Sleep Well Articles | Panda London Blog Feel right at home Fri, 17 May 2024 14:07:41 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Sleep Well Articles | Panda London Blog 32 32 How to Sleep Better if you are Suffering From Sleep Apnea Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:09:33 +0000

Sleep apnea has become increasingly common over the last few years and can really get in the way of a good night’s sleep. Understanding this sleep disorder is the first step towards managing the symptoms. Here we take a look at different types of sleep apnea affecting over 100 million people globally, providing simple tips on how you can improve sleep quality and start feeling like you again. Get comfy and let’s dive right in.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is essentially when your breathing stops while you sleep. This can be very distressing, disrupting sleep quality and impacting your well-being on various levels. The main types of sleep apnea are the following:

Obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common. It is characterized by repeated upper airway blockage during sleep, leading to interrupted breathing and symptoms such as loud snoring, daytime sleepiness, and health risks.

Central sleep apnea

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a sleep disorder where the brain fails to send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing during sleep. It can cause pauses in breathing and disrupt sleep.

Treatment-emergent sleep apnea

This is a less common form and refers to the worsening or development of sleep apnea symptoms despite receiving treatment, such as PAP therapy. It may be caused by various factors and may require adjustments to treatment settings or addressing underlying health conditions.

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What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

Whichever type of sleep apnea you experience can cause distress about falling asleep and zap the joy out of bedtime. To get a diagnosis of this disorder, it is best to consult a medical professional though these are some of the common symptoms you may experience:


If you have developed snoring or are doing so more than usual, this could be a sign of the condition.

Gasping for air during sleep

Struggling for breath while you sleep is a common symptom which can wake you, disrupting your sleep duration and quality. If you share a bed with a partner, they can help report if you experience breathlessness throughout the night.

Morning headaches

These can be caused by a lack of airflow and a lack of quality sleep.

Daytime sleepiness and irritability

These symptoms can present as a natural side-effect of less sleep, impacting your mood and overall well-being.

What causes sleep apnea?

One question you may be wondering is what exactly causes sleep apnea. There is no single answer though any of the following can trigger the condition:


Being overweight can increase the fat deposits around your airways, which can make it difficult to breathe when you fall asleep and in certain positions.

Being male

Just being a male makes you 3 times more likely to develop sleep apnea.

Age and genetics

Being older can make you more susceptible to sleep apnea, as can genetics. It is worth checking your family history to see if anyone else experienced the condition.

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Smoking can lead to inflammation in the upper airways which can lead to the development of this sleep disorder as well as other health conditions.

Certain medications

Pain and other medications can sometimes lead to inflammation that can also trigger sleep apnea. It is best to tell a doctor all medications you are taking to rule out this possibility.

How can you manage sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea can be a challenging disorder to deal with, lack of good quality rest can seriously impact your health and well-being, and it is likely you want to do all you can to reduce symptoms and improve your sleep. The good news is the outcome is positive. Here are some of the common ways sleep apnea can be cured or managed:

Lifestyle changes

Simple lifestyle changes can drastically improve and even get rid of sleep apnea. From eating healthier and exercising to lose excess weight to giving up smoking and drinking. These changes can bring benefits far beyond bedtime, allowing you to start feeling better and waking up a lot brighter.

Treatment options

From a CPAP machine which can gently pump air into your nose or mouth as you drift off, to gum shields and, in complex cases, surgery, there are plenty of medical treatments to manage the condition. Your doctor will advise you on the best method of treatment based on your needs.

How can you improve your sleep?

One thing that’s definitely going to make you feel better is getting a good night’s sleep. While implementing treatments recommended by your health professional, here are some other simple ways to enjoy better bedtimes and improve the quality of your kip.

Embrace a bedtime routine

Getting your body and brain into a regular snooze cycle can work magic on its quality and duration. Try getting used to relaxing in bed and waking up at the same time every day. An unwinding routine can help you prepare for sleep, helping you drift off more quickly for a deeper, restorative snooze.

