the way to get Closer to Your Partner? first appeared on Panda.

To Nap or Not to Nap? https://pandalondon.com/to-nap-or-not-to-nap/ Tue, 07 Dec 2021 09:00:23 +0000 https://pandalondon.com/?p=97236

Five expert-approved benefits of taking a power nap

By Jove – our busy lives can make getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night tricky, right?  There could be many reasons you struggle to drift off, from overheating to overthinking. Whatever the reason you find it hard to sleep, you can really feel it the next day—yawning before lunchtime? Don’t pour that next cup of coffee, studies suggest there could be better ways to refresh yourself, like taking regular power naps. Though how effective are power naps for helping us focus? We speak to sleep expert Lauri Leadley to find out.

How much sleep do you really need?

Feeling less than awesome most days? Not getting enough shut-eye could be the culprit. Lauri explains that “8 hours of sleep per night is crucial to what your body needs to function healthily” Imagine your body as an iPhone, you wouldn’t expect to be able to WhatsApp and scroll Instagram all day without keeping it charged, right? Sleep is your battery charger. Without 8 hours of sleep a night, you will likely be relying on coffee and sugar to keep your eyes open. Getting enough sleep is not always easy with demanding jobs, children, and you know… keeping up with Netflix. So how can a power nap help?

How can a power nap help?

One night after another of bad sleep quickly puts you in a sleep deficit. Unmotivated? I can’t remember if you put the dishwasher on. Yep, lack of sleep can cause a whole host of problems. Step up the almighty power nap. Lauri explains, “Taking a power nap will help you top up on missed sleep and replenish you with energy to get on with your day.” This can help reduce anxiety, restore hormones, and stop you from reaching for the cookie jar. “Sleep gives you natural energy’. That’s why we tend to wake up feeling fabulous after a good night’s kip. It’s important to understand that taking a power nap will not make up for bad sleep hygiene. Like taking the proper time to unwind before bed and making bedtime something you look forward to.”Go for natural fabrics like soft, skin-friendly bamboo bedding.”  Drifting off starts with being nice and comfy!

Panda in the tree

Five fabulous benefits of taking a power nap

☑ Increased energy – Get your trainers ready- a power nap will replenish your energy making it far easier to exercise, that’s why many professional athletes take their sleep seriously! While you may not feel like trying out for the Olympics, a power nap could make an afternoon walk feel easier.
☑ Reduces anxiety – A power nap can help calm the central nervous system, reducing anxiety and overwhelm. Without sleep, you might be tempted to rely on caffeine which can increase anxiety and make it harder to switch off.
☑ Boosts brain power – Memory fog- be gone! A power nap will give your brain a boost to get through the rest of those emails. Studies have shown a short nap can improve memory recall.
☑ Reduces sugar cravings – Step away from the cake and take a power nap! Topping up your energy naturally will reduce sugar cravings and save you calories. Lack of sleep interferes with blood levels which have us craving sweet treats or relying on coffee.
☑ Improves mood – Wake up with a smile. Taking a power nap can help boost those feel-good hormones that keep you feeling perky. That’s why the better we sleep, the better we feel.

How to Power nap like a pro

Before you dash off for that power nap… here are a few things to make sure you make the most of every wink. Lauri recommends “scheduling a power nap so your body gets used to taking it at the same time”. This will help balance your energy levels throughout the day. Next up, when to power nap? Lauri suggests, “1-3 pm tends to be the best time to take a power nap” after lunchtime is when energy is most likely to slump. As for time, 15-20 minutes is the perfect length for a power nap. This way, it will not interfere with getting to bed on time. Using an eye mask to shut out light will make snoozing far easier! Light interferes with melatonin production, making us feel nice and sleepy.

Finally, remember power naps will not resolve long-term sleep problems, and you may need to speak to an expert.

Ready for a nap? Snuggle into Panda’s oh-so-soft bamboo bedding and do it in style.

Happy napping!

The post To Nap or Not to Nap? first appeared on Panda.
