rest | Panda Feel right at home Thu, 21 Sep 2023 16:19:48 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 rest | Panda 32 32 How to Have Better Sleep and Brighter Mornings as a new Parent Mon, 27 Feb 2023 17:13:02 +0000

Calling all New Parent’s…

Ahh, the joys of being a parent! The cuddles, the love, the cuteness. Though wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy it all with a bit more sleep? In those early months of adjusting to having a baby in your life, the struggle to get enough rest is real. “It can seem like a form of parental jetlag that goes on for months and months,” says sleep coach and father Max Kirsten. Fortunately, he has plenty of wisdom to share with tired new parents looking to enjoy brighter mornings. From the magic of power naps, and calming sounds to soothing baby muslins, here’s everything you need to know to stay rested and energised on your exciting journey.

P.S. ‘Take a deep breath…’ you’re in for quite the ride.

1. Establish (and stick to…) a manageable routine

According to Max, “the setting and then sticking to a schedule is one of the most important keys to sleep success” Now, this may not happen overnight. Broken sleep is something all babies go through initially as they develop their circadian rhythm. While they get their little heads around the difference between day and night, you might find you are up and down a lot. Follow a set schedule for bedtime and waking up. Remember, sharing is caring. If you live with a partner, make sure you split the week so each of you at least gets one or two good night’s rest. Still, struggling to keep your eyes open? You are NOT alone! Sleep deprivation is tough, which is why parents have to somehow be relentless troopers; the good news is tip two has something that can help.

2. Tap into the magic of power naps

Like you, if your baby is not getting enough sleep during the night, the poor little things will not be feeling too good the next day. The good news is every parent in the know has a trick up their sleeve – it’s time to tap into the magic of power naps. “A relaxing thirty-minute nap can be highly restorative,” Max says. More sleep means fewer tears and tantrums, and why not even take one for yourself? If you can’t quite switch off, “getting a bright sunny walk or enjoying the daylight by the window will help you to feel more awake — the perfect place to take a well-deserved coffee break. Resting regularly is key to feeling like a sane parent, so remember to put your feet up whenever you can”.

Panda Kids - memory foam pillow

3. Tuck into sleepy snacks

Find your little one drifting off after a feed? It’s likely down to the tryptophan that stimulates the hormone melatonin, according to Max who explains “the hormone is naturally present in breast milk though it’s not added to powdered formula”. Sleep inducing foods can also help parents whose sleeping routine is all out of whack and need to be resting wherever possible.

Turkey, meats, oats, cheese, tuna and whole milk can all help along with tryptoyphan and magnesium rich foods. Green vegetables, spinach, nuts, legumes, seeds, yoghurt, bananas and dark chocolate all make for great sleepy snacks. Staying well nourished will give you the energy you need to keep going and help you to relax at the same time.

Panda Kids - memory foam mattress

4. Relax with calming sounds

From the humble bedtime story to advanced white noise, the meditative effects of sound for our sleep are well known. When it comes to your baby there are many different types of noise that claim to help. Max advises “reading the reviews before buying anything” this can save wasting precious time buying the wrong one. Brown noise, very similar to white noise, can be particularly helpful at soothing babies to sleep, as are natural sounds like distant waves and the pitter patter of rain. Max’s award-winning ‘ABC of Better Sleep’ program is full relaxation techniques and soothing wave recordings that can help you and your little one to drift-off and dream. Anything that helps your baby breathe in a slow, rhythmical way like waves will have them snoozing longer and deeper. Keep experimenting to find what works, you might even find they make you feel sleepy too!

5. Soothe them with baby muslins

Looking for ways to soothe your baby can be overwhelming, though there are some tried and tested simple tips that can help. A pack (or 3) of soft, baby muslins are every new parent’s best friend. Not only are the smaller squares handy for mopping up spillages, cosy blankets and perfect make-shift bibs, the larger squares are ideal for gently swaddling your little one to sleep. The comforting fabric helps newborns stay calm and sleep more soundly by providing that snug, safe feeling of being in the womb. Hypo-allergenic muslins are best for baby skin and the softer the better. They don’t come much softer than bamboo, the naturally thermo-regulating fabric is perfect for snuggling and soothing your baby off for sweet dreams.