Choose the right pillow

Finding the right pillow that supports your sleeping position will not only keep you comfortable but can also help encourage you to sleep longer and wake up without any aches and pains. A hybrid bamboo pillow has the added benefits of optimised airflow and thermoregulation to prevent overheating for fresh sleep all year round.

Slow and steady lifestyle changes

Making small, steady changes to your diet and lifestyle can make a big difference to the quality of your health. From implementing a few workouts into your week, fewer takeaways and reducing alcohol consumption, you could be well on your way to better nights, brighter mornings and happier days.

Managing any sleep disorder takes patience and persistence, though by developing understanding, taking action and small steps, you will soon be falling back in love with bedtime.

Sweet Dreams

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The post How to Sleep Better if you are Suffering From Sleep Apnea first appeared on Panda.

Will you Sleep Better With a Mattress Topper? Thu, 23 Feb 2023 17:23:23 +0000

Are you looking for ways to enjoy a more comfortable, supportive night’s kip? Before changing your mattress, there is a budget and planet-friendly alternative that can help improve sleep quality and make bedtime bliss. Mattress toppers are one of the most popular ways to reduce neck and back pain and add a layer of comfort to an old or inefficient mattress. 

What are the benefits of a mattress topper?

A mattress topper can provide various benefits, such as enhancing the comfort and support of a bed, prolonging the life of a mattress, providing additional cushioning for pressure points, reducing motion transfer, and improving the overall sleep quality by regulating body temperature and minimizing disturbances. Additionally, a mattress topper can be a cost-effective solution to upgrade the comfort of an existing mattress without the need to replace the entire mattress. Let’s explore a few of the many benefits they can provide:


Orthopaedic grade support

Proper support is the number one many sleepers look for in any mattress upgrade. Sleeping on surfaces that do not keep you in proper alignment and support your sleeping position can lead to back pain and bad posture and make those morning workouts impossible. A good quality mattress topper will provide orthopaedic support so you can rest assured you will wake up feeling rested and pain-free.

Budget-friendly comfort

Mattress a little tired or not quite doing its job properly? Replacing a mattress can be expensive and something you only want to do when you really have to. A mattress topper is a budget-friendly solution to add a layer of luxurious comfort and improve your sleep until you’re ready for that upgrade. They can vary in price, though you should be able to find a quality topper in the region of £100-£200 depending on your bed size.


Tossing and turning at night is never fun; summer months and life changes such as menopause can make overheating a real issue and make sleep impossible. A mattress topper, like the Panda bamboo mattress topper, can provide thermoregulation with advanced gel and heat technology that can stop you from getting hot under the covers. Mattress toppers vary in materials, fills, and styles. Choosing the right one for you is important, which we will cover shortly.

Pressure point relief

If you are one of the 15-20% of adults that experience back pain, bedtime can often be a culprit. Not having sufficient support for your pressure points can, overtime, lead to discomfort that can affect your day and zap the fun out of things you love doing, like walking, running, and those peloton workouts. A mattress topper can provide comfortable relief to your pressure points, keeping you in proper alignment. This helps ease you into better sleep and will brighten up your mornings.

Sustainable bedtimes

Replacing a mattress too soon or choosing unsustainable mattress toppers can play a big part in increasing landfill. This is having a devastating influence on climate change. Choosing an eco-friendly mattress topper like the Panda bamboo topper goes a long way to reducing your carbon footprint and taking care of our planet. Quite often it’s the small lifestyle changes we make together that can make the biggest difference. Looking for sustainable materials like bamboo as alternatives for many of our favourite products not only provides an abundance of health benefits, it is a great way to protect the resources of the world and keep the environment clean and beautiful.

What are the different types of mattress toppers?

Just like us, mattress toppers come in all different styles and sizes. Before you choose, have a good idea of what would make your sleep more comfortable. The four main types of toppers are:

Memory FoamA memory foam mattress is best for those looking to relieve back pain and crave more support. They are designed to respond to your sleeping position to keep you in proper alignment and add a layer of comfort to your mattress. Choosing natural materials like bamboo provides the added benefit of thermoregulation, this is great to combat the heat retention of memory foam which can lead to those restless nights.

Feather and downFor those who like bedtime soft, feather and down provides a fluffy, cushiony comfort and also does not retain as much heat as memory foam. These are not the most ethical choice and can lack in providing orthopaedic support that can keep you in proper alignment.

MicrofibreMicrofibre is often the cheapest option, these can lack in breathability and tend to have the shortest lifespan. This makes them not very eco-friendly as they will have to be replaced sooner, ending in landfill which contributes to climate change.

LatexLatex toppers can be very firm and are one of the most expensive choices. They can be very durable and adapt to your sleeping position, though their elasticity can make them bounce back very quickly.

Frequently asked questions about mattress toppers

If you are considering a mattress topper, you likely still have a few questions to help you make up your mind. Here are some of what many sleepers ask us before making the upgrade:

Does a mattress topper really help your sleep?

A mattress topper can transform your sleep by adding another layer of indulgent comfort and support. A mattress topper is a perfect way to enhance the comfort of your mattress if you are not ready to change it and want to make bedtime that bit more luxurious.

How does it feel to sleep on a mattress topper?

The topper provides a firm memory foam surface to support your whole body. The pressure is more evenly distributed across your body, not just at certain points. The cooling properties of Hydro Foam™ prevent overheating, while the breathable bamboo cover will give a sense of softness and comfort.

How long does a memory foam mattress topper last?

A memory foam mattress topper lasts up to five years and beyond. They are easy to keep clean and are the perfect additional layer of luxury or alternative to replacing your mattress.

What are the benefits of using a mattress topper?

Benefits include increased comfort, improved support, reduced pressure points, better spinal alignment, and prolonging the life of your mattress.

Are mattress toppers suitable for all types of mattresses?

Yes, mattress toppers are designed to fit most mattress sizes and types, including memory foam, latex, innerspring, and more.

How do I choose the right mattress topper for my needs?

Consider factors like your preferred sleeping position, any specific comfort or support needs, and whether you sleep hot or cold.

More questions?

Rather talk to a real person? Our customer support team know their toppers, they are available seven days a week and would love to hear from you. You can speak to them via online chat or find their contact details here.

Sweet Dreams

The post Will you Sleep Better With a Mattress Topper? first appeared on Panda.

The ABC of Becoming a Morning Person Tue, 24 Jan 2023 15:36:42 +0000

Does the thought of getting up five minutes earlier than necessary have you running for your duvet? You’re not alone. Many of us believe that becoming a morning person is a pipe dream. A lofty aspiration that our love of sleep will always trump. 

Of lying in bed while those crazy morning people go for runs, meditate and tick off to-do lists that for the rest of us can wait till our alarm bosses us out of bed, thank you very much.

While that extra time in bed may feel scrummy, getting up a little earlier could do wonders for your health, self-esteem and even your bank balance. And despite what you may think, becoming a morning person is not as complicated as it seems. With these easy tips and a bit of effort, you could join the elite morning club. Pour a coffee, and let’s get to it.

What is the secret of becoming a morning person?

You must have wondered this when dealing with those super ‘perky’ colleagues at morning meetings. Well, there is no one secret to becoming a morning person- there are actually a few. From increasing your melatonin to exercising more and adding some sleepy snacks to your diet. Let’s take a closer look at the easy ways to optimise well-being and wake up feeling ready for the day.

Adjust your circadian rhythm

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you are a hand on your heart, not a natural morning person. Some of us have chronotypes that are not wired to wake up early. This causes the divide between the great ‘early bird’ and ‘night owl’. The good news is that other factors can influence your sleep/wake cycle, and with a little effort, you can naturally adjust your sleep habits to become a morning person. 

Your circadian rhythm plays a big role when you feel sleepy and tired. This can be affected by light exposure and a hormone called melatonin, which the body naturally produces in cool, dark environments.

To make the adjustments you need to wake up earlier, it’s important to start taking a holistic look at your day and set up a consistent bedtime routine. This is far more relaxing than it sounds. Let’s look at some bedtime basics!