Baby Muslin Swaddles Freckles

If you are feeling out of sorts in your new role, Max has some wise words. “Be gentle on yourself” Parenting is not easy and lack of sleep can lead to everything from low mood to lost memory. Take every opportunity you have to rest, restore and re-new, from short naps to eating nourishing foods. The better you take care of yourself the more ready you will be for the joy & challenges of raising your little hero!

Above all, remember you are not alone, connecting with friends, family and other new mums and dads can help. However tired you may be, look in the mirror everyday and remind yourself…You are doing great!

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The post How to Have Better Sleep and Brighter Mornings as a new Parent first appeared on Panda.

The Bedtime Cure for Burn-Out Tue, 29 Mar 2022 12:01:13 +0000

‘When you take care of yourself, the world shines that little bit brighter’

PJ’s all day? Lunch at 4 pm? Cheeky abs class before that Zoom meeting… Working from home has become the norm for many of us. While it has its charms, goodbye commutes, and nursery fees, it certainly has its challenges. One thing that has been climbing with the 69% of adults now working from home, is burn-out. The chronic condition can affect everything from your productivity to sleep and is no fun to wake up with. If you feel you could be one of the 52% of adults experiencing burnout, here is a little bit more about the condition and some simple changes that can help get you back to your best. 

What is Burn Out?

With Zoom meetings, deadlines, and non-stop emails, we have lost the simple pleasures that hallmarked our days. From coffee with colleagues to one too many drinks after work, those little reminders it’s ok to switch off have been swiped away. This creates a fear of taking your foot off the pedal, the world says go faster, keep pushing, be better than yesterday when what you might really need is to take a break. Left to build up this can lead to a state of emotional and physical exhaustion known as burn-out.  Do any of the following sound familiar?

Symptoms of Burn-out

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Lack of energy – Feeling like a Lucozade that’s lost its bubbles? Burn-out zaps your energy, making staying in bed seem far more appealing than jumping on another zoom meeting.

Doubting yourself – Is self-doubt niggling into your confidence? Emotional and physical exhaustion chips away at your sense of identity and is a common symptom of burn-out.

Uninspired – Wondering where the zest for your career has gone? That creative spark on which you once bounced through the day? Another thing burn-out wipes is your inspiration and brilliant ideas.

While none of this is anything to smile about, the good news is managing burn-out starts with awareness. Remember rest is a superpower, slowing down and making a few small changes can make a big difference to your wellbeing. So today, forget about those emails. Here are some easy ways to reduce burnout and get back to feeling you.

How to reduce Burn Out when working from home

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Restore your sleep – The last thing your busy mind may be thinking about is bed, and there might lie the problem. Sleep is the first thing to suffer when experiencing burn-out. Now is a good time to look at ways to improve the quality of your sleep. Adding a layer of luxury to your mattress with a mattress topper is a simple adjustment that could transform sleep into the deep rest you need and deserve. Make bed your perfect comfort zone, a place you can’t wait to snuggle into. This will encourage your mind to switch off and relax. 

Try replacing your worries with a new bedtime mantra –  the better I sleep, the better I feel.

Establish a routine – Working from home has blurred the lines of 9-5. For many of us, what was once a place to unwind has become a gym, office, or nursery overnight. Our sense of routine has been lost somewhere in the transition. Routines are easy to get back into and key to finding that work-life balance. Try to get up at the same time every day, schedule breaks between tasks to stay fresh and focused. Tempting as it is to hang out in your PJ’s,  get dressed, and put yourself in work mode. And when it’s time to sign off… make it clear you are out of the office till the morning. The evening is your time to recharge and restore yourself for the next day.

Better days start with clear boundaries. Make the most of your downtime and remember you deserve it.

Be kind to yourself – Above all, go easy on yourself. The biggest cause of burn-out is slipping into the illusion you have to be constantly hitting targets to be productive. Healing starts with giving yourself permission to rest. Life will always be full of competing priorities, though do not forget number one; your wellbeing. Slow down and know when to switch off. There is more to life than work, eat, repeat. 

Remember to have some fun along the way and before you know it, you’ll be waking up with a smile again.

The post The Bedtime Cure for Burn-Out first appeared on Panda.