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What are the bedtime basics that make a morning  person

If you want to become a morning person, taking care of your bedtime routine is a top priority. We live in a world that encourages us to work later, scroll through screens till we can’t keep our eyes open and not give ourselves the rest we need to thrive. Give yourself an ‘unwind’ time, after which you only do restorative activities. Think cooking a nice meal, watching a movie, or chatting with a friend.

This will allow your mind to slow down. Avoiding blue light at least two hours before bed will signal to your brain it’s time to switch off. Enjoying a warm bath or hot shower will help your temperature drop, encouraging the production of melatonin that will make you sleepy.

Make sure your bedroom is nice and cool. Choosing naturally thermo-regulating bedding will prevent overheating that can cause you to toss and turn throughout the night.

A gentle eye mask can also be used to block out any sneaky light. Try to leave your phone, responsibilities and worries outside the door. The deeper you sleep, the easier it will be to bounce out of bed before the alarm clock in the morning.

What do the studies say about becoming a morning person?


Plenty of research has been done into the key to becoming a morning person. Much of the science suggests one secret is having a morning routine. A regular morning routine can boost everything from your mood to productivity and even reduce stress levels. Give yourself something to do that feels good as soon as you get up, whether it’s a morning walk, journaling or a good stretch – this can encourage you to get up at the same time every day. Our bodies like regularity and consistency, especially when it comes to sleep. This can help to regulate melatonin production and energy levels, leading to a night of higher-quality sleep. Our recent study reveals that over 15% of sleepers rate their sleep quality below average, so a good morning routine could be just what the nation needs.

Hybrid Bamboo Mattress

How can technology help?

The good news is when it comes to becoming a morning person, technology is on your side. Here is our round-up of the best tech hacks to falling in love with your mornings.

A Smart Alarm

Fed up with a noisy, bossy alarm? It’s not the warmest welcome to your morning, so why not try something a little more gentle? Smart alarm clocks feature unique technologies to ease you into the day, from natural sounds to various lights. Finally, an alarm you can look forward to setting.

Sleep Apps

Certain sleep apps are designed not to drift off more easily with meditations and relaxing stories; they can also help you set a personalised alarm that suits your sleeping needs. Increasing your sleep duration will also help prepare you for that alarm.

Wake-Up Lamps

Wake-up lights ease you into the morning with lighting that can mimic sunrise, providing you with all the natural benefits of daylight even on darker mornings. They can also help to regulate your melatonin production by keeping your light exposure consistent.

How can you make wellbeing a priority?

To become a morning person, it’s best to use the ‘carrot over stick’ approach. Instead of forcing yourself to do something tedious when you wake up like cleaning the oven (yawn!) Do something you will enjoy. It could be a morning workout, spending some time on that great novel idea or simply watching the sunrise with your dog! How you use that extra time in the morning can make a big difference in whether you stick to getting up earlier. Take some time to think about what would enrich your life by spending more time doing. We are all different when it comes to what brings us joy, make it something worth getting out of bed for.

Whatever you choose to do, cherish it. This is where the benefits for your health and well-being can really be felt. Giving yourself some quality ‘you time while the night owls sleep can set you up for a far more productive, happier day.

The Take-Away

Changing our lifestyles can be hard and take time; try to be patient with yourself, and don’t worry if you miss the alarm a few times. With these simple tips, you will soon be on your way to joining that bright-eyed and bushy-tailed morning club. And whether it’s a beautiful sunrise or a morning run, every extra minute will be worth it!

Sweet Dreams!


What's the best way to wake up early consistently?

The key to consistently waking up early is establishing a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up simultaneously every day, even on weekends. Gradually adjust your bedtime if needed until you reach your desired wake-up time.

How can I make waking up early more enjoyable?

Start your mornings with activities like reading, listening to music, or savoring a delicious breakfast. Creating a positive morning routine can make waking up early more enjoyable.

Is it okay to use an alarm clock to wake up early?

Yes, an alarm clock can be a helpful tool for waking up early, especially when you’re still adjusting to a new schedule. However, over time, you may find that you naturally wake up around the same time each day without the need for an alarm.

Can I become a morning person if I'm a night owl?

Yes, it’s possible to transition from being a night owl to a morning person. Gradually adjust your sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up 15-30 minutes earlier each day until you reach your desired wake-up time.

What should I do if I can't fall asleep early enough to wake up early?

Create a relaxing bedtime routine that helps signal to your body that it’s time to sleep. Avoid screens, caffeine, and heavy meals before bedtime, and consider practising relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to help you fall asleep earlier.

How long does it take to become a morning person?

The time it takes to become a morning person varies from person to person. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to establish a new sleep routine and fully adapt to waking up early.

What are the benefits of being a morning person?

Being a morning person has several benefits, including increased productivity, better mental health, and more time for morning activities like exercise and self-care.

The post The ABC of Becoming a Morning Person first appeared on Panda.

The Nap-Tastic Benefits of Sleeping With an Eye Mask Tue, 04 Oct 2022 14:54:54 +0000

Eye, Eye Bedtime!

Few things feel better in life than waking up after a good night’s sleep! From more energy to brighter skin… the benefits of getting enough kip are beautiful! Managing to get the recommended eight hours can be tricky, especially with demanding jobs, parent duties and all those Netflix shows to catch up with! The good news is there are ways to make the most of every moment’s shut-eye and catch up on any that you are missing. One humble bedtime accessory that can really help is an Eye Mask. You might have used one while in the air to catch forty winks, though the benefits of an eye mask can be used for more than jetting off on holiday.

Let’s take a look at how they can help you recharge, improve your sleep and what to look for when searching for the perfect eye mask!

What is an Eye Mask and when can you use it?

An eye mask is a gentle cover that can be used over your eyes to block out light and help you relax. They come in all kinds of sizes, fabrics and shapes and it’s worth taking the time to find the one that feels most comfortable. When looking for an eye mask, it’s good to have an idea of what you are going to use it for. If it’s for an occasional flight, you might not be so fussed about the quality and durability. Looking to improve sleep more consistently? Your eye mask can be used for everything from afternoon power naps to being part of your wind-down routine. The simple sleeping accessory could be an essential key to feeling more rested. Want to know why? Here is how it can help improve your sleep. 

100% Bamboo Bedding Set: Pure White + Vegan Eye Mask - Lifestyle

How can an Eye Mask Improve your sleep?

Soft, silky, smooth… the right eye mask can feel like a sleepy hug for your head! The gentle pressure has a calming effect which can trigger the release of a sleep-regulating chemical called serotonin. This signals to your brain that it’s time to go to sleep. Whether you use your eye mask at bedtime or earlier in the day to catch up on sleep, you will be far more likely to drift off and relax.

An eye mask naturally blocks out light which is a common culprit for keeping us awake. Darkness boosts your levels of melatonin, which regulates your sleeping habits and prepares your body for sleep. Popping on your eye mask when you get into bed or snuggle onto the sofa will help you switch off and cocoon you from distracting light. Blue light and too much screen time can be especially harmful to sleep and even well-being, having one can instantly transport you to the peaceful sanctuary your mind needs to fall asleep.

Using it regularly at bedtime or naps can help train your brain to connect the ritual with relaxing and switching off. Taking time to recharge with power naps or integrating an eye mask into your bedtime routine can improve the long-term quality of your sleep and have you enjoying all the benefits that come with feeling more rested.

What do you look for when searching for the best eye mask?

If you are more than ready to tap into the nap-tastic magic of an eye mask, you’re going to want to find the best one. For the ultimate comfort, look for a fabric that is soft, smooth and silky like bamboo. A bamboo eye mask comes with heaps of other natural benefits. The trending fabric is hypoallergenic & anti-bacterial, making it perfect if you suffer with allergies or sensitive skin. If you tend to overheat, a bamboo eye mask will keep your naps cool & comfortable. Bamboo is temperature intuitive so perfect for all year -round snoozing! Make sure your eye mask comes with an adjustable strap, keeping it fitted nice & snug will optimise relaxation and set the scene for deep, restorative R ‘n’ R anytime of day.

Getting enough sleep can bring more energy to your mornings, joy to your day and a bounce in your step. Treating yourself to a silky, smooth Eye Mask could make life feel like a holiday without the airmiles.

Bring on the happy naps & better bedtimes!

The post The Nap-Tastic Benefits of Sleeping With an Eye Mask first appeared on Panda.

Could Weight Loss Be as Easy as a Good Night’s Sleep? Fri, 14 Jan 2022 13:57:39 +0000

Thinking of joining the gym? Hold that thought! Research suggests there could be more to ‘you snooze, you lose’ than you think. When it comes to losing weight, the bed isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, though according to Panda London sleep coach Max Kirsten, it could be the best place to start, “sleep is the most underrated weight loss tool available, it also improves the quality of your skin” Max says, who’s better sleep workshops have helped people all over the world.

Before you dive into your PJs- for sleep to help you lose weight, there are a few things to remember. Doughnuts before bed for example are not going to help. Darn! So, what is? First, let’s take a look at how sleep can help us with our weight loss goals. 

How can lack of sleep affect weight loss?

Mid-morning munchies? Need. Sugar? Before you dive into the cookie jar, it could be that you’re tired. Whether it’s uncomfortable bedding or a snoring hubby getting in the way of you and a good night’s kip, not clocking enough hours can lead to weight gain.

Unbalanced hormones

Sleeping rebalances hormones that regulate your appetite, like ghrelin and leptin, to tell you when you’re full and you’ve had enough. When these are out of whack, it’s hard to assess if you are hungry properly.

Increased snacking

Research has shown that people who are not getting enough sleep tend to snack on high-carb foods such as sugary drinks to increase their energy; this can lead to diabetes and weight gain.

Fat storage

Higher levels of ghrelin in the body cause an increased appetite, which can lead to your body storing fat. This can also affect how the body releases energy. The hormone imbalance can also affect your metabolism, making it less effective in burning excess fat.

Mood and motivation

Lack of sleep, lack of motivation! It seems a good night’s kip and a good mood go hand in hand; you are more likely to feel energised and ready to hit an early morning workout or take that lunchtime walk if you are well rested—another reason to book in a few early nights.

So, should you diet and exercise when tired?

Wondering whether to try and diet without enough sleep Our sleep expert Max suggests a different approach. “Undersleeping and pushing yourself to diet is a punishing approach.” Want to lose weight? Start with upping your amount of quality sleep. You will have more energy for working out, and those compulsive urges to eat junk food will disappear,” He says. You will naturally feel less anxious, another side effect of lack of sleep. “When we don’t sleep, we feel more emotional, making us more prone to eat on our feelings”. Max says. Focus on regulating your sleeping routine and looking at ways to improve your sleep quality is the best place to start to get back into those jeans! One thing worth looking at is what to eat before bed to ensure a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed

Food on the fork

What’s best to eat before bed?

We know doughnuts are out, though what’s in? A lot, actually. Restrictive diets like cutting out carbs are not always helpful. “A balanced meal containing all the food groups will maintain your blood sugar levels, meaning less waking up at night,” our sleep coach says.

Still fancy a snack before bed? Here are a few things to nibble on without sabotaging your weight-loss goals.

Almonds- Swap cookies for a handful of these snooze-approved nuts! Almonds are full of healthy fats and Vitamin E which will fend off the midnight munchies.

Banana’s– Feeling peckish before bedtime?  Go bananas! The yummy fruit is full of serotonin which converts to melatonin making you sleepy.  

Protein shake- Whizz up a bedtime smoothie from low-fat milk and strawberries and get slurping! Milk is rich in tryptophan which will have you yawning into your PJ’s

Also, consider supplements, especially in the winter. Getting the right mix of vitamins will give your body everything it needs to rest properly. Right then, belly’s full, now let’s look at how your sleeping environment can help get you back in those jeans!

What does an ideal bedtime look like?

Memory Foam Mattress Topper And Pillows

Just like the perfect pair of trainers set you up for a good run, perfecting your bedtime will set you up for a good sleep! So how do we do that? Let’s take a look. 

Love your bed –  “You need to love your bed”, our sleep coach says. Everything from the right duvet to comfy bedsheets can play a part in helping you drift off. Ensuring your bedding is soft, cool, and fresh will ease you into a more restful sleep. Is current bedding not cutting the mustard? You might want to try bamboo! The wonder fabric is antimicrobial and makes for scrumptiously soft bed sets. 

Keep it cool – A big cause of interrupted sleep is overheating, so it’s best to get the right duvet. Bamboo duvets are naturally thermo-regulating, keeping you breezing through summer and snug as a bug in winter. Planet-friendly and seasonal-friendly bedding– we call that a win-win!  

Keep it regular – Whether you are a night owl or a morning person, sticking to the same bedtime every night will do your body wonders. A bit like working out it’s best to keep it consistent. “Regularity is key for people struggling to sleep or lose weight” Max says, who believes it’s best to find a routine that works for you as we are all different”- Indeed! 

Another thing we all do differently is sleeping positions, though when it comes to weight loss- what one is best?

What are the best sleeping position for weight loss

Front, back or side? Well, they all have their uses when it comes to a good night’s sleep.

Back sleepers

Sleeping on your back can be better for face muscles (If you’re after some cheeky cardio) This can give you a more defined face and have a lymphatic effect on toxins that can cause bloating.

Side sleepers

Side sleeping can aid digestion, allowing your body to clear itself and preventing issues such as constipation and gastroesophageal reflux. You may be better sticking to left than right, though research suggests that right-side sleeping can worsen GERD symptoms.

Front sleepers

Front sleeping can lead to a deeper quality of sleep if you find it most comfortable. And our sleep coach reminds us that when it comes to sleeping positions choose the one that is best for you. Ensuring you have the right pillow and mattress can help keep you aligned and supported no matter what position you choose. This is what’s going to help you get the best rest. And when it comes to losing weight, the better rested you are, the stronger you will be, whether saying no to dessert or tackling a morning run. According to our sleep coach, “Sleep underpins well-being mentally and physically”. Bring on bedtime!

The Take – Away

Whatever your reasons for wanting to lose weight, our study suggests sleeping well is the best place to start. Let’s take a quick recap…

Getting sufficient sleep can regulate hormone levels that will keep your appetite healthy, preventing you from relying on sugary snacks to get you through the day, leading to weight gain and other potential health conditions.

Enough sleep is nature’s best mood booster – it will have you waking up feeling refreshed and more likely to take on those workouts and stay more active.

Before dieting, looking at your bedtime routine and ensuring you have everything you need to get a comfortable night’s sleep is the best place to start. From waking up with more energy to making better food choices, sleep is your ultimate superpower for staying healthy. Looking good starts with feeling good, and so perhaps the only thing on the menu tonight… should be setting a regular alarm (on vibrate) to get you in bed for an early night!


How can sleep help me lose weight?

Sleep helps you lose weight in several ways. First, sleep helps to regulate your hormones, including ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is the “hunger hormone” that tells your brain you’re hungry. Leptin is the “fullness hormone” that tells your brain you’re full. When you don’t sleep enough, your body produces more ghrelin and less leptin. This can lead to increased hunger and make it more difficult to resist cravings.

Second, sleep helps to boost your metabolism. Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. When you don’t get enough sleep, your metabolism slows down. This means that your body burns fewer calories, even at rest.

Third, sleep helps to improve your blood sugar control. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body becomes more insulin-resistant. Insulin is a hormone that allows your body to use glucose (sugar) for energy. When you’re insulin-resistant, your blood sugar levels tend to be higher. High blood sugar levels can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

How much sleep do I need to lose weight?

Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. However, the amount of sleep you need may vary depending on your individual needs. If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

The post Could Weight Loss Be as Easy as a Good Night’s Sleep? first appeared on Panda.
